Dice Quest [Dice/Exalted]

Are we one of the few aware of Charms and such? Otherwise we really need to ramp up our stats to keep ahead of any copycat. It doesn't take a genius to know that charms are a massive force multiplier.

We can also buy 3 dots of Unarmed Combat specialty later once we branch out more our MA charms.
Vote tally:
##### 3.12
[X] Find Emily and tell her that we got attacked by the Masked DICER, luckily the fact that we invested some stats into DEX to be less clumsy was the only reason we dodge the blow
-[X] Prepare ourselves, when we spot the Fake Masked DICER, hide and wear our own Mask, then pursue and beat the fake to a pulp.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Obviously we should act like a normal dicer would and try to run away or into a crowd of other people, and slip away in the confusion.
No. of votes: 1

[x] Job the fight. Convincingly.
-[X] if anybody asks: I invested the few dice I could get in Martial arts. For protection.
No. of votes: 1
Ridiculously Average Guy

[x] Darklight140
No. of votes: 1

[x] Attempt to retreat while subtly leading our attacker into an area where they'll be visible to others, then shout out that the Masked Dicer is attacking us and we need help.
-[x] Once other people are paying attention, let our attacker get in enough hits on us that it looks like we're losing, but don't hide that we have at least some fighting ability.
-[x] Approach Emily afterward and ask who knew we had one of her dice. It was really nice of her to give us one, but obviously our attacker found out we had one somehow...
No. of votes: 5
DarkLight140, LanceGT0, pressea, Ardion Prosili, Sol Zagato

[li][font="'tahoma'"][x] Get beaten up. Convincingly.
[X] Find Emily and tell her that we got attacked by the Masked DICER, luckily the fact that we invested some stats into DEX to be less clumsy was the only reason we dodge the blow[/font]
[li][font="'tahoma'"]-[X] Prepare ourselves, when we spot the Fake Masked DICER, hide and wear our own Mask, then pursue and beat the fake to a pulp.[/font]
No. of votes: 1
I'll be running (short) combat for this tomorrow morning and writing the update then. Time will be 2 a.m. to 3 a.m. UTC. I can't stay up any longer, considering that my sleep schedule is screwed up enough and its twelve p.m over here.
Scene resolved in the die room.

Apparently our plan called for use of the chase rules. Since we had no Athletics, we were significantly outmatched; having no dots at all means a -2 untrained penalty to our die pools, which was making things fairly ugly- in fact, I was one roll away from losing and botching our objective at one point. In the end, I decided that we couldn't win under those conditions and spent 3 XP to buy a dot of Athletics, and we managed to draw our attacker into clear visibility while he was attacking us, although he then promptly split the scene rather than attempt to continue the beatdown in full view.

With any luck, it'll be good enough to achieve our social objectives.
We should have Athletics anyways. Being fast and mobile gives us better chances of getting somewhere and back before anyone notices.
You step back, pondering your actions in the instant that action affords.

Getting this guy to somewhere where there's people is the best thing you can do. If you're publicly seen being chased by the Masked Dicer, the suspicion that you're her will drop to almost zero immediately. Only the most paranoid will even consider you after that.

You need to find a crowd first though. You know for a fact that some of the sport clubs will be practicing over in the schoolyard. But...

The shortest path to there is through Masked. Yeah, you can go around the back, but that way's long. That means more chances for Masked to stop you, or any number of things to happen, really. Not that you don't have any confidence in yourself, but you're still currently ranked at zero for Athletics.

So you charge forwards instead. He lashes out with a wide, sweeping kick, and a straight punch. You step backwards, blocking it with a upraised arm as your back hits the wall behind you. You grunt as the force of the punch drives you into the wall. But Masked made a mistake: you grab his arm as he tries to retract it and use him as a support while you run over the wall over him, landing on the other side as you shove Masked behind you.

The way is clear. You run. Behind you, Masked curses and you hear the sound of steps after you. Exactly what you wanted.

You sprint down the path, kicking off the wall to avoid Masked as he gets uncomfortably close. You nearly trip over a backpack lying on the ground, but at the last moment, you scoop it up and chuck it at masked.

The lack of sounds of tripping tells you it didn't do anything.

The next thing you know, a foot is between your legs. You trip and instinctively roll, almost slamming into the wall. But you manage to push yourself up with your hands, flipping yourself into the air and kicking off the wall to accelerate again. Masked is ahead of you, and tries to grab your foot when you sail past him.

He fails.

You burst through the gate to this particular section of the school and curse. Ramps. A whole series of them, for the disabled. You don't know what genius' idea it had been to take up nearly twenty five square meters with ramps and their railings, but he was obviously high.

You swear as you leap onto the first rail and start hopping. If you trip, its going to hurt. You toss a textbook from the bag you picked up behind you. It hits nothing, because-

Masked bursts out in front of you, traveling about three meters with each jump. You stare in disbelief for a moment before following suit. One leap fails and you fall onto your shin, but you force yourself to jump, gritting your teeth as your bone tells you that it wasn't meant for doing that.

