Should I break off a snip series into its own thread at 10 chapter?

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Asia took Akane's personality change...

have a billion likes....XD


I wonder what model Asia's Shotgun is?

I hope it's the AA-12 "Auto" Shotgun...
Well She is an Italian so Im Thinking Spas 12. Though it really depends on her size and build. ( I havent really watched DXD so Im partially Clueless about how big she is Height/ Muscle wise) a Super shorty might work as well, Or an M1887 for that Terminator reload.
Asia took Akane's personality change...

have a billion likes....XD


I wonder what model Asia's Shotgun is?

I hope it's the AA-12 "Auto" Shotgun...
Considering Kampfer have the Infinite Ammo and No Reload cheats active.
Asia needs something more thematic!
Especially with her comments and naming.

Actually Asia's shotgun is a Benelli M4. One of the best semi-automatic shotguns in the world. :3
Admittedly though, this fits the Gangsta Asia better.
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Considering Kampfer have the Infinite Ammo and No Reload cheats active.
Asia needs something more thematic!
Especially with her comments and naming.

I was hoping it was the AA-12.... but Dingbat already answered it to be the Benelli M4 shotgun.

The AA-12's full auto rate of fire near equal to a rifle's full auto...

and you dont have to pump it in to load the next round.

so yeah.... it's like shooting a rifle.... but with 12-gauge rounds... with minimum recoil
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"It's okay to cry, Issei. Anyone calls you a little bitch for having feelings I'll shoot 'em," Asia said fiercely.
I have been thinking... and I want this as part of my Signature.
May I? Please?

Also, since I am NOT on my phone anymore, and no one else posted it.

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Kampfer Drachen 10
Kampfer Drachen 10

Neither one of them were comfortable enough sleeping on the train. However the real trek was in finding the house. No one could give them a straight answer. It took a bubbly blonde girl to tell them where it was. She introduced herself as Sakura Kaede and apparently lived down the street. Issei had a bad feeling about her. There was something off in her aura. Asia picked up on it as well. Since both of them were starting to flag, it was a good idea to rest now and investigate later.

When Rias said her family had a house in Juuban he wasn't sure what to expect. He figured it would be a nice two floor house. Maybe a porch and a small patch of grass lawn. He wasn't expecting the house to be large enough to fit two of his inside. His home wasn't even small either. The Gremory house was on the outskirts of Juuban. It was an impressive place. Three floors with a large front and backyard. The wraparound porch was a nice touch his dazed mind thought. Asia stood at his side in a similar state of shock.

"We better go inside…" Issei picked up the duffle bag at his side. With the ease of long practice he slung it onto his shoulder. He spent some time on the train with a thicker thread to modify the slit. Now it would pass a more thorough inspection if he had to carry his sword. Once manifested it stayed until dismissed, but it cost energy to summon. Rather than having to keep summoning it he chose to carry the blade.

"Ah right!" Asia yelped. She hefted her own duffle. The former nun gave it the same modifications that Issei did with his. Her physical strength hadn't increased yet so shooting was out, but clubbing someone with a shotgun was still an effective deterrent. The best part was that she could just make it disappear at will. Given Japan's very strict gun laws this was a boon.

The inside of the house was as impressive as the exterior. Issei stared at the hardwood floors, the tastefully decorated furnishings, and all of the little touches that took it from beautiful to stunning. This is what it meant to have wealth and taste. The huge TV mounted on the wall made him squeal internally. The thought of watching movies on that bad boy was almost overpowering. There was a row of game consoles placed with loving care in a dark wood cabinet. Did Rias know his tastes? The games were a mix of RPGs and visual novels. No eroge which was fine by him. This wasn't his house and he sure as heck wasn't playing stuff like that around Asia.

There was a time when it wouldn't have mattered, but he didn't like thinking about that.

"Let's see what's in the fridge," Issei said as he entered the kitchen.

"I can unpack since you're making dinner," Asia offered.

"Thanks, Asia," Issei smiled. The little blonde beamed before using Kampfer form to carry their bags upstairs. She was back in short order to grab the suitcases of clothes Rias sent on ahead. He chuckled at using power like that for such a mundane reason. The boy rubbed the Bracelet of Oath absently. It was still timed out.

He stared at the size of the refrigerator. Next to it was a deep freeze. The size of the kitchen left him to wonder what army was coming for dinner. Issei only saw kitchens like this on TV. At least it was obvious where everything was as some kind soul labeled everything. Some things were obvious, like the industrial sized oven, but finding the dishes would have been hard. There was a wide selection of foods in the fridge ranging from fresh to prepared. Issei's taste for prepared food wasn't what it used to be. Beforehand he would have just grabbed the frozen pizza as it would be simpler and tasty. Seeing the pizza got him to thinking.

"How hard is it to make a pizza crust?" Issei mused as he looked it up on his phone. The recipe didn't look too hard and there was time to let it rise. With that settled he collected the ingredients and started to put them together. The large prep area was perfect for this. Dough really was easy to make. The recipe he found talked about either using a mixer or folding it with his hands. In for a penny, in for a pound, he gave folding it a try. He ended up messier, but the feeling of accomplishment easily made up for it.

Next was chopping the vegetables and shredding the cheese. Asia returned and sat at the kitchen table to watch him work. He didn't want to take too long so a jar of tomato sauce from the fridge would have to do. Issei stopped and stared at the ceiling as it just hit him what he was doing. He was actually making an honest to goodness pizza dinner. When did he become so obsessed with cooking for himself? The sauce was spread across the rolled dough as he thought. It was only a week of living on his own, but he missed home cooked meals. He spread the cheese and toppings before placing it in the preheated oven on the pizza stone.

"Here, let me handle clean up," Asia smiled.

"Thanks Asia. I hope it turns out alright," Issei didn't want to serve bad pizza. That was practically a war crime in some places.

"It should. You were taking your time and everything. As long as you followed the recipe you're fine," Asia assured him.

Issei smiled gratefully before washing up at the sink.

Homemade pizza was officially a success. If he had a choice, Issei would choose to just make pizza instead of buying it premade. The dough could have been better if he let it sit longer, but the look of joy on Asia's face made all concerns moot.

Dinner was concluded leaving Issei and Asia with a conundrum. The duo wanted to start on the magic books, but were too tired to focus properly. For once in his life Issei didn't want to watch TV. Even the enormous one in the living room. Then again they were still recovering from the previous night's strain. With that in mind they showered (in separate bathrooms) and climbed into bed (the same one) with Guardian Dragon between them.

