DICE: The Cube that Changes Everything - Quest

[x] Talk to the really hot girl next to you about the fiasco. Don't reveal your involvement.

Come on guys. If your going to conjure up a girl to talk to at least make her a really hot girl~!:cool:
[] Talk to the really hot girl next to you about the fiasco. Don't reveal your involvement.

Come on guys. If your going to conjure up a girl to talk to at least make her a really hot girl~!:cool:
I don't want to meet any other dicers yet.. Also we'll lose to the other option if we split now. Join us please!
I don't want to meet any other dicers yet.. Also we'll lose to the other option if we split now. Join us please!

Really? I mean really? There are so many things wrong with what you said I don't even know where to start... well I guess beginning.

When are all hot people suddenly dicers? Seriously even in the manga they still had hot girls before dicing became common. o_O

How is my vote constitute a split? Its the same damn thing. I just added two words to give some better filler and make the GM's job a little more fun and easier because suddenly he has something more to work with because I put the effort in to add an adjective to describe the girl he is sitting next to. Hell a Dicer with a social build would be seated more centrally so they could use their higher charisma to have conversation and network. Their charisma would be new to them so they would want to capitalize on it as much as possible. With hot chick sitting next to us we have it more narrowed down. We are in the back row and aisle seat. Meaning the girl we are sitting next to doesn't care to network this early in the morning.

1. She could like us since to get a back row seat you would have to show up earlier then usual. Their popular with the slackers.
2. She is a slacker.
3. Something else that isn't dicer, currently I've got bubkiss. Kind of tired right now.

Anyways most options aren't mutually exclusive.

If I had wanted us to meet a dicer I would have done something like this:
[ ] Talk to the most popular person in school next to you about the fiasco. Don't reveal your involvement.

I didn't. I simply made the girl we are talking to really hot.
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Really? I mean really? There are so many things wrong with what you said I don't even know where to start... well I guess beginning.

When are all hot people suddenly dicers? Seriously even in the manga they still had hot girls before dicing became common. o_O

How is my vote constitute a split? Its the same damn thing. I just added two words to give some better filler and make the GM's job a little more fun and easier because suddenly he has something more to work with because I put the effort in to add an adjective to describe the girl he is sitting next to. Hell a Dicer with a social build would be seated more centrally so they could use their higher charisma to have conversation and network. Their charisma would be new to them so they would want to capitalize on it as much as possible. With hot chick sitting next to us we have it more narrowed down. We are in the back row and aisle seat. Meaning the girl we are sitting next to doesn't care to network this early in the morning.

1. She could like us since to get a back row seat you would have to show up earlier then usual. Their popular with the slackers.
2. She is a slacker.
3. Something else that isn't dicer, currently I've got bubkiss. Kind of tired right now.

Anyways most options aren't mutually exclusive.

If I had wanted us to meet a dicer I would have done something like this:
[ ] Talk to the most popular person in school next to you about the fiasco. Don't reveal your involvement.

I didn't. I simply made the girl we are talking to really hot.
I'm bought.
[x] Talk to the really hot girl next to you about the fiasco. Don't reveal your involvement.
If @wdango votes for it I'll vote for it. [x] Talk. to the really hot. girl. next to you about the fiasco. Don't reveal your. involvement. Start off with a laugh then an exclamation. about how crazy that. was. Use our charm and rugged good looks from there .
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If @wdnago votes for it I'll vote for it [x] Talk to the really hot girl next to you about the fiasco. Don't reveal your involvement.
Glad my word means something. :p thank you. I need a nickname for you, btw. How's Eddy?

Also : 1. Typoed my name.
2. Might need to vote on a newline.
Just checking but we have the policy for at least a little while of this:

The number of dice we have unactivated are to remain at 0 for the largest amount of time possible. Basically as soon as we get them we roll them. Right then and there. If we need to immediately assign them? Well intellect or speed are always extremely good dump stats.


