@Vanargand @The Fourth Monado
Bardock nods to himself.

"That's reasonable. We'll have you land near us; if you try to screw us over you'll do it when you're close anyway, and if you're not hostile, it'll make things easier."

Blunt but pragmatic. He quickly sent Paragus the coordinates that would put the other Saiyan duo near his and Gine's own landing site.

"Best we get to it. Who knows what Turles has up his sleeve."

Bardock kept his eyes on the sensors as their ship and Paragus's descended. He kept the channel with the other Saiyan open, albeit muting it semi-often to speak briefly with Gine as they continued their descent.

"Congratulations on being a father, by the way. I don't recall that from our time in service together."

Paragus puts his ship into motion, for the provided coordinates. He briefly informs Broly " We are landing now. We'll be meeting with a fellow Saiyan, Bardock, and any allies he might have soon. I may need your strength, son, depending on how many and how strong, and if it comes to a fight. Hopefully, it won't. "

Then he returns to the comms. To Bardock, he says "Ah, yes. My son was born not long before the tragic destruction of our home. I must warn you that his power is exceptional, and he reacts poorly to mentions of... Well, Vegeta, be it the planet or otherwise, as well as the Cold family as a whole and knives. It's... A bit of a story. I would not wish us to come to blows over a misunderstanding."
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Paragus puts his ship into motion, for the provided coordinates. He broefly informs Broly " We are landing now. We'll be meeting with a fellow Saiyan, Bardock, and any allies he might have soon. I may need your strength, son, depending on how many and how strong, and if it comes to a fight. Hopefully, it won't. "
Broly nodded, and put away his scouter plate; becoming still before attempting to focus his mind. Thus, when his father mentioned those names, he merely "Hmph"-ed in annoyance.

"Thank you, father, but I should be able to handle mentions. Even if the... the quisling himself shows up, I should stay calm enough to perform my exercises."
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Paragus puts his ship into motion, for the provided coordinates. He broefly informs Broly " We are landing now. We'll be meeting with a fellow Saiyan, Bardock, and any allies he might have soon. I may need your strength, son, depending on how many and how strong, and if it comes to a fight. Hopefully, it won't. "

Then he returns to the comms. To Bardock, he says "Ah, yes. My son was born not long before the tragic destruction of our home. I must warn you that his power is exceptional, and he reacts poorly to mentions of... Well, Vegeta, be it the planet or otherwise, as well as the Cold family as a whole and knives. It's... A bit of a story. I would not wish us to come to blows over a misunderstanding."
Bardock's eyes narrow slightly at the way Paragus talked about his son's...emotional issues.

"We will keep that in mind."
@Lazy Coyote

You three arrive the latest, mostly because of that pit stop you'd taken. All your sensors detect all the things everyone else found, including everyone else's spaceships either heading to the planet or in-orbit of the planet.

None of you notice the tiny shadow behind the moon...
The trio of pods raced through the astral void, inelegantly shuddering as they altered speed and direction to compensate as they darted between the system's planets. Vegeta stirred from his artificially induced slumber, unhappy about being awoken from his pleasant dreams of crushing Frieza's skull beneath his boot. Glancing at his scanners, he frowned.

"It appears we weren't the only ones invited" he communicated to his team, pondering who those ships might belong to. They clearly weren't of PTO design, but considering they weren't shooting yet, the odds of this being a planned ambush were diminishing by the second. Of course Nappa's need carnage would derail his plans. Arlia wasn't even that entertaining a planet. The atmosphere was cold and dry, the people chewy and quite frankly it looked better as a pile of space rubble than it ever did intact.

"We'll see where they land. If they are here for Kakarot, then they can lead us straight to him."

@Lazy Coyote
The trio of pods raced through the astral void, inelegantly shuddering as they altered speed and direction to compensate as they darted between the system's planets. Vegeta stirred from his artificially induced slumber, unhappy about being awoken from his pleasant dreams of crushing Frieza's skull beneath his boot. Glancing at his scanners, he frowned.