At some point Issei was going to have to start sleeping in a different bed, but he wasn't quite ready yet. However he did have to think about Asia's reputation. If it got out that they slept in the same bed the rumor mill would go insane. Not even two weeks ago Issei would have been over the moon about sleeping in bed with a beautiful girl. It wasn't even that Asia wasn't his type. He liked a woman who was sweet and kind. So what was the problem? Simple. Asia just wasn't interested. It wasn't even projecting. She really wasn't interested in him as a boyfriend. Her Kampfer self made it abundantly clear. Besides, as a former nun, she should have the right to see the world and gain some experience before tying herself down.

Was calling him 'bro' expressing siblinghood or just slang…?

How did she even know slang…?

Between one thought and the next he fell into a deep sleep. His questions would remain unanswered.

The morning brought with it new challenges. After their morning rituals the pair of Kampfer were preparing to find the others. There was just one problem. Neither of them had a clue where to look. Asia brought up the idea of scrying.

"It should be in one of the books. It's the most basic of divination spells," Asia said.

"And we can scry for Kampfer since we ARE Kampfer," Issei agreed readily.

"But we also shouldn't just skip ahead," the nun deflated.

"We have time. Better to do the job right rather than go too fast and miss something," Issei nodded sagely.

The book of divination was fairly self explanatory. No two people used the exact same methods, even if that was how they learned. Eventually certain methods would yield better results. The most basic was dowsing. You took a crystal, tied a string around it, and dangled it loosely over a map of the area. It was one of the most widely used even if many spells could block low level scrying. The book went on to explain that because it was such a low level technique no one bothered to defend against it.

"That's…" Issei blinked.

"Stupid?" Asia tilted her head.

"Yeah it is...I mean even if the technique is weak...What's the harm in protecting against it?" Issei shook his head.

"I guess it's a matter of hedging your bets. Maybe they only have a limited amount of energy, or some other restriction, and have to make do?" Asia shrugged.

"Well the Kampfer shouldn't be under an anti-scrying ward. Unless one of them knows about magic too…" Issei trailed off. What if their Zauber type prepared for that eventuality? If he was that girl the first thing he would do is prevent magical detection.

"We should put up some defenses ourselves," Asia realized.

"You don't think Rias already thought of that?" Issei chuckled. Asia giggled too. Of course she would have thought of that!

...They spent the morning warding the house anyway.

The afternoon was spent trying to find a map of the area. Finally they gave up and printed one off of the internet. Modern problems demanded modern solutions. Much to their surprise no one was under an anti-scrying ward. Just because the book said the chances were unlikely didn't mean it had to be that way. Some people were just more savvy than others it seemed.

"Okay...So according to the map...three upscale...and an apartment building. The apartment isn't too far from where we are actually…" Issei sat back with a contemplative look.

"Should we check it out?" Asia asked.

"It's the closest and has the highest concentration of Kampfer. At least four of them with an indeterminate signature…" Issei shook his head.

"Hmmm...The book says we shouldn't be able to detect numbers...just if there is a presence or not…" Asia flipped through the book curiously.

"Maybe I'm just really good at this? I mean my senses have been sharpening," Issei reasoned.

"Perhaps we should try something more accurate?" Asia suggested.

"Better safe than sorry," Issei agreed.

The more accurate method available was water scrying. Asia showed a particular aptitude with it as the water gave them a result almost immediately. It looked like a bedroom with a bed built for six strewn with blankets, sheets, and scantily clad girls with white bracelets. Issei rubbed his eyes while waiting for his blood pressure to lower. To be confronted with his new resolve so soon was unwelcome, but he would endure!

"Issei! It's Kaede!" Asia squeaked. Issei peeked at her a moment. The poor nun was flushed bright red at something she saw. To protect her innocence, Issei gently moved her to one side and took a look.

He would need a blood transfusion at this rate.

"She's with the Kampfer...but I thought it was Red and Blue…" Issei mumbled to himself.

"We're green," Asia reminded him.

"Yeah I figure it's some magic bullshit interaction with our Sacred Gears," Issei said.

There wasn't a lot Asia could say to that.

Asia shifted the focus of her scrying to the other locations. There was a single Kampfer in each location along with their Messenger. The upscale home was home to a high class girl. The dark haired girl held herself with cool dignity even as the electrocuted lynx badgered her. Her bracelet was red. At the first residential place they checked was a reddish haired girl with a hairband and glasses. Her bracelet was blue. She appeared completely normal. Except when she stopped to dropkick a black bunny plushie down the stairs. The next residential place showed a girl with short cut light brown hair laughing on the couch with her Messenger, a dog with a noose. Her bracelet was red. Nice to see some people got along with their Messenger. The last house showed a young man around Issei's age wearing a blue bracelet.

"He's a Kampfer like you are!" Asia exclaimed.

"Wow! I didn't even know that was a normal thing!" Issei was stunned at the revelation.

"How do you want to do this? I mean...Kaede is down the street with four Kampfer...That kind of worries me…" Asia admitted quietly.

"We can talk to them and find out what they know," Issei offered.

"If we have to fight?" Asia asked hesitantly.

"Just back me up, partner. I don't plan on going in half cocked, but you're right. Having a group of superpowered girls nearby is nerve wracking," Issei sighed.

"What do we tell them?" Asia asked.

"The truth. We want to stop the Proxy War," Issei decided.

"And about the supernatural?" She tilted her head.

"Once we know more about them. We can't let them run off and tell the Moderators," Issei said.

"Do we do this today or tomorrow?" Asia checked the window. It was getting on towards evening. Issei shook his head.

"Tomorrow's Sunday. Let's visit them during the day. We'll look less threatening that way," Issei suggested.

"We can just explain that we sensed something odd about her I guess…" Asia said.

"Which is true," Issei pointed out.

He wasn't exactly happy about it either. They could try to wait and see what developed, but their time in Tokyo was just three weeks. There weren't a whole lot of options. Issei made supper, but it was a frozen meal. They were so busy he didn't have time to prepare anything. It was as they were sitting down to a marvelous feast of oven baked fried chicken that a knock came at the door. Asia and Issei looked at one another in confusion. Who could that be?

Issei opened the door and immediately froze. He knew he was being too optimistic lately. The proof was on the porch.

"Good evening, Hyoudou-san. Do you mind if we come in?" Sakura Kaede asked with a pleasant smile. The line of White Kampfer standing behind her smiled as well. Did they somehow sense their scrying? Maybe she sensed them earlier? What could have drawn their attention?

Some days it didn't pay to get out of bed in the morning.

