Wait, what!? "Sorry, I've got to go! Something bad is happening. I'll try to contact you later." I then hung up. I'm not sure how I knew how to do that, but I did. I jumped out of the hold of...actually, I'm not sure who that was. "Kari, wait up! Remember the buddy system!" I chase after her with Bakumon close behind me.
"Wha-" Kokuwamon squawks, almost falling over backwards if I hadn't caught him.... that was probably a bad idea as both of us toppled to the ground as I was unable to support the added weight.

Kokuwamon pushed himself up and helped me to my feet... "I think I sprained an ankle dammit" I cursed, my left leg erupting in pain almost causing me to collapse if my partner hadn't caught me.

'Oh crap... the forest is on fucking fire' leaning to look past my partner I spotted the flames rapidly approaching "....... Kokuwamon could you carry me? we need to get out of here RIGHT NOW!" this confused the rookie for a few seconds before he turned his head around spotted the flames, quickly letting me climb onto his back then we took off like a bat out of hell away from the blaze.
Jun Motomiya
Pagumon (Koromon) Village, File Island

"Um, no. I kinda only woke up about a half hour at most before you showed up."

So I need to do this thing registering thing? I guess that makes them stop being 'wild' digimon? Ooh, I wonder if there's a limit to how many I could register, there were a lot of Pagumon who seemed to want to come with me before.
Sighing, Gaioumon rubbed his face under his helmet. "What are The Server Hosts thinking? This is the kind of attitude that got Lord Megadramon killed last time... Anyway Lady Jun, Are there any spare Digimon around here I can show you on?"
Mimi Tachikawa
Tropical Jungle, File Island
Wait, that data!

Turning my head in Ube's direction, "Honestly? I don't know and I don't care 'til we're out of the fire."

"Why are you strong? Can you pick me and Nyaromon up and hold us over your head?" I asked. Nyraomon just sighed.

Point. I momentarily look behind me, only to immediately look in front and quicken my pace. Frankly, I can't believe I'm running this much, but I have to. I'm going to need rest after we're safe, though...

So, Tai doesn't know, and even Kari, his sister, is also asking about it. That means it's unusual, not something he's always had, because they both wouldn't comment on it like that otherwise. Mimi's memories don't depict him as that strong before, either, and the only recent significant event that comes to mind is... that white stream of data from the dying bug monster.

"...You got it from Kuwagamon, didn't you?" I ask.

If that's true, that means one could somehow obtain power that way, except it comes from the souls of Digimon...

@Card Captor
Jun Motomiya
Pagumon (Koromon) Village, File Island

Sighing, Gaioumon rubbed his face under his helmet. "What are The Server Hosts thinking? This is the kind of attitude that got Lord Megadramon killed last time... Anyway Lady Jun, Are there any spare Digimon around here I can show you on?"
"There are the four Digimon you told to join me. Unless I shouldn't register them for some reason, if that's the case then there are also more Pagumon around," I reply.
Mimi Tachikawa
Tropical Jungle, File Island
Wait, that data!

Point. I momentarily look behind me, only to immediately look in front and quicken my pace. Frankly, I can't believe I'm running this much, but I have to. I'm going to need rest after we're safe, though...

So, Tai doesn't know, and even Kari, his sister, is also asking about it. That means it's unusual, not something he's always had, because they both wouldn't comment on it like that otherwise. Mimi's memories don't depict him as that strong before, either, and the only recent significant event that comes to mind is... that white stream of data from the dying bug monster.

"...You got it from Kuwagamon, didn't you?" I ask.

If that's true, that means one could somehow obtain power that way, except it comes from the souls of Digimon...

@Card Captor
Stumbling slightly at Mimi's theory, I redouble my pace. "So... What? I'm a Digimon now or something?"

@ForgottonFuture, @Card Captor, @Roland27.
Mimi Tachikawa
Tropical Jungle, File Island
We're data now?

Stumbling slightly at Mimi's theory, I redouble my pace. "So... What? I'm a Digimon now or something?"

I was instantly curious. How did it happen? How does it work? SUPER POWERS! wait. I said that out loud.

Nyaromon was just facepalming with her tail.

"Hehe." Superpowers. That's one way of putting it.

I have a feeling that Izzy would be better suited to theorycrafting, or hypothesis-making, than me. It's but a guess I have from what I observed, and knowledge-wise, we may need more instances like it to be sure. The problem, however, is that it involves killing Digimon...

"No, you're not. I think it's absorbing data, adapting to this world. Wait, does that mean we're made of data in here?"

...What comes to mind are the Zerg from StarCraft, which quickly adapt to the challenges they face by taking biomass, and subsequent useful abilities, from their kills. Just exchange 'biomass' with 'data'.
I was instantly curious. How did it happen? How does it work? SUPER POWERS! wait. I said that out loud.

Nyaromon was just facepalming with her tail.
Sliding my eyes down to Kari, I felt my snark levels rising. "Nnnnnooooo... Really Sis? What gave it away?"
Mimi Tachikawa
Tropical Jungle, File Island
We're data now?

