Dice Quest [Dice/Exalted]

Oh come on, you're exaggerating the terribleness here. All he tried to do was create a positive intimacy to us and it failed since we're a stubborn bitch. That's not really mind control, just a bit of emotional manipulation. If we raise our appearance it won't be nearly as much of an issue. All it gives them is a bit of a dice advantage against us in social combat, two or so extra dice if it'd been successful.

Still, it seems that these guys, while kind of stupid, do have a point. We need to deal with the growing gangs of dicers before they get to big for anyone to deal with. Launching an attack when they least expect it is a decent idea for dealing with them now.

EDIT: Not the best, but this'll do for now

[x] Remain silent and listen to whatever harebrained scheme Michael's hatched while watching what other people say. We'll decide what our next move is after he's made his.
What a problem. We play along, we get mind whammied. We don't, we get singled out due to fighting style/skill as the Masked Dicer and get gang whammied. Pick your poison.
bloodshifter said:
Uh don't know if we are reading the same update here. This group could care less about the Masked Dicer we can declare that we are her and they would go... Meh...

Each of these Dicers are selfish and self serving. Aside from Nagisa and Jeremy. Not to mention each of them are as profienct as us in their area.

1 Super Stealth
1 Super Detective (Knows about us already.)
1 Super Solo Social Girl (Mind Whammied)
1 Super Group Social with Martial Counter.
1 Melee Specialist.
Oh come on guy. I'm trying to create some discussion and you just poohf all over it. Now I'm sad. :[ <color style="transparent"]Its not like that's exactly what the GM is planning anyways. Gotta be MAX PARANOID around GMs or they'll getcha! >.> [.< .</color]
I'm pretty sure that there are a couple serious misconceptions here, so I'd like to step back and go over the situation.

The currently present list of characters is:
  • Us, of course.
  • Michael, "berserker", who we had previously fought here. He has claimed to be the one who attacked us here, and thus far has displayed high combat ability but relatively low social ability (which makes me wonder why he's serving as the face, honestly). Investment in Appearance, Martial Arts and Athletics.
  • Nagase, who we had previously fought here. Michael has claimed association with her and she has not disputed it, but hasn't otherwise talked yet. Investment in Appearance and Melee, including charms.
  • Clare, "Bishoujo", who we had previously fought here. Michael has claimed association with her and she has not disputed it, but has only talked to chastise Gabriel for lack of manners. Investment in Appearance and Awareness.
  • Jeremy, "an incredibly tiny boy", who appears to have deployed a social charm against at minimum us and Lilith but possibly the whole room after Raphael interrupted him. Investment in Performance, including at least one charm, and possibly also in Intelligence, Wits, and/or War given his rapid analysis.
  • Raphael, "a relatively normal boy", who has been quiet but quickly analyzed Michael's reasons for attacking us while in the guise of the Masked Dicer, interrupting Jeremy. Investments in Intelligence, Wits, and/or War?
  • Gabriel, "a broad shouldered boy", who seems somewhat abrasive; he mocked us for our appearance and lateness, has verbally shown hostility to Michael, and supported us- if wordlessly- in our social parry against Michael. Investment in Strength and Stamina?
  • Lilith, "an absolutely stunning girl", who immediately attacked Michael upon his admission that he's been going around attacking people as the Masked Dicer. She was defeated easily but still seems pretty scrappy; investment in Appearance, Martial Arts, probably Resistance.
  • There may also be at least one other person present, since as we entered someone appeared to use Stealth charms to get past us, and that person hasn't been properly identified as any of the people present. We haven't recognized any of their voices, at least, though that could just be a failure to properly recognize a normal spoken voice as the same as that in a whisper, or a use of Larceny on their part to alter their voice's sound.
Also relevant is this sequence from the dice room's log, which appears to regard the latest update:

