@The Fourth Monado
While preparing the meat with the many spices and devices she bought in many markets (Bardock complained a while but after tasting the cooked meal he it made priority, he put it under keeping good morale or something) while eating small pieces of it raw, Gine also prepared her own scooter while humming a old saiyan song, others would say that it's more like growling but what the fuck did they know about her anyway

'Hmm a power of 20.000...well I guess as the Prince, Freeza must've worked his ass of, if shit goes south Bardock and I can take him. And the other two near it...8,421 and 5000? That's strange. Is the Prince only one training or something?'

Activating the communicator function Gine contacted Bardock

"Hey Bardock! You getting those readings too? Is my scouter fucky or something?"

@Lazy Coyote
Bardock quickly responded.

"It's not just you, Gine. My scouter picks them up as well at the same levels. Stay where you are, I'm going to see if we can keep the peace by bringing the others to you for some food."

'It's surprising how often a Saiyan's pride and stomach are connected.'

He certainly didn't see the irony in thinking that. Nope. No sir.

'Raditz, my son. Have you truly let yourself lax this much? Or is the constant presence of Freeza that much of a deterrent to anyone who isn't suicidally stubborn like House Vegeta?'

His thoughts are clouded with worry.
Paragus speaks up. "Incoming power levels. Nothing threatening if we fight together, but unusually strong. Perhaps Turles has sent his minions? I assume the man has minions, he always struck me as the kind to want minions."
And then he sees the same things Paragus does, his teeth gritting for a moment as the situation continues to spiral. He takes a calming breath. Speaking to the other father, Bardock's tone is...controlled.

"My asshole of a cousin loves having minions, but it's remotely possible these aren't his. If Kakarot really is here, and he really has somehow achieved a power level of 15,000, it would stand to reason someone else on this planet poses at least a remote challenge to him. That one solo power seems to have some potential for that. Now, we just need to not be all spread out. Let me handle this, please?"
Assuming Paragus and Broly don't object, Bardock opens a channel to Vegeta, Nappa, Raditz, and (without making it obvious) Gine.

@Lazy Coyote

"My Prince, I apologize for the impersonal message earlier. Gine and I were in the midst of re-entry, and didn't find it wise to risk damaging our ship in that moment. Now that I can more fully give you the attention and respect you deserve, I do want to first say that it is an honor to be able to speak with you again. These last few years have been...trying times...for our people. Now, before we scatter to all corners of this planet, perhaps we could join Gine for some light refreshments while we await what's either the local welcoming committee, or Turles's entourage, to join us? At that point, perhaps myself or General Nappa could take the lead? If Kakarot is with them I'm sure I could speak with him, Saiyan to Saiyan; I'd wager his instincts would recognize me in some capacity."

Even as he speaks he gestures for Paragus and Broly to please follow him. A few quick commands on a sturdy electronic remote of some kind clearly locks down his and Gine's ship, and the trio of refugees who totally respect Prince Vegeta and would definitely never question his qualifications as leader of their people begin moving toward Bardock's life-mate.

"I fully believe in your ability to handle the situation, of course, I simply think such things ought to be beneath you. You will of course be able to inform Kakarot, and the rest of us, of your plans for the future, so that we can better understand your vision for the Saiyan people."
Even as he speaks he gestures for Paragus and Broly to please follow him. A few quick commands on a sturdy electronic remote of some kind clearly locks down his and Gine's ship, and the trio of refugees who totally respect Prince Vegeta and would definitely never question his qualifications as leader of their people begin moving toward Bardock's life-mate.
Paragus gives Bardock a considering look, but gestures to his son to go along with and follows himself. If it comes to blows and Bardock is willing to fight alongside him for the time being, that greatly simplifies tactics for actually winning the fight.
Nodding, Broly tucks away his scouter plate and follows the warrior. Any watching closely enough might notice that his movements seemed a bit... stiff. Well, that or they might notice that his fists were clenching hard enough that his knuckles were turning white.
"... Hey Vegeta! There's a five, eight and one point two thousand powers approaching. There's also a twelve thousand in the background. That's Cui level. Cui."

Nappa didn't mention the power levels of the other Sayians, but tossed the saibamen viral back into the pod. It'd be useless here. Four low class warriors and they're all stronger than me. I expected Peregus' son, but Bardock? Peregus himself?

The bald genius smiled. This would be fun.
"Is that all? I'm almost disappointed."
A cruel smirk extended over Vegeta's features. Was the level of Cui the best these people could offer? Surely they didn't intend to fight with such paltry power levels? Not even the Tuffle's would be that stupid and according to the stories of his childhood, the were practically space lemmings with guns.