"It appears we weren't the only ones invited" he communicated to his team, pondering who those ships might belong to. They clearly weren't of PTO design, but considering they weren't shooting yet, the odds of this being a planned ambush were diminishing by the second. Of course Nappa's need carnage would derail his plans. Arlia wasn't even that entertaining a planet. The atmosphere was cold and dry, the people chewy and quite frankly it looked better as a pile of space rubble than it ever did intact.

"We'll see where they land. If they are here for Kakarot, then they can lead us straight to him."

@Lazy Coyote
"Vegeta, what if they go to differnt places? That would mean they wouldn't know where Kakarot is! Should we split up then? We could use our scouters to triangulate him!"

Nappa stretched in the cramped confines of his pod, trying to scratch the itch in the middle of his back that had eluded him.

Settling down, the scratch still unscractched, he looked at the other ships. One of those is probably Bardock and his wife, but who was the....

"Paragus, is that you?"

@Terrabrand , @CaesriusPolybius

"Close to a city but with an isolated area. Hmmmmm" Activating the scanners Gine read the coordinates and life signals, while it could not pinpoint power level's and specific individuals it could point out large populational gatherings.

"Found one, Paragus I sent you the coordinates. Land stealthily." Paragus had a reputation for being reasonable, as long as it was with Saiyans, but that was decades ago, no telling how the destruction of the saiyan race would affect him and it was not as if he and Bardock were close friends but from the words alone it sounded like he didn't change much

'At least I hope.' Anxiety started creeping upon her, thoughts long buried started to re-emerge and Gine didn't like this mix of wariness and hopes filling her veins, she wanted to eat something, cooking and eating always calmed her down

'At least there might be good food with how green this planet is. Easy hunting too.'
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The trio of pods raced through the astral void, inelegantly shuddering as they altered speed and direction to compensate as they darted between the system's planets. Vegeta stirred from his artificially induced slumber, unhappy about being awoken from his pleasant dreams of crushing Frieza's skull beneath his boot. Glancing at his scanners, he frowned.

"It appears we weren't the only ones invited" he communicated to his team, pondering who those ships might belong to. They clearly weren't of PTO design, but considering they weren't shooting yet, the odds of this being a planned ambush were diminishing by the second. Of course Nappa's need carnage would derail his plans. Arlia wasn't even that entertaining a planet. The atmosphere was cold and dry, the people chewy and quite frankly it looked better as a pile of space rubble than it ever did intact.

"We'll see where they land. If they are here for Kakarot, then they can lead us straight to him."

@Lazy Coyote
Raditz took a moment to sit down and think of why they would be called here along with all these people to see Kakarot when most of them probably didn't even care, and it took him a minute to figure it out.

"Prince Vegeta, I'm starting to think this is some sort of set up. Not quite a trap, but I have a feeling that things aren't going to go as easy as we think they are."
"Vegeta, what if they go to differnt places? That would mean they wouldn't know where Kakarot is! Should we split up then? We could use our scouters to triangulate him!"

Nappa stretched in the cramped confines of his pod, trying to scratch the itch in the middle of his back that had eluded him.

Settling down, the scratch still unscractched, he looked at the other ships. One of those is probably Bardock and his wife, but who was the....

"Paragus, is that you?"

@Terrabrand , @CaesriusPolybius
"We'll follow the ship down to its landing spot and begin searching from there. I'd rather find out who our surprise guests are, rather than have them get in the way."

Raditz took a moment to sit down and think of why they would be called here along with all these people to see Kakarot when most of them probably didn't even care, and it took him a minute to figure it out.

"Prince Vegeta, I'm starting to think this is some sort of set up. Not quite a trap, but I have a feeling that things aren't going to go as easy as we think they are."
Vegeta rolled his eyes. Of course the coward would have reservations at the possibility of a fight. If it weren't for the mention of Kakarot's power level, he'd begin to believe that that entire saiyan line were doomed to mediocrity. Come to think about it, rumours were that Raditz's father was only an average fighter, despite his innovations to the science of Saiyan warfare.

"Of course its a setup Raditz. Turles lured us here with rumours of another Saiyan without explaining his motivations. Only a fool would think otherwise. The only way to find out what he wants is to have some pride and see this through."