2014-04-20 15:58:13 Anondylar: Anondylar has joined the room.
2014-04-20 15:58:25 Anondylar: Hm. Okay, rolling for social attack, whatever.
2014-04-20 16:07:16 Anondylar: 12D10X7 => 8 | ones: 1
2014-04-20 16:07:32 Anondylar: For the record, Taylor fails.
2014-04-20 16:07:51 Anondylar: And now, for the counterattack:
2014-04-20 16:08:42 Anondylar: 5D10X7 => 2
2014-04-20 16:09:32 Anondylar: Well, his social stats are pretty bad. I'll have Taylor use her PMDV, since even with two successes he'll blow past her DMDV. Raise that Willpower and Appearance, guys!
I believe this is our social attack, which presumably got a die pool of 12 from Manipulation 3+Presence 6+Selfish 3. No stunt, alas. Based on the description of how it bounced ("He stands there and takes your words. He doesn't even look ashamed or anything."), it hit an effective DMDV of 8 or higher. Then he socially attacked with the "my methods were unorthodox" bit, which we shut down with our PMDV, a social parry in the form of "spit it the fuck out".

In mechanical terms, remember that PMDV is (Charisma/Manipulation+Ability+Specialty)/2 rounded up. This means our base PMDV is 6. DMDV is (Willpower+Integrity+Specialty+Essence)/2, rounded down. This means our base DMDV is 4. A 2-success attack blows past our DMDV as noted if Michael has an appearance of 4+. Our Appearance for our social attack is effectively 3 since we're attempting to intimidate others, but since he wasn't trying for an intimidation play we're back to our actual score of 1, meaning that we'd suffer the full -3 possible penalty and have our DMDV reduced to just 1. Our PMDV falls to 3, which was more than his successes- but it's a close thing.

Given that we didn't socially parry Jeremy's attack either but still seem to have defeated it, and he's almost certainly got an Appearance of at least 3 and was able to affect Lilith, either we hit a clause of his charm that let us ignore its effect or spent willpower to beat the charm. I suspect the latter.

Anyway, the issue with attacking anyway on the basis of UMI is that hitting Jeremy will inspire Michael, Nagase, and Clare to attack us for not playing along with them and is unlikely to garner support from the other independents (in fact, Lilith might promptly go hostile), while attacking the Michael/Nagase/Clare group (who haven't pulled out the social charms) will probably just make everything devolve into a fight that will leave all of us injured and weakened when whoever else he invited shows up. It's not a good play to hit either one of them.

Fortunately, we currently have no reasonable expectation that further social charms will be deployed against us. Jeremy goes down in my books as someone trigger-happy with the social charms who should be Join Battle'd into submission at the earliest available opportunity, but he's not the one talking here, just someone petty enough to deploy mind whammy because he got interrupted. It's Michael that's laying out a plan, and his social die pool is right up there- just 5 dice. We should let him say what he has to say, then make our choice as to whether it's better to try tearing him apart verbally or let things run their course and take some kind of action to maximize our own benefit- like joining up with these "Legacy of the Seven Dragons and Phoenixes" people.

[x] Remain silent and listen to whatever harebrained scheme Michael's hatched while watching what other people say. We'll decide what our next move is after he's made his.
Yay, lag's over! Somewhat.

So yeah, Michael and Jeremy are two different people. Jeremy actually didn't use a charm, just arbitrarily high social stats (and I wasn't really in the mood to do any more number crunching) that it had an effect on you. I didn't have you spend wp on it though, since that would unfair since I didn't roll for it.

(Also, correcting a misconception that might have arisen: Michael's saying that he made arrangements - and paved the way - for people from Legacy to transfer over to your course, so they can sink their fangs into the student body here as well. They're not actually coming up to the rooftop.

Essentially, remember that Mafia guy in canon Dice? What's Michael's done is help him expand his influence to other 'classes', or in the case of your school, courses.)
DarkLight140 said:
Fortunately, we currently have no reasonable expectation that further social charms will be deployed against us. Jeremy goes down in my books as someone trigger-happy with the social charms who should be Join Battle'd into submission at the earliest available opportunity, but he's not the one talking here, just someone petty enough to deploy mind whammy because he got interrupted. It's Michael that's laying out a plan, and his social die pool is right up there- just 5 dice. We should let him say what he has to say, then make our choice as to whether it's better to try tearing him apart verbally or let things run their course and take some kind of action to maximize our own benefit- like joining up with these "Legacy of the Seven Dragons and Phoenixes" people.

