Authors Notes: As before, this was a three way collab between me, Name, and Gamer. Chapter 13 is something like 2,000 words from being completed, in case your wondering.
OMAKE: Supernatural Forums 2: Electric Boogaloo
Page 63
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
Alright! After a
fuck ton of panicking, scheduling, trying to help Tachibana avoid Infinite Reporter Hell, hoping we don't get shot at, and other fun times, the first press conference has arrived! Kazanari, the AC and Maria will all be on stage momentarily, so hold onto your hats!
Just a few more minutes until it kicks off. I can't imagine how it'd be to have Yukine up there, given how she flipped out on that one reporter a couple of days ago.
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
Oh God, don't remind me. I swear to God, when I found out what that idiot said… long story short, Yukine was NOT making an empty threat there. Seriously, what the fuck made that guy think that that question was okay is beyond me. At any rate, yeah, Yukine is the one we're worried for- she isn't exactly the sort who deals with people trying to hit her buttons well. And it's the media, so I'm not even going to bother with the effort of hoping they won't hit the buttons.
Kamen rider 555
You haven't tried to coach her or anything? People who don't trust her to hold her temper in front of the press aren't going to trust her to hold her temper on the battlefield. Which is a real problem when you're talking about someone with as many missiles as that.
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
We are giving her some coaching, but all the coaching in the world isn't going to change the fact that we're about to have to throw a traumatized eighteen year old in front of the media and tell her to suck it up when they inevitably hit the memories. Honestly I'd rather she didn't go
period, and so does almost everyone on my end, but the security council overruled us.
Motorcade just pulled up to the ministry building. Cameras outside showing Maria and Kazanari coming in. They're composed, but I guess that's to be expected from a pair of idols.
(Confirmed Sperg)
They are totally hot and I am so glad the two of them made it to that conference. I hope this doesn't negatively impact their idol careers.
It probably will. There are rumors
about record companies cutting ties with them after the reveals. Maria's getting it harder, naturally, but there other companies with Tsubasa are worried about liability issues if another of her concerts get hit again. It's unfortunate. I really liked their music.
(Inveterate Shipper)
Eh, so long as they have each other then I'm sure they'll be fine.
You are aware that they've denied they're together like that in their past idol interviews, @DoubleTheFun?
(Inveterate Shipper)
And I'm in denial over their denial. Sue me.
Anyways, conference is starting as of this post and… Shinji Ogawa? He's your commander, right
@Songbird? He seems really low key…
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
He's actually our former intelligence director, but there was a major shake up right before the leaks that ended up with him as AC. He's been doing a pretty good job, though, so here's hoping. And yeah he's pretty low key. Mostly because he is a literal, no shit, ninja. No, really. Anyways, the AC is about to finish his opening statement, so get ready for the actually answering part of this shebang.
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
My boss is a fucking ninja. And he's actually
less badass then the old man was. Which says rather a lot about the absurdity of the previous Commander. And on that note: question time! Pay attention, folks!
Alright, so Literal Ninja Commander is up. And I can't believe that's a sentence.
Slightly surprised the kids actually still did the exams, I wouldn't have blamed them for skipping school after all this got dumped on them. Though, isn't Yukine eighteen? Why is she doing exams? I mean, with the utter shitshow her life has been, I wouldn't exactly be surprised she missed a year, but still.
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
The kids are pretty dedicated to having normal lives in every way they can. They weren't in this as anything except a way to help people with their power. Unfortunately, a lot of that normal life they wanted is gone, now, but they're still trying. Pretty glad for it, actually. Gives them a bit more time, and whilst I may not be sure on the new pr guy yet, I agree that more time to get ready for this is good. And as far as Yukine goes, she's actually in college right now. She was behind for a while, but she's seriously smart, and managed to catch up. She was lucky, to be honest. A lot of kids who go through what she did only have primary/elementary school education max and can't catch up even after being rescued, but Yukine was taught physics by Finè so she could use Ichaival better. Probably the only completely good thing that woman ever did for her. Dammit, Ryouko.
I'm glad to hear it. I'm involved in cases like this thanks to my job, and I was really worried when I read that report. Still am honestly, all of that must of left some scars.
Also glad to hear that you didn't break the child soldier laws. Somewhat less glad to note that that's because the age is a year lower than I feel it should be, but you guys had some pretty good reasons. This time.
Kamer rider 555
They only didn't break the child soldier laws if you go by the letter. I'm pretty sure one could mount a legal argument that it's a clear violation of the spirit.
Looking at Commander Ogawa's answers, that answer also ignores how Tsubasa became an adaptor when she was only eight years old, if I recall correctly. His second answer skirts around the issue that the kid's powers are currently tied to the relics, best we can tell. Get rid of the relics and it's a non-issue.
I'm torn about the legitimacy of the first answer too. On the one hand, I don't really trust traumatized teenagers to make the best decisions when it comes to agreeing to work on this sort of stuff. On the other hand, it seems like you guys did pick up on that and have been trying to genuinely do good by them. So, eh…
The answer to that last question though? About informing people in regards to the nonessential secrets? I'll be frank and say it smells like total ass covering. Glad to hear you guys are promising to do better though. Hope you go through on it.
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
Aaaand here we go again.
First, Kazanari accidentally attuned herself to Ame No Habaikiri when she was eight, yes. That doesn't mean she actually
did anything. The most she did back then was get started on the ridiculous training she does, and that was her grandfather's idea. For reference, those of you not involved in the derail. Kazanari's grandfather was thoroughly in the asshole category. Seriously, he was an abusive piece of shit of truly epic proportions. And then he was responsible for Noble Red, and by extension Shem-Ha. Fuck that guy.
I've basically given up getting you to not buy every word the Horsemen sell when the Relics are involved, but the kids are the only people who
can use the Relics. If another threat on even the Alchemists' level shows up, they're literally the only people who can do something about it. And that doesn't even get into the fact they're all lunatics who'd run headlong into the crap they've fought training or no just to see if they could help any single person. Like, no shit. If we had tried to stop Tachibana from fighting the day we first met her, she'd have, smiled, nodded, and promptly ignored us and fought anyways. Because she's insane. The only reason these kids
survived was because of the Relics, so they're not just something we can up and take without good reason. Airgetlamh in particular, given it is
literally the only thing that still exists that Serena had. Like, with all due respect, that Relic is the only thing of her sister Maria still has. That isn't something we can just take away after everything she's already been through.
On a related note,
we're trying. These are some rather fucked up kids, even if they refuse to acknowledge it. They've been through things they never should have, not just including but
especially Tachibana, and unfortunately, it's been frustratingly difficult to get them the help they need. Hell, it's been two years since she showed any signs of being iffy when not brainwashed, and I'm
still worried about Kazanari, but
you try convincing these kids to see a therapist and actually talk more than the bare minimum. Because I'm pretty sure literally every single active member of SONG has, at one point, tried that. I swear they just ignore us literally every time. And not just when it comes to therapy. And yes, the not telling no longer important info thing was stupid. We know. We are kind of trying to fix it. Please let us instead of finding something new to yell at us about before we can.
