Disgaea: The Chaos Hereafter

Jhin Lemon

Lawful Cute
Trapped in the interwebs, please send help
Hello! Welcome to the Netherworld! You died and lead an especially sinful life, like seriously, this is some stuff even demons wouldn't want. I'd be impressed if I wasn't also a little sick. But don't worry, you're not eternally damned. Work hard and you can eventually, one day, return t- ...Er, hold on a minute...

...Yes? Oh... ....Yes, I see.

It seems there was a bit of a mixup! Haha, turns out you weren't that sinful, or...even meant to be dead. We don't know what caused it, but you're kinda already slated for being turned into a monster. Here, I can make you a type of demon instead, I'll even let you pick to make up for all of this, most things should be available.

Welcome to a Disgaea RP. Here you play as yourself reincarnated as a demon. You can pick any class up to midgame ones, those being things like Gargoyles, Mystic Beasts, Succubi, Samurai, Magic Knights, Kunoichi, etc. DLC classes cannot be chosen as starting options. You can pick your class from any Disgaea game (please don't just pick the games where your class has its most OP skills though). The sheets include Magichange and Evilities, so if you want a version of a class from before those you get to pick those things from a later game version. Regardless of which game your class comes from, you gain skills and spells over time as the RP progresses, without needing to transmigrate to a stronger class and return to a low level.

This RP isn't going to be especially numbers heavy, and combat will be narrative based, but you can use the numbers from the games as a guide for how powerful things are. Additionally, element-wise, you get one Resistant element, one Neutral one, and one Weak one between Fire, Wind, and Ice. Stuff you're resistant to also gets a damage boost when you use it, and a damage cut when you use your weakness. Be sure to factor those in when elements start flying around.

You can also change the way some of your skills work slightly, so long as they have the same end result, but doing this should be pointed out and may be subject to veto.

Additionally, this RP will be co-GMed by the wonderful @UbeOne! Players will likely be limited to around 10 at most, myself and Ube included, with others going on a waitlist. And we aren't following any canons.

Level: 1

Appearance: (use the canon appearance as a baseline)

- [Evility 1]: [Description]

Elemental Affinities:
- Fire:
- Wind:
- Ice:

Weapon Type: [Type] - [Physical/Magical (if monster)]: [Description]

Magichange: Weapon (optional description)

Native Skills:
- [Native Skill 1]

- [Magic 1]


Full Skills and Spells List:

1. Magic
- [Magic 1], Mega [Magic 1], Giga [Magic 1]

2. Native
- [Native Skill 1]: [Description]

3. Magichange
- [Magichange 1]: [Description]

- @UbeOne: Iris (Empusa)
- @Jhin Lemon: Trinity (Magic Knight)
- @Ylamona: Lishenna (Alraune/Flora Beast)
- @Hallesworth49: Stoberyl (Prinny)
- @ForgottonFuture: Lilliana (Nine Tails)
- @Xalgeon: Zal (Martial Artist)
- @kinigget: Evelynn (Felynn)
- @DMdokro: Nero (Blue Skull)

- @Nihilo: Will (Blue Mage)
- @Rei of Sunshine: Kara (Shaman)
- @always_confused: Aisha (Armor Knight)
- @Noob5674: Erik (Slumber Cat)
- @grubleafeater: Morton (Thief)
- @Atma Warrior: Rohan (Red Skull)
- @exerty: Pepo (Lantern)
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Iris - Empusa (UbeOne) (In)
Name: Iris
Gender: Female
Class: Empusa (Disgaea 4)
Level: 1

Appearance: Looks like Iris Heart from Neptunia, but with normal eyes, pointed ears, a pair of black bat wings, a matching heart-tipped tail, a pair of curved black horns, each forming one-half of a heart, and no processor unit.

- Sexy Aura: Weakens nearby male enemies.

Elemental Affinities:
- Fire: Resistant
- Wind: Weak
- Ice: Neutral

Weapon Type: Monster - Magical: Fluff-wise, I have retractable black claws and my sharp, whiplike tail. I could also summon small bats and fly them into enemies.

Magichange: Sword: It looks like Iris Heart's sword-whip.

Native Skills:
- None yet

- Fire: A low-level burst of flames.
- Heal: A low-level shower of curative energy.