"Prince Vegeta, I've had a thought, if Kakarot was sent here as a child, then he wouldn't have been able to tell hostile from non-hostile, right? He would have attacked just about every living thing. And his power level is high, there should be destruction everywhere, so... why does everything seem so... peaceful?"

Well he had been here for several decades, giving him more than enough time to force the survivors to rebuild should he have decided to rule them. No point ruling over a broken planet after all. However, this didn't explain why he had failed to show up on the scouters.

Then it appeared Turles had played him like a fool, leading him to a backwater planet missing his promised saiyan, probably thinking the locals would somehow get lucky and dispose of his prince for him. He would pay for this insult! As he began to answer Raditz, another voice messaged his earpiece.
@Lazy Coyote

"My Prince, I apologize for the impersonal message earlier. Gine and I were in the midst of re-entry, and didn't find it wise to risk damaging our ship in that moment. Now that I can more fully give you the attention and respect you deserve, I do want to first say that it is an honor to be able to speak with you again. These last few years have been...trying times...for our people. Now, before we scatter to all corners of this planet, perhaps we could join Gine for some light refreshments while we await what's either the local welcoming committee, or Turles's entourage, to join us? At that point, perhaps myself or General Nappa could take the lead? If Kakarot is with them I'm sure I could speak with him, Saiyan to Saiyan; I'd wager his instincts would recognize me in some capacity."

Even as he speaks he gestures for Paragus and Broly to please follow him. A few quick commands on a sturdy electronic remote of some kind clearly locks down his and Gine's ship, and the trio of refugees who totally respect Prince Vegeta and would definitely never question his qualifications as leader of their people begin moving toward Bardock's life-mate.

"I fully believe in your ability to handle the situation, of course, I simply think such things ought to be beneath you. You will of course be able to inform Kakarot, and the rest of us, of your plans for the future, so that we can better understand your vision for the Saiyan people."
Idly he stooped down, picked up a rock and crushed it to dust within his white gloved fist. He was beginning to hate this planet. However, food was food.

"We will be with you shortly Bardock." He curtly replied, before speaking to his two followers.

"Nappa, Raditz, it appears at least this planet has edible creatures on it. Bardock has prepared a meal and one way or another, i'm not leaving this planet without at least another Saiyan found. We'll wait for the locals to stop panicking as we fill our stomachs. No point fighting when hungry."
"Is that all? I'm almost disappointed."
A cruel smirk extended over Vegeta's features. Was the level of Cui the best these people could offer? Surely they didn't intend to fight with such paltry power levels? Not even the Tuffle's would be that stupid and according to the stories of his childhood, the were practically space lemmings with guns.

Well he had been here for several decades, giving him more than enough time to force the survivors to rebuild should he have decided to rule them. No point ruling over a broken planet after all. However, this didn't explain why he had failed to show up on the scouters.

Then it appeared Turles had played him like a fool, leading him to a backwater planet missing his promised saiyan, probably thinking the locals would somehow get lucky and dispose of his prince for him. He would pay for this insult! As he began to answer Raditz, another voice messaged his earpiece.

Idly he stooped down, picked up a rock and crushed it to dust within his white gloved fist. He was beginning to hate this planet. However, food was food.

"We will be with you shortly Bardock." He curtly replied, before speaking to his two followers.

"Nappa, Raditz, it appears at least this planet has edible creatures on it. Bardock has prepared a meal and one way or another, i'm not leaving this planet without at least another Saiyan found. We'll wait for the locals to stop panicking as we fill our stomachs. No point fighting when hungry."
Nappa lept into the air, sniffing for the sent of food. Finding it, he flew down, landing in front of the food Gine had cooked.

"Gine, you are the greatest women in all the galaxies!"

Grabbing a haunch of meat, Nappa began to engage in the customary Saiyan ritual of food eating: trying to cram as much into his body as physically possible in as short a period of time.

@Vanargand , @CaesriusPolybius , @Terrabrand , @KnightDisciple
Gazing at Nappa shoveling food down his throat. Is he even chewing it? Gine stared at the collection of saiyans, even with food everything was tense. Vegeta looked on the verge of blasting them all while glaring at his food-vacuuming subordinate, Raditz stayed a bit far from everyone, Broly glared at everything and nothing while clenching his fists tightly, Paragus kept a cool face but it was obvious he was worried about Broly and Bardock just stared with crossed arms

'Well isn't this a clusterfuck. Paragus' son looks like he is about to explode.'