Okay, I gotta admit: the way Kazanari ended that opening statement?
Powerful. I think I even teared up a little. She's taking questions now.
(Confirmed Sperg)
Don't worry Tsubasa! WE FORGIVE YOU!
Well, we don't doubt
you do. You're such a SONG fangirl. And I really mean it in the best way possible. As for me… well, I guess I can at least forgive the 'Bossa.
Page 64
Aaaand Kazanari sinks @DoubleTheFun's vessel for the umpteenth time.
(Inveterate Shipper)
You're probably gonna get a kick if you keep up with that sort of innuendo.
(Archive Junkie)
Eh, it's clever and not-lewd-enough that I'll let that one slide.
Ouch. They're pulling in Amou on her…
Oh, ow, she botched that follow-up to the "why keep pursuing these big concerts" and I think she knows it.
Kamen rider 555
There really wasn't a good answer she could've given. By having those big concerts while knowing she's a potential target for bad guys, she shows a reckless disregard for the lives of all her fans. It's irresponsible and undermines everything SONG stands for. This, in addition to the entire "keep their identities secret" schthick SONG has been pulling for the past few years makes me wonder how altruistic she is.
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
I'm getting tired of having to explain this to you. The secrecy was not the girls idea. It was ours, as the adults who were in charge, which they agreed to because they didn't want people they cared about to be in danger, like they currently
are. And before you say anything: No. No, I do not put murdering the kids family past the Horsemen. Given the only ones I've seen made ISIS look tame in terms of fanaticism specifically regarding their sheer hatred of the kids specifically, I don't put
genocide past them, if they thought it would hurt the kids. No shit here, folks, theses guys outright stated the didn't care about anything except killing the kids to their faces. This is not an empty threat from the Relics. They want the girls to die.
And secondly, Kazanari is
aware that her concerts are apparently cursed. I heard Maria mention before all this that she was starting to worry she was getting a complex from how often it's gone wrong. She only even agreed to the most recent QoM concert because like 90% of SONG including every single one of the other adapters were present and on guard, and because we didn't know of any thing that
could happen. Of course then the Horsemen decided to be a thing and she's spent every single day since then panicking over how bad it would've been if they'd started shit, because these girls didn't have enough problems.
Kamen rider 555
Wait, so which is it: was it the kids idea or SONG's idea? Because both Tsubasa's and your commander's opening statement indicates the former. I'd quibble asking you about what the Horsemen have done, not because I like or don't like the Horsemen but because I'm genuinely curious, but you've indicated that's classified for now so I'll respect it.
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
It was our idea, but the kids went along with it because of the reasons Kazanari and the AC stated when we reorganised and things were up in the air. Technically, they could've talked about it whenever they wanted too, but they never exactly wanted to be famous and, as said, they've got friends and family outside SONG.
I'd really like to answer that second question, because literally every other day seems to have some new way for these assholes to piss me off, but I'm pretty sure that everything you guys don't see on TV is still classified.
Page 64
And Maria's up… and they're
starting with her questions. Huh interesting choice.
Wait, fuck. Some of the receptor kids have gone missing? I didn't know that.
(Inveterate Shipper)
Never thought I'd agree with DoubleTheFun. Maria with Ver? Ew. And Maria agrees.
Ah-ha, yeah. That'soh fuck did they really just ask Maria that?!
(Confirmed Sperg)
Who the fuck uses her sister like that?!
Kamen rider 555
Is she making light of what she did in FiS? I doubt @Kalenda would be happy to hear about that.
I think she's trying to defuse the tension
(Confirmed Noise Survivor)
(Confirmed Frontier Incident Veteran)
[Master9: Right, infraction, permanent threadban, three-day kick. If you're gonna overreact to something like that, best not do it online. Only reason I'm not giving you a week or worse is because I know your history.]
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
No. Just… no. Maria was all too willing to do her time and receive any punishment she got. That she got off relatively easy for her crimes was mainly due to politics beyond SONG's control. And personally? I think saving the world multiple times and risking her life in the line of duty as one of SONG's agents has been her way of paying back all the damage she did as a member of Fine.
Page 70
I have returned from threadban hell! Finally, I get to talk about this topic.
So, I'm curious what everybody thought of that press conference. I found the entire thing
First, I have to say: Tsubasa and Maria, while far from perfect, came across as both poised and noble to a fault. I don't think there are many public figures willing to admit that they've fucked up in the past without giving some kind of resignation speech. If only we had more politicians that had this level of honesty and accountability…
Second, some of the questions the media asked weren't the questions normal people would've asked. I mean, asking questions about their love life? Seriously? Are they reputable news organizations or celebrity tabloids? I guess they were scraping the bottom of the barrel since the expose answered pretty much any of the questions one could have, but it's just not a good look.
Third, there are some things that leave more questions than answers. That Tsubasa inherited the Kazanari Foundation (the same Kazanari Foundation that orchestrated the Shem-Ha Incident!) or that the orphans that were kidnapped by the American government's FIS had gone missing were big pieces of information that haven't been talked about enough by the general public, I think they need addressing. All of these supernatural incidents are the result of power-hungry lunatics orchestrating government conspiracies to amass even more power for themselves. How much have we missed? How much are we not being told? And is it still going on?
Alas, I guess there's only so much time one can fit into a press conference. Although, yeah, I'm 75% sure there were some celebrity tabloids who got in there,
somehow. Who vetted this thing?
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
The answer to your question, @Japanese0Groyper? Nobody. Nobody vetted this fustercluck, primarily because people decided it needed to happen literally now whether we liked it or not. I'm pretty sure we didn't even know what stations/publications/studios were there in detail. We were basically told to get the Adapters there and if there wasn't enough time to even know who else was there, too bad.
With regard to the Foundation, Kazanari inherited it by default. Her bastard of a grandfather was, well, a bastard and in prison after she kicked his ass, and her father died helping to stop him. She was the only member of the family with a claim, and that was that. She only started having involvement with that mess about a week before all this, and most of it's been making it smaller. And Maria wasn't kidding earlier, I hadn't heard about the other Receptor Children disappearing either. It's concerning news, I'm probably going to have a few guys on the case by this time tomorrow.
Huh… wasn't her grandfather jailed back in February though? Why she only actually wind up with it a bit over a week ago? Problem with the legal paperwork?
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
She was leaving it to an old friend of the family who she was close to. And then the Horsemen murdered him. Because they hate us.
Yeah, I'm not kidding around. These guys are going out of their way just to hurt the girls. Honestly, I'm pretty sure all that stuff about the Relics is an excuse at best.
So something just went down in Tokyo. Big ol' blast in the lower floors of an office building.
Here's an updating article on the situation.
EDIT: Okay, there are running rumors that Tsubasa Kazanari was seen shortly after the explosion, all Gear'd up. Would call it just gossip, but there's
video footage to corroborate. Our official guy-in-the-know indicates it's true.