Masked flips forward on his next jump, utilizing his momentum to sweep horizontally at your feet. You hop over it with barely an afterthought, but-

A bong resounds behind you, and you turn back to see Masked flying through the air, head over heels. He must have hit his head with the full force of his maneuver. He grabs onto a railing as he lands, flipping himself upright as he lands to continue hopping along the railings. But slower.

Which is exactly what you need, because he's obviously been trained in acrobatics. Even with that knock, he's still making every hop perfectly, moving smoothly but slowly while you have to regain your balance or fall every three jumps.

Making it to the last railing, you hop down. Just a little bit to go...

"X, make me faster!" you gasp. You can't let a chance this good to secure your apparent innocence go to waste because you don't even know the basics of running.

A sheen envelops your body as you say the words. Just in time too, because you slam through a classroom door and proceed to plow through an entire class of desks and chairs. A table clips you on the chin as Masked impacts you from behind. You turn around, just in time to block the actual attack, a punch. The next classroom the two of you trespass in, you run on top of the chairs and desks while Masked slams through them, throwing them everywhere.

You glance at a classroom sign as you and Masked crash into yet another classroom. 1-B. Almost there...

You slam through the desks and chairs again, while Masked steps more carefully this time. But it doesn't matter, because the two of you burst into the schoolyard. About thirty students pause their basketball game to see the two of you hurtle out of a seriously messed up classroom.

Masked freezes as he sees the students. But by then, it's too late.

You turn, ready to fight Masked, but then he jumps, leaping almost two meters, kicking off a pillar to launch himself to just in reach of the second floor. He grabs a seam in the building and flips himself over the railing in a single motion.

Damn. And you can't give chase with all these people - a lot of them dicers - noticing... You don't know who that was. You succeeded though. Everyone's seen the Masked Dicer chasing you. Nobody suspects you now.

"Did you tell anyone you gave us a die?" you ask Emily the next day. "I was attacked by the Masked Dicer."​
"Wha- no! Did- did he take it?"​
"No, I rolled it," you say. Then you add a bit of acting. "B- but it was really scary! He chased me..."​
And the rest of the conversation devolved into Emily asking you too many times if you were alright. It's class by the time you're able to return to your desk.​
And that's when it flies out. A piece of paper inside your textbook.​
4:00 p.m.
[] Write in.​
[] Spend XP?


Chase scenes work far better visually than in text. That's all I have to say.
[X]We go to the roof at 3pm, and hide.
[X]XP spend: nothing, because we can't afford anything useful yet. If we get dice, then chuck 3 to 4.5 xp into socialize.
Sol Zagato said:
Need input: I get the idea that performance can be our 'lying liar' skill, is that correct? Socialize also works, I'm pretty sure. Does presence help our lies at all? Which skill would we want to boost for this?

[X]We go to the roof at 4pm.
[X]If we can get the littlest bit of dice before then, we need to. We're about to lie our asses off, so we need to improve our skills there.

[X]XP spend: nothing, because we can't afford anything useful yet. If we get dice, then chuck 3 to 4.5 xp into socialize.
Presence is used for everything person-to-person, so lies are included within it.

Performance is for dancing, giving speeches, large scale social influence and all that.
Vote tally:
##### 3.12
[x] To the roof!
No. of votes: 1

[X]We go to the roof at 3pm, and hide.
[X]XP spend: nothing, because we can't afford anything useful yet. If we get dice, then chuck 3 to 4.5 xp into socialize.
No. of votes: 1
Ridiculously Average Guy

[X] Go to the roof at 4
No. of votes: 4
Valor, Random Asian Person, Vanathor, Robotninja

[x] dont go
No. of votes: 2
DarkLord., bloodshifter

[X]We go to the roof at 3:30pm, and hide.
[X]XP spend: nothing, because we can't afford anything useful yet.
No. of votes: 1
Sol Zagato
Anondylar in QQ said:
Things players do? Well, my current quest has players going on a 'Ruthless" kick. Which has seemingly convinced people that just by being 'ruthless', they can solve all their problems that way. I really don't want the end the quest with character death due to everyone hating them, but if they don't see about being less douchey after this series of interludes and some more updates, things are going to escalate until they can't handle it. Or they somehow overcome that, but there's no real way for that to happen.

I mean, I don't have a problem with players being douchebags. But if they continue to be maximum douchebag all day every day, things are not going to work out well.
...I suggest you all to tone down the ruthlessness abit, or shit's gonna happen, yo.
Being a jerk to people escalating things until it's too much to handle?

Naw, that could never happen. We just need MOAR POWAH and all our problems will go away. And we can get it for the small small price of being an even bigger douche.

What could possibly go wrong?
You pause for a moment at the door to the roof, pressing your ear to it.

Faint murmurs. Nothing you can make anything out from.

"Please move," a voice faintly whispers from behind you. You nearly jump out of your skin, before turning around and seeing... nothing.

A creak behind you - you spin, but all you see is an open door.

Was someone behind you? Someone that you weren't aware at all until they decided to alert you to their presence. You suppress a shudder, aware that you were pretty much at their mercy. That... had to be rectified.

"So you