Disgaea: The Chaos Hereafter

Made a submission hopefully waitlist is still open.

Name: Cucurbita Pepo (you can call me Pepo)
Gender: Male
Class: Lantern (Disgaea 1 and D2)
Their pumpkin head is a dead give away, it is said that they are pumpkins that turned into demons. They may look funny, but they are ruthless killers. Experts with short swords and close combat, but they are more popular for their healthy, protein-filled bodies, making them the target for hungry demonic health nuts.
Level: 1

Appearance: Tall skinny scarecrow with a pumpkin head. (Oh good I'm too delicious looking to die! No, that came out wrong.)

Without the girl.
I'm a dapper looking guy aren't I hope we can be pals! Whats that we can't be palls? Why? I'm too delicious you say? Here have a knife in your gut being a pumpkin is hard I say.

Bad Trip: 50% chance to inflict status ailment when attacking.

Elemental Affinities:
Fire: weak
Wind: resistant
Ice: neutral

Weapon Type: [Monster] - [Physical]: Lots of stabby things.

Magichange: Axe - vine handle with a pumpkin head sprouting an axe blade. (D2 had a mounting system so this is original)

IC Skills: None
Full Skill list
Class skills
Jackknife lvl 5 (adjacent square) Leaps into the air and plunges down like a drill
Jack the Ripper lvl 15 (adjacent square) Makes mincemeat of your victim
Jack Rush lvl 30 (spaces directly in front, requires a 4th empty spaces) Stabs through enemies with its trusty knife
Jackpot lvl 50 (adjacent square) Attacks with one blinding-fast slash after another

Magichange skills
Pumpkin crush (All squares directly around you) Slam the axehead to the ground and squash your enemies under a now huge pumpkin decor of the axe. While you proudly stand on top of it.
Pump King (adjacent square) The jack-o-lantern eyes of the axe head shine as you split your opponent in half [deals extra damage if the target has a status ailment.]
The waitlist is indeed open, and you're on it now.
The waitlist is indeed open, and you're on it now.
Thank you. Hopefully, we will have jolly good time eventually! (Unless your a health enthusiast in which case I'll bake you in a pie.)

Anyways I had a good laugh reading how you guys picked a fight way above your level and then ran in IC thread.(smart choice but still funny)