[x] Remain silent and listen to whatever harebrained scheme Michael's hatched while watching what other people say. We'll decide what our next move is after he's made his.
Gonna say it right now If your plan wins and everything goes to the crapper, I Called It, because functionally, if we are not planning on betraying him then your vote means we essencially join him, the story will lean towards it and then SB being SB will likely vote for it (It's like a trend), Does anybody here even want to join the f***er?

mastigos2 said:
We are not statted out for social combat and we have EVEN MORE reason to punch him in this circumstance. First he swings a chair at us, then he calls down the mob intentionally. In other words, even without being the masked dicer its worth it to punch him in the face before he tricks us into revealing our secret identity and then the rest attack us. Particularly since he might be lying about calling down the mob
How people are still voting "[X] Darklight140" when what mastigos2 said should be easily perceivable, is beyond me!
Sol Zagato said:
DRAAAAKE! Not so dumb now, am I? I noticed you've stopped beating the wardrums too.
o_O Given we rolled 8 successes on a social attack and failed, I don't really think more investment short of Appearance upgrade would have helped too much. That's an absurd MDV. It's a trade-off, but as stated, rapid Appearance upgrade is still a good panic-button probably worth the disadvantage, though I would have saved the 9 xp for doing it at any time as per my original xp plan.

At any rate, they seem to be going for a 'let's catch the Masked Dicer' plan we've already infiltrated. And you're worried he's going to become a leader or something? Okay. Of course, now that he's been stupid enough to wear a mask and attack people he's a plausible candidate and the majority of the school thinks there's no way we could be the Masked Dicer. It's a decent position we're in.

I'm fine with waiting a bit to see how things fall out right now. We were playing a ruthless character that decided to go for as much dice as possible, and that was a very plausible character to play. So that's how I strategized. I always expected something to complicate things and make us reflect on our reactions, and now we've got it. Fine, fine.

So here we are. I'm gonna have to see WAY scarier social charms than have been displayed before the whole 'He's TALKING! Crap, kick his ass!' feels plausible, though, and it reflects the worst aspects of said douchiness Anondylar was irritated about. I suggest we actually find out what their plan is and simply do what we need to do to keep things under wraps rather than going FULL PARANOIA and VIOLENCE IS THE ONLY OPTION immediately.
Lag was kind of terrible yesterday, so I'll give some more time for people to vote (unless they've all gone to SV, urgh) but I'll be around if anyone wants some more information.

drake_azathoth said:
So here we are. I'm gonna have to see WAY scarier social charms than have been displayed before the whole 'He's TALKING! Crap, kick his ass!' feels plausible, though, and it reflects the worst aspects of said douchiness Anondylar was irritated about. I suggest we actually find out what their plan is and simply do what we need to do to keep things under wraps rather than going FULL PARANOIA and VIOLENCE IS THE ONLY OPTION immediately.
It's more that numbers are very important. Sure, the rabble may not be a threat, but TMArtists are. And if you go around pissing everyone else off, they'll eventually band together to take you out.

Like I said, I don't have a problem with writing about a villain (at least for this quest), but you'll have to go about it intelligently if you want to survive. Gather allies, subordinates, etc, if you want to not take the hero route.
[x] Remain silent and listen to whatever harebrained scheme Michael's hatched while watching what other people say. We'll decide what our next move is after he's made his.

I can't believe anyone is entertaining the thought of joining the pyramid scheme.
"They've set up a hierarchy where through oppression, dice is concentrated into the hands at the top." Michael sighs. "Think of it as a Mafia. At the top are the most powerful dicers and at the bottom are those who want to be Dicers. Everyone has to tithe a portion of the Dice they earn to the people at the top, and those not do not conform are crushed mercilessly."

"And how does that concern us?"

"It concerns us because very soon, they'll be trying to take control of here too," Michael says. He hesitates for a bit, then he sighs. "I invited them here. I made the arrangements."
Anondylar said:
(Also, correcting a misconception that might have arisen: Michael's saying that he made arrangements - and paved the way - for people from Legacy to transfer over to your course, so they can't sink their fangs into the student body here as well. They're not actually coming up to the rooftop.