At their 'normal' Saiyans had explosive tempers and saiyans with a bone to pick were even worse, bloodlust mixed with hatred lead to messy stuff. Watching the other saiyans Gine quietly shifted into a more alert stance, not enough to be threatening but enough to warn she was attentive, due to her nature and habits only Bardock picked it up and with a simple hand gesture she relayed her thoughts on this and with all Saiyans glaring at each other, her the signal went on without problems

'It's your call.'

@Vanargand , @CaesriusPolybius , @Terrabrand , @KnightDisciple
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Nappa lept into the air, sniffing for the sent of food. Finding it, he flew down, landing in front of the food Gine had cooked.

"Gine, you are the greatest women in all the galaxies!"

Grabbing a haunch of meat, Nappa began to engage in the customary Saiyan ritual of food eating: trying to cram as much into his body as physically possible in as short a period of time.

@Vanargand , @CaesriusPolybius , @Terrabrand , @KnightDisciple
Gazing at Nappa shoveling food down his throat. Is he even chewing it? Gine stared at the collection of saiyans, even with food everything was tense. Vegeta looked on the verge of blasting them all while glaring at his food-vacuuming subordinate, Raditz stayed a bit far from everyone, Broly glared at everything and nothing while clenching his fists tightly, Paragus kept a cool face but it was obvious he was worried about Broly and Bardock just stared with crossed arms

'Well isn't this a clusterfuck. Paragus' son looks like he is about to explode.'

At their 'normal' Saiyans had explosive tempers and saiyans with a bone to pick were even worse, bloodlust mixed with hatred lead to messy stuff. Watching the other saiyans Gine quietly shifted into a more alert stance, not enough to be threatening but enough to warn she was attentive, due to her nature and habits only Bardock picked it up and with a simple hand gesture she relayed her thoughts on this and with all Saiyans glaring at each other but her the signal went without problems

'It's your call.'

@Vanargand , @CaesriusPolybius , @Terrabrand , @KnightDisciple
About now is when the approaching natives arrive.

All three set down a decent distance away, cautiously observing the Saiyans. The strongest of the group was a bald, shirtless man with three eyes, who was notably wearing a lot of green. To his left and a little ahead was a scarred man wearing an orange garment of some sort with a white circle over his heart and hair that spilled down the back of his neck. To the bald one's right was the weakest in the group, some sort of pale white midget with red cheeks and some sorta weird clothing. All held themselves like experienced fighters, in your estimations.

It was the bald one who spoke up first. "You. WHo are you all, and why are you here?" he demanded.

"Um, Tien, is it just me," the scarred one muttered, in a tone of voice that showed he didn't expect to he overheard by the Saiyans(Gine and Nappa could hear him, however), "Or does that guy look like Goku? And, look - they all have tails!"
Nappa lept into the air, sniffing for the sent of food. Finding it, he flew down, landing in front of the food Gine had cooked.

"Gine, you are the greatest women in all the galaxies!"

Grabbing a haunch of meat, Nappa began to engage in the customary Saiyan ritual of food eating: trying to cram as much into his body as physically possible in as short a period of time.

@Vanargand , @CaesriusPolybius , @Terrabrand , @KnightDisciple
Vegeta did his best to ignore Nappa's idiocy in front of the other Saiyans as he landed a few moments later, the customary frown of disapproval on his face. It was oh so very tempting to enjoy the food, but he was no weak willed fool. It wouldn't do to show any weakness, any sign that he could be challenged, not to this new group of his people. Raditz could do what he liked. The coward was most likely seeking the closest hiding places in case the earthlings somehow became too difficult for a race bred for battle to handle. Pathetic.

"I'm surprised to see you alive Bardock. I was told you had died with the rest of our people when our planet was destroyed."

He wouldn't thank the woman for the food, not when it should be taken for granted such a gesture would be offered. The fact that he wasn't demanding an immediate explanation on why they had deserted their Prince and eldest son to be raised by Frieza of all beings rather than do their duty as Saiyan's should be manners enough. He was the pinnacle of self control, not a hair out of place despite his innermost thoughts.

Looking to the side, he noticed the other pair of unknown saiyans, the hulking one hiding behind the older one eyed veteran. "And you are?" he asked Paragus, dismissing Broly out of hand.

About now is when the approaching natives arrive.