AN: Okay so this is chapter 10. It's frightening just how fast this one came together. I'm a devil for ending on a cliffhanger. If another chapter comes I will start a separate thread.
The little blonde beamed before using Kampfer form to carry their bags upstairs. She was back in short order to grab the suitcases of clothes Rias sent on ahead. He chuckled at using power like that for such a mundane reason.
The best kind of reasons Issei.
The best kinds.
If I was you, I would be going full Ranma and use your female form to get free ice cream.
"How hard is it to make a pizza crust?" Issei mused as he looked it up on his phone. The recipe didn't look too hard and there was time to let it rise. With that settled he collected the ingredients and started to put them together. The large prep area was perfect for this. Dough really was easy to make. The recipe he found talked about either using a mixer or folding it with his hands. In for a penny, in for a pound, he gave folding it a try. He ended up messier, but the feeling of accomplishment easily made up for it.
No joke. It really IS that easy to make homemade pizza.
It is also MUCH more satisfying than one would think to do it, AND you can customize it HOWEVER you like, making it superior in every way to the limited choices available in stores.
Also tastier IMO and tends to not come out partially burnt/undercooked like frozen ones tend to do. Quality of ingredients also tend to be better and fresher.
Cons though are that it is MUCH messier when making it, and as such requires a decent prep area that some lower income housing might not have. The overall time spent working is increased in both Prep and Clean Up, and as such not an ideal after a long day of work. Your not actually saving money in comparison to some of the cheap frozen pizza available.
Not even two weeks ago Issei would have been over the moon about sleeping in bed with a beautiful girl. It wasn't even that Asia wasn't his type. He liked a woman who was sweet and kind. So what was the problem? Simple. Asia just wasn't interested. It wasn't even projecting. She really wasn't interested in him as a boyfriend. Her Kampfer self made it abundantly clear. Besides, as a former nun, she should have the right to see the world and gain some experience before tying herself down.
This is actually a very nice and in-character way to explain and seal that situation up. Thank you.
Was calling him 'bro' expressing siblinghood or just slang…?

How did she even know slang…?
...questions I should have asked last chapter.
You took a crystal, tied a string around it, and dangled it loosely over a map of the area. It was one of the most widely used even if many spells could block low level scrying. The book went on to explain that because it was such a low level technique no one bothered to defend against it.

"That's…" Issei blinked.

"Stupid?" Asia tilted her head.
...soooo... completely normal?
Honestly the stupidest part about it is that the BOOK outright points it out, and people still don't do anything about it.
Leads me to believe that most magic users tend to spread their knowledge through word of mouth, either with tutors/mentors/family/etcetera, and consider such a beginner book 'pointless', and as such don't read and notice the most basic of basic tips the author wrote for those who DID bother.
Still stupid though.
"We should put up some defenses ourselves," Asia realized.

"You don't think Rias already thought of that?" Issei chuckled. Asia giggled too. Of course she would have thought of that!

...They spent the morning warding the house anyway.
Don't count on Rias and logical. Please don't. Count on SONA being logical. And even then? Still spend the morning warding the house anyway. It is the smart thing to do.
Although ward it against enemies, not allies. That is how HP Wizards kept failing at life, they Ward against everything, rather than just enemies, so their allies have to watch them die as they try to break though what the enemy already slipped past.
Issei opened the door and immediately froze. He knew he was being too optimistic lately. The proof was on the porch.

"Good evening, Hyoudou-san. Do you mind if we come in?" Sakura Kaede asked with a pleasant smile. The line of White Kampfer standing behind her smiled as well. Did they somehow sense their scrying? Maybe she sensed them earlier? What could have drawn their attention?
I hope you didn't ward your house against Rias and her peerage porting in as instant reinforcements.
Get ready to shank and shoot a bitch!
Because Kaede is FUCKED UP in the head. Particularly towards the male side of all species, of which you are one.
Some days it didn't pay to get out of bed in the morning.
You should have just ignored the door like I tend to. Or looked through the peephole... and then ignored them until the next day.
Maybe open it, shout 'I don't want any of your girl scout cookies!' before slamming it shut.
And if they knock again, scream THROUGH the door, that you will be 'Calling the police!'.
Tends to work 95% of the time for me.
Even caused LESS people to come and knock on my door later on. XD
Oh dear, Moderators come knocking with a goon squad.

Honestly this is only slightly worse than the apparent plan of Issei and Asia (unless I misread things) to go to Sakura Kaede of all people as a first point of contact for the entire Kampfer mess.
They don't know what we do about Kaede. Gotta remember that.
I remember that. And I'm talking about it from IC knowledge, really.

While I don't remember if Guardian Dragon ever told Issei and Asia the details about the conflict (he certainly knew everything himself, from how irregular colors were released by Moderators, and how there was a truce that Moderators were objecting against), here's the options they actually had:

1) A girl they sensed something was off with, who housed FOUR Kampfers in her home;
2) A high class girl, Red Faction;
3) A glasses girl with a violent streak, Blue Faction;
4) An easygoing girl who is nice to her Entrail Animal, Red Faction;
5) An ordinary boy, Blue Faction.

Assuming that the bare basics of Kampfers were told to them before by the Guardian Dragon? They will know that it's Red Faction and Blue Faction that are regular Kampfers, and White Faction should therefore be irregular, the same way as they are, being Green Faction. Color issue is something that would have been very likely to come up in the basic explanations.

But, of all five options? They chose to come to someone who's off, who outnumbers them twice over even if we only count Kampfers, and who isn't supposed to be an actual faction at all.

Frankly, in descending order of approachability, I would have picked the following candidates as the first point of contact:

1) An easygoing girl who is nice to her Entrail Animal - she is easygoing so easy to establish basic contact with, and she is neither apparently aloof or secretly violent
2) An ordinary boy - he doesn't have obvious special traits, but being a male, he should probably be easy for Issei to establish rapport with
3/4) The rich girl or the glasses girl, based on a coin toss. One is more likely to scheme, the other is more likely to attack.
5) Miss "I have four Kampfers and I feel off to people who ALSO have reasons to feel paranoid based on their recent experiences".
would be nice if you threadmark it so people who are interested got notifiead and can, you know, watch the new thread.
well, lucky i see this i guess.
Important Message
I am bidding SV a not-so-fond adieu. I'm tired of watching this forum turn into a toxic sink of oppression. People aren't perfect, I get that, but this is ridiculous. Now QMs are being held accountable for their posters. If you don't report a problem then you should get a warning. Nuff said. However, if you have done everything you can, and it still fails? I don't see that as deserving of an infraction.

I was already gun shy over this site after I got a half page infraction notice over 'trap' being a slur. I was using in a joking way and I didn't realize it could hurt someone. I deserved a black eye for that, but rather than warn me in private, they demonized me in public. It's a problem that keeps coming up in other threads.

