I had thought that after countless hours of training and fights against some of the most terrifying Parahumans the Bay had to offer that my stamina would be near bottomless, that unless I was facing off against someone like Lung or Hookwolf that I could push forward against any obstacle.
But trying to keep up with Vicky during Mall Madness proved that I still had so much further to still go.
Keeping up with her was as much a battle of will as it was a physical one, pushing past crowds of people to get to a specific rack, racing to changing rooms, and of course being submitted to Lisa and Vicky scanning over my choices before throwing new items at me.
I had tried on more clothes in two hours then I had probably worn before in my entire life, ending up with a few bags that I had tried to insist on carrying for myself, but that Vicky had removed from my hands and passed along to the two guys, who had simply waved off my attempts to apologize for the trouble.
Eventually I was forced to tap out at the front of a Victoria's Secret, which thankfully Lisa backed me up on simply saying that first timers had their limits and went in with Vicky and Crystal to shop, along with a less than comfortable looking Dean who appeared to be doing his best to hold a straight face.
Which left me out with Edgar, who throughout the trip had said so few words I didn't even think I would be able to form a full sentence with them if I had tried. Despite that it would feel awkward just to stand next to him without trying to talk a bit. "So how did you get dragged into this?" I asked, trying my best to strike up some form of conversation.
Edgar turned to me for a moment, a small smile coming to his face. "Apparently Dean thought he might lose the use of his arms if he had to carry around everything Vicky was going to get by herself, and promised me a free lunch. That and not having much else to do." he admitted the last part with a bit of a shrug of his shoulders.
"Fair enough," I replied, I couldn't exactly complain considering how helpful he had been. Conversation had never been my strong suit, and I felt like I was flailing for something, anything to talk about. Thankfully Edgar was the one to take the initiative in that regard.
"So Vicky told me what happened, with the whole Shadow Stalker thing," he looked away for a moment. "I figured I should let you know that I knew, I mean I don't know if you wanted it to be a secret or something but she mentioned helping you out during lunch at school one day."
A small laugh escaped me at the apology and I did my best to wave off his concerns. It was sweet of him to worry about accidentally learning something that might make me uncomfortable, but honestly that how bit of oddness had done more good for me in the long run then bad. I was still trying to figure out why I had been followed, but with the hunt for Heartbreaker and my enrollment in Arcadia it had been put to the back of my mind. "It's really not a big deal, I mean it was kind of terrifying being followed by her but it's not like anything actually happened."
"Fair enough I suppose, honestly she always kind of creeped me out," Edgar smiled and turned toward me again now that he had cleared the air about the incident. "She is a lot like Hyde without Jekyll."
At that point I couldn't help the laugh that escaped me, it was rare to have someone go for a classic literature joke. "I was surprised after meeting her that she didn't have a big red A on her chest," he blinked for a moment. "You know, for asshole."
The joke finally clicked and a grin overtook his face. "Scarlet Letter, you certainly don't hold back your punches do you?"
After that we talked about our shared interest in classic literature, mine from my mom and his from just being a 'heavy introvert'. I can't say that we exactly matched opinions, I tended to enjoy novels more for the characterization while he was more interested in the overall structure of narrative, but we were able to at least match on some common grounds.
Eventually the group exited the store with an utterly exhausted looking Dean. Vicky however couldn't have been happier, glancing toward Edgar and myself before asking "Okay, how about lunch?" Crystal bowed out, saying that she had to get something done and went toward the exit after a quick goodbye.
Vicky took the lead of the group as she had since the start, leading everyone to the food court before we split up into various groups to grab what we wanted. However before I could get too far a hand fell on my shoulder, and when I turned to check I saw Amy with a near unreadable expression on her face. "We need to talk."
I was a bit thrown off guard by the odd look she had, given how quiet she had come off as during our shopping trip I hadn't expected to be pinned by such an intense look. "Okay, but uh," I waved my hand to the general sound and chaos of the food court, which got an embarrassed look out of her before I pointed toward a more quiet area outside near some of the less popular shops. "So what exactly do we need to talk about?"
"You're not a parahuman," her eyes narrowed slightly. "But my power can't read you, or when it tries it's like there is something stopping it."
A flash of panic flew through my body as I tried to summon up an excuse that would put aside any worries that she had. But from what little I knew about Amy's ability, the idea of fooling someone who regularly was able to heal the body from maladies that laughed in the face of modern medicine, it felt like it would be a long shot to just say 'must have been a mistake' and try and move on.
Thankfully inspiration bit me before I could look confused for long. "Can you keep a secret?" I asked, my voice serious.