All three set down a decent distance away, cautiously observing the Saiyans. The strongest of the group was a bald, shirtless man with three eyes, who was notably wearing a lot of green. To his left and a little ahead was a scarred man wearing an orange garment of some sort with a white circle over his heart and hair that spilled down the back of his neck. To the bald one's right was the weakest in the group, some sort of pale white midget with red cheeks and some sorta weird clothing. All held themselves like experienced fighters, in your estimations.

It was the bald one who spoke up first. "You. WHo are you all, and why are you here?" he demanded.

"Um, Tien, is it just me," the scarred one muttered, in a tone of voice that showed he didn't expect to he overheard by the Saiyans(Gine and Nappa could hear him, however), "Or does that guy look like Goku? And, look - they all have tails!"
"Silence! I'll deal with you in a minute!" Vegeta roared at the irritating creatures, radiating killing intent built up from decades of close proximity to Nappa and his antics. Truly they were grotesque parodies of superior lifeforms. How could life exist without the benefit of a tail?

"If Kakarot wants my immediate attention, then he can come here himself. Till then, either tell me where he is or remain quiet till those who matter finish talking!"
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"Um, Tien, is it just me," the scarred one muttered, in a tone of voice that showed he didn't expect to he overheard by the Saiyans(Gine and Nappa could hear him, however), "Or does that guy look like Goku? And, look - they all have tails!"

"Silence! I'll deal with you in a minute!" Vegeta roared at the irritating creatures, radiating killing intent built up from decades of close proximity to Nappa and his antics. Truly they were grotesque parodies of superior lifeforms. How could life exist without the benefit of a tail?

"If Kakarot wants my immediate attention, then he can come here himself. Till then, either tell me where he is or remain quiet till those who matter finish talking!"

Okay. Okay. Okay. So either Turles or Kakarot were using fake names for some reason, great, wonderful really but she just couldn't question then out of the blue not while 'his highness' was having his little episode and apparently taunting Broly out of his self-restraint by existing alone, and with a power of 25000 and this close...Gine didn't want to risk it and with a subtle nod to Bardock she stood up brusquely catching the prince's attention and bowing low she stated her request

"My prince, apologies for interrupting but the scarred earthling said a 'Goku' looked like Bardock. It might be Turles or Kakarot using a fake name for some reason, so while his majesty...familiarizes himself with the rest of our glorious kind, I ask for permission to interrogate them. Bardock is my leader he knows everything I do and more, as such there is little need for my input."

Supplication was good right? Feed up that pride, make yourself look small, avoid eye contact and you could play all you want in the shadows while high-class beat their chests and howled at each other

@CaesriusPolybius , @Terrabrand , @KnightDisciple, @Estro, @The Fourth Monado
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Okay. Okay. Okay. So either Turles or Kakarot were using fake names for some reason, great, wonderful really but she just couldn't question then out of the blue not while 'his highness' was having his little episode and apparently taunting Broly out of his self-restraint by existing alone, and with a power of 25000 and this close...Gine didn't want to risk it and with a subtle nod to Bardock she stood up brusquely catching the prince's attention and bowing low she stated her request

"My prince, apologies for interrupting but the scarred earthling said a 'Goku' looked like Bardock. It might be Turles or Kakarot using a fake name for some reason, so while his majesty...familiarizes himself with the rest of our glorious kind, I ask for permission to interrogate them. Bardock is my leader he knows everything I do and more, as such there is little need for my input."

Supplication was good right? Feed up that pride, make yourself look small, avoid eye contact and you could play all you want in the shadows while high-class beat their chests and howled at each other

@Vanargand , @CaesriusPolybius , @Terrabrand , @KnightDisciple, @Estro, @The Fourth Monado
Vegeta's eyes flickered back to the female, focusing as he contemplated her advice. It was a meager request and she'd asked respectfully. He wasn't so petty as to refuse out of hand, without reason and besides, for the first time he had the ability to delegate responsibilities. Taking a deep breath, he calmed himself, unclenching the fists he'd made with his hands.

"Your suggestion has merit. Do what you want with them so long as it finds us Kakarot."
Nappa sighed, having consumed almost his entire body weight in various meats in less than five minutes. This was good. Leaning back, he looked at the prince and the earthlings, a small frown crossing his face. The range of heights was astounding, alllthough they were all smaller than him, even the three eyed one. Mentally sighing at Vegeta, and dismissing the idea of an interrogation, he recalled an age past of diplomacy, before the... asteroid... had hit Vegeta (the planet and the king, not the prince). Grabbing a plate of food, he walked over to them, smiling widely!

