Dollhouse [Worm alt-power]

I didn't remember the last time I had gotten such consistent sleep, the kind where my body didn't wake up with aches and pains from a chair in the hospital or the uncomfortable bed at home.
the smell of breakfast wafting through the air of the spacious room I had been given. The food was head and shoulders above most of what I had eaten before in my life
Amy: "Is this what it's like to be kidnapped? 10/10 would recommend.":lol:
with a snap of his fingers the hallway in front of him was suddenly flooded by small creatures wearing plain brown robes that only came up to about my knees in terms of height
*gasp* Amy was kidnapped by Snow White, wasn't she?
Of course Coil is the man who's behind all this. I should have guessed. But, Thomas, are you
...guess not.
"Yes, I'll help you."
Oh, it's a bad idea...
A hero, the guy who took the name actually.
Well, shit.
Wasn't Coil corrupted by Third Cause?
So Amy was abducted by Third Cause and now has joined them?