Her eyes hardened a bit and it looked like she was ready to bolt, but she gave a nod.
"I was in an accident, a really bad one," I felt that was almost a bit underselling the fact that the cut connection between my brain and whatever gave people powers had caused the energy to explode like a firecracker in the middle of my gray matter, but I lacked anything better to describe it at the moment. "Someone helped me but it made some parts of me different. I don't want to cause any trouble and I'm not going to hurt anyone." That last bit was a lie considering that I planned on beating down the various gang leaders in town, but it was a white lie at worst.
"Who was it?" Amy didn't seem to fully buy my story, but it wasn't like I had given her a reason to be suspicious of my intentions.
"They asked me to keep it a secret," which of course was a lie, Stetson had been more than willing to meet with my father and had never asked me to keep any of the facts of that night to myself. I chose to believe that it was because he trusted me not to just go around and blab about it to everyone, through given the fact that he had full access to the Dollhouse and a level of knowledge regarding it that would take me years still to master maybe it was just that there was nothing that could threaten him by letting his identity be known. "Sorry."
Lying to Amy was hard, mainly because she had been kind to me at the coffee shop when she had no reason to and because she was probably the most altruistic cape in the known world. But unlike the others that knew my identity as Thread she had no real reason to keep my identity to herself if she knew. And as much as I wanted to believe she was a good person, my faith in others was a wounded beast.
She seemed indecisive for a moment before simply sighing and giving a nod of her head. "Fine, I won't tell anyone, but…" Amy glanced up at me. "Take my hand first, I want to try one more time."
I looked at the offered hand for a moment and considered my options. The odds of her trying to hurt me were slim to none, and honestly I wasn't sure if there was anything she could actually do that the Dollhouse or Riley wouldn't be able to fix. So with no small amount of worry still in my heart I took her hand.
We sat there for almost a minute as a variety of emotions played across her face, confusion the most prominent among them. "Your brain is a complete black spot, and it's like it has…roots moving through the rest of your body making it hard to see anything. Your bones and muscles are stronger than normal but not in the traditional way that they would be if you had powers. It's not superhuman, it's just…optimized?"
I gave a small shrug that she seemed to ignore before eventually letting go of my hand. "So, you'll keep it a secret?"
"Yeah," she let out a small sigh and looked away from me. "I'm sorry if…I didn't mean to threaten you."
She did seem honestly apologetic, but what I couldn't figure out was what had driven her to confront me like this in the first place. I hadn't exactly heard of her going out of her way to scan the bodies of parahumans before. However I did have a theory on it. She had probably been a bit scared that she wasn't able to see the bits of the Dollhouse that were part of my body, and Stetson had taught me that those who lived their lives based around their abilities were more disturbed by them being taken away or subverted then any form of injury.
It was why he had told me to use the Bludgeoning Angel against Lung, the absolute fear was already a terrifying ability, but given his power grew over a fight having any will to fight erased from him had left him disturbed. Given how he had reacted when I had made the mistake to disengage the doll's ability when I thought he was out of the fight it had driven him more than a bit crazy.
But all I could do was try and push away any worries that I would hurt the people around her. The last thing that I wanted was to do anything that would spit in the face that her family had shown me. "Come on, let's get some food before the others start worrying. My treat."
It didn't seem to pick up her mood much, but she did at least follow me into the food court to grab something. Thankfully we weren't forced to hunt for the group, as they had managed to score one of the few large tables and left seats open for us.
"So did you guys see on the news this morning?" Vicky looked around the table to see if anyone knew what she was talking about, but the group mostly just shrugged. "Come on, Heartbreaker got taken down last night, it was all over the news this morning."
I looked at Lisa, but she simply gave a shrug and went back to her food, denying that she had any hand in it. The news had spread a bit faster than I had thought, I figured there would have been at least a day or two before the story broke but apparently someone must have leaked it.
"No kidding?" Dean seemed interested in the story and leaned forward. "Did Dragon finally manage to track him down?"
Seeing that she had got someone interested in the story she continued. "Nope, someone a bit closer to home."
A look of confusion flashed over Dean and Edgar's faces before Vicky finally dropped the reveal. "Apparently Thread was the one who took down Heartbreaker, and she did something that unmastered everyone he had control over."
"Holy shit," Dean leaned back in his chair and looked up toward the ceiling. "What next, breaking the Gray Boy loops or dropping a mountain on the Slaughterhouse Nine?"
It was a bit embarrassing to be praised by my friends, even if it was mainly my alternate persona they were talking about, and it took a bit of effort to keep my face set to only mild interest. However at the first recommendation I noticed Lisa looked at me, seemingly asking if it was possible through her facial expression.