"Hello Earth peoples! I'm Nappa! The short one is Vegeta and the woman is Gine! We're Saiyans, and Vegeta is the Prince of our race! We're here looking for another of our race, called Kakarot. But first, important things!"

"Are you hungry?"
Looking to the side, he noticed the other pair of unknown saiyans, the hulking one hiding behind the older one eyed veteran. "And you are?" he asked Paragus, dismissing Broly out of hand.

Paragus turns to the prince, bowing a minimally respectful amount. "I am Paragus, a warrior from the middle classes, your highness. Behind me is my son, Broly. He's about your age. I hope you can be friends, though the... Trauma of your father's actions linger to this day."

Onlookers may be unsure if Paragus is trying to be respectful or trying to provoke the young prince. Broly knows better, if Paragus was trying to be respectful it wouldn't be ambiguous. In truth, Paragus is testing if Vegeta has even a modicum of restraint, under conditions where if he attacks Paragus has significant probable back up.


It was the bald one who spoke up first. "You. WHo are you all, and why are you here?" he demanded.

"Um, Tien, is it just me," the scarred one muttered, in a tone of voice that showed he didn't expect to he overheard by the Saiyans(Gine and Nappa could hear him, however), "Or does that guy look like Goku? And, look - they all have tails!"

"Hello Earth peoples! I'm Nappa! The short one is Vegeta and the woman is Gine! We're Saiyans, and Vegeta is the Prince of our race! We're here looking for another of our race, called Kakarot. But first, important things!"

"Are you hungry?"

By this point Paragus has begun eating. Any true Saiyan Warrior has a healthy appetite. "I assume you are local champions, then? Were you minions of Turles you would surely at least know what a Saiyan is. As General Nappa said, we are looking for young Kakarot. A power level of 15,000 Turles said he had, and a Saiyan like us."
Paragus turns to the prince, bowing a minimally respectful amount. "I am Paragus, a warrior from the middle classes, your highness. Behind me is my son, Broly. He's about your age. I hope you can be friends, though the... Trauma of your father's actions linger to this day."

Onlookers may be unsure if Paragus is trying to be respectful or trying to provoke the young prince. Broly knows better, if Paragus was trying to be respectful it wouldn't be ambiguous. In truth, Paragus is testing if Vegeta has even a modicum of restraint, under conditions where if he attacks Paragus has significant probable back up.

"I see.."

Vegeta had never heard of him. Still, just because some nobody thought it clever to force their offspring on him in a ham-fisted attempt to influence their Prince didn't mean Paragus couldn't be useful. Their numbers were too low already to suddenly become picky. It was probably the only reason he bothered keeping Raditz alive all these years.

"I trust whatever decision my father made, that you disagree with, will not become a future issue?"

Beerus knows, he was fully aware how fallible his own father was before he had destroyed his first planetary civilization. The fact he kept most of the population other than a mere handful of exiles and hostages, on a single, easily destroyed world despite the capacity to conquer numerous new ones was hardly his first clue. Mighty warrior he might be, King Vegeta made mistakes. Prince Vegeta on the other hand was obviously incapable of them.
"I trust whatever decision my father made, that you disagree with, will not become a future issue?"
Paragus hums thoughtfully. "That depends, my Prince, on whether you think it a good idea to try to murder my son for being more powerful than you, as he did. It's a matter close to my heart, as a father, and obviously a concern for my son as well."

An amused grin, before saying "His attempt to kill a baby failed, incidentally." And there he goes, being proud of Broly for not dying to an attempt on his life by a mighty Saiyan Warrior when he was a baby.
As Broly stands there, his hands and teeth begin to unclench. Staying calm when around the prince was... surprisingly easy, provided he focused on literally anything else.

"I see.."

Vegeta had never heard of him. Still, just because some nobody thought it clever to force their offspring on him in a ham-fisted attempt to influence their Prince didn't mean Paragus couldn't be useful. Their numbers were too low already to suddenly become picky. It was probably the only reason he bothered keeping Raditz alive all these years.

"I trust whatever decision my father made, that you disagree with, will not become a future issue?"

Beerus knows, he was fully aware how fallible his own father was before he had destroyed his first planetary civilization. The fact he kept most of the population other than a mere handful of exiles and hostages, on a single, easily destroyed world despite the capacity to conquer numerous new ones was hardly his first clue. Mighty warrior he might be, King Vegeta made mistakes. Prince Vegeta on the other hand was obviously incapable of them.
"I shall... attempt to ensure as much. The choices of the father are not the choices of the child." The last phrase is much steadier; obviously, it was one he had said to himself many times before.

