Mimi Tachikawa
Cave, Tropical Jungle, File Island
Rain rain go away later

It feels like forever as I keep running with the others. Again, Kuwagamon was something we could fight, but not a fire!

Eh? That feels like a drop of water falling on my glove. I look up, and see a sky that's very much gray and cloudy, the sun no longer shining through. Huh, how'd that happen so fast? I'm pretty sure it was clear skies a while ago!

...And cue the rain. Soooo muuuuch raaaaiiiiinnnn! Run, run, keep running! Where's a jacket and/or umbrella when I need one?!

"There, a cave!" I shout, noticing it over in the distance. Shelter! I head in that direction with the others, my feet aching and my legs sore from all the running.

Finally, we're inside! I can actually sit down and take a break! After making sure that Lalamon is with me, I immediately do so, my back resting on one of the walls of the cave, my partner beside me. Ow, my tired legs...

I look towards the mouth of the cave, where the rain continues to rage. At least the fire won't be a problem. "...That's really convenient," I comment. On the other hand, though, my clothes feel cold and wet now. Aw man, I don't wanna get sick...

@Card Captor
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Mimi Tachikawa
Cave, Tropical Jungle, File Island
Rain rain go away later

It feels like forever as I keep running with the others. Again, Kuwagamon was something we could fight, but not a fire!

Eh? That feels like a drop of water falling on my glove. I look up, and see a sky that's very much gray and cloudy, the sun no longer shining through. Huh, how'd that happen so fast? I'm pretty sure it was clear skies a while ago!

...And cue the rain. Soooo muuuuch raaaaiiiiinnnn! Run, run, keep running! Where's a jacket and/or umbrella when I need one?!

"There, a cave!" I shout, noticing it over in the distance. Shelter! I head in that direction with the others, my feet aching and my legs sore from all the running.

Finally, we're inside! I can actually sit down and take a break! After making sure that Lalamon is with me, I immediately do so, my back resting on one of the walls of the cave, my partner beside me. Ow, my tired legs...

I look towards the mouth of the cave, where the rain continues to rage. At least the fire won't be a problem. "...That's really convenient." I comment.

@Card Captor
Me and Nyaromon shivered from the rain....it's cold. "Taaai...I don't like the rain here.."

Nyaromon spoke up. "Least it should put out the fire." She's right.....I just hope it doesn't make me sick.... That would be bad. I don't want to see Tai upset....

Wish I had something to read. The non-Kari side of me wants something to read, and my other side thinks that's a good idea.
Mimi Tachikawa
Cave, Tropical Jungle, File Island
Rain rain go away later

It feels like forever as I keep running with the others. Again, Kuwagamon was something we could fight, but not a fire!

Eh? That feels like a drop of water falling on my glove. I look up, and see a sky that's very much gray and cloudy, the sun no longer shining through. Huh, how'd that happen so fast? I'm pretty sure it was clear skies a while ago!

...And cue the rain. Soooo muuuuch raaaaiiiiinnnn! Run, run, keep running! Where's a jacket and/or umbrella when I need one?!

"There, a cave!" I shout, noticing it over in the distance. Shelter! I head in that direction with the others, my feet aching and my legs sore from all the running.

Finally, we're inside! I can actually sit down and take a break! After making sure that Lalamon is with me, I immediately do so, my back resting on one of the walls of the cave, my partner beside me. Ow, my tired legs...

I look towards the mouth of the cave, where the rain continues to rage. At least the fire won't be a problem. "...That's really convenient," I comment. On the other hand, though, my clothes feel cold and wet now. Aw man, I don't wanna get sick...

@Card Captor
For some reason, Wise Old Mentor #2 wasn't picking up. I tried all the way to the cave...but nothing. 'Did I mess up? Should I have just kept taking to him and ignored what was going on around me.' I sighed. I didn't know what I was doing, I was just a kid. We we all kids, none of us were prepared for saving an entire world...