This is my goodbye. If I'm reading anything here then I'll keep reading. Unfortunately I won't be updating here anyone. Come on over to SB. We don't bite.

Unless you're into that.

huh well I barley log on here anyway you are the last of my favorite authors that still updated here good to know I only have to check one site from now on.
Huh, never noticed this place is that fragile. This is the internet after all, jerkass and asshole is everywhere. Rude and harsh words is kinda expected. You can only hope that at least their words are legible and understandable.

Oh well, I'll go to sb and watch your threads as well. I like this website like system... Hope sb can implement those too sometime.
Congrats Ding. You got me to do something I've been avoiding for a while now: See if I remember my old SB password.

I did. And then I spent something like 10 minutes cleaning out the old followed threads list (I just nuked it), finding your threads that were likely to get updates and following them, and following a few other threads I had bookmarked, then deleting those bookmarks.
Ended up making an account on SB just so I could continue following you and reading your wonderful stories.
Being Neptune 1
Chapter 1

Pain. The whole world was pain. It pulsed like an angry thing behind her eyes. Her tongue felt thick and unresponsive. Opening her eyes showed a confusing blur of light, color and shadow before the agony caused them to close again. She couldn't think. Almost as if the pain scrubbed her memories clean. Voices drifted in and out around her, but none of it made sense. Perhaps it was an alien tongue? Some of the words almost made sense if her ears didn't feel like they were packed in wool. What felt like hours passed as she waited for her torment to ease. Time was meaningless as she hung between pain and exhaustion. Maybe she even slept. The light beyond her eyelids dimmed from agonizing to merely a dull ache. When her eyes opened it was to a darkened room. Lights twinkled on the monitors and displays. Her dazed mind supplied some fragmentary details.

"A hospital room…?" The rasping voice was unexpected. How long had she gone without a drink? Just the thought of water made her throat ache. She felt incredibly weak. Trying to think of what happened caused the headache to return, but not as fierce as before. It felt like someone took her brain and shattered it on the floor. Her thoughts were like sand slipping through her fingers. The door to the room opened to admit a woman in a lab coat and a no nonsense attitude. Something about her was familiar, but she couldn't think of what that was.

"How are you feeling?" The woman asked while checking the instruments. Some of them looked perfectly normal while others were strange. Like she almost knew what they were for, but the purpose escaped her.

"Like crap," she croaked. The doctor held a cup of water with a straw to her lips. Cool liquid soothed the ache in her throat. A couple slow swallows was enough to ease the discomfort.

"I have a few questions if you feel up to it," the doctor said.

"Might as well," she replied wearily. Now that her various pains were dying down all that she felt was exhaustion.

"What is your name?" The doctor asked.

"Now that's the million dollar question. There's just a big hole where my memory should be. Who are you?" She responded.

"Doctor Janet Frasier…" Whatever else she said was lost as a deluge of information assaulted her mind.

The pain returned with a vengeance. Fingers dug into her scalp so tightly it wouldn't be a surprise if there were indentations. It didn't trigger a sudden resurgence of her own identity, but she knew this woman. More information flooded in as she tried to ride out the tumult. She was in Colorado? That still didn't answer the 'why' just the 'where.' What would such a division want with her? That's when more information crashed into her brain at a hundred miles an hour. She was an expert on cybernetics and digital technology. They were interested in her work.

"Take it easy, just relax. Breathe…" Doctor Janet rubbed her back soothingly.

"What happened…?" She whispered.

"You were showing us your research in the field of nanotechnology. Someone pretending to be an aid tried to steal the data and a sample of the nanites. He shot you six times in the chest and once in the head. You fell in the tank. The nanite project was supposed to be used to treat life threatening injuries. It looks like they did their job properly. You healed without even a scar," Janet noted.

"They weren't..ready for use…I didn't get a chance to program them fully…" She shook her head in disbelief. "It shouldn't have worked. Without proper direction they should have 'improved me' right into the grave. They didn't have anything to stop them…"

"One of our computer consultants was able to stop them, but not before they altered significant portions of your brain. Mainly in the frontal and proprietal lobe. We thought the damage was too severe for a full recovery, but it looks like we were wrong," Janet said encouragingly.

"I can't remember my own name. I know where I am, what my skills are, but that's it/ Who I was before all this is just a blank! How the fuck is that possible? God my head hurts so bad…!" Flipping out, while understandable, wasn't such a good idea in this case. The sudden surge of anger must be putting a strain on her partially healed brain. Brain damage. How was she supposed to react to that? The pain started to ease more quickly. A clinical part of her noted that the nanites were learning at an incredible rate. They were supposed to remain in the patient until their job was done. Severe brain damage meant they wouldn't be done for a long time.

"We can help you try to figure things out. I promise that we're not going to leave you to fend for yourself. It goes against my oath as a doctor after all," Janet said with a faint smile.

"Could you get me a computer or something? I need to check the nanites' programming for irregularities. Whoever you got to alter them might have messed with the code," she noted absently.

"I'll have to get it approved, but it shouldn't be a problem. Was there anything else you wanted to know?" Janet asked expectantly. Why would she…? That's when realization struck. It made the amnesiac feel like an idiot.

"What's my name?" She finally asked.

"Rebecca Neptune," Janet smiled.

The Cheyenne Mountains were home to NORAD. A joint military venture between the US and Canada. The base was home to a deep space telemetry project, but that was merely a cover. Oh they were studying deep space, but not the way most would think. In the basement of the facility was something they called the Stargate. Rebecca's research into nanomachines and cybernetics got her foot in the door. What they wanted was a reliable way to treat their people in the field. That coupled with her expertise in computers was enough to whet their appetite. They wanted her to stay. Of course they promised that she would be protected. However, that wasn't what convinced her to stick around. General Hammond, the man in charge of the Stargate Project, gave her something much more tempting. He gave her access to all the shiny new technologies in their vault. She was listed as a civilian contractor who had to sign a stack of NDAs taller than herself. All for the pleasure of playing with alien technology. Her past was lost, her future uncertain, but she really enjoyed the present.