Then, attempting to remain calm, Broly turns his attention to the food, muttering a quick note of thanks to Gine before starting to eat.

By this point Paragus has begun eating. Any true Saiyan Warrior has a healthy appetite. "I assume you are local champions, then? Were you minions of Turles you would surely at least know what a Saiyan is. As General Nappa said, we are looking for young Kakarot. A power level of 15,000 Turles said he had, and a Saiyan like us."
When his father speaks, Broly pauses his eating and adds, "For reference, the strongest among the three of you is at 8,000 on the same scale."
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Paragus hums thoughtfully. "That depends, my Prince, on whether you think it a good idea to try to murder my son for being more powerful than you, as he did. It's a matter close to my heart, as a father, and obviously a concern for my son as well."

An amused grin, before saying "His attempt to kill a baby failed, incidentally." And there he goes, being proud of Broly for not dying to an attempt on his life by a mighty Saiyan Warrior when he was a baby.
Killing a strong opponent when vulnerable, a strategy utilized by the weak. Not only that, but then he failed. Vegeta was beginning to wonder whether he was the only Saiyan left who took any pride in overcoming new challenges. It was moments such as these when the Prince considered his father's death with the rest of their people a mercy, for him. His inadequacies seemed to cause so many issues, that it was unlikely that should it turn out the King had survived, his son was unlikely to show him any similar mercies.

"Unless your son decided to challenge me as an infant, i doubt i would have made the same decision." Most likely he would instead be berating himself for being surpassed by a newborn, before rectifying that issue, elevating himself from his newfound weakness in battle and training.
As Broly stands there, his hands and teeth begin to unclench. Staying calm when around the prince was... surprisingly easy, provided he focused on literally anything else.

"I shall... attempt to ensure as much. The choices of the father are not the choices of the child." The last phrase is much steadier; obviously, it was one he had said to himself many times before.

Then, attempting to remain calm, Broly turns his attention to the food, muttering a quick note of thanks to Gine before starting to eat.
"Yes...well, good." Vegeta replied, mystified on whether the quiet one was attempting to threaten him or not. Considering his subdued nature, Vegeta swiftly dismissed him as a threat.
'Well I guess bomb defused?' At one moment ready to tear throats out, the next sharing drinks and food. Fighting and eating was basically all Saiyans did and it showed right now

Turning to the Earthlings Gine laughed a little awkwardly, was using word interrogation such a blunder that General Nappa felt the need to cover for her? Ah well negotiating was tough as usual!

"As you can see we are looking for someone named Kakarot and he should share Bardock's appearance. But we are here because someone named Turles said Kakarot was here and he also shares the same looks, the biggest difference is his ashen skin-tone and being a smug asshole."


"Ah! Raditz is his brother, they may share some characteristics you can use to differ between the three! I am Raditz and Kakarot's mother so they should have something from me, at least that's how it goes right? Hey Raditz come over here!" Really why was the boy hiding so much?

@The Fourth Monado
@Lazy Coyote
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'Well I guess bomb defused?' At one moment ready to tear throats out, the next sharing drinks and food. Fighting and eating was basically all Saiyans did and it showed right now

Turning to the Earthlings Gine laughed a little awkwardly, was using word interrogation such a blunder that General Nappa felt the need to cover for her? Ah well negotiating was tough as usual!

"As you can see we are looking for someone named Kakarot and he should share Bardock's appearance. But we are here because someone named Turles said Kakarot was here and he also shares the same looks, the biggest difference is his ashen skin-tone and being a smug asshole."


"Ah! Raditz is his brother, they may share some characteristics you can use to differ between the three! I am Raditz and Kakarot's mother so they should have something from me, at least that's how it goes right? Hey Raditz come over here!" Really why was the boy hiding so much?

@The Fourth Monado
@Lazy Coyote
Raditz groaned internally, but got up and walked over toward his mother anyway, it was always good to follow the orders of someone stronger than you.

He took a moment to examine the earthlings carefully, taking note of how the bald three eyed one was acting, eyeing them all with muscles tensed, obviously untrusting of them.

He could respect that.

He gave the the eyed earthling a small nod, before turning towards his mother and nodding towards her as well, relaxing, though he didn't quite let his guard down.