"Close to a city but with an isolated area. Hmmmmm" Activating the scanners Gine read the coordinates and life signals, while it could not pinpoint power level's and specific individuals it could point out large populational gatherings.

"Found one, Paragus I sent you the coordinates. Land stealthily." Paragus had a reputation for being reasonable, as long as it was with Saiyans, but that was decades ago, no telling how the destruction of the saiyan race would affect him and it was not as if he and Bardock were close friends but from the words alone it sounded like he didn't change much

'At least I hope.' Anxiety started creeping upon her, thoughts long buried started to re-emerge and Gine didn't like this mix of wariness and hopes filling her veins, she wanted to eat something, cooking and eating always calmed her down

'At least there might be good food with how green this planet is. Easy hunting too.'
@Terrabrand @CaesriusPolybius @The Fourth Monado

Bardock smiled very slightly and nodded.

"Excellent, Gine. Sharp eyes, as always."
'Say you appreciate her, damn you. Just say it!'
"I can't imagine I'd be doing so well on my own."
'You idiot. No. Ugh.'

Bardock didn't show this inner turmoil on his face, remaining stoic as nearly-always. He glanced at the sensors again, and then cursed in his mind.

"The Prince is here. Of course. Gine, make sure we're presentable before we're off the ship."
He paused.
Then he opened a channel to Paragus.
"Paragus, your son will need to put his control to the test. Prince Vegeta and his entourage are in-system and headed this way. Turles, that ass, must have told them about Kakarot."

Bardock then set the computer of his and Gine's ship, the Last Laugh, to text-only broadcast their identity to the three pods hot on their trail.
The three pods that contained the Last Royal Saiyan, the Last Saiyan General....and Bardock's Eldest Son.
@Dovahsith @Estro @Lazy Coyote

'Why did you have to invite them, Turles? You're such an asshole.'
'Oh Bardock ya big klutz.' Should prepare something nice for him, it was kinda cute how he stumbled when trying to praise her


Stretching from the long hours of voyage Gine had one thing too say

"This is going to be one mess of a family reunion. At least Raditz is alive.....Geez I hope he is mentally well. The Prince and Nappa while working for Freeza? Ugh." If the Prince and his servant were anything like the typical High-Class Bardock used to deal with then Gine had only pity for her eldest, and a bit of pride for she knew how callous Saiyans could be with their own kin just because of a power difference, clearing her head of such thoughts Gine looked around the area and was happy. Sure this world was weak but it was so full of life!


"Oh man that is some huge meat! Bardock I am going to catch some! Talkin over food always helps!" And before Bardock could even say anything Gine blasted off to hunt the animals.

@The Fourth Monado
"Vegeta, what if they go to differnt places? That would mean they wouldn't know where Kakarot is! Should we split up then? We could use our scouters to triangulate him!"

Nappa stretched in the cramped confines of his pod, trying to scratch the itch in the middle of his back that had eluded him.

Settling down, the scratch still unscractched, he looked at the other ships. One of those is probably Bardock and his wife, but who was the....

"Paragus, is that you?"

@Terrabrand , @CaesriusPolybius

Paragus pauses, considering carefully. "General Nappa? Yes, I had not realized you had survived, though. It gladdens my heart that your talents haven't been lost forever. "

Then he opened a channel to Paragus.
"Paragus, your son will need to put his control to the test. Prince Vegeta and his entourage are in-system and headed this way. Turles, that ass, must have told them about Kakarot."

Paragus replies "Yes, General Nappa just contacted me. We'll do our best with the conditions."


Then he turns to Broly, closing the comms. "The Prince and his cohort are here." A pause, hesitant and uncomfortable. "I hope your control is good enough, son."
Paragus pauses, considering carefully. "General Nappa? Yes, I had not realized you had survived, though. It gladdens my heart that your talents haven't been lost forever. "
Nappa frowned slightly.

"Nor me you. Did your son survive? I remember there was... a political issue surrounding his birth."

"We'll follow the ship down to its landing spot and begin searching from there. I'd rather find out who our surprise guests are, rather than have them get in the way."