Good thing she had a plan. Trying to explain the physiological changes she went through would have taken too long. Janet had to fudge a lot of details in her medical file. The nanites messed with her body to a ridiculous degree. Some of the benefits were really nice while others were just plain weird. The weird changes were the most obvious. The little machines screwed up the pigmentation of her hair. She was a brunette before but not her hair was a vibrant purple color. They even fiddled with her irises. Hazel eyes were now the same purple as her hair. Her metabolism became even more efficient to a ridiculous extent. Rebecca used to be a bit heavier. A lot of sitting around, little to no exercise and a love of fast food wreaked havoc on her figure. The nanites reconfigured everything over the course of a month. She went from dumpy to stunning with a body models would kill for. From ugly duckling to stunner. That didn't take into account the alterations made to her muscles. Sleek and deadly, far stronger than her appearance would indicate. It wasn't in the superhuman range, but it was sure pushing things. The last change was probably the biggest.

The nanites were embedded in her brain. They created a network diffused throughout her bloodstream and even her mucus. It started after she awakened. A strange sort of sensation like something just beyond her awareness. As if she could just reach out and touch it, but she didn't know what "it" was. She was studying the data when the "it" became obvious. Janet came in to check on her again and they got to talking. Just a pleasant conversation, nothing earth shattering, but then she suddenly had an idea. Suddenly a new text file opened with words swiftly appearing on the screen. Rebecca and Janet only noticed after most of her new idea was transcribed into a file. Technopathy. The ability to control technology with her mind. Wi-Fi enabled systems were the most vulnerable to her new power. Unless a system was completely air-gapped and cut from the network, she could worm her way in eventually. However, that wasn't the best part. If she dropped some of her saliva or blood on a machine the nanites could attack their systems directly. She could take control at any time regardless of the range. Even foreign technology was open to her.

"Hey Miss Gray Goo. What's shakin'?" Colonel Jack O'Neill called out as he walked through the door. The man was former Air Force, former Black Ops with more ink than twenty octopi and the leader of SG-1. He was also a completely unrepentant manchild. Falling for his irreverent and folksy demeanor was a mistake. The man was brilliant. It mystified her that anyone would think he was stupid.

"Not much, Jacky boy. How ya doin'?" Rebecca asked with a bad 'Joisey' accent.

"Oh, well, y'know…Just wanted to check on you. The only person you really talk to is Janet. Even Sam spends some time out of her lab," Jack remarked off-handedly. He was prowling around her lab, casually poking at stuff. She watched him for a few moments. It wasn't like him to act cagey like this. He was correct in that she didn't get out of the lab as much. In fact the number of times he deliberately sought her out could be counted on one hand, with fingers to spare. She was the new girl after all. Then again he was a good commander. Maybe he was just checking on her?

"I guess I'm just not comfortable yet. A lot of things changed, y'know? My head's a lot emptier than it used to be. Even reading my file doesn't help. It's just black letters on white paper. No real connection," Rebecca shrugged half-heartedly. Jack stilled for a fraction of a second, too short for anyone else to notice, but her perception was heightened. His posture briefly appeared inhuman, alien, even his expression seemed wrong. Such a thing would have gone unnoticed before the Incident, but not now.

"Plenty of room for other stuff now. You could come out with Danny boy, Teal'c and me sometime. Heck take Janet up on her offers for dinner. I won't tell you to track down your past. That's the sort of thing you do when you're ready and not a minute sooner," Jack said with a roguish smile. It was easy to see how a lady could fall for him. He was an older guy but still fit with a sharp wit. His kindness was real. Just hidden behind a wall of snark and pop culture references. That's why this imposter was pissing her off.

She was still getting used to her new senses. The thing is she knew the 'sounds' of Stargate Command's tech. Even the Stargate itself was familiar background noise. Cellphones, copy machines, computers, telephones were all comforting to her. There was something new intruding on the melody of the base. Before it was able to blend in with the electronic noise, but now it was closer. Easier to detect. Rebecca turned back to "Jack" with a smile that failed to reach her eyes. She narrowed the strange signal to a device on his chest. It resisted her technopathy. The shielding was interesting as well, but she didn't have time to study it now. There was an intruder in her lab, in the depths of Stargate Command and wearing Colonel O'Neill's face.

Big mistake.

Rebecca performed a swift glide step to bring her closer to Fake Jack. He started to move with admirable speed, but she was still faster. The fake tried to catch her with a punch to the temple, but she swept her arm up to parry the blow. Quicker than he could react, she slammed the palm of her hand against his chest. Right where the device was located according to her senses. She wasn't as strong or fast as Teal'c, but still respectable. The device cracked under the blow. Now to just follow through straight through to his sternum. Except it wasn't a squishy fleshy chest she struck. Her palm strike crashed into a thick exoskeleton. The shock reverberated along her forearm painfully. The reddish armored alien stumbled back but that was the only reaction. He had something like a natural helmet with an opening for a set of mandibles. A weird cry came from his mandible as he rushed at her.

"Shit!" Rebecca pivoted on her heel and ran back the way she came. The armored alien followed her with surprising speed. He wasn't faster than her, but he had the advantage. There was no guarantee this was an isolated incident. The rest of the base might be under attack. How could she turn this around? Running wouldn't work. She had to fight.

General Hammond gave her access to all sorts of fun toys. Many of which she was even allowed to examine in her lab. Thanks to her prior studies, and the nanites, she had an insight into technology the Goa'uld would have killed over. Every half completed and finished project was locked down behind heavily encrypted locks. Many of them still required testing. There was one thing that should get through the shell without tearing her lab apart. It definitely required testing, but life itself was an experiment! That's what Rebecca told herself as she wove between the maze of locked cabinets. Her pursuer charged down the aisle, but she juked to the left between two rows. He slammed into the gap at full speed and rebounded harshly. She winced as the cabinets picked up some nasty dents, but survival took precedence. The red alien hissed angrily before hurrying down the aisle. It was a brief respite. Her target was up ahead. She threw her will against the lock just as the Red Horror rounded the corner. Rebecca threw the doors open. Inside was a sleek weapon, curved like a katana, with a bulky crosspiece and extended handle. The blade was made of a special alloy using literal space age metallurgy techniques. It was sandwiched between two flat black metal devices.

"No time for hesitation," Rebecca muttered. She quickly disengaged the clamps and pulled it from the cabinet. Just in time as her would-be assailant charged. A hint of trepidation briefly stayed her hand, but fear washed it all away. This was it. No going back. She rolled her thumb just under the crossguard to activate the devices. Crackling purple energy formed over the edge in a chaotic rush before solidifying.

"Kreeeee…!" The armored alien brought his arms down. Rebecca panicked as she swung the blade. At first it looked like she missed. She felt a scream building up in her throat as the arms swung down. That's when she noticed something odd. The arms went past her head, but she didn't feel anything.

"What the fuck…?" Rebecca gasped. The alien stumbled back in surprise. The reason she didn't feel a thing? His arms below the elbows were gone. She glanced back in disbelief. There on the ground were the other halves of his arms. The confused alien made another screeching sound, but this sound was full of pain. Before he could figure out what was happening, she swept the "katana" through his neck. Just like that the threat was over.