EDIT2: And, confirmed statements by
SONG and the
Japanese Government on Kazanari's involvement. They also say the explosion was caused by the Four Horsemen, apparently centered on a bank. Main suspect is a "Caprice Calcaterra", former FAI terrorist who was apparently drafted into the Italian Army as part of a plea bargain as a demo expert and then deserted to the Horsemen. Apparently Kazanari saw her fleeing the scene and gave chase,but she got away somehow. No statement from the Horsemen though.
Rumors flying around that one of the Gear's was at the scene. Some footage camera footage
(Confirmed Sperg)
Woah, this is a gear issue? That's pretty big. Do they know what caused the blast?
Nothing on that front yet, best I can tell.
More camera footage
here of what is very definitely Tsubasa Kazanari helping people out of the building. That's a big sword. Although why'd she leap down from it afterwards?
This seems to be why. Footage of her chasing some blonde lady down a crowded street. Look at them move! How the hell is she doing that? Not Kazanari, we know how she's doing it, but the other one.
That poor officer though.
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
Can confirm Kazanari is on scene. Culprit believed to be Caprice Calcaterra, a member of the Horsemen's elite anti adapters hit squad. Objective unknown, attempt to assassinate Kazanari considered likely. Maria on route, trying to contact the others. More when I have time, need to get to the bridge.
Woah, hold the hell up. "Elite anti adaptors hit squad"? What do the Four Horsemen have that can touch an adaptor…
Although I suppose trying to catch Kazanari without her gear does make the most sense, from an assassination standpoint, as ugly a statement as that sounds.
Page 2
And Japanese Government
confirms it's a terrorist bombing. Looks like they tried to go after Kazanari making a withdrawal. Eyewitness interviews on the news, including some people Kazanari saved.
Some of these people sound pretty in awe of their encounter with her. Wonder what it's like to be around an adaptor in their armor.
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
I'm back. Situation mostly over. Almost got Calcaterra, but she called back up and ran for it. Kazanari is fine, she was already out of the building when things went boom. More later, I need to get out there and help figure out what the hell happened. And get the adapters back to HQ. And help the survivors. This is gonna be a minute.
Whelp, SONG's issued their
official statement and it's pretty much as SONGbird says.
Some information on
Caprice: apparently she was a bomb maker for the FAI, an Italian anarchist group, and regarded as a pretty damned fine one at that. So good, that when the Italian's caught up with her, they offered her a plea deal: she testifies against her cell and joins the Italian Army as a bomb defusal expert, they don't chuck her in jail. Then apparently she copped her parole and ran off to join the Four Horsemen after just a year.
What her Army co-workers have to say on her… don't paint a very pretty picture. "Total lack of empathy", well no shit there. You see how she unhesitatingly she shot that cop?
(Archive Junkie)
Well, since the Gears are involved, that makes this a legit supernatural incident. Thread moved accordingly.
Properly right and horrified for what happened and glad Kazanari tried to do what she could to help. Hope they're able to find and catch Caprice.
Fuck, that's the sorta psychos the Four Horsemen have working for them? Holy shit.
Local news is interviewing a lady who Caprice apparently held hostage in order to try and get away from Kazanari. It also… sounds like she was saved by a second 'Gear user? The official statement did say that Maria arrived towards the end of things, so maybe it was her. Guess our Guy in the Know will be able to clarify when he gets back. Just a heads up on that query,
Lady also sounds pretty amazed by the 'Gears, like she had a religious experience with them or something. Have to echo Guessing/Game's question about what it's like to be in their actual presence when transformed. All we've got is camera and audio footage.
(Confirmed Sperg)
Holy hell, I didn't have much doubt that the Four Horsemen deserved the title "asshole brigade" but fuck if those doubts are all gone now.
Several miscellaneous groups have claimed responsibility, but they're the sorts who claim responsibility for everything. Everyone seems to agree it's the Horsemen, but they themselves haven't said anything.
Then again, we haven't heard anything from them since they released all that info, so…
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
I'm back. Again. Sorry I'm late, long as shit day on my end. Gonna try and answer some of the questions I can see so far.
First up, can confirm it was without any doubt the Horsemen. We don't have much info on them, but Calcaterra is a known member and has been since they were discovered. She's a member of a six-man group who referred to themselves as White Noise squad, who apparently are, as I mentioned, some form of anti-adapters hit squad. We encountered them when they suddenly attacked a training exercise we were running with the JSDF the day before the leaks and attempted to assassinate the kids, after throwing a small army up to and including artillery at them. That was how we found out they existed, by the way. They failed, but the fact they managed a draw in their favour against all seven of them is concerning to say the fucking least, even with the fact the girls were dead on their feet by then. The other members have all been identified, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed say who. They apparently were using some sort of extremely advanced technology, but nothing we can clearly identify as H-Tech
or A-Tech. Just ridiculously advanced conventional stuff. I say "apparently" because nobody except the kids actually saw the fight, there was some sort of jamming blocking us until they'd already retreated. How they got said tech is unknown, which is why I've stated my doubts they really aren't using supernatural stuff, they literally couldn't have got this far ahead otherwise. Not gonna give examples without explicit permission, but pretty much every single one of us field agents were calling bullshit so hard you probably heard us across the Pacific.
Second, the incident happened shortly after Kazanari left the building following a meeting with her lawyer. And before you panic, she was talking with him re: Kazanari Foundation downsizing. She indicated during debrief that she thought she saw Calcaterra as she walked out the door, but lost sight of her before she could confirm and dismissed it due to not being able to think of a reason she'd be there. Maria and the others are currently attempting to convince her to stop kicking herself for that, little luck thus far. After Kazanari left, there was a couple minute gap before things started exploding. Kazanari promptly realised that she had in fact seen Calcaterra, remembered a series of assassinations currently believed to have been performed by other White Noise members over the past weeks, figured that she was there to kill her, and then noticed the building was still open and people were trapped inside. She transformed immediately, and began search and rescue as usual for such situations, though admittedly we normally encounter such situations when we specifically deploy for them. After S&R, she caught Calcaterra trying to flee the scene. Reason she was still there unknown, the AC and our resident Alchemical Gremlin are working on it. Can confirm that we work with a bank in that building, so she may have been trying to destroy our stuff. At this point, we'd gotten Ame No Habakiri on our sensors and called Kazanari to ask what the hell, and had been informed of the situation. Maria was present at the time, and deployed immediately whilst we called the other adapters in case there was another attack on them. After about a minute of chasing her, Calcaterra attempted to take Miss Shoko hostage, but was prevented by Maria's timely arrival. Unfortunately, we failed to take Calcaterra into custody due to a second member of the White Noise who appeared at the last second, and stunned Kazanari enough Maria didn't think pursuing further was a good plan. We've since gotten all the adapters to HQ, and none of the others reported anything abnormal. Kazanari is thankfully unharmed, and there were fewer casualties then estimated due to her rapid intervention. Her lawyer is also unscathed. Somehow.