My reasoning. We don't want other people to become dicers. Once thats starts happening our policy would probably be changed to acquiring a group of followers loyal to us. Heck maybe in love with us too if we can swing it. But until that time we should be focusing on improving our charisma to about (80?) not to sure about that number but I'm willing to make it lower or higher but we should take it somewhat slow I'm thinking on that one. Its our most obvious attribute when it gets improved. The others we can always hold off on showing our true capability in but charisma also partially improves our looks. So we should limit it to a maximum of 5-10 points per weekend until we get that high, not sure if going higher is smart. While doing that also focus on being a "Bro" aka nice guy. Better to have everyone in the school love us and think nice about us then being a jerk about looking that hot. So just about the most important stat we have is going to be charisma. It beats out just about every other stat we have. Not quite sure it beats them out combined but it is definitely extremely important. It handles our social standing, initial impression, our good we are at networking, how good we are at leading, just how awesome we look. We don't get messed with if we have an awesome charisma. Life is unfair like that but them's the breaks. If we manage to meet a dicer who hasn't specced into charisma we might even be able to convince them to work for or at least with us. We are supremely intelligent after all in our natural build. The only downside I could see with getting our charisma that high is potentially becoming yandere bait. Still thats what our intellect, inspiration, and speed is for.

Our next most important stat should be speed. Speed determines how quickly we move from place to place. Get it up high enough and we can steal the unactivated dice out of a dicers hands. I'm thinking that speed should be one of our main focuses. Get it up to a maximum of 100 until the dice become more spread out. I'm thinking every 3rd die we get should go towards our speed.

Now for our third most important stat to boost. Its actually a bit of a toss up between intelligence and endurance. At least early on. It depends on how much endurance allows speed to keep going. Being able to take a hit like a linebacker is great, but if we can keep running for an hour even with a crappy endurance then it drops down in importance a couple ranks. Intelligence on the other hand improves just how informed we are. With a high enough rank we should be able to pick up little clues and basically pull a sherlock holmes or tattletale which is all very useful when we have to eventually rely upon our inspiration again future dice monsters.

If endurance is what I think it is then its a very important stat and we are going to want it higher then any of our other physical combat stats. maybe not higher then agility but around it definitely. Endurance might include how quickly we heal from injury, being robust and in good health literally can remove months of recovery from injuries you receive. I knew a guy get run over by a boat and get cut to ribbons and be fully recovered within months of the incident. Course guy was a fitness nut and personal trainer but hey, you get my point.

Agility. Why take a hit when you can just dodge? Intelligence, charisma, and speed are extremely important for our out of combat capabilities but if endurance isn't as good as I think it is then its pretty much tied for agility as a dump stat. We are going to want our agility to match our endurance for the most part. In combat these are going to be our main stay. Don't get hit and when you do be able to take the hit.

Strength. If ever there was a dump stat this is it. We live in the modern world. being able to pull a gun or knife and simply multiply the strength of your attack ten fold means strength has ceased to be the combat important stat it used to be. Being able to carry a ton of equipment and supplies used to be important... now a days? Not so much. You can get by with carrying only a select few things. Even in a fight you can usually come up with some kind of stabbing implement using anything in an emergency. About the only reason why we would want a strength build is if we became a grappler. Even then our intelligence means we might as well go and spend 2 hours out of class going to safety courses at the local gym or whatever and learn some holds, arm bars and the like.

Speaking of which those are going to be invaluable and we should definitely make it a point of interest to start getting training in all the different ways to break the human body using very little amounts of power. Being able to break a guys arm because they tried to power through an arm bar would serve sweet justice to any combat monsters that try to attack us. But this won't become a necessary concern for us until after we get our first dice... at which point we figure out just how broken it is and become petrified of coming across a guy or girl who has been doing this for a few years. The realization should come swiftly at which point we should make it a point of getting our self properly trained in the ways of breaking bodies with little effort. Heck we are a hacker. We should have some buddies who can send us links to good resources on those matters. We have a high enough intellect that it should be easy to pick up at least. THough our agility score might need a boost to say 15 before we become effective with them... and our strength to 10...

Skills we are going to want to pick up if we don't have them:
1. How to destroy a person in a fight as quickly as possible. Using tools to do so if necessary.
2. Basic & Advanced First Aid
3. Everybody is your friend attitude. Kind of important that.
4. Parkour, being able to run away in any environment. Yeah that is going to be very important...
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