"Hehe." Superpowers. That's one way of putting it.

I have a feeling that Izzy would be better suited to theorycrafting, or hypothesis-making, than me. It's but a guess I have from what I observed, and knowledge-wise, we may need more instances like it to be sure. The problem, however, is that it involves killing Digimon...

"No, you're not. I think it's absorbing data, adapting to this world. Wait, does that mean we're made of data in here?"

...What comes to mind are the Zerg from StarCraft, which quickly adapt to the challenges they face by taking biomass, and subsequent useful abilities, from their kills. Just exchange 'biomass' with 'data'.
RISING! "THEN I SHALL DEVOUR THEM ALL! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" Throwing my head back, I let out my Meniacal Evil LaughTM​ Tai Edition.

@Card Captor, @Roland27.

Jun Motomiya
Pagumon (Koromon) Village, File Island

"There are the four Digimon you told to join me. Unless I shouldn't register them for some reason, if that's the case then there are also more Pagumon around," I reply.
Standing up, the Bushido-Dragon explained. "I'd rather you knew what you was doing before you registered them. Can you call one of the Pagumon out please?"
Sliding my eyes down to Kari, I felt my snark levels rising. "Nnnnnooooo... Really Sis? What gave it away?"

RISING! "THEN I SHALL DEVOUR THEM ALL! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" Throwing my head back, I let out my Meniacal Evil LaughTM​ Tai Edition.

I turned to Tai and smacked him on the head. "No. Bad Tai. Bad.." Hmmm. The fire is slowing down, which is good.
Jun Motomiya
Pagumon (Koromon) Village, File Island
Pagumon buddy!

"Uh, actually," I respond, "I'm not sure my partner is even registered yet." I scratch the back of my head sheepishly.
Jun Motomiya
Pagumon (Koromon) Village, File Island
Pagumon buddy!

"Uh, actually," I respond, "I'm not sure my partner is even registered yet." I scratch the back of my head sheepishly.
Snapping his head towards you, Gaioumon roared "WHAT?! How can you not have a Partner?!"
Jun Motomiya
Pagumon (Koromon) Village, File Island
Back to eep

Snapping his head towards you, Gaioumon roared "WHAT?! How can you not have a Partner?!"
I flinch at Gaioumon roaring. "U-uhh, can't I have a Partner without them being registered? All I really know is that I got sucked into a portal and woke up here with a digivice."
Mimi Tachikawa
Tropical Jungle, File Island
Bad Tai

Sliding my eyes down to Kari, I felt my snark levels rising. "Nnnnnooooo... Really Sis? What gave it away?"

RISING! "THEN I SHALL DEVOUR THEM ALL! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" Throwing my head back, I let out my Meniacal Evil LaughTM​ Tai Edition.

I turned to Tai and smacked him on the head. "No. Bad Tai. Bad.." Hmmm. The fire is slowing down, which is good.

"Bad Tai," I say in agreement with his imouto. "Digimon are not for eating."

Lalamon then asks something else that I'd also like to know about. "Speaking of which, who else are feral? How do we know which is which?"
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Jun Motomiya
Pagumon (Koromon) Village, File Island
Back to eep

I flinch at Gaioumon roaring. "U-uhh, can't I have a Partner without them being registered? All I really know is that I got sucked into a portal and woke up here with a digivice."
Letting out a long sigh, Gaioumon held out his hand. "Can I see your Digivice for a minute? I promise I'll give it right back."

I turned to Tai and smacked him on the head. "No. Bad Tai. Bad.." Hmmm. The fire is slowing down, which is good.
Mimi Tachikawa
Tropical Jungle, File Island
Bad Tai

"Bad Tai," I say in agreement with his imouto. "Digimon are not for eating."

Lalamon then asks something else that I'd also like to know about. "Speaking of which, who else are feral? How do we know which is which?"
Tanking the hit from decades of practice, I answered Lalamon's question. "Well usually the eyes are a good indicator of sanity. But if you see a Black Gear sticking out of them, run!"

@Card Captor, @Roland27.
Sora Takenouchi
File Island, Digital World
uh well down the rabbit hole we go

"...What's a Black Gear?"

Looking to Kari I thought screw it may as well let her know the kid needs to know these things incase she gets separated from us.

"Black Gears are basically mind control devices that cause otherwise peaceful digimon to go into extreme uncontrollable rages."
Suddenly, I remembered that I had to call the second wise old mentor back "oh! I just remembered something!" I grasped my digivice in both hands, and tried to focus on him, on the digivice reaching out to whatever it reached him on before.
Jun Motomiya
Pagumon (Koromon) Village, File Island
Wanting to pat Gaioumon

Letting out a long sigh, Gaioumon held out his hand. "Can I see your Digivice for a minute? I promise I'll give it right back."
"Um, okay," I say and hand the small Digivice over to the giant dragon-man, "What are you going to do?"
Mimi Tachikawa
Tropical Jungle, File Island
So much for discreetness

"...What's a Black Gear?"

Uh oh, Tai just outed himself. Kari is not in the know! Awkward...