As it turned out the aliens did, in fact, overrun the base. They used the appearance of SG-6 to infiltrate Stargate Command. Sam ran straight to Rebecca's lab after escaping the aliens. It took some work, but Carter figured out what to do. By utilizing Rebecca's technopathy they were able to gain control of the aliens' mimetic imaging devices. The silly gooses had powerful self destruct modules inside. Most likely in the event of their capture or something. The two geniuses not only took control of the self-destruct devices, but also altered the yield to punch a hole through the wearer and not explode like a grenade. Rebecca was left with a vague feeling of envy. She could, in all modesty, claim to be a genius. Samantha Carter was a Genius, capital G, with numerous medals and thesis papers to her name.

Later that same year the real Jack O'Neill got a chance to use the Gray Goo joke. Thor of the Asgard came to Earth with a problem. A really big problem. His entire ship was infested by a group of machines called the Replicators. By then Rebecca was used to working with Sam on huge projects. Thanks to their combined smarts the purple haired woman became the Queen of the Replicators.

That's when things in the Milky Way Galaxy got really weird…

AN: Just an idea I had. Each chapter would be a Level in the Generic First Jump document. Thanks to rolling randomly Jumper-chan started off on the Military Level. I used Stargate for funzies. She pretty much crashed the simulation.

Name: Rebecca Neptune
CP: 0
Race: Amalgam (Blassreiter)
First Jump: Generic First Jumpchain

Origin: The Power Gamer
1. Slice of Life - Nine to Five
2. Survival - Lantern Forge
3. Horror - Friday the 13th
4. Military - Stargate SG-1
5. Modern Adventure - A-Team
6. Super Hero - Sky High
7. Modern Occult - Harry Potter
8. Historical/Alt-Historical/Lost World - Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040
9. Fantasy - Seinarukana
10. Science Fiction - Blassreiter
CP: 0 + 1000 (Max Rewards) + 600 CP (Drawbacks) + 1200 CP (Universal) = 3100

Basic Requirements (Free to All)
You will receive whatever special abilities, traits, backgrounds, and skills that are
required for basic participation in the Level you are in. For example, if you are going to a
Modern Occult setting focused on psychics tracking down ghosts, you would receive general
knowledge of the supernatural in that world and enough psychic abilities to match the average
in the setting. A Military setting based on the Vietnam War would give you a decent level of
fitness and basic training for the military organization you were a part of. A superhero setting
would provide powers or abilities to match the average ability of the featured characters of the
world. This also provides in-universe backgrounds, histories, and memories that fit the identity
you acquire in that Jump.
These abilities go away when you leave that Level and this perk goes away when you
finish this jump. Nothing can be done to retain these abilities, but you do benefit from any
practice, training, study, or actual use in the Level itself of any mundane skills.

Body Like A Jumper (Free for All)
You are cured of any physical ailments or disabilities you may have entered this Jump
with. You become as physically fit as an average healthy athletic person would be. Your fitness
will never deteriorate below this level, or any higher level that you have reached by actual
training, unless you wish it to do so, as long as you have sufficient food and water to survive.
You can also render yourself fertile or infertile at will, and can stop or start any menstrual
or breeding cycle at will.

Mind Like A Jumper (Free for All)
You are aware of any mental illness, disorders, disabilities or other conditions you may
be suffering from as you enter this jump, and may choose to have any or all of them be
removed. This does not make you immune to these things, it just removes pre-existing

Sexy and I Know It (50cp)
Jumpers tend to be rather vain. Almost all of them eventually take some sort of
appearance boosting perk, so let's just deal with that now.
You are incredibly good-looking. On a scale of one to ten, you are a perfect ten. The
exact details of your appearance, build, and "endowments" are up to you, but you look as good
as it is possible for a human being to look and you stay that way no matter what your condition
or the circumstances might be. Anything that happens to alter your appearance, such as
scarring, amputation, cybernetic implants, or genetic mutation, will always leave you somehow
still looking incredible. You may become a rotting zombie, but you will be the sexiest rotting
zombie to ever crave brains.
You will retain your fit and attractive appearance, even without exercise or proper diet,
as long as you consume enough calories to avoid starvation. You will either heal perfectly,
without any form of scarring, or your scars will enhance your appearance in some way. Even if
your current appearance is inhuman in part or completely, you still remain this attractive.
You never actually get dirty, always staying as pristine and perfect as you could be,
unless you choose otherwise. In which case the sweat, dirt, blood, or whatever else will
somehow compliment your looks perfectly. You also instinctively present yourself as well as you
possibly can at all times. Your posture and movements never make you seem awkward or
unattractive, always showing you in your best possible light and making anything you wear look
amazing. Supermodels train for years to stand and move like you, and never quite make it. You
never need to brush or floss, having perfect teeth and a great smile, your hair is always perfectly
done up in whatever style you want it in, and if you don't want to shave you simply won't need
to, facial or body hair simply not growing until and unless you want it to.
Furthermore, you have perfect control over your fertility, and menstrual cycle in the case
of females. Any sexual partners will believe you when you tell them you are protected, as long
as you are telling the truth. Your voice is equally incredible in some way, whether it be sexy,
commanding, soothing, or just pleasant. Your body scent is either extremely pleasant or you
have no scent at all, and you can switch this at will.

Common Sense (50cp)
The least common advantage of all. You can tell when something you are about to do is
contrary to basic common sense and rationality, or when you are about to do something your
Benefactor will punish you for. You can also tell when your emotions are clouding your

Good Fortune (50cp)
You are luckier than most people. Not to the extent that people will be shocked by it or
that you could rely solely on this to keep you alive, but random odds do tend to tilt in your favor.
Also, you will not experience any fate that could end your chain solely because of bad luck.

Self-Motivation (50cp)
You have no difficulty motivating yourself, easily putting your full effort into any task,
training, or activity.

Life Skills (50cp)
You have the basic life skills that everyone really should possess. You can cook, clean,
do laundry, drive, perform basic maintenance, balance finances and perform other such tasks
that are needed by the average person.

General Knowledge (100cp)
When you enter a new Jump, you gain knowledge of the location and culture you start in
that is equivalent to what the average citizen would know. You also gain fluency in the local
language or languages. For an additional 50cp, all of your knowledge will have the local
equivalent added, such as a student of history knowing as much as an equivalently educated
student of history in the new setting. This added information never goes away, but is never
confusing and does not impair you in any way.