Thirdly, yeah, being around the kids when they transform is… definitely one hell of an experience. Hard to describe, honestly, but it's like they're… kinda otherworldly, I guess. I'm a bit used to it because I know they're still the same goofy kids I spend my day keeping an eye on, but the first time was one hell of a thing. Miss Shoko got it worse because she VERY suddenly had two of them in front of her at their maximum power without X-Drive or other weirdness, but even when you get used to it or they hold back, you still definitely notice.
I'll do more in a second, need to get Tachibana home.
Wait, your telling me these guys got a small
army into Japan and nobody noticed? As in, like, a real army with infantry and tanks and aircraft and stuff, not Alca-Noise? HOW?!
You… caught some of them right? Not the White Noise, these guys sound as hardcore as they do crazy if they fought the girls to a draw, but some of the rank-and-file, right? And you haven't managed to get anything out of them in a week?
That's, uh… wow,
@Songbird. Ambushing the JSDF
and SONG is something of a feat. That's kinda scary. I mean, if they can get an army into Japan, where else can they get an army into?
EDIT: I, uh, kinda went snooping around when SONGbird mentioned 'other' assassinations and I found
this guy and
this guy who were found stabbed and
this guy who was shot down at a rally. There are no official suspects so far. Additionally, there's been
a spate of congressional killings in the US this week that I really doubt are a coincidence.
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
Right, Tachibana returned home. She's still sad about the literal army of reporters on her doorstep, but there isn't much I can do for her there except stand ominously in the general vicinity next time her landlord threatens people with harassment and trespassing suits. At least the army seems to have gotten a bit smaller since the first press conference. Anyways, that's done and I am officially off duty, as much as I ever am, so back to explaining this latest mess.
Yes. Yes they did in fact sneak a small army onto Japanese soil and ambush us without anyone noticing. We've been panicking over how the fuck they managed
that for a while. Admittedly, it was a pretty small army. No tanks, just attack VTOLs and mortars. Which is still slightly terrifying, but less than if they'd managed to get armour out there.
Actually, despite the fact they threw almost a thousand guys at the girls before the White Noise showed up, we didn't capture a single one. Every single one of them, and I mean
Every. Single. One. Of. Them. Committed suicide upon defeat. Usually by throwing themselves on whichever of the kids was closest and then blowing themselves up. Some of them even
bashed themselves to pieces on the kid's gears trying to kill them with their bare-hands. That was terrifying enough for
us, nevermind the girls.
Yeah, as Yukine put it, these guys are fucking
psychopaths. We know why, or at least we've got a fair idea, but I'm afraid it's classified as fuck right now. Even most of the kids don't know the full details, let alone me.
Can confirm that those cases you found are the ones I was talking about. Fucking hell I miss Minister Shibata already. Guy was one of our biggest allies, ever since way back in the Second Division days. Gonna be harder without him. And he gave good advice on noodle shops. As far as we can tell, two members of White Noise are responsible, and appear to be targeting basically any politician who backs us up. We'd be doing something, but China is being pissy and holding us back over technicalities.
Anyways, I've talked to the AC and I am officially cleared to tell you some of what little info on the Horsemen we have. More specifically, White Noise. Thus far, there are six of them. Identities and motives are as follows:
Samantha Acampora: Sorry, @Kalenda. Bad news here. It's THAT Samantha Acampora. For those of you not getting it, Acampora is commonly agreed to be the single most badass American Soldier in all of Army history. Only Sergeant York comes close. Seriously, this woman's service record is fucking
bullshit. Two Noise attacks survived, some reports of managing to literally do the impossible and kill Noise without a Symphogear in the area to make them obey physics, and literally uncountable acts of badassery in more mundane deployments. She went missing alongside her unit a few months ago on a UN peacekeeping mission, only to reappear as the leader of the White Noise squad. She has a grudge with Kohinata, as she apparently blames her for her brother dying during the Frontier Incident. This appears to have caused her to go
completely off the deep end, to the point of reacting to lyrics in Tachibana's song by
shoving a grenade into her face by hand after pulling the pin. And then ranting for about a minute in an audibly unhinged manner. Yeah, she's lost it.
Caprice Calcaterra: The one you know. She's in the document Moaron put up, so not much to add. Attacked Maria at the ambush, but from what she's said and we know, it's quite likely she's doing this for fun. Was the one who blew up the building, and I can now confirm that she did in fact blow up our stuff. Fortunately we have pretty much indisputable evidence that she blew up our stuff on purpose, so the government paid us back. Had a confrontation with Kazanari when she took Miss Shoko hostage. Kazanari called her "a monster wearing human skin" with a visibly angry expression gives me some bad feelings. Frankly, I don't blame her.
Kir Voronin: Yes, really.
THAT Kir Voronin. The sniper so ridiculous, he got a thread on this very forum attempting to determine whether there was supernatural influence involved from the sheer absurdity of the shots he's pulled off, is with the Horsemen. I should know, the asshole shot at me. Lost three guys, all of them from them taking a bullet aimed at Tachibana and Kohinata. Most terrifying moment of my fucking job, I really thought I'd end up being the one who let them get killed for a while there. We don't have the first clue as to why he's joined up with them. His statements indicate some ideological buy-in with the whole "get rid of relics" crap, but then they all seem to indicate that. You may remember that I mentioned early on in the Q&A thread that Yukine is fucking pissed at him. Well, that she was pissed as fuck in general, but I can now tell you she is pissed off at him specifically. Can't tell you exactly why, but it involves the aforementioned incident. Preeeeettty sure she's only not charged off to hunt the bastard down personally because she's worried about the other kids. She fought him in the ambush, but the entire thing was a disaster, and I'm fairly certain she left that fight
more angry.
Jwa Ji-Eun: Did you know Korean Ninjas are a thing? Because Korean Ninjas are apparently a thing. The other of the ones running around assassinating people who back us up, along with Voronin. She was the one who fought Kazanari in the ambush. We actually do in fact know what her deal is: according to the AC, her family has the mother of all grudges with
his family thanks to some complete shitshow over a century ago, and they've been trying to ninja his family to death ever since. By his account, the feeling's mutual at this point. Appears to basically be here primarily due to that, but it's hard to tell with these guys.
Darmawan: So, some of you might not have heard of this guy and those of you likely only know of him from last years Guinness World Records. First,
watch this. No, that is not a trick. Yes, he lifted that for real by himself, no H-tech or A-tech involved at all, just pure muscle. Fucker's
strong. He's also the strangest case here: he has practically no history as a combatant. He did bodyguard work, but apparently that was just so he could have some income. I'm guessing he's been training since he joined up, because the debrief indicates he did reasonably well going fisticuff with Tsukuyomi and Akatsuki. He apparently wants to take a swing at Tachibana in a fistfight. What precisely made him think this was a good plan confuses me.
Gowan: The only member of the Horsemen who actually told people he was leaving. He was raised by a militia in Africa, who apparently rivaled Yukine's experience in Val Verde in terms of being utter bastards. He was rescued by a Christian missionary group, and he apparently was himself deeply faithful. About six months ago, he told the rest of the missionaries there was something he felt he needed to do and that he wouldn't be coming back. Apparently that thing was joining the Horsemen. Actually bothered to explain why he hates us: apparently, he finds us religiously offensive. Something about the Custodians are false gods, and the kids are just a new set of liars. I didn't really get it.