Full Skills and Spells List:

1. Magic
- Fire, Mega Fire, Giga Fire
- Heal, Mega Heal, Giga Heal
- Charm: Causes Deprave
- Slumber: Causes Sleep

2. Native
- Body Change: Turn the enemy into a small bat and dive-kick them from above.
- Pink Illusion: Leave a distracting illusion while going around and attacking from behind.
- Raging Dromi: Summon and extend a chained spear for stabbing purposes.
- Twin Attribute: Combine a ball of fire, a ball of ice, and a small bat into an energy spear, throwing it for explosive results.

3. Magichange
- Delusions: Distracts the targets with an illusion, allowing the wielder to slash them multiple times. (Altered from the original)
- Judgement Sword: The wielder does multiple slashes with the sword-whip form, after which the succubus flies up and makes illusory copies of herself, all of them surrounding a large magic circle. Cue explosive energy beam.
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Trinity - Magic Knight (Jhin) (In)
Name: Trinity
Gender: Female
Class: Magic Knight (Disgaea 4)
Level: 1

Appearance: Much like normal ones, only with darker hair, a smaller bust, a smaller leg-slit, and shoulder pauldrons.

- Spirit Benediction: Elemental damage increased slightly.

Elemental Affinities:
- Fire: Weak
- Wind: Resistant
- Ice: Neutral

Weapon Type: Sword: A fairly boring looking two-handed longword.

Native Skills:
- None yet

- Fire: A low-level burst of flames.
- Wind: A low-level blast of wind.
- Ice: A low-level flurry of cold.


Full Skills and Spells List:

1. Magic
- Fire, Mega Fire, Giga Fire, Omega Fire
- Wind, Mega Wind, Giga Wind, Omega Wind
- Ice, Mega Ice, Giga Ice, Omega Ice

2. Native
- Fire Charge: Increase Fire resistance of target
- Wind Charge: Increase Wind resistance of target
- Ice Charge: Increase Ice resistance of target
- Anti-Fire: Decrease Fire resistance of target
- Anti-Wind: Decrease Wind resistance of target
- Anti-Ice: Decrease Ice resistance of target
Lishenna - Floral Beast (Ylamona) (in)
Name: Lishenna ("Thou shall not make idols, they said")
Gender: Female ("Well, technically as a plant Alraune can be either or both. But ah, let's not touch that can of worm and just have me as a girl")
Class: Floral Beast (Disgaea 5)
"Netherworld plants that sucked up the Mana around them and have a strange aroma that empowers their allies. Many people are attracted to them because of their cute looks and sweet smell. They have sharp vines to defend themselves. Often thought to be aggressive, they are actually really shy. They can be grown from seeds. While they lack in might compared to other demons, they are capable of supporting their allies with healing and support magic."

Level: 1
Appearance: As like most floral beast, her pale cute face is androgynous though leaning toward the feminine side. Her blue eyes framed by her long natural pink hair with twintail. She had a lithe upper body that unlike most Floral Beast is covered by a white sleeveless shirt and a black vest akin to what an idol might wear. Her flower petals are pink with her leaves, roots and vines are obsidian black.

- Sweet Aroma: Allied units within 2 panels recover 20% HP at end of turn.
"The scent of Floral Beast said to be able to heal ones wound, leaving them soothed and sedated."

Elemental Affinities:
- Fire: Weak
- Wind: Resistant
- Ice: Neutral

Weapon Type: Monster - Physical: Vines that covered with thorns that I used in various ways like as tentacles, whips, or even to make weapon such as drills for me.

Magichange: Gun: An anti-materiel rifle that made of black and white vines twisting together, decorated by thorns and flowers.
"An ebony and ivory tool of murder, life twisted into a weapon of death. Destruction born from Creation, Truly an Irony."

Native Skills:
- None Yet

- Wind: A low-level blast of wind.


Full Skills and Spells List:

1. Magic
- Wind, Mega Wind, Giga Wind
- Braveheart: Raise Attack
- Shield: Raise Defense
- Magic Boost: Raise Intelligence
- Magic Wall: Raise Resistance
- Speed Boost: Raise Speed
- Target Lock: Raise hit