Essentially, remember that Mafia guy in canon Dice? What's Michael's done is help him expand his influence to other 'classes', or in the case of your school, courses.)
Thanks for the correction here; I had interpreted "I invited them here" to mean "their representatives will be arriving shortly" rather than "I have encouraged them to expand their influence into our area of the school". Though, "so they can't sink their fangs into the student body here"? Wouldn't what he's done be helping them to take control of our courses, or to use your phrasing, sink their fangs into our student body?

In any case, with any major shift in the power structure comes opportunity. Whether it's inserting ourselves at the top of the pyramid scheme, rampantly stealing dice from the people in the pyramid scheme (who, since they need to give tribute up the chain, won't be able to roll all their dice immediately like people in our course), impersonating the people at the top of the scheme and stealing all their dice that way, or something else, there's definitely a lot of opportunity here.
bloodshifter said:
-[z] Join Battle: Stop listening to him as you say that
--[z] You aim to hit him in the jaw, attempting to rendering him unable to speak. You drive him towards a overhang that is used by about every bird in the city as their spot. The birds have left but, their waste hasn't you begin to corral Jeremy to fight over an particularly fresh batch.

This look okay?
I just don't see what you're expecting to reasonably accomplish with it. You appear to be attacking Jeremy (who apparently didn't even properly use a charm on us, just stunted a social attack) rather than Michael (who is running the meeting), which is particularly unproductive.

Let's say we Join Battle and attack Jeremy. The following parties immediately go hostile:
  • Jeremy (because we punched him)
  • Michael (because we're ruining his meeting plan, whatever it is)
  • Nagase (supporting Michael)
  • Clare (supporting Michael)
  • Lilith (inclined to hug Jeremy and thus likely to join battle on his side)
Even if Raphael and Gabriel support us- which is by no means guaranteed!- we've still entered a 5v3 battle in the enemy's favor. Now, no one else has been gathering dice as aggressively as we have- we'd have heard of them, otherwise- so where we're currently built on (I believe) 82 dice, they're built on less. A 40-die or even 20-die dicer could still be a huge threat to us, though, if they spent their points on the right stuff. I don't want to bank on being able to win a battle where we're seriously outnumbered.

But let's say we win, anyway. We display utterly ridiculous combat prowess and are left standing with everyone else disabled. Then what? What can we do that will be constructive in the medium to long term, and assist us in acquiring more dice?

I should be clear that I am not completely opposed to joining battle here, but I do need to be convinced that it's more useful to actually achieving our goals than waiting, watching, and if necessary spending a temporary willpower or two in order to bounce a social attack.
DarkLight140 said:
Thanks for the correction here; I had interpreted "I invited them here" to mean "their representatives will be arriving shortly" rather than "I have encouraged them to expand their influence into our area of the school". Though, "so they can't sink their fangs into the student body here"? Wouldn't what he's done be helping them to take control of our courses, or to use your phrasing, sink their fangs into our student body?
Cripes, misspelling.
Okay, now I'm bewildered over people's hatred of Jeremy. I mean, all he did was act cute to get people to like him. It's not UMI, and I even outright stated you didn't burn wp to resist.

Is this the famed 'punch people whenever someone talks to me' reaction of Exalted players?
bloodshifter said:
Lilith won't support Jeremy.
Why wouldn't she? She's so charmed by him right now that she's shoving his face in her breasts, and she's shown herself willing to Join Battle at the drop of a hat. She seems mercurial and impulsive, quick to strike and quick to abandon what she was doing and move on to other things.
I seriously doubt Micheal would either he is an Pure Defensive Fighter. Nagisa I can see doing something but, our monkey leaps charm stops her from doing anything in the beginning. Clare might support Jeremy then again I chose the you tried to brainwash me for an reason that is going to make people at least question this as he is motorboating one of the girls out of no where.

Or well being forced to MB
Look at what the GM has said regarding this:
Anondylar said:
Jeremy actually didn't use a charm, just arbitrarily high social stats
Claiming brainwashing is going to make us look like a paranoid, irrational idiot, because there is no brainwashing involved at any level. No charm use means no UMI; Jeremy has simply pumped so many dice into his Charisma+Performance pool that he can strike a pose (which is to say, stunt) and make girls squee over him. Attacking him on that basis will get us no support whatsoever from others.