So those are the assholes we know. Unfortunately, there's probably more of them. These are just the ones we know anything about, and who fought the kids. Any other members of the Horsemen are either unknown, or dead.
Anyways, questions. Ask away, guys. I'll be here a while.
(Confirmed Noise Survivor)
(Confirmed Frontier Incident Veteran)
THAT Samantha Acampora? No way, I don't believe it. The lady is a
Medal of Honor recipient for christ sake. No way 'Killer Sam' joined up with people who plants bombs in office buildings for kicks.
Uh, wow. That rather explains the whole "able to go toe-toe with the adaptors" at least a little bit. Like, the fucking Raven of Death is with the Horsemen? And
the Samantha Acampora? And the rest are apparently on their level? Uh… wow.
Hold the phone. Voronin came off as a rather patriotic Russian in that discussion we had about him, and he's on the record of doing their business in Eastern Europe both officially (as part of their armed forces) and unofficially (as part of that PMC when he 'retired'). Running off to shoot at the adaptor's on the other side of Eurasia with terrorists strikes me as something of a non-sequitur for him.
Patriotic? Sure. Was he more patriotic than your average Russian soldier? He didn't come off that way to me. He did say in that one Russian TV interview he "lives for the challenge of the shot". Maybe he was getting bored with hitting regular people and figured landing hits on 'Gears would be a step up. Would the enticement of that step-up be enough to outweigh his nationalistic feelings? Fuck if I know.
That said... if you want patriotic: Samantha. As Kalenda noted, she's a
medal of honor recipient. It stretches credulity that she just all of the suddenly gonked off to the other side of the world to work for a terrorist organization. SONGbird mentions that she thinks Kohinata killed her brother in the Frontier Incident, presumably when Dr Ver had kidnapped and brainwashed her, but that seems a bit weak by itself. Taking SONGbird's statements about these people at face value, and his unofficial statements have otherwise mainly lined up with the official stuff so far so I see no reason not too, there's
something missing here about
why these guys are doing what their doing.
Well, save for Caprice. She's obviously just a raging asshole.
I dunno, maybe they've been brainwashed? It's a real thing that happens. Perhaps the Horsemen got a hypno-device that allowed them to mind control the biggest badasses on the planet and bring them onto one team. I know I'd do that if I were a supervillain with a mind control device.
Something else that's missing: even if these guys are the biggest badasses on the planet, they are all still human. How the fuckity fuck can they go up against a Symphogear? I mean, the adaptors wield the most powerful weapons on the planet. Even with their skill, they'd need to have some serious bullshit on their side.
@Songbird are you sure you can't bring up more information? Don't you have a working theory as to how they can do what they do?
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
Sorry, but that's what we're trying to figure out. We think it's high tech bullshit, and we have an unfortunately classified idea as to
what it does, but the exact "how it works" is just a mystery. Our trusty Alchemical Gremlin is working on it though!
Sorry, buddy. Wish I could tell you it was a mis ID, but pretty much everything we've got says it really is her. Could barely believe it myself. Hell, she isn't even the only member of her family in the Horsemen- We had to arrest her niece, Emily, right before the ambush after she tried to stab Kohinata on her way to school. Probably would've pulled it off, too, if Tachibana hadn't managed to kick her ass. And like I said, from what we've seen, she's gone completely nuts. Kohinata's been blaming herself for it ever since…
Page 1
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
Alright! After even more panicking, scheduling, helping Tachibana avoid Infinite Reporter Hell, and hoping we don't get shot at than last time, the second conference has arrived! And better yet - you get to learn what I have to deal with on a daily basis. Yes, that's right. In less than fifteen minutes, Tachibana Hibiki is going to happen to the general public. I'd normally ask God to have mercy on your souls, but you only have to watch by TV.
Unfortunately, I'm even more worried about Yukine than last week, after the news we got this morning. Here's hoping the press will be occupied with recovering from the imminent Tachibana.
New thread because the Happening thread kept getting derailed even harder somehow.
Heh, you beat me to it by like a minute.
Ooh boy, this is going to be good.
@Songbird, did you actually vet the reporters this time to make sure none of those fucking tabloid garbage papers got in?
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
Well, we managed to vet
some of them. Couldn't do much in the time we have except tell the adapters to beware a few of the more ridiculous and/or openly hostile reporters though.
(Confirmed Sperg)
I saw the footage of them walking in. Akatsuki looks nervous as all get out. Poor girl. Couldn't help but notice how Tsukuyomi hovers around her. Not sure what to make of the look on Yukine's face.
Mmm… I'm sure it'll be interesting. Particularly when Yukine gets up there.
(Confirmed Noise Survivor)
(Confirmed Frontier Incident Veteran)
[Master9: Kalenda, I get this is personal to you. Since you were a bit more reasonable here than in the first thread, I'm not giving you a kick from the forum and only deleting some of the post. However, by the site's rules, I still have to at least issue infractions and a permanent threadban. I've only deleted the more grossly offensive parts of your post. However, your infraction rate is getting close enough that I may be forced to take more drastic measures regardless. Watch yourself when you come back.]
That said, I've come around to the view that we should let the kiddos off. Still don't quite like Maria, but she earned some points from me for trying to take down Caprice on Friday.
Still have a hard time believing Killer Sam's a part of those guys. Goddamn.
Kamen rider 555
Really? That's unexpected coming from you. I personally think there should at least be some more severe consequences. I mean, half the girls on the team are ex-terrorists that served zero jail time. I get it, mitigating circumstances, working for SONG as a condition for staying out of jail, yadda yadda. But treating them differently just because they have powers doesn't sit right with me, and it shouldn't sit right with anyone who wants a fair and just legal system.
(Confirmed Sperg)
@Kamen rider 555
They are the fucking saviors of the world. They saved the world five times from beings that threatened to wipe out/enslave humanity. I think that counts as community service or something.
Kamen rider 555
I will not be drawn into this argument again, @Alola-Aloha-Allaway. It will only derail the thread. The show's about to start.
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
Oh goddamnit. @Kamen Rider 555, can we please not do this again? Because you've made it clear you aren't going to listen and I'm kind of sick of trying. I'd hoped the Horsemen's recent actions might have made you rethink things, but apparently not.
Yeah, Akatsuki doesn't seem to be doing too great. Kohinata didn't seem to be doing the best either, but she
seems good today. We're pretty damn sure something happened at school the first day back - seeing Tachibana
genuinely angry was not something I expected to happen - but they haven't said anything. Not that they ever do. That Tsukiyomi is hovering this much doesn't bode well though. As for Yukine… like I said, we got some really bad news this morning. Won't say what for the moment, but suffice to say the only reason the entire thing wasn't cancelled is because the security council overruled the entirety of SONG. I'm
really worried to be honest, but nothing I can do.