2. Native
- Spiral Needle: Spinning to the air while shooting needles at the enemies below before slamming back down to the ground.
- Flower Dance: Dance and sing to heal allies in an area under a rain of flower petals and healing win.
- Non-Stick Thorn: Summon several flowers which flies and transform into thorn missiles that homed to the enemies before split off and releasing their explosive payloads. It's basically a cluster missile get it?
- Petal Concerto: Summon countless petals to fall from the sky to cut the enemy as countless roots bursting from the ground to pierce the enemy. The floral beast gathers the flower petals on her arm forming an ethereal drill made of swirling flower petal before slicing through the enemy in one stroke. Delayed reaction from the enemy is mandatory. (Altered)

3. Magichange
- Death Sprout: Shoot a seed into the enemy that sprout into countless thorns, torn the enemy apart from the inside.
- Electric Garden: The wielder takes aim as they literally rooted to the ground as the Floral beast appeared beside the wielder summoning several copies of the rifle alongside various blooming plants around. After charging full of energy for a moment, the wielder and the floral beast bombard the enemy with rapid barrages of energy shot. (Altered)
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Will - Blue Mage (Nihilo) (Waitlist)
Name: Will ("Look, I went Mage to have more efficient casting, not to get a name change")
Gender: Female ("So the meatsuit I puppet around from my oh so lofty cranial seat has changed. Big deal")
Class: Blue Mage (Disgaea 5)
Level: 1


- Magic Moderation:
Halves the SP cost of all skills.

Elemental Affinities:
- Fire:
- Wind: Weak
- Ice: Resistant

Weapon Type:
-Staff: A gnarled wooden staff, good for smacking fools upside the head. Oh, and magic. That too.

Native Skills:
- N/A

- Ice: Call down a blizzard on your enemies! Except it is kinda tiny. And weak. Pitifully so. But hey, with some luck you'll give them a pneumonia on top of all those papercuts!
- Poison: Exactly what it says on the tin, inflicts the poison status effect on one target. Bloody cough of death for everyone!


Full Skills and Spells List:

1. Magic

Name Power Level Stat Element Effect Height
Ice F 1 INT Ice - 48/64
Mega Ice E 20 INT Ice - 48/64
Giga Ice C 50 INT Ice - 48/64
Omega Ice B+ 100 INT Ice - 48/64
Tera Ice S 200 INT Ice - 48/64
- Poison, Armour Break

2. Native
Name Lvl SP Power Stat Elmt Ailment Range Height Flavor Text Range Image
Astral Impact 10 8 E INT None - 2 24/24 Unique: (INT) A tomboy skill that shoots out powerful energy.
Energy Potion 30 1 +30% - None - - 12/12 Unique: It's rumored that she recovers SP. (Recover SP)
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Kara - Shaman (Rei) (Waitlist)
Name: Kara
Gender: Female
Class: Shaman (Disgaea 3)
Level: 1

Appearance: A shaman with grey ash-like skin, black hair, and eerie deep emerald green eyes.

- Cursed Dance: Enemies are slightly demoralized by Kara's presence and are a tad less effective than they would normally be.

Elemental Affinities:
- Fire: Resistant
- Wind: Weak
- Ice: Neutral

Weapon Type: Staff: A simple wooden rod with a human skull affixed atop it, said skull has an archaic rune circle carved into its forehead.

Native Skills:
None yet

- Enfeeble: Drains a portion of the target's strength.
- Armor Break: Weakens the target's physical defenses.


Full Skills and Spells List:

1. Magic
- Enfeeble
- Armor Break
- Mind Break: Weakens the target's magical ability.
- Resist Break: Weakens the target's resistances.
- Slow
- Blind
- Poison
- Slumber
- Stun
- Blank Out
- Charm

2. Native
- Aptitude Down: Downgrades the effectiveness of the target's equipment.
- Curse Storm: Unleashes a thick dark miasma across a large area that has a high chance of cursing enemies with every status ailment.
Name: Morton De Heriotza
Gender: Male
Class: Scout(T3 Thief, Disgaea 4)
Level: 1

Morton is dressed in a neko-esque hat with a shirt and pants that, while form fitting, cover basically everything, unlike the normal Thieves. He otherwise resembles them, even down to the hair, to his chagrin.

- Thief Skills(Double steal rate)
Elemental Affinities:
- Fire: Strong
- Wind: Weak
- Ice: Neutral

Weapon Type: Gun: A weighty pistol that at first glance appears to be a snaplock, but is actually semiautomatic, with the magazine carefully concealed within the grip.
Magichange: Weapon (optional description)
(Uh... To my knowledge, only monster-types can Magichange? And I'm not one of those. So yeah.)
Native Skills:



Full Skills and Spells List:

1. Magic
-Create Box
-Create Barrel
2. Native
- N/A

3. Magichange
- [Magichange 1]: [Description]
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Name: Kichiga Kouraski
Class: Samurai (Disgaea 3)
Level: 1

- [Bushido Speed]: [Speed gains a % increase equal to % of missing health.]