...What was I thinking!? With a slap to my face, I banish those stupid thoughts out of my mind. I was not going to let myself stew in emo emotions; that way lies the path of Grim Edge, and nobody want's that, not even the people who think they do. 'Alright then, extra memories, give me something good!' I take another look into the strange memories I got before, trying to find something that could help me. After a little while of searching, I find something promising; Cultivation. It was basically magical Chinese martial arts powers, and it required special meditation...or something. I had already tried to meditate...but maybe if I tried something new. This time, when I meditated, I tried to imagine the energy of the world around me flowing into my body with each deep breath I took, and the impurities in my body leaving with each exhale
Mimi Tachikawa
Cave, Tropical Jungle, File Island
Is not a plant

I take off my pink, wide-brimmed cowboy hat, putting it upside-down beside me. It did keep my head covered from the worst of the rain... Then, I remove my brown gloves and red poncho, and place them in the crown of my hat. Now I'm just a bit less wet and cold in my dress and boots. Under normal circumstances, I would immediately go for a change of clothes, but seeing as I'm stuck with what I'm currently wearing, and since there's no restroom here... yeah. Rather miserable, but what can I do about it? Ugh...

"Are you okay?" I ask my partner.

"Yup, the rain was really refreshing!" She happily answers.

"Not for me..."

"But it's good for you, you know!"

I slightly frown. "I'm not a plant, Lalamon. I might get colds or something."


I pat her on the head, a small smile on my face. "Well, at least there's no more fire."


I then opt to address the others. "Are you guys okay?"
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Mimi Tachikawa
Cave, Tropical Jungle, File Island
Is not a plant

I take off my pink, wide-brimmed cowboy hat, putting it upside-down beside me. It did keep my head covered from the worst of the rain... Then, I remove my brown gloves and red poncho, and place them in the crown of my hat. Now I'm just a bit less wet and cold in my dress and boots. Under normal circumstances, I would immediately go for a change of clothes, but seeing as I'm stuck with what I'm currently wearing, and since there's no restroom here... yeah. Rather miserable, but what can I do about it? Ugh...

"Are you okay?" I ask my partner.

"Yup, the rain was really refreshing!" She happily answers.

"Not for me..."

"But it's good for you, you know!"

I slightly frown. "I'm not a plant, Lalamon. I might get colds or something."


I pat her on the head, a small smile on my face. "Well, at least there's no more fire."


I then opt to address the others. "Are you guys okay?"
"I'm okay. Nyaromon?" I asked.

She nodded. "I'm fine." Okay...me and Nyaromon are okay.

And then I sneezed. It was adorable, but still a bad sign. "Uh oh.....That's not good."
Mimi Tachikawa
Cave, Tropical Jungle, File Island
That's not good

"I'm okay. Nyaromon?" I asked.

She nodded. "I'm fine." Okay...me and Nyaromon are okay.

And then I sneezed. It was adorable, but still a bad sign. "Uh oh.....That's not good."

...That was cute, but no, Kari's not so fine, despite what she says. She might already have colds, and... it was mentioned during summer camp that she has the flu, which doesn't help matters.

Normally, one would find medicine at home or at least in a nearby drugstore, but then... I glance around the cave. Yeah, we would have to improvise. How troublesome. Since Lalamon knows her stuff about plants... "Do you know of medicinal plants for colds and flu?" I ask her.

"Yup. Want me to look for them?"

Alone? While the rain is fine for her, I'm not sure if going by herself would be safe. "Maybe when the rain stops? So I can go with you."

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((The GM gave the okay for this))

Pagumon Village, File Island

Jun Motomiya
Pagumon (Koromon) Village, File Island
Wanting to pat Gaioumon

"Um, okay," I say and hand the small Digivice over to the giant dragon-man, "What are you going to do?"

The draconic Digimon sits down and shows you a view of your digivice. "All right, in order to evolve your Partner, you must have them registered. Now, here's how you do that..."

He goes over the steps and demonstrates them, that is, what buttons to press, what menus to go to, what settings to change, that sort of thing, before handing the device back to you.

@Jhin Lemon
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Jun Motomiya
Pagumon (Koromon) Village, File Island

((The GM gave the okay for this))

Pagumon Village, File Island

The draconic Digimon sits down and shows you a view of your digivice. "All right, in order to evolve your Partner, you must have them registered. Now, here's how you do that..."

He goes over the steps and demonstrates them, that is, what buttons to press, what menus to go to, what settings to change, that sort of thing, before handing the device back to you.