Vegeta rolled his eyes. Of course the coward would have reservations at the possibility of a fight. If it weren't for the mention of Kakarot's power level, he'd begin to believe that that entire saiyan line were doomed to mediocrity. Come to think about it, rumours were that Raditz's father was only an average fighter, despite his innovations to the science of Saiyan warfare.

"Of course its a setup Raditz. Turles lured us here with rumours of another Saiyan without explaining his motivations. Only a fool would think otherwise. The only way to find out what he wants is to have some pride and see this through."
Nappa frowned more heavily at this. Knowing a trap exists will help you if you enter it, but that's not call to always charge into it.

"But Vegeta, that's silly! Entering a trap doesn't require pride, it requires being dumb! Like Cui. If only we had a Cui to spare."

Nappa paused for a second.

"Maybe we should use Saibamen. Vegeta, let's use the Saibamen!"
Nappa frowned slightly.

"Nor me you. Did your son survive? I remember there was... a political issue surrounding his birth."

Nappa frowned more heavily at this. Knowing a trap exists will help you if you enter it, but that's not call to always charge into it.

"But Vegeta, that's silly! Entering a trap doesn't require pride, it requires being dumb! Like Cui. If only we had a Cui to spare."

Nappa paused for a second.

"Maybe we should use Saibamen. Vegeta, let's use the Saibamen!"
"Fine Nappa, you can use the Saibamen. But only when the locals show up. I don't to waste them on our people. It's not like they'd give a real saiyan trouble anyway."

@Terrabrand @CaesriusPolybius @The Fourth Monado

Bardock smiled very slightly and nodded.

"Excellent, Gine. Sharp eyes, as always."
'Say you appreciate her, damn you. Just say it!'
"I can't imagine I'd be doing so well on my own."
'You idiot. No. Ugh.'

Bardock didn't show this inner turmoil on his face, remaining stoic as nearly-always. He glanced at the sensors again, and then cursed in his mind.

"The Prince is here. Of course. Gine, make sure we're presentable before we're off the ship."
He paused.
Then he opened a channel to Paragus.
"Paragus, your son will need to put his control to the test. Prince Vegeta and his entourage are in-system and headed this way. Turles, that ass, must have told them about Kakarot."

Bardock then set the computer of his and Gine's ship, the Last Laugh, to text-only broadcast their identity to the three pods hot on their trail.
The three pods that contained the Last Royal Saiyan, the Last Saiyan General....and Bardock's Eldest Son.
@Dovahsith @Estro @Lazy Coyote

'Why did you have to invite them, Turles? You're such an asshole.'
Vegeta raised an eyebrow at the sudden broadcast, one of the ships letting their identity be known.
"Speaking of average fighters, it appears Bardock survived after all. Good, it means i won't have to look far for the rest of my subjects."

Inputting the coordinates, he sent his pod to settle nearby, dust rising from the impact crater as he stepped from his spacecraft as irritable as ever.
Nappa frowned slightly.

"Nor me you. Did your son survive? I remember there was... a political issue surrounding his birth."
Paragus hesitates for the barest of moments. Well, it will be obvious soon enough. "Yes, by his own power he survived everything the universe threw at him that day. I've been doing my best to raise him well, all these years, but he is not well disposed to the royalty, due to the trauma he suffered."
Paragus hesitates for the barest of moments. Well, it will be obvious soon enough. "Yes, by his own power he survived everything the universe threw at him that day. I've been doing my best to raise him well, all these years, but he is not well disposed to the royalty, due to the trauma he suffered."
Nappa smiled, alone in space, no one to see it.

"Ah, excellent. Vegeta is... like his father in many, many ways. See you on the ground!"
Vegeta raised an eyebrow at the sudden broadcast, one of the ships letting their identity be known.
"Speaking of average fighters, it appears Bardock survived after all. Good, it means i won't have to look far for the rest of my subjects."

Inputting the coordinates, he sent his pod to settle nearby, dust rising from the impact crater as he stepped from his spacecraft as irritable as ever.
Nappa sent his pod to smash down next to Vegeta's. Stepping out of the pod, he finally could scratch that itch on the back, doing so with great relish.