On a much less depressing note: Tachibana Hibiki herself is on stage. May God have mercy on those reporters. She won't have much.
Kamen rider 555
Yes, let's see how one of the few Symphogear adaptors who aren't ex-terrorists will perform.
(Confirmed Sperg)
Omg, she's adorable! Such genki! Much wow!
Huh, hard to believe she was bullied as a kid. Even not knowing her record, how could anyone dislike her?
Page 2
I think
my heart skipped a beat when she made that wink. She's gay right? Bet she's very popular with the other girls at her school. Wonder how many of them were heartbroken when she hooked up with Kohinata.
It slipped my mind she was bullied. Wonder what those people think of her now.
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
And, all things considered, she's being rather calm and serious right now. Tachibana, everybody.
As for the bullying: Tachibana's ninety percent over it by now. They say that the best revenge is living well, after all, and for her service, SONG has done everything we can to make sure she's had a better life. But from what I've read, it was pretty bad. Like, 'people organizing campaigns to go to her house and throw rocks through her window' bad.
I don't know whether I should envy or pity you SONGbird. On the one hand, she seems like an amazingly sweet girl. On the other hand, I imagine that energy could get tiring over the long run. I guess the real mystery is how Kohinata handles it, eh?
Regardless, Q&As started and first up is the asshole brigade. Logical, given last Friday.
Optimistic sort, isn't she? Then again, she seems to be assuming the Horsemen want a better world.
That's not much of a consolation. If you think about it, a lot of the worst people in history did some horrible things in the name of making a better world. The Nazis, the Communists, etc. They all justified their actions by saying "once we kill this convenient scapegoat, everything will be sunshine and kittens!" Same with the Horsemen.
That's kinda my point though. You read the Horsemen's statement, they don't say that getting rid of the relics will make things
better. Closest they come is claiming "mankind will be liberated from the Custodians for good." I mean, that is the other sort of justification these sorts use: "we gotta get these people before they get us", regardless of how real the threat is precisely, is also the sort of thing ideologues like this like to play. But they seem to be thinking in terms of
continuity from the time before the Noise and Gears and everything showed up, rather than changing things for the better. They seem to seek a regression rather than a progression.
Kamen rider 555
By that sort of logic, Africans seeking freedom from Western imperialism are "seeking regression" because they want to go back to self-rule, to how they were before Europeans ruled them. That's not really a good argument against the Horsemen on its face.
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
@Kamen rider 555
Really? You're really comparing people using a specific form of science to help humanity as a whole, to European colonialism?
Really? Even for you, and I haven't got much in the way of faith in your debate, that's a hot take to end all hot takes.
Kamen rider 555
If the Four Horsemen are wrong for "wanting to go back," so are African freedom fighters (who, by the way, often were no less violent).
I'd probably be a bit more convinced by the argument if the adaptors had, like, used their powers to murder global leaders and declare themselves Queens of the World rather than submitting themselves to UN oversight and running disaster relief under their auspicious. The comparison strikes me as more apt then.
(Archive Junkie)
Guys, you are derailing the thread. Take this somewhere else if you want this discussion. We have the Debate threads
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
ANYWAYS. Next question! Looks like they're asking about the- oh geez. Did NOT want them to bring her dad up.
Was wondering if that was gonna come up. For those who aren't in the know: according to the dossiers, Tachibana's pa broke under the pressure of ostracization and left the family. According to the
Chiba Prefecture News Tribune article
here, the man lost his job and there were rumors he was taking it out physically on his family members before he left. Seems like a thoroughly nasty affair.
Huh. Tachibana's reply seems to indicate they've… I dunno, reconnected and things have gotten better, but still aren't all the way there?
Page 3
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
On the dad scenario: it's not really my business as her bodyguard to get involved in her family business, so I don't really know all that much. That said, from what I do know, you would be correct, @BurnOut. They've been slowly repairing their relationship.
Alright, on to the next questiTACHIBANA WHY
Aaaaaand we've hit a tabloider. Love life rumor nons-
Wow, that was direct. Seems like not even the reporters were expecting that level of raw romanticism. @DoubleTheFun is probably over the moon right now.
Camera on my channel went to Kohinata's face there. Can't tell if she's also over the moon or just wants to die. Calling it now: this is gonna be a meme somehow.
(Inveterate Shipper)
@Guessing/Game Sorry, too busy partying to head up there.
So, that was a thing that happened. She's swapping out with Kohinata at the moment.
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
Tachibana. Tachibana why you do this. Just. I'm not even surprised. It is literally exactly what she says every other day. And she just. Live television. And she. TACHIBANA WHY.
Anyways, Kohinata is next. Here's hoping this goes well.
She doesn't seem like she'd be too much of a trouble. Worst thing anybody can rag on her for is agreeing to fall in with Doctor Ver that one time and I'm a bit dubious the reporters will press her on that after the most popular of the adaptor's just went all glurgy lovebirdy about her.
Oh, hey. Maybe that was what Tachibana intended! Clever girl.
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
Nope. No way Tachibana, she who fails all summer homework ever unless Kazanari and/or Maria help, is that clever. No plan, no acting, I doubt she even thought about she was saying. Just pure, undiluted Tachibana Why Moment. We get these once a week, at the lowest ever recorded.
Right, well, it's Miku's first question and… huh. The released reports weren't really that detailed on how the Shenshoujin got rebuilt, were they?
And on that note, how the hell was it supposed to contain Shem-Ha anyways?
Probably the same way it managed to brainwash Kohinata into thinking she could stop her girlfriend from fighting… by fighting her girlfriend.
This part of the expose says Shenshoujing was outfitted with a "Direct Feedback Link" that allowed whoever held the remote control to basically pilot its user's body like a robot.
Speaking of, that still isn't a feature, is it?
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
HAHA Fuck no. In addition to being reprehensible as all hell, Tachibana would literally kill us if that thing was there and Kohinata was sent to fight. I'm not kidding, she really would, especially with what she did during the Frontier Incident. And the others would probably be only seconds behind her. Our R&D removed that thing ASAP.
Not to mention, even leaving aside the morality of it or how the others might react, could you imagine what would happen if like, the Horsemen managed to hijack the control signal? Given some of the cyberwarfare shit they've been pulling, most of which I can't talk about, I wouldn't put it past them. We'd be right back at the Frontier Incident. Or worse, given their attitude towards her, they might have her basically kill herself. Like hell we'd hand our enemies a killswitch to a seventeen-year old girl!
You really think Tachibana would get murder happy in reaction to that? Her record indicates the only guy she killed was Adam and he was basically satan. Then again, guess I'd react the same way towards someone deliberately implanting my wife with a no-shit mind control device.
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
Well, I'm pretty sure everyone here knows what Fusion is. By now anyways. I'd also assume you know what it was doing?
Unfortunately, yes. Still pretty damn disturbed by that honestly. Why'd you ask?