Elemental Affinities:
- Fire: Neutral
- Wind: Reistant
- Ice: Ice

Weapon Type: [Sword] - [Physical]: An old rusted katana clearly in need of repair or even better, replacement.

Full Skills and Spells List:
Name Power Range Element StatBase Height Notes [Collapse] Flavor Text
Blade Rush F - None ATK 18/18 Attacks three spaces in front; requires an additional space at the end. All Overlords learn this move to get stronger.
Hurricane Slash E 2 None ATK 18/18 Can attack an enemy 1 or 2 spaces away in any straight line. This will definitely tire you out.
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By the way, while lategame and DLC classes like Angels, Necromancers, Dragons and Galactic Demons are not allowed at the start, they could be choices for reincarnation later on.

"Later on" is going to be a while.

This also means @grubleafeater will have to choose a different class instead of Necromancer.

Edit: @Nihilo the Prism/Galaxy Mage isn't allowed due to being too far up the Mage line, and invalidating the first three classes (Red, Green, Blue) of Mages. Same applies to the Skulls.
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By the way, while lategame and DLC classes like Angels, Necromancers, Dragons and Galactic Demons are not allowed at the start, they could be choices for reincarnation later on.

"Later on" is going to be a while.

This also means @grubleafeater will have to choose a different class instead of Necromancer.

Edit: @Nihilo the Prism/Galaxy Mage isn't allowed due to being too far up the Mage line, and invalidating the first three classes (Red, Green, Blue) of Mages. Same applies to the Skulls.
Oh. Goddammit. :(

What about having multiple weapons? Is that allowed?

I need to figure something out now. :p Admittedly, one of my first thoughts WAS a thief, but IDK if I wanna go with that. That said, D4 Thieves can steal stats. And keep them. Forever.(er, until they reincarnate) So that would be something helpful.
Hikari - Thied (sg-epk) (In)
Name: Hikari Souta (Hikki)
Gender: Male
Class: Thief(Disgaea 4)
Level: 1

Appearance: Following the cat theme, Hikki has the same hat that his fellow thieves share.
...Of course, however, with him being a dude, the same can't be said for the rest of the costume. Gone is the mini-short and the barely-covering shirt. The jacket he wears is thick, making his body seem bigger than it actually is. He wears a white shirt with the symbol of a grinning cat stamped right on the middle, Yellow jeans and shoes with a cat's paw stamped at the top.
Also worth mentioning is that he gained a ponytail, similar to the other thiefs.
'...Isn't it a bit too hot for a leather jacket?!'

- [Thief skills]: [Success rate doubled when stealing.]

Elemental Affinities:
- Fire: Resistant
- Wind: Neutral
- Ice: Weak

Weapon Type: [Gun] - : [A gun disturbingly similar to a 9mm Glock, though it has a grinning cat drawn on its side.]

Full Skills and Spells List:

Create Box - - - Create a wooden box.
Create Barrel - - - Create a barrel.

//Heyo, Hikki from the Discord here.

Quick question, can hiefs still steal stats in this RP?
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Aisha - Armor Knight (always_confused) (Waitlist)
Name: Aisha Vidya
Gender: Female
Class: Armor Knight (Disgaea 5)
Level: 1


  • Hero's Shield: When defending, protect ally units from attacks.
Elemental Affinities:
  • Fire: Neutral
  • Wind: Weak
  • Ice: Resistant
Weapon Type: (Sword) (Physical) Great Sword and Tower Shield

  • None
Full Skill List:
Class Skills:

  • Noblesse Oblige: Take half damage for the target.
  • Galahad's Shield: A great shield that can both defend and attack.

Hopefully that works. Tell me if I'm missing anything important.
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Stoberyl - Prinny (Hallesworth) (In)
Name: Stoberyl
Gender: Female
Class: Prinny (Disgaea 5)
Level: 1

Appearance: Wears a blue kepi. Otherwise a normal Prinny.

-Explosive Body: Explodes when thrown...