"Vegeta, Raditz gets to see his parents! Isn't that nice?"
Nappa sent his pod to smash down next to Vegeta's. Stepping out of the pod, he finally could scratch that itch on the back, doing so with great relish.

"Vegeta, Raditz gets to see his parents! Isn't that nice?"
Having his experience at family be a mother who might as well have not existed, a simultaneously proud and powerful warrior who seemed perpetually on his knees to stronger beings as a father and a younger brother he hadn't seen for so long that the only memories were of their father berating and exiling him for his weakness, Vegeta was uncertain whether he felt irritation that his day seemed devoted to the least member of their trio, or that the ugly feeling settled into his gut was jealousy. Realising that he would never, could never admit to being jealous of the likes of Raditz, he did the only action that made sense to him. Crossing his arms and scowling into the distance, he surveyed their surroundings, taking in this dustball of a planet as his scouter chimed into his ear.

"Humph. It better not interfere in why we arrived." he answered his general, knowing all too well that it would. It was in the nature of the lower classes to get in the way.
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'Oh Bardock ya big klutz.' Should prepare something nice for him, it was kinda cute how he stumbled when trying to praise her


Stretching from the long hours of voyage Gine had one thing too say

"This is going to be one mess of a family reunion. At least Raditz is alive.....Geez I hope he is mentally well. The Prince and Nappa while working for Freeza? Ugh." If the Prince and his servant were anything like the typical High-Class Bardock used to deal with then Gine had only pity for her eldest, and a bit of pride for she knew how callous Saiyans could be with their own kin just because of a power difference, clearing her head of such thoughts Gine looked around the area and was happy. Sure this world was weak but it was so full of life!


"Oh man that is some huge meat! Bardock I am going to catch some! Talkin over food always helps!" And before Bardock could even say anything Gine blasted off to hunt the animals.

@The Fourth Monado

Inputting the coordinates, he sent his pod to settle nearby, dust rising from the impact crater as he stepped from his spacecraft as irritable as ever.

Nappa sent his pod to smash down next to Vegeta's. Stepping out of the pod, he finally could scratch that itch on the back, doing so with great relish.

"Vegeta, Raditz gets to see his parents! Isn't that nice?"
None of the animals can even meaningfully resist a hungry Saiyan, and Gine takes down several big hunks of meat right as Vegeta's group lands.
Then he turns to Broly, closing the comms. "The Prince and his cohort are here." A pause, hesitant and uncomfortable. "I hope your control is good enough, son."
"I said I can-" Broly stops himself, and takes a deep breath. "I... apologize. I believe that it is, but perhaps you should keep the dampener controller readied."

Then, in an attempt to focus his mind elsewhere, he brings out his scouter plate, pulls up the scanner, and begins searching for Energy signatures as soon as he is able.
Having his experience at family be a mother who might as well have not existed, a simultaneously proud and powerful warrior who seemed perpetually on his knees to stronger beings as a father and a younger brother he hadn't seen for so long that the only memories were of their father berating and exiling him for his weakness, Vegeta was uncertain whether he felt irritation that his day seemed devoted to the least member of their trio, or that the ugly feeling settled into his gut was jealousy. Realising that he would never, could never admit to being jealous of the likes of Raditz, he did the only action that made sense to him. Crossing his arms and scowling into the distance, he surveyed their surroundings, taking in this dustball of a planet as his scouter chimed into his ear.

"Humph. It better not interfere in why we arrived." he answered his general, knowing all too well that it would. It was in the nature of the lower classes to get in the way.
Nappa smiled, and turned his scouter on.

Fifteen thousand, fifteen thousand, where is Mr fifteen thousand.
While preparing the meat with the many spices and devices she bought in many markets (Bardock complained a while but after tasting the cooked meal he it made priority, he put it under keeping good morale or something) while eating small pieces of it raw, Gine also prepared her own scooter while humming a old saiyan song, others would say that it's more like growling but what the fuck did they know about her anyway

'Hmm a power of 20.000...well I guess as the Prince, Freeza must've worked his ass of, if shit goes south Bardock and I can take him. And the other two near it...8,421 and 5000? That's strange. Is the Prince only one training or something?'