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
When Kohinata showed up all brainwashed during the Frontier Incident, Tachibana hadn't deployed yet. The reason being her condition having advanced enough we were having to give her surgery every time she transformed. When she saw Kohinata, she immediately demanded we let her out to get her back. "I'll bring her back, even if it kills me!" Word-for-word. Shortly followed by "Then I'll come back alive, even if it kills me!" Because Tachibana laughs at logic. Eventually, we gave in when she managed to come up with an actual plan and let her.
You've probably seen
that battle footage by now.
Now, I'll let you in on something that didn't make it into the report. Right before Tachibana walked out onto the deck in full badass mode, we measured how long she had left before the overheat from the fusion became fatal, shortly followed by it consuming her completely. Came out to two minutes and forty seconds.
Now take a look at how much time passed before Kohinata lasered them both. She went over it. We don't know for sure if we just underestimated how much time she had, but common consensus is she managed to fight it back through the raw determination to save her girl. Whilst there were spears made of golden crystal literally exploding out of her body. At the age of sixteen.
Yeah. Tachibana will stop at nothing, and I mean
NOTHING, if something threatens Kohinata, physically or mentally. Case in point: The Custodian she basically
punched out of Kohinata's body. Now admittedly part of that was Gungnir defying reason, but we have scientific evidence Tachibana makes it defy reason
even harder.
Page 4
Well, speaking of Shem-Ha, the press conference came back around to her. They've hit another tabloid dude right now, but the question before this seems to have actually shaken Kohinata a little. And I can tell why. I can't even begin to imagine what that'd be like.
I'd imagine it'd be like how demonic possession is often described. It'd fit, considering "Shemhameforash" is used in used as the LaVeyan Satanism equivalent of 'hallelujah'.
(Confirmed Sperg)
I wanted to hug her. I'm pretty sure Tachibana did too.
Righto, and I guess that last question is something of a wrap for it.
Now, apparently, the one the reporters have
REALLY been waiting for: Chris Yukine.
Kamen rider 555
And here we go…
She seems to be holding herself well together, right now at least. Even if it is just the opening speech.
Okay, maybe she's gripping that podium a little too hard…
Okay, first question the trial one. Same as Maria. And… she agrees that she would if called? Points for maturity, I guess.
(Confirmed Sperg)
Wait, are people seriously arguing that SONG can't go on the offensive against the Horsemen because they aren't using H-Tech or A-Tech?
Well, looking at the
SONG charter for a moment, the wording isn't 100% clear. Paragraph 5 clears them for natural disaster assistance, supernatural incidents, and unregulated heretical/alchemical tech interventions. Paragraph 6 forbids them from intervening in human wars absent the aforementioned caveats, but the wording seems to indicate their talking about interstate conflicts between countries and there isn't a lot of clarity about civil wars or operations against non-state organizations that aren't using A-tech or H-tech.
Regardless, the argument that the prohibition applies to non-state actors as well is being taken up by some UN members. Most notably, by China.
Kamen rider 555
I think we should all realize that SONG doesn't really have any standards when it comes to their actions. They just do whatever they want, protocols and procedures be damned, because they think of themselves as the good guys. The only difference between them and the Horsemen by this point is the red tape.
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
OKAY. So. I thought that earlier was a giant fucking hot take, but this crock of bullshit? Yeah I'm sick of this. Are you, or are you
not, on the Horsemen's side? Because you've stated you aren't, but literally everything else you say indicates otherwise.
Kamen rider 555
I'm on the side of people who care about rule of law and accountability. It appears SONG isn't in favor of those things any more than the Four Horsemen are.
And, what do you know? Yukine's being hysterical at the same time you are,
@Songbird. The irony! How much longer before she threatens to use Ichival against a curious unarmed civilian for daring to question her
again? Seems to be a common thread among SONG members: one set of rules for us regular people, and another for SONG, and questioning this results in threats of violence.
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
Oh my God they actually asked that question. Just. Oh my God. They actually just asked her if she looked at the brother of the only person from her life pre-Val Verde still alive at the time and shot his leg off for fun. On the day the civil war kicks off again and they might well have died. Oh my God.
(Archive Junkie)
HOKAY! That's enough of that!
Kamen, consider this a threadban and take some infractions. Pretty clear you're trying to rile up SONGbird. I'm not going to have this thread become basically a fight between two angry Yukine's. SONGbird, I'm gonna give you just this warning for the moment because you're our Guy-In-The-Know:
Don't take the bait.
Well, that was a yikes. Both here and in the conference. Yukine honestly looked like she was going to go ape there for a moment before they escorted her off.
Page 5
I looked into it and this
leaked AAR did cover the issue. Apparently, the kid's leg had been latched onto by some Alca-Noise and she did it to save his life. Although what was that about him being the brother of the only person from her life pre-Val Verde?
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
Stephan Virena is the brother of Sonya Virena. She travelled with Yukine and her family whilst they were trying to help out. When the bombs went off, she and Yukine were the only survivors. And then a slave trafficker kidnapped Yukine whilst they were seperated. The Val Verde intervention was the first time they'd seen each other since, and they only started talking to each other regularly towards the end of the Illuminati Incident. When we got the news about the civil war kicking off, there were and
are fears that Sonya might've been killed. And they just walked up to Yukine and asked her if she shot Stephan's leg off
for fun.
(Confirmed Sperg)
Yikes. No wonder she went off like that. What unfortunate timing…
I'm guessing the whole "shooting their legs off for fun" thing is a lie.
The reports on the incident said there were some civilians injured by Alca-Noise.
Well, the
original question was whether she thought there was a better way of doing it. Yukine responded with angry exasperation and another reporter followed up. The exact words from him was:
"We feel as if the public needs concrete answers on these matters. We doubt they would be very happy if they thought someone with the power to lay waste to entire sections of a city just found an excuse to shoot off someone's leg for fun."
So he didn't
directly accuse her of such, merely implied the possibility that was the case.
Well that's… I'd say it's better, but it really isn't that much better.
Seriously awful time to make that implication.
Seriously, only corporate media nonsense could make me side with a United Nations organization. Just screw them.
Moving on from that trash show, Akatsuki's coming up. I doubt what happened with Yukine helped her at all. She seems terrified the reporters are going to lynch her or something.
(Confirmed Sperg)
I mean, if one considers the lynching metaphorical, they actually might.
Well, first question… and we got a tabloider. Normally, I'd go goddammit, but honestly, I think the girl would rather answer something like tha-
And she said it. DTF in 3, 2, 1...
(Inveterate Shipper)
Christmas came in summer for the shippers! ShiraKiri CONFIRMED!
Huh, strange. Kohinata and Tachibana actually looked a bit brighter after answering their own love life questions. Akatsuki though, she actually looked a little sadder.
@Songbird, please don't tell me we have another Yukine on our hands?
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
Not… exactly. I really do not want to go into it, but Akatsuki… isn't always as okay as she tries to convince us she is. Tachibana can be the same way, really. Neither of them will admit it if their upset about something, save maybe to their girlfriends. Tachibana is usually fine these days, but this is starting to get worrying. It's been a long time since I've seen Akatsuki this bad, and I
really don't want to talk about the last time.