Michael would definitely engage; he's not a defensive fighter at all. We described him as a "berserker", remember? Ruining his meeting with extra violence will draw his ire and prompt him to attack us. It doesn't help that he's convinced he's a hero (we know he's channeled that before) and has enough Willpower+Integrity to lolnope any attempts to convince him that he isn't acting for the greater good, no matter how dumb he gets. And the other two are his associates, meaning that they'll try to act as a team for reasons of solidarity if nothing else.

Edit: And you still haven't made a decent argument for the long-term utility of your proposed course of action. If it won't actually benefit us, it doesn't even matter whether it's horribly implausible or not because we shouldn't be doing it.
DarkLight140 said:
Michael would definitely engage; he's not a defensive fighter at all. We described him as a "berserker", remember? Ruining his meeting with extra violence will draw his ire and prompt him to attack us. It doesn't help that he's convinced he's a hero (we know he's channeled that before) and has enough Willpower+Integrity to lolnope any attempts to convince him that he isn't acting for the greater good, no matter how dumb he gets.
Wait, I thought he channeled Family? Do I have him confused or did he channel Hero in a combat I didn't bother to look at the logs for?

In any case, just because the guy thinks he's a hero and working for the greater good doesn't mean he can't get up to some serious villainy. I mean, look at him now, he's trying to create a team made up of what would probably be supervillains. And I could definitely see someone starting a mafia for the greater good.
pressea said:
Wait, I thought he channeled Family? Do I have him confused or did he channel Hero in a combat I didn't bother to look at the logs for?
He has both. From the logs:
2014-04-17 06:57:13 Anondylar: Masked channels Hero.
2014-04-17 06:58:01 Anondylar: 11D10X7 => 6
2014-04-17 06:58:12 Anondylar: 4 sux
2014-04-17 06:58:33 DarkLight140: Hero. Right.
2014-04-17 06:59:27 Anondylar: He has to do the thing that no one else can do. For this plot, for this underhanded action, is all for the greater good.
2014-04-17 06:59:49 DarkLight140: Of course it is. He's clearly the hardest man, making the hardest decisions to beat up his classmates.
2014-04-17 07:00:22 Anondylar: Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe he's [REDACTED]
2014-04-17 07:00:48 Anondylar: (His intentions aren't as straightforward as it seems)
In any case, just because the guy thinks he's a hero and working for the greater good doesn't mean he can't get up to some serious villainy. I mean, look at him now, he's trying to create a team made up of what would probably be supervillains. And I could definitely see someone starting a mafia for the greater good.
That was basically my reaction above, yeah. Note that my social attack earlier was essentially devoted to pointing out that hypocrisy (I was hoping to hit his Principle and get a bonus), and it bounced even with 8 successes. He's not going to stop thinking of himself as a hero and his actions as heroic no matter how black they get, because he's got the stats to pull off that kind of mental self-deception even in the face of serious evidence. Classic Exalted protagonist, really.
Bloodshifter mistakenly thinking we were being targeted by UMI basically scaremongered a bunch of people who don't bother reading the update carefully into voting for the violent response. :rolleyes:

It'd be funny if it weren't so stupid.
The question that's on my mind is how are these people getting Dice? Does X like them more than us? Give them all the cool quests while we're reduced to beating up scrubs?
pressea said:
The question that's on my mind is how are these people getting Dice? Does X like them more than us? Give them all the cool quests while we're reduced to beating up scrubs?
Basically. X is tired of selfish dice grabbers, and helping the 'heroes' is a nice change of pace for him.
pressea said:
The question that's on my mind is how are these people getting Dice? Does X like them more than us? Give them all the cool quests while we're reduced to beating up scrubs?
o_O We are getting dice. We've been investing pretty heavily in combat build, and we beat several of this group at the same time earlier. That said, yeah, other people get dice too. They probably get dice just a bit more easily than us right now because X is looking to corrupt/test them. That will probably level off.

As far as Michael getting enough dice to give away... Well, it was, what, seven dice tops? A serious investment, but nothing critical, and X apparently does like 'idiotic stubborn hero' archetype enough to give him another task quickly.

That said, we could still probably stomp anyone here one-to-one. Probably.