Friendly Sort (100cp)
People like you, you have charisma and charm. Nothing supernatural or superhuman,
but you are a very likable person. This also removes any shyness, social anxiety or similar
problems that you possess.

Boredom Immunity (100cp)
You are completely immune to boredom. When engaged in a simple repetitive task, you
can choose to fast-forward through it, remembering performing the task without having to
experience it fully. This fast-forward ends instantly if something changes that requires your

No Matter Where You Go, There You Are (100cp)
Your priorities, sense of morality and beliefs only change how you desire them to. You
will instantly process and deal with any trauma in the best possible way for you, making you
immune to PTSD and similar issues.

Veteran (100cp)
You never lose your cool, keeping your head no matter what the situation you are in.
This does not mean you don't feel emotions, just that you can control them.

Non-Human Race (100 cp) x 2 (200 cp)
This perk can be purchased once for each Level, and counts as a Level Specific perk for
that level. For the duration of the picked Level, you are a member of a common non-human race
existing in that level, such as an fantasy race like an elf or a dwarf in Fantasy Level, or alien
race like Roswell Gray alien in Science Fiction Level, or even an anthropomorphic animal race
like catgirl in Modern Occult Level. This alters your appearance, and provides ones or two minor
advantages, such as darkvision, minor resistance to a form of magic, or a slightly enhanced
ability like strength or dexterity. Outside of the Level for which it is picked, and after this Jump,
this becomes an Alt-form, but the advantage it provides carries over to all your forms.
Sci-Fi Level: Amalgam - Abilities: Personal Weapon (Single edged sword), Nanomachines (Healing, merging with technology), Kamen Rider-esque power armor.
Fantasy Level: Minion - Abilities: Heightened senses, mana manipulation, general increase in all 'stats.'

Try, Try Again (Free (Alt Chain))
You can instantly negate and reverse any injury, attack, or action that would otherwise
result in failing your Chain, after which you cannot use this for ten years or until the beginning of
your next jump, whichever comes first. After your chain ends, this can negate anything that
would result in your death, but still only functions once per ten years.

The Road Goes Ever On And On (100cp, Free for The Tourist)
Your mind is well-prepared for dealing with eternity. You can find joy and satisfaction in
everyday life no matter how long you have been alive, you can adapt to new cultures with ease,
and you will never find your emotions blunted by the passage of time and ennui.

Oh, The Possibilities (100cp, Free for The Power Gamer)
You have a gift for making the most of your resources. You can find clever or inventive
ways of using your abilities or possessions, and figure out how to compensate for weaknesses
or downsides. You are very creative when it comes to using your assets.

What's Mine Is Mine (200/100 cp, Discount for The Power Gamer)
You never give up what is yours. Your abilities of any kind never fade or deteriorate with
time or disuse. A skill not used for decades will be as effective as if you relied on it for daily
survival. This also means you are likely to age gracefully and healthily, though it does not
extend your lifespan beyond what having the immune system and healing of a person in their
prime would do.

Hard Work Pays Dividends (400/200 cp, Discount for The Power Gamer)
Being the best takes work. You have to spend the time and put in the effort to maximize
your potential. Thankfully, the time and effort you require is a bit less than for most people. Any
form of training or advancement works five times faster for you than it otherwise would.

Expertise (100cp)
You are at an expert level of skill and ability in one real world profession of your choice.
This level of skill does not make you one of the best in the world, but it does make you a
top-notch professional. This can be taken multiple times, for a different profession each time. (Computers)

Expertise (100cp)
You are at an expert level of skill and ability in one real world profession of your choice.
This level of skill does not make you one of the best in the world, but it does make you a
top-notch professional. This can be taken multiple times, for a different profession each time. (Cybernetics)

Friendly Friends (100cp)
No matter what you have experienced or where you have been, you have no difficulty in
connecting emotionally with other people. You are also a good listener and all around good
friend, when you want to be.

Eagle Scout (100cp)
You are an expert when it comes to survival, both wilderness and urban. You are both
talented and lucky at finding the materials and resources you need, in any environment they
could exist in.

Lone Survivor (100cp)
You do not suffer any difficulty resulting from isolation or loneliness. Your social skills do
not degrade, and you are guaranteed not to start having conversations with a volleyball.

Be Not Afraid (100cp)
You are immune to the mind-bending or destroying effects of eldritch abominations, are
never impaired or disabled by fear, and are also immune to any form of spiritual corruption.

Advanced Infantry Training (100cp)
While you are no Special Forces operator, you have been through Basic Training and
Advanced Infantry School, or the equivalent for the setting, and are a highly trained and
conditioned soldier.

Fists of Justice (100cp)
Pick a martial art. Kung Fu, Judo, Jeet Kune Do, Savate, whatever. You are an expert at
this form of fighting. It won't let you fight Superman, but it will give you a handy advantage
against someone your level.

Secondary Superpowers (100cp)
Any power or ability that you acquire, no matter where or how you acquired it, you also
receive the necessary secondary superpowers to make it function properly. You also have the
ability to shut off any of your abilities, or to weaken them to any level between off and full power,
at will.

Screw the Devil (100cp)
You are completely immune to any form of possession. Outside control might still work
on you, but you are the only actual occupant of your body, mind and soul, and you are going to
stay that way. If you allow something else to possess you, you can resume control and kick
them out at will. Nothing can stop you from doing so, if that is what you want to do.

Cantrips (100cp)
You have minor magical abilities that you can use at will. These abilities are of the same
scale as D&D 3.5ed cantrips, useful tricks like cleaning your clothing or creating a small
temporary floating ball of light.

Class Skills (100cp)
You have the specialized skills set that best fits an occupation or "class" of your choice,
appropriate to a fantasy setting. This does not provide any magical abilities, but can include lore
or theoretical knowledge of magic, which will update to your current setting. This can be taken
multiple times, for a different "class" each time.

Bare Necessities (Free to All Origins)
You have a job that pays enough for you to live on, assuming you live simply. You also
have a home of some sort, a cheap but decent vehicle of an appropriate type, and the various
basic sundries needed to live. Basically, you have a life, set up and waiting for you. The job will
be something you are capable of performing, and that works with your background, and the
schedule will be flexible enough that it will not interfere in your normal jump activities.

Smartphone (100cp)
You have a top-of-the-line smartphone that never needs to be recharged or maintained,
will instantly repair itself, is immune to malware and hacking, and always has a signal, along
with unlimited data and memory. This smartphone can never be tracked, except by its own GPS
app and its signal is completely undetectable. For the duration of this jump, it will assume a
camouflage appropriate for the level. For additional 50 CP it will always upgrade to match the
best equivalent device in each new jump, and will automatically upgrade to have all the abilities
of any similar device that you purchase with CP.