Elemental Affinities:
- Fire: Resistant
- Wind: Neutral
- Ice: Weak

Weapon Type: Monster(Physical): The weapons (mostly common swords of various types) are not inherently part of the Prinny but are inside the bag to given to them which they take out during battle.

Magichange: Sword: A mass produced sabre briquet. It at least has some custom engraving.

Native Skills:



Full Skills and Spells List:

1. Magic

2. Native
-Prinny Barrage: The user hits the target with a flurry of attacks before throwing their weapon at them.
-Prinny Bomb: A giant bomb is pulled out of its bag and thrown at the target, damaging it and nearby enemies.
-Pringer Beam: A laser beam emitter is pulled out and zaps targets around the user.
-Prinny Fusillade: The user calls forth a squad of Prinnies who subject the target into a crossfire while the user hits them with a flurry of attacks. (Altered)

3. Magichange
-Trans Prin Barrage: After turning into a sword, the prinny's wielder hits the target with a flurry of attacks before throwing them at the target. Basically a Prinny Barrage that non-Prinnies can use.
-Prinny Volcano: The target is attacked with such force that they are launched into an exploding volcano where a Prinny propels them to the Sun. Somehow.


I think everything is done, but I'm unsure if my weapon and the magichange skills are acceptable. I found very little information on the Trans Prin Barrage while the Prinny Volcano does correspond to the animation, but it's still pretty out there.

PS. I have never played any of the Disgaea games...

I think everything is fine now.
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My sheet should be complete, if there's anything needs to be corrected just tell me~

Gonna replay D5 to make sure though.
What about having multiple weapons? Is that allowed?
Not starting off, no. You can pick up different kinds of weapons from your starting type later on though.
Quick question, can hiefs still steal stats in this RP?
They can, but for the sake of not having snowballs, the gains and losses aren't permanent.
Edited in (Disgaea 4)
Disgaea 4 doesn't have a male samurai class to my knowledge though?
Name: Hanako (Yes, it literally means "Flower Girl")
Gender: Female
Class: Floral Beast (Disgaea 5) (One of the race that so hard to find a safe pic to post)
Level: 1

Appearance: An albino floral beast with pale skin, pink petals and pink hair. Her roots and leaves are black in contrast to the rest of her body.

- Sweet Aroma: Allied units within 2 panels recover 20% HP at end of turn

Elemental Affinities:
- Fire: Weak
- Wind: Resistant
- Ice: Neutral

Weapon Type: Monster - Magical: Many thorned tentacled roots that I used to constrict or whip enemies or just to make a weapon for me and flowers that I use as shuriken or bombs.

Magichange: Gun: Looked like an ivory sniper rifle decorated by spikes and flower petal/

Native Skills:
- None Yet

- Wind: A low-level blast of wind.


Full Skills and Spells List:

1. Magic
- Wind, Mega Wind, Giga Wind
- Braveheart: Raise Attack
- Shield: Raise Defense
- Magic Boost: Raise Intelligence
- Magic Wall: Raise Resistance
- Speed Boost: Raise Speed
- Target Lock: Raise hit

2. Native
- Spiral Needle: Spinning to the air and shooting needles at the enemies before slamming back down tot he ground.
- Flower Dance: Dance and sing to heal allies in an area under a rain of flower petals.
- Non-Stick Thorn: Summon several flowers which flies and transform into thorn missiles that homed to the enemies before split off and releasing their payloads. It's basically a cluster missile get it?
- Petal Concerto: Summon countless petals to fall from the sky and roots to pierced the enemy from the ground before piercing them through with a giant drill formed from the roots in a flash.

3. Magichange
- Death Sprout: Shoot a seed into the enemy that sprout into countless thorns, torn enemy apart from the inside.
- Electric Garden: The wielder takes aim as they literally rooted to the ground as footing, the Floral beast appeared beside the wielder and summon two giant flowers on each side of them before both the gun and the flowers fire giant beams of energy to obliterate the enemy after a moment of charging.

Name: Will ("Look, I went Mage to have more efficient casting, not to get a name change")
Gender: Female ("So the meatsuit I puppet around from my oh so lofty cranial seat has changed. Big deal")
Class: Blue Mage (Disgaea 5)
Level: 1


- Magic Moderation:
Halves the SP cost of all skills.

Elemental Affinities:
- Fire:
- Wind: Weak
- Ice: Resistant

Weapon Type:
-Staff: A gnarled wooden staff, good for smacking fools upside the head. Oh, and magic. That too.