It was something to look into later at least, taking away another source of suffering from people who had done nothing to deserve it. But even if I could free them the logistics required to ensure any level of proper living afterward were a bit beyond my ability. There was a chance I could leverage my acts thus far to work something out with the PRT, but I had to admit I was still nervous to work with them at the moment.
For the moment I decided to put those thoughts to the side, trying to figure out where the conversation had gone before my thoughts were further interrupted by a loud crash from outside of the food court, followed by screams of panic and the sounds of people running.
Vicky was the first to leap up, with Dean and Edgar following after her in short order. Amy looked a bit like a deer caught in the headlights but I didn't really have time to worry about her at the moment. I glanced at Lisa who simply gave a nod and moved over to Amy, whispering something before getting her out of the seat and moving toward the back exit in the food court.
I made my way toward the main section of the mall to try and get a view of what was going on, doing my best to avoid people rushing past me to try and enter into the food court and get away from whatever the source of the panic was. Of course it didn't take too long to spot.
Tearing through the main floor of the mall were a pair of souped up Go-Karts painted red and green respectively, with the occupants within them dressed in overalls and hats that matched the color scheme of the carts they were in.
"Now this is podracing!" The red outfitted man turned a hard corner, knocking over a sunglass kiosk and avoiding an aerial lunge from Vicky.
"Oh god not the prequels, have some class!" the green outfitted man lifted a round black bomb, tapping the fuse atop it and tossing it at Vicky, the explosion from it throwing her against a wall. "Bomb Omb's for the win!"
Of all of the things I had expected running out, I have to admit running right into an Uber and Leet attack for the second time by complete accident was not one of them. Regardless seeing my friend get a bomb thrown in her face had royally pissed me off.
"Dollhouse, Inventory Select." I muttered under my breath, backing up to a more isolated corner of the crowd.
Command from authorized users accepted.
"Open search, give me something that can stop them without anyone getting hurt and will scare the hell out of them." I knew that it wasn't exactly the most eloquent search request I had ever given, but I was seeing a bit too much red to focus on how I made the request.
Search results: Dr. Eyeborg, Ro…
Watching as Uber began to pull out a new weapon I hastily cut off the search results and selected the first option. "Blood-Brain connection."
The doll appeared in the clearing between the crowd and the chaos being caused by the two villains, and I had to admit that it wasn't exactly the most impressive showing that the Dollhouse had managed to produce. The doll was only about five feet in height and covered by a tan coat that had long seen better days. A hood was pulled up over the head of the doll, giving little idea of what it actually looked like. Once the connection was clear a single point of bright red light began to shine from under the hood, and one of the sleeves rose up and revealed a large metal claw from out of it.
"You dare use technology for misdeeds?!" the voice of the doll rang out over the mall, cutting off the chatter and drawing the attention of the two villains and Vicky toward its small figure. "Hooliganism, chaotic rabble rousing, mean spirited japes." The voice that came from the doll was high pitched with a bit of a whine to it, but even with that it carried a not insignificant amount of menace to it.
"Hey, that's my handiwork you're talking about!" Leet pulled out what appeared to be a red turtle shell, turning his vehicle to face the doll before launching it out. The shell glided across the floor in a straight path toward the activated doll.
However before it could get close the metallic claw flew out from the sleeve of the doll and grabbed the shell, pulling it toward its hood covered face and examining it. "Guidance system, strong motor, craftimenship…" it crushed the shell in a vice grip. "Amature." it tossed the smoking wreckage of the shell and turned its focus on the two carts. "You dare disrespect science before me with such shotty work?!" The crimson glow under the hood of the doll glowed more intensely than before.
The carts that Uber and Leet had been piloting seemed to fly out of their control, forcing the two villains to circle around and move in a straight line toward the doll, pausing right before him. Despite its small size the doll seemed to almost tower over them. "I've hijacked your junk systems with my metal brain, it can process so much data that doing so was instant. INSTANT!" the doll leaned forward. "What do you have to say for yourselves?"
The two villains looked at each other, seemingly thrown for a loop by the odd turn of events. Even Vicky was slightly keeping her distance, unsure if she should or even how to intervene if I had to guess. Honestly even I didn't have a very clear idea of what was going on, and arguably I was the one most in control of the situation.
Control in this case however was a very subjective word.
"Um." one of the two began to answer, only to be cut off quickly.
"SILENCE, ejection seats!" The doll screamed out and the two villains were suddenly shot out of the carts by miniature rockets before letting out twin high pitch screams, just narrowly avoiding the ceiling of the building before being dropped back to the ground, only saved from being splattered by Vicky flying over and grabbing them.