Sora Takenouchi
File Island, Digital World
uh well down the rabbit hole we go

Looking to Kari I thought screw it may as well let her know the kid needs to know these things incase she gets separated from us.

"Black Gears are basically mind control devices that cause otherwise peaceful digimon to go into extreme uncontrollable rages."

I add on to what was said. "I was informed that the light of a Digivice can neutralize them, and that they can also be removed by force."

Well, it is true. I was told about it. I just didn't say who or what, out of discreetness. Still, it would be good for them to know about the Gears, just in case.

Suddenly, I remembered that I had to call the second wise old mentor back "oh! I just remembered something!" I grasped my digivice in both hands, and tried to focus on him, on the digivice reaching out to whatever it reached him on before.

Whatever he's doing with his digital device, it's not my business right now. The conversation about Black Gears has more of my attention, with the rest being getting out of here with the others.
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Tropical Jungle, File Island

I sighed, this...this was alot to deal with. Tai admitting what I suspected, new info I had probably forgotten on the first series....and the damn fire behind us.

Pukamon patted me on the side of my face. "Joe? Lighten up okay?" He was chill as usual but...that rather repeated phrase of his...was that concern?

"Heh. I...I guess, just...this-" I gesture to everything around me. I hated this.

Heh...that's what it always came down to, no? I hated this, not being good enough, having a second chance...I was just spouting out in my head about being reliable but-

Not even this! I was just-just...!
This place was someone's home! And now it was going to just burn away? When we're supposed to protect it? I..

As I clenched my fists in frustration, the digivice in my pocket lit up!


With wide eyes and a burst of digital code-light-some sorta..thing..

I swear I could hear the damn guitar rift and Japanese song...though I'm sure it's all in my head....
But my partner, now a larger tadpole looking thing. "Whoah..." I stared at him in surprise.

"Hey Joe, look."he had a wide grin on his face..he must have been proud..I felt the same as a grin came onto my own face. This..
"Hey Otamamon?" "Yeah?" I nodded over to the flames. "Let's do it?"
Staring between me and the flames for a few moments, before with a detrmined smile and nod he began letting off an attack at the flames nearest to us.

"Water Jet!" A stream of water began attempting to do it's work. But...

"This won't be enough...." but..perhaps..

I turn to the others a ways away. "Hey guys! Anyone who can help, maybe we should try and stop the fire!? People probably live here, we can't just let their home burn down!"

@Card Captor

(ooc: Again sorry it took so damn long...
Just really had a hard time with this one....)
Tropical Jungle, File Island

I sighed, this...this was alot to deal with. Tai admitting what I suspected, new info I had probably forgotten on the first series....and the damn fire behind us.

Pukamon patted me on the side of my face. "Joe? Lighten up okay?" He was chill as usual but...that rather repeated phrase of his...was that concern?

"Heh. I...I guess, just...this-" I gesture to everything around me. I hated this.

Heh...that's what it always came down to, no? I hated this, not being good enough, having a second chance...I was just spouting out in my head about being reliable but-

Not even this! I was just-just...!
This place was someone's home! And now it was going to just burn away? When we're supposed to protect it? I..

As I clenched my fists in frustration, the digivice in my pocket lit up!

With wide eyes and a burst of digital code-light-some sorta..thing..

I swear I could hear the damn guitar rift and Japanese song...though I'm sure it's all in my head....
But my partner, now a larger tadpole looking thing. "Whoah..." I stared at him in surprise.

"Hey Joe, look."he had a wide grin on his face..he must have been proud..I felt the same as a grin came onto my own face. This..
"Hey Otamamon?" "Yeah?" I nodded over to the flames. "Let's do it?"
Staring between me and the flames for a few moments, before with a detrmined smile and nod he began letting off an attack at the flames nearest to us.

"Water Jet!" A stream of water began attempting to do it's work. But...

"This won't be enough...." but..perhaps..

I turn to the others a ways away. "Hey guys! Anyone who can help, maybe we should try and stop the fire!? People probably live here, we can't just let their home burn down!"

@Card Captor

(ooc: Again sorry it took so damn long...
Just really had a hard time with this one....)
I looked to Nyaromon, before I looked over my brother's shoulder. "Can you put out the fire?"

She shook her head, as expected. "No...maybe Guilmon can fight fire with fire?"
Mimi Tachikawa
Tropical Jungle, File Island
Why oh why do we have to have a fire

I turn to the others a ways away. "Hey guys! Anyone who can help, maybe we should try and stop the fire!? People probably live here, we can't just let their home burn down!"

"Anything you can do?" I ask Lalamon, and she shakes her head. "Nope, how about you?"

My answer is a shake of the head as well. "Me neither; Kuwagamon was easier than this!"

I looked to Nyaromon, before I looked over my brother's shoulder. "Can you put out the fire?"

She shook her head, as expected. "No...maybe Guilmon can fight fire with fire?"

"A backburn?" I ask, since the idea is to start a fire ahead and have it approach the main fire, depriving both of fuel. "Someone would have to fan those flames," I add. If the wind doesn't cooperate, it might not work.
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