Native Skills:
- N/A

- Ice: Call down a blizzard on your enemies! Except it is kinda tiny. And weak. Pitifully so. But hey, with some luck you'll give them a pneumonia on top of all those papercuts!
- Poison: Exactly what it says on the tin, inflicts the poison status effect on one target. Bloody cough of death for everyone!


Full Skills and Spells List:

1. Magic

Name Power Level Stat Element Effect Height
Ice F 1 INT Ice - 48/64
Mega Ice E 20 INT Ice - 48/64
Giga Ice C 50 INT Ice - 48/64
Omega Ice B+ 100 INT Ice - 48/64
Tera Ice S 200 INT Ice - 48/64
- Poison, Armour Break

2. Native
Name Lvl SP Power Stat Elmt Ailment Range Height Flavor Text Range Image
Astral Impact 10 8 E INT None - 2 24/24 Unique: (INT) A tomboy skill that shoots out powerful energy.
Energy Potion 30 1 +30% - None - - 12/12 Unique: It's rumored that she recovers SP. (Recover SP)

Name: Kara
Gender: Female
Class: Shaman (Disgaea 3)
Level: 1

Appearance: A shaman with grey ash-like skin, black hair, and eerie deep emerald green eyes.

- Cursed Dance: Enemies are slightly demoralized by Kara's presence and are a tad less effective than they would normally be.

Elemental Affinities:
- Fire: Resistant
- Wind: Weak
- Ice: Neutral

Weapon Type: Staff: A simple wooden rod with a human skull affixed atop it, said skull has an archaic rune circle carved into its forehead.

Native Skills:
None yet

- Enfeeble: Drains a portion of the target's strength.
- Armor Break: Weakens the target's physical defenses.


Full Skills and Spells List:

1. Magic
- Enfeeble
- Armor Break
- Mind Break: Weakens the target's magical ability.
- Resist Break: Weakens the target's resistances.
- Slow
- Blind
- Poison
- Slumber
- Stun
- Blank Out
- Charm

2. Native
- Aptitude Down: Downgrades the effectiveness of the target's equipment.
- Curse Storm: Unleashes a thick dark miasma across a large area that has a high chance of cursing enemies with every status ailment.
These all look good, you're all on the list for possibly getting in.
Name: Aisha Vidya
Gender: Female
Class: Armor Knight (Disgaea 5)
Level: 1


  • Hero's Shield: When defending, protect ally units from attacks.
Elemental Affinities:
  • Fire: Neutral
  • Wind: Weak
  • Ice: Resistant
Weapon Type: (Sword) (Physical) Great Sword and Tower Shield

  • Noblesse Oblige: Take half damage for the target.

Hopefully that works. Tell me if I'm missing anything important.
Well, you're missing the list of your full skills. Noblesse Oblige is also something learnt at level 10

Prinny gets skipped for now since he's still a WIP. :p
Disgaea 4 doesn't have a male samurai class to my knowledge though?

Hold up, so you're gender-locking classes, then?

If so, then there go my dreams of a dapper Necromancer entirely. :p Along with my consideration of a Professor, for now.

(Admittedly, I was also considering a male Thief who looked almost exactly like the stereotypical Disgaea 4 Thief except dressed in a slightly less humiliating fashion.)
Hold up, so you're gender-locking classes, then?

If so, then there go my dreams of a dapper Necromancer entirely. :p Along with my consideration of a Professor, for now.

(Admittedly, I was also considering a male Thief who looked almost exactly like the stereotypical Disgaea 4 Thief except dressed in a slightly less humiliating fashion.)
Actually, it's more that the female samurai doesn't have that Evility.
Lilliana - Nine Tails (ForgottonFuture) (In)
Name: Lilliana
Gender: Female("Ah HELL yes. I adore this body already.")
Class: Nine Tails("FLOOF! And levitation! It's like I have mobile pillows!")
Level: 1("...Everyone's gotta start somewhere. Better not be as screwed as a level one EO character. Even in Disgaea, FOE!" *chuckles*)
Appearance: Unlike a normal Nine Tails, the soft fur on her fox ears, arms, and tail is colored a light purple. Her bushy hair is the same color as her fur, and is longer and somewhat more wild then a normal kitsune's hair, draping down her back as her hair covers her left eye. Her uncovered right eye is colored magenta and is always drooping, as if she was going to fall asleep in a blink of a eye. Unlike other kitsunes, she actually wears her kimono, a black one with holes for her tails. It even has enough space to fit her frankly ridiculous bust(western F-Cup). (*Laughs* "This is amazing! I've never felt so comfortable before! And my chest... So comfy...")