She got asked why she stuck with Ver. Damn, she looks like a kicked puppy, and I think even the reporters are feeling bad for-
Wait, what?
She thought she had Fine's consciousness? What the hell? I thought that was Tsukiyomi?
Ah, she's getting a follow up on that. Looks like it was a perceptual problem.
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
Basically yes. She thought she used Finé's Asgard barrier, but it turned out it was Tsukiyomi that was the reincarnation. It was quite confusing for all.
Page 6
(Confirmed Sperg)
She's getting the same trial question as Yukine and Maria. And god, here I thought I wanted to hug Kohinata but Akatsuki…
Confirmed SONG mook
Guy who knows shit
Oh no. Oh that wasn't a good sign. Oh this is bad.
Huh? What's wrong? I mean, the answer was pretty straightforward to me, if a bit despondent. "I'll do it if called, but please leave my loved ones be".
I'm not a psychiatrist, but my Mom was. This is looking like a case of depression to me.
My guess is that it has something to do with what the expose says on Kirika's
psychological state. Low self-esteem, self-hatred, and even suicidal thoughts are listed. It sounds like she's over the worst of it according to the analysis, but it's left her with a "strong desire to prove to herself that she's not 'useless', even at the detriment of her own health and safety." It seems like overanxious teenage girl troubles turned up to eleven by her unusual life circumstances.
Again, speaking from what I gathered from my mom's work, that doesn't look like she's over the worst of it. Then again, that profile is from December. My guess, internet diagnosis it may be: we're looking at a relapse.
Confirmed SONG mook
Guy who knows shit
That yes. Oh this is
really really bad.
They've let her off, thank God. It seems like the AC has enough sense to recognize a potential shitshow when he sees it.
(Confirmed Sperg)
They're switching and… oh, huh. Tsukuyomi hugged her? That's good. She needs that.
(Inveterate Shipper)
It's like something out of an epic. The quiet, gentle Tsukuyomi comforts her outwardly extroverted but long-suffering girlfriend.
My attempt to lighten the mood aside by being myself aside, my heart does go out to Akatsuki. I hope she gets through this okay.
Right, up comes Tsukuyomi and… that is some stare. You can almost
hear the "jii". Wouldn't want to take her on in poker, that's for sure.
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
Everyone always thinks they actually do hear a "jii" when she does that. Actually it's her nickname from how often it happens. Like how Akatsuki gets called DMG (Dark Magician Girl) for looking like a yu-gi-oh card. And because she has this verbal tic you guys might have noticed. That whole "desu" thing she tacks on. Which is actually her saying death in English for some reason. No, we don't know why.
(Confirmed Sperg)
Oh, so THAT'S why I thought Akatsuki's transformed costume looks familiar. Old card game.
"Death"? That's kinda morbid…
I'm sure it's a cultural thing. Maybe @Japanese0Groyper might be able to give us some insight. Regardless, first question is up and it's why she decided to defect. Self-doubt, followed by a personal reason being the last straw.
It's a fucking pun. And a terrible one at that.
"Desu" is something you tack onto the end of sentences when trying to speak politely in Japanese. It literally means "is" or "are." However, thanks to the moe revolution and the formation of global otaku culture in the early 21st century, it's become a total meme on the Internet. ("Suki Suki Desu!" being one such meme). Since "desu" sounds a bit like "death" in English, Akatsuki probably started saying it for the lulz. Maybe to cheer herself or others up in the orphanage.
Page 7
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
Wait. THAT'S WHAT THAT MEANT!?!? I've been driving myself up a wall trying to figure out why she keeps putting a word in English at the end of every other sentence for almost two years now, and it's a fucking
Aren't you Japanese? Or at least, you live in Japan, given how most of SONG bases out of there.
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
Oh yeah, I'm Japanese for sure. Making sure Tachibana doesn't do something dumb and get herself killed on accident requires living in the same general area as her, after all. But seriously, we have been trying to figure this out on my end for two friggin years. And it's a pun. Two years and she was
making a bad pun. I am going to be having words with people later. After the entirety of SONG's security section finish banging our heads off the nearest wall.
Well, it's not like us Americans always get the intricacies of our own language and culture. Anyways, Tsukuyomi gets a question about her life in the orphanage. And she's… very short and sparse on the details.
I get the impression she isn't very happy with the press at the moment.
(Confirmed Sperg)
Gee, ya think? After they've been hounding the adaptors for more than a week now? And the pressure has apparently caused a relapse in her girlfriend's
suicidal depression? I wouldn't be very happy either.
Hopefully, after this conference, the press backs the fuck off.
A fair point. In any case, a question about whether Fine's presence influenced her at all. And… that is an interesting thought, isn't it? I mean, how would you know in that case if what you were saying and doing was because of you or because of some other person?
You say interesting. I say "creepy." It's your identity and free will being eroded by some foreign thing inside of you. Brrrr.
Yeah, we already saw that Akatsuki didn't handle it well. I don't think I could handle that either. Interesting still may fit, but it'd be the Chinese sort of interesting.
True, guess the intellectual issue got ahead of the emotional implications for me there. Regardless, next query is about how precisely Fine got dealt with and uh…
Okay, yeah, she's definitely done with the media. Just a straightforward "no".
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
And before anyone asks: I ain't saying it. Let's just say that "distressing" is the understatement of the fucking century. I do not wish to face the wrath of Tsukiyomi, and the old commander made the decision to leave it out of the official report for a reason. Hell no. At any rate next questOH JESUS CHRIST NO
Well that's reasonable enough.
Uh. What's going on? Is Akatsuki having a breakdown?
Tachibana's up, apologizing for the interruption and saying she can't let Akatsuki suffer. I think I'm detecting a hint of panic in Tsukiyomi as well. And… looks like the AC's canning it. Don't blame him, even if it's a bit early. Most of the reporters seem just as taken aback as we are. Tsukuyomi's moving for Akatsuki FAST.
And yeah, this is over.
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
Well… usually this is the place where @Japanese0Groyper gives their two-cent summary but, uh, given that shitshow I understand if you don't want too…
This entire outing was an utter shitshow. Only a handful of the questions were any good, and those questions got short non-answers, two of the Adaptors started breaking down in the middle of the event and had to be pulled off stage before they embarrass themselves further, and there were still. Fucking. Tabloids!
*Throws hands up in the air in futility and walks away*
Page 10
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
Okay, panic over. I think. Akatsuki…
seems to have come out of it, but the adapters are kind of all in a ball around her right now. I think Tachibana is organising an impromptu training session so Yukine and Akatsuki can blow stuff up.
Anyways, if you guys have questions now's the time.
@Songbird? I think you should take a break. After today, I feel as if SONG in general and the girls in particular deserve a goddamn break. And if your AC didn't strike me as too polite to do so, I'd expect him to be tearing the Security Council a new one for having to make you guys do this.
(Confirmed SONG mook)
(Guy who knows shit)
Yeah, break sounds nice. And now I'm thinking about how the old man would react to this shit. Oh boy you would've heard him reading the security council the riot act on the opposite side of the earth. I need to sleep…