"Hello mother."
"Silence! I'll deal with you in a minute!" Vegeta roared at the irritating creatures, radiating killing intent built up from decades of close proximity to Nappa and his antics. Truly they were grotesque parodies of superior lifeforms. How could life exist without the benefit of a tail?

"If Kakarot wants my immediate attention, then he can come here himself. Till then, either tell me where he is or remain quiet till those who matter finish talking!"
Considering the killing intent you were blasting these fighters with, it was only expected that they would step back and fall into combat stances - definitely some sort of native styles, but for a backwater planet, they way they were holding themselves showed both experience and skill. Might give Nappa some trouble, you judge.
"My prince, apologies for interrupting but the scarred earthling said a 'Goku' looked like Bardock. It might be Turles or Kakarot using a fake name for some reason, so while his majesty...familiarizes himself with the rest of our glorious kind, I ask for permission to interrogate them. Bardock is my leader he knows everything I do and more, as such there is little need for my input."

"Your suggestion has merit. Do what you want with them so long as it finds us Kakarot."

"Hello Earth peoples! I'm Nappa! The short one is Vegeta and the woman is Gine! We're Saiyans, and Vegeta is the Prince of our race! We're here looking for another of our race, called Kakarot. But first, important things!"

"Are you hungry?"
However, Nappa's offer definitely set them on a back foot, causing the scarred one to blink. "Um, we all ate earlier," he says.

"Yamcha, focus," The other bald one - Tien - says, not breaking his stance, though he does slightly relax - not a lot, though. "None of them might have that malicious ki Piccolo felt, but we still need to be on our guard."
"I assume you are local champions, then? Were you minions of Turles you would surely at least know what a Saiyan is. As General Nappa said, we are looking for young Kakarot. A power level of 15,000 Turles said he had, and a Saiyan like us."

When his father speaks, Broly pauses his eating and adds, "For reference, the strongest among the three of you is at 8,000 on the same scale."

"As you can see we are looking for someone named Kakarot and he should share Bardock's appearance. But we are here because someone named Turles said Kakarot was here and he also shares the same looks, the biggest difference is his ashen skin-tone and being a smug asshole."
"Goku and Gohan should be arriving soon," the tiny one piped up.

Before you could continue, however, you all hear a cough from a bluff above the group. Whirling, you see a figure who looks exactly like Bardock, if he lost a few years and scars, swapped his armor for an orange garment with a blue undershirt, and also his tail. Hanging behind him was a child in a purple garment and a bowl cut, and a blatantly Saiyan tail waving in the breeze behind them.

Both have power levels around 1,000. ...What?
-On The Dark Side of The Moon-

"They've all landed, Captain Turles." The combined Lakasei and Rasin reported, pouring over the data stream. "They decided to group together once they realized all the others were in orbit."

"That wasn't unexpected." the leader of the Crusher Corps replied. "At the very least it gives the planet's defenders a single place to head to for the scuffle. Where'd they land?"

Lakasei and Rasin checked the coordinates map of Earth, before responding. "Northwest of what the humans call 'West City'."

"A little unorthodox. I would have expected them to land in a city, given Frieza's pets. Those three must have just followed another group. Get me access."

"Right away, Captain." They replied. Lakasei and Rasin were from a race of geniuses when it came to engineering and programming. Their fused form, rather than having a noticable increase in combat strength, networked their brains together for more computational ability. They had gotten him access to communications and files across the galaxy, which had been necessary for locating the other saiyans. Getting a few scouters to additionally broadcast to their ship but not return communications was simple.

Right now, the Crusher Corps was waiting to see how things played out. Theoretically, they could start right now, given everyone was here for the show. But he needed to have a little more patience. Wait for the opportune moment.

"Has the probe on planet reported any discrepancies?" Turles asked.

The genius alien checked over a list, before frowning. "The ones we knew haven't changed since you first transmitted to them, but... something's off about one of their power levels. The one with Paragus. There's some static trying to detect it. We know it's there, but we can't get a discrete number."

"Everything else has held steady?"

"Yes Captain."

'Must be something about the boy himself.' Turles pondered. Whatever it was, it couldn't be too much of a threat. "Start moving. Now that they're on the ground, I want this ship to be ready to land."


Turles frowned as the the computer dutifully reported everything said that the scouters could pick up. Thus far, Vegeta wasn't performing up to standards. He really shouldn't have underestimated Bardock and Gine; they seemed to be smart enough to calm down that arrogant manchild and convince him it was his own idea. Vegeta and his cohorts hadn't immediately gone on a destruction spree, so there was a chance that the saiyans and Earth's defenders would actually avoid immediately fighting.