- Good Fortune: As the fight goes on she gets stronger. ("Oh this is going to be fun~ I can avoid to stall and watch people squirm as they try to beat me, only for me to get stronger and stronger... Hmm. I wonder if I could abuse this to one day become as strong a goddess?")
Elemental Affinities:
Fire: Resistant
Wind: Weak
Ice: Neutral
Weapon Type: [Monster] - [Magic]: I have sharp claws and throw around things of fox fire. (Fuck smoking, not touching those damn pipes. I'll make be without it.")

Magichange: Staff: A wooden staff of purple wood that feels soft to the touch. At the top is four tail like brushes, surrounding a red flame.. You can't help but yawn as you hold it. ("Aaaaaah. It feels nice~ Like a short little nap, a escape from all that troubles me as I'm used to bash some fucker's skull in... *Yawns*)
- Fox Spirit Dance: Her wielder twirls her, before the head of the staff transforms into a blade of fox fire, that is plunged into the target before firing a beam of fox fire. ("Burn~ It feels so nice to just burn things.")
- Poison Fox Dance[Double Magichange with a Winged Warrior]: As Fox Spirit Dance, but dark fire that poisons is mixed into the blade and beam. ("I love to see them squirm~)

Native Skills:
- None because I'm level one. ("I shouldn't have made that EO comment." *Looks around nervously*)

- Star: A blast of... Star energy. (Nep damn-nep-it give me fire! I want to burn things!)
-Geo Change: Moves a Geo Symbol ("I can mess with the terrain? SWEET!")[Item world only]
Full Skills and Spells List:
1. Magic
- Star, Mega Star, Giga Star, Omega Star("IN THE NAME OF THE STARS I WILL PUNISH YOU!" *Yawns* "Fire would still have been better.")
-Geo Change: Moves a Geo Symbol ("Basically Earthbending.")
-Geo Blast: Destroys a Geo Symbol ("EXPLOSION") [locked till level 15]
-Jiowapu: Teleports me ("Teleporting is easier then floating.") [locked till level 50]
2. Native
- None unlocked because I'm level one. (*Punches the wall, startling herself when a Prinny pops out*)
-Smoking Haze: She conjures a burst of foxfire around herself, burning a nearby target. ("BURN FUCKERS BURN! I NEED NO PIPE FOR THIS!") [Locked till level 8]
-Murder Stone Story: She transforms herself into a large stone, and drops herself onto her target. ("Feeling things go splat beneath me is nice... And I always feel really sleepy as a rock...") [locked till level 24]
-Fiery Pillar: She conjures a pillar of fox fire, centered on one target. (*laughs manically*) [locked till level 48.]
-Power Unleashed: She conjures three stones around a target before breaking them to unleash her power, incinerating a target with fox fire as her tails ignite. ("BEHOLD MY POWER AND COWER!) [locked till level 96]
3. Magichange
- Fox Spirit Dance: Her wielder twirls her, before her staff-head transforms into a blade of fox fire, that is plunged into the target before firing a beam of fox fire. ("Burn~ It feels so nice to just burn things.")
- Poison Fox Dance[Double Magichange with a Winged Warrior]: As Fox Spirit Dance, but dark fire that poisons is mixed into the blade and beam. ("I love to see them squirm~)
-Imperial Fox Witch: Her wielder summons her, and she obliterates her target with a massive orb of fox fire. ("Burn, burn, burn so I can return to my dreams.")[locked till level 300]
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Elemental Affinities:
- Fire: 50%
- Wind: 25%
- Ice: -25%
This would be being Resistant to Fire, Neutral to Wind and Weak to Ice.

3. Magichange
- Fox Spirit Dance: Her wielder twirls her, before the head of the staff transforms into a blade of fox fire, that is plunged into the target before firing a beam of fox fire. ("Burn~ It feels so nice to just burn things.")
- Poison Fox Dance[Double Magichange with a Winged Warrior]: As Fox Spirit Dance, but dark fire that poisons is mixed into the blade and beam. ("I love to see them squirm~)

You also have another regular Magichange skill, called Imperial Fox Witch.
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