Activating the communicator function Gine contacted Bardock

"Hey Bardock! You getting those readings too? Is my scouter fucky or something?"

@Lazy Coyote
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None of the animals can even meaningfully resist a hungry Saiyan, and Gine takes down several big hunks of meat right as Vegeta's group lands.

Paragus observes the sight, unsurprised, while turning his attention to using his scouter to scan for power levels, both to check the strengths of his fellow Saiyans and also to see if he can spot this Kakarot Turles claims exists.

"I said I can-" Broly stops himself, and takes a deep breath. "I... apologize. I believe that it is, but perhaps you should keep the dampener controller readied."

Then, in an attempt to focus his mind elsewhere, he brings out his scouter plate, pulls up the scanner, and begins searching for Energy signatures as soon as he is able.

Paragus keeps the alarm off his face but readies the device, just in case. His focus however is on the other Saiyans. He'll let the others make the first move.
Nappa smiled, and turned his scouter on.

Fifteen thousand, fifteen thousand, where is Mr fifteen thousand.

Paragus observes the sight, unsurprised, while turning his attention to using his scouter to scan for power levels, both to check the strengths of his fellow Saiyans and also to see if he can spot this Kakarot Turles claims exists.
Nothing toward that cluster of mountains... a bunch of 5 to 10 level powers thataway, must be an indiginous city... hm?

Now that's odd... three power levels rapidly approaching from over the horizon, from the direction of a river - one about 5,000, one at about 1200 and one at 8,000 exactly. Oddly strong... hmm, and there's also a 12,000 power moving away from the group to somewhere else, not toward you guys.

Odd, you haven;t found any 15,000 yet, but these approaching guys would probably know! Who knows, maybe they're natives that Kakarot has strong-armed into helping him, enforcers and the like.
Nothing toward that cluster of mountains... a bunch of 5 to 10 level powers thataway, must be an indiginous city... hm?

Now that's odd... three power levels rapidly approaching from over the horizon, from the direction of a river - one about 5,000, one at about 1200 and one at 8,000 exactly. Oddly strong... hmm, and there's also a 12,000 power moving away from the group to somewhere else, not toward you guys.

Odd, you haven;t found any 15,000 yet, but these approaching guys would probably know! Who knows, maybe they're natives that Kakarot has strong-armed into helping him, enforcers and the like.
Paragus speaks up. "Incoming power levels. Nothing threatening if we fight together, but unusually strong. Perhaps Turles has sent his minions? I assume the man has minions, he always struck me as the kind to want minions."
Nothing toward that cluster of mountains... a bunch of 5 to 10 level powers thataway, must be an indiginous city... hm?

Now that's odd... three power levels rapidly approaching from over the horizon, from the direction of a river - one about 5,000, one at about 1200 and one at 8,000 exactly. Oddly strong... hmm, and there's also a 12,000 power moving away from the group to somewhere else, not toward you guys.

Odd, you haven;t found any 15,000 yet, but these approaching guys would probably know! Who knows, maybe they're natives that Kakarot has strong-armed into helping him, enforcers and the like.
"... Hey Vegeta! There's a five, eight and one point two thousand powers approaching. There's also a twelve thousand in the background. That's Cui level. Cui."

Nappa didn't mention the power levels of the other Sayians, but tossed the saibamen viral back into the pod. It'd be useless here. Four low class warriors and they're all stronger than me. I expected Peregus' son, but Bardock? Peregus himself?

The bald genius smiled. This would be fun.
Raditz glanced at Vageta and Nappa from his position sitting on top of his pod, running a brush through his hair to smooth it out so it wouldn't get tangled if he needed to move quickly as he scanned their surroundings.

He had learned to trust his eyes better than his scouter, even if it was a useful tool.

He hadn't spotted anyone near them, thank god, but that didn't mean they were in the clear yet, they never were.

There was something he couldn't figure out though...

"Prince Vegeta, I've had a thought, if Kakarot was sent here as a child, then he wouldn't have been able to tell hostile from non-hostile, right? He would have attacked just about every living thing. And his power level is high, there should be destruction everywhere, so... why does everything seem so... peaceful?"