That cut down on the time he had for the next step, but at the very least they had chosen a spot a fair distance away from at least one of the choicest locations for planting the Tree of Might. Still, there was something else bothering him.

"'My asshole of a cousin loves having minions' he says." Turles grumbled. "How does he get to make that judgement? We were both low-class before Planet Vegeta was destroyed. I never even had minions to his knowledge!"

"Perhaps he just has a good grasp of your personality, Captain." Amond chimed in, having rather less fear of his boss than someone with a power level less than half his should. "You did start making your own minions before forming the Crusher Corps after all."

Turles glared. Amond shrugged it off. After a few seconds of that, the saiyan turned around.

'Let it go, Turles. You know he's right.'

...Besides, he at least needed to keep him around long enough to find another competent and loyal second-in-command. He wasn't about to put Daiz in the position, even with the prince's higher power level over Amond. Daiz was brave and strong, and more than earned his place as a fighter, but he didn't have the brains for it. Bardock would be a good fit for that. Or maybe Paragus.

...Nappa was also a possibility.

"Earth's defense force has made contact. No combat yet, but this may be the best chance we'll have." The twins reported.

"No matter. Vegeta doesn't seem to want to cooperate today. Perhaps with Kakarot there now... Start landing." The Captain responded. Opening his hand, he again looked at the seed he hadn't let go of since they had settled in to wait here.


His stomach let out a pang of ravenous hunger. That would stop soon. He just needed to be patient.


With them having hit lower atmosphere, the ship's cloaking wouldn't last for much longer. They needed to do this fast. This was a different plain, full of fertile soil. It would make some top notch Saibamen if used for that purpose, but there something much more important to use that energy of the world on.

Turles pointed his finger, and blasted open a deep crevice in the Earth.... before gently dropping the seed down into it to take root within the planet.

"Time for the show to start. You all know your parts. You all have your lifeline. If you need to use it, break your opponent down quickly if possible. Otherwise, back out. I want to leave this dirt heap with more members than we started with."
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"Goku and Gohan should be arriving soon," the tiny one piped up.

Before you could continue, however, you all hear a cough from a bluff above the group. Whirling, you see a figure who looks exactly like Bardock, if he lost a few years and scars, swapped his armor for an orange garment with a blue undershirt, and also his tail. Hanging behind him was a child in a purple garment and a bowl cut, and a blatantly Saiyan tail waving in the breeze behind them.

Both have power levels around 1,000. ...What?
Paragus stares blankly. "So Turles lied to us after all. Is anyone really surprised?" For who else could that be but Kakarot with the pathetic 1000 power level.

Still, in that case... "So, anyone have a good idea what he baited us here for?"
Nappa looked at them both. For them both to have such similar power, despite the differences in ages and skill...

"Vegeta, they're hiding their power level!"
Nappa looked at them both. For them both to have such similar power, despite the differences in ages and skill...

"Vegeta, they're hiding their power level!"
Vegeta scoffed.

"Obviously Nappa. No true saiyan could remain so weak with stronger opponents still alive to face, even if they are these dregs. Bardock, you wanted to talk to Kakarot. Now is your chance. Talk."
Vegeta scoffed.

"Obviously Nappa. No true saiyan could remain so weak with stronger opponents still alive to face, even if they are these dregs. Bardock, you wanted to talk to Kakarot. Now is your chance. Talk."
"But Vegeta... who's the kid?"

Was humanity truly cross compatible with the Sayian race? The child had a tail, and he had a power level wildly above the planets average... perhaps their race was not doomed.

A beep attracted his attention. A large power level had just become apparent... twenty nine thousand...

"Ah, Vegeta, Turles seems to have landed... and he's stronger than Zarbon..."
"But Vegeta... who's the kid?"

Was humanity truly cross compatible with the Sayian race? The child had a tail, and he had a power level wildly above the planets average... perhaps their race was not doomed.

A beep attracted his attention. A large power level had just become apparent... twenty nine thousand...

"Ah, Vegeta, Turles seems to have landed... and he's stronger than Zarbon..."
The scouter chimed on the side of Vegeta's head, giving him a similar reading.

WHAT! But how? Turles was just a low class warrior. He outclassed him even as a child, how could he have caught up in the intervening years? It was impossible! Yet the scouter said otherwise.

"We'll discuss the half-breed later. I have a space pirate to deal with first." He said, clenching his fists in anger.