Souvenir (100cp)
You have a souvenir, something special from a particular Level in this jump. This item is
self-cleaning and maintaining, possesses unlimited fuel/power/ammunition, and if damaged or
destroyed will repair itself in less than a minute. The item itself is some useful item with a minor
advantage, such as a sword that can surround itself in an aura of electricity or fire, a phaser that
can cut through shields, a suit of strength-enhancing power armor, or a personal anti-gravity
harness. This is meant to be a minor, useful tool, not a major power, so please fanwank
responsibly. (Hardsuit - Bubblegum Crisis)

Souvenir (100cp)
You have a souvenir, something special from a particular Level in this jump. This item is
self-cleaning and maintaining, possesses unlimited fuel/power/ammunition, and if damaged or
destroyed will repair itself in less than a minute. The item itself is some useful item with a minor
advantage, such as a sword that can surround itself in an aura of electricity or fire, a phaser that
can cut through shields, a suit of strength-enhancing power armor, or a personal anti-gravity
harness. This is meant to be a minor, useful tool, not a major power, so please fanwank
responsibly. (Katana Blassreiter)

Vehicle (100cp)
You possess a civilian vehicle of your choice that exists in the real world. This vehicle is
self-cleaning and self-maintaining, and never needs to be refueled. For the duration of this jump
only, the vehicle will take on a form appropriate to the level. (Motorcycle)

Jumper Total Fitness (100.Free cp, Free or Discount for The Power Gamer)
You have access to special workout facilities. These facilities, besides being an
absolutely amazing gym, will adjust to provide a good, safe workout for you, no matter how
great your physical abilities become. It also includes facilities for safely and effectively training
any special abilities you might possess, no matter how powerful or dangerous those abilities
are. This attaches to your Warehouse after this Jump.

Ultimate Book Of Ultimate Brain Teasers (100/50cp, Free or Discount for The Power Gamer)
This book contains an unlimited number of puzzles, games, riddles, and other activities
that are always fun and are always the best possible way to train your mental abilities.
Drawbacks + 200 CP + 200 (Gauntlet-Kun) + 200 (Double CP) = 600 CP
Randomized (+100cp)
Your level choice is out of your hands. Roll a d10. Check the list to see which level that
number corresponds to. That's your first level. Survived it? Good. Keep rolling and completing
levels until all 10 are completed. You re-roll if you roll a level you have already faced.

Scripted Encounters (+100cp)
You'll run into whatever threat you're dealing with more often. You will not automatically
become a priority target, but sheer proximity is likely to put you at risk.

Universal Drawbacks : 400 CP + 400 (Gauntlet-Kun) + 400 (Double CP) = 1200 CP
Gauntlet-Kun [Special]: Jump-chan's hardcore brother has decided to get into the game and sponsor you as a Jumper. All your Universal Drawbacks are worth twice as much… but you start every jump with Zero CP and must get all your CP from Drawbacks. HARDCORE!!! Also, he thinks it's funny if you die, so he won't send you home. Instead, he'll take all the perks and items you got from any jump you fail and hold onto them until you Spark, but he'll send you into the next jump as normal. This applies to all the perks and items your Companions bought as well. You do get to keep Companions from jumps you failed. Halves all non-CP stipends from jumps. Does not increase Companion CP Stipends / Item Stipends / Supplement Bonus points from Drawbacks. Warning, Gauntlet-Kun thinks Cheesing Drawbacks is Lame. He will guarantee you deal with the full force of every Drawback you take… because you failing is funny to him. Gauntlet-Kun does not double the value of 'What Are Drawbacks' nor 'Retail Rocker'. Gauntlet-Kun has no effect in real Gauntlets. Chain Only. No Hiatus. No Revoke.

Semper Preparatus [+100]: Jump-Chan's watch is broken. Your jumps now can end any time in the last 30% of the jump… or last up to an extra 50% longer. You've no way of knowing. It could be a matter of seconds… or months or years. For reference, this makes a standard decade as short as 7 years and as long as 15. Companions you import automatically gain +50 CP because you took this.

Without Why [+200 or +300]: You never met any Jump-chan, never heard of Jump-Chain, have no clue what happened, and you'll only learn about the limited duration of Jumps when you move from the first to the second Jump. While the build for the Jump is made as normal, the Jumper doesn't know what the build is (unless it's obvious from background), so if you have a non-obvious or subtle Perk, Power, or Item (such as most luck perks) you won't know about it until it comes into effect, and then you might overcompensate and think you're luckier than you actually are (such as for limited use abilities). You'll have an instinctive gut feeling related to any specific win/loss conditions related to the individual jump you're in or from Drawbacks though it'll be a vague sense of impending doom. For instance you'll know that losing your job in Nine to Five could risk everything, but not exactly why. This automatically includes 'What are Drawbacks'. Since your Companions also have no idea what's going on with their builds, they gain +100 CP in jumps they are imported into. It is strongly suggested that you also take Semper Preparatus, and so you gain an additional +100 if you do. All variants are Chain Only/No Hiatus.

Alt Chain: 3 Boons of Jumpchain
10, 5, 9, 2, 2, 6
2. Maximum Rewards: Jump-chan knows that Drawbacks can get a bit... ah... complicated, I
guess. You can still take them for more CP, but now you start out with the maximum amount of
Drawback CP as allowed by the jump document, or if there is no limit, with 1000 additional
points. This may be taken three times and yes, it works as you think it would when you do so. In
Gauntlets this will still be active, but will be 50% of the Gauntlet's maximum payout or 500 CP if
there is no drawback limit imposed.

5. One Free: This is the simplest of all options, and quite obvious too. In every jump you may
choose 1 item or perk and get it for free with that purchase. This boon may only be taken once.

6. Body Modding Dream: Once per jump this boon allows you to choose 1 Perk or item in a
jump document you are using for your next jump. Pay 2x its undiscounted prize, then it will be
added onto your Bodymod. If free without a price it costs 50cp.
Note: Items added to the Body Mod do not grant special abilities or add machine or item parts
into the jumper but instead make the items available in Gauntlets and under Item Lock-Down.
Furthermore this boon's choice may not be combined with One Free, so no. You can't have an
item or perk added to your Body Mod for free. You can get both Boons but they don't work

9. Double CP: This boon may only be obtained by rolling for it. This boon doubles your starting
CP total, if you would have no starting CP (Gauntlet-kun or Gauntlets) then double the amount
of CP you take from Universal Drawback Supplement Drawbacks instead. This may be gained