"Hello boys," Vicky offered the two a smile that would have been more natural on a shark. "Remember how you threw a bomb at me earlier?"
"Sorry?" Uber offered, only for their response to be cut off as Vicky dropped them from a non-fatal but still terrifying height toward the ground.
The doll looked at the two carts for a moment, its mechanical hand crossing over its chest. "I'm sorry you were forced to commit such evil acts. But you must now be destroyed." The crimson light from beneath the doll's hood glowed bright before a lance of energy flew out from it, striking the two carts. For a moment nothing seemed to happen, and then both of them exploded in miniature fireballs. Thankfully there didn't seem to be even a bit of debris left from them to harm anyone, the only damage being some scorch marks on the floor.
"Oh come on!" despite the obvious terror that the doll had inflicted Leet threw up his hands. "I had to pay to get those made. I had to shake hands with Skidmark, haven't we suffered enough?"
"Nope," Vicky put her hands on the villain's head. "Now what made you two think that this was a good idea?"
"This deal is getting worse all the time." Uber quipped, only for Vicky to apply a slight bit more pressure to his head and get a yelp out. "Some guy paid us a bunch of money, we barely even caused property damage this time!"
"You broke the front door and knocked over a bunch of kiosks!" Vicky swung her hand over the chaos of the mall floor.
Leet looked thoughtful for a moment. "I mean compared to our normal record…"
"Silence!" "Shut up!" Dr. Eyeborg and Vicky screamed at the same time.
The two villains made the first smart move they had in the last few minutes and chose to keep quiet.
It seemed the lack of danger was drawing in more onlookers, some of them snapping pictures and one even being brave enough to approach Vicky and the doll. "Um, are you a new hero?" the girl asked, holding up a camera to the doll.
"I am an associate of Thread, chosen for my calm and rational mannerisms." The doll's claw zoomed out and caught the small floating recording device the chaotic duo used and fired another laser into it, tossing it behind the doll's shoulder where it promptly exploded.
"Come on!" Leet shouted, only for Vicky to slap him upside the head to remind him of the current position he was in.
"Well tell her thanks, and that last time is water under the bridge," Vicky held out a free hand, which the doll took in its own claw and gave a small shake.
"She would like you to know that you do good work and she is very thankful to have other good heroes in this town," Dr. Eyeborg turned off the normal shrill scream to its voice and spoke in a rather conscious manner. "And now I must go, I am needed in this place."
I canceled my connection to the chaotic doll and let out a small breath. Thankfully 'Dr. Eyeborg' didn't have a vast energy requirement in order to use it, so while I was a bit exhausted I wasn't about to drop.
A few minutes passed and a group of PRT agents backed by Armsmaster and the Ward's Gallant and Browbeat who looked ready for a fight, only to see the two villains already apprehended and looking quite defeated already.
Seeing that things had mostly cleared up I decided to make tracks and try to find Lisa and Amy and make sure they were okay, pushing through the crowd that was trying to get pictures of the newly arrived heroes. It wasn't exactly an easy task but I somehow made it to the back exit. It seemed quite a few people were milling around nearby, maybe thinking that once the fight was over they could get back to get anything left behind, or get back to shopping if some of the complaints I heard were to be believed.
However, amongst the crowd I couldn't find either Lisa or Amy. "Oh right, my phone." I was still getting used to having a method of communication on me at all times, pulling out my phone and seeing a number of missed texts and an incoming call from Lisa. I quickly answered the phone. "You guys make it out okay?"
"Taylor, fuck," Lisa's voice came out slightly pained from the other end of the phone. "Someone hit me from behind…I don't know where Amy is."
"What?" my heart dropped to my stomach."Where are you?"
She quickly gave me directions to the side of the mall, where I found her with a slightly disoriented look in her eyes and a small amount of blood mixed in with her hair. "I don't know what happened, one minute we were trying to get to the parking lot, then something hit me from the side. I woke up about a minute ago in the bushes." Lisa pressed a hand against her head.
My brain was running fast enough that I couldn't make out my thoughts, however through the noise caused by my panic one thought came to me above all others. Someone had hired Uber and Leet to attack the mall on that day. The fact that Lisa was attacked and Amy was missing couldn't have been a coincidence.
I put an arm around Lisa to support her. "Let's get you patched up. And then call the Undersiders for a meeting tonight."
I wasn't exactly close with Amy, but she had at least tried to help me during a bad day and I wasn't going to sit around and let someone get away with hurting her.