@Jhin Lemon
Alright, so to register a Digimon you need to press the three buttons on the front until there's a chime and then give it to the digimon you want to register. And for a partner you just both need to press the buttons together. There was also some stuff about how to digivolve and how you have to be feeling emotional to do it the first time.

I turn to the Pagumon, "So, do you want to become my partner?" I ask.

"Of course!" it replies with a cocky grin. I sit down with my legs crossed and place my digivice in front of me on the ground. The Pagumon floats own onto the ground and together we press the buttons, me with my fingers and it with its ears. After a short moment there's a chime and a Pagumon sprite shows up in the center. I look to Gaioumon to check if I did that right.

Then I feel a tap on my back, it's one of the other 99 Pagumon, the slightly bigger one from before.

"Excuse me Digidestined, but we have spoken and we would like to come with you on your journey."

"Sure, which of you want to come?" I ask.

"All of us," comes the reply.

"All hundred of you?" I don't think I heard that right.


Oh boy. That's a lot of Pagumon to deal with. And a lot of registering to do. But maybe it's not a bad idea, Gaioumon showed how this place isn't exactly safe... I turn to the dragon-man.

"Is there any way to register digimon faster than one at a time?" I ask him. The Pagumon all seem to smile as I ask my question.
File Island
Cold and Dreary

"I hat-t-te the f-f-freaking cc-o-old." I mutter quietly under my breath teeth chattering relentlessly.

Quickly dropping to my knees I pulled off my bag and began to rummage through it.

Inside I found a warm looking sweater, a water bottle, some rope, and a leather jacket?

To be more specific a smaller version of my jacket from earth.

"Holy shit." I murmured hands running over it almost reverently, maybe someone is looking out for me if I got this back my last link to earth.

Slipping it on I quickly zipped it up finally hiding the yellow coloured shirt I hated so, freaking hate yellow.

And then I sneezed. It was adorable, but still a bad sign. "Uh oh.....That's not good."

Quickly rushing over to the young girl sweater in hand I began to give her an instruction.

"Hands up Kiddo we need to keep you warm." I said giving her a soft smile.
File Island
Cold and Dreary

"I hat-t-te the f-f-freaking cc-o-old." I mutter quietly under my breath teeth chattering relentlessly.

Quickly dropping to my knees I pulled off my bag and began to rummage through it.

Inside I found a warm looking sweater, a water bottle, some rope, and a leather jacket?

To be more specific a smaller version of my jacket from earth.

"Holy shit." I murmured hands running over it almost reverently, maybe someone is looking out for me if I got this back my last link to earth.

Slipping it on I quickly zipped it up finally hiding the yellow coloured shirt I hated so, freaking hate yellow.

Quickly rushing over to the young girl sweater in hand I began to give her an instruction.

"Hands up Kiddo we need to keep you warm." I said giving her a soft smile.
I did as asked, and the sweater was so warm and soft and fluffy. Nyaromon quickly snuggled herself into the pockets. "Thanks.. umm. What's your name again? I can't remember.." I then yawned, my head feels fuzzy..kinda unfocuses. must be the memories settling down.

Nyaromon chirped up. "Her name is Sora!"

I smiled. "Thanks Nyaromon, and thank you Sora.."
((Got permission from the GM for this))

Pagumon Village, File Island

"Is there any way to register digimon faster than one at a time?" I ask him. The Pagumon all seem to smile as I ask my question.

The Mega-level Digimon could only blink at that. All one hundred Pagumon? That's unprecedented! Talk about a army of partners. "I'm sorry, but it can only be done one at a time," he says.

@Jhin Lemon
Jun Motomiya
Pagumon (Koromon) Village, File Island

((Got permission from the GM for this))

Pagumon Village, File Island

The Mega-level Digimon could only blink at that. All one hundred Pagumon? That's unprecedented! Talk about a army of partners. "I'm sorry, but it can only be done one at a time," he says.

@Jhin Lemon
I wilt a little at the prospect of registering this many digimon.

"Well, everyone line up," I tell the Pagumon with a sigh. Once they do so I start at the front, where the bigger one is. I press all three buttons on my digivice and wait for it to register him. A few seconds later I move to the second...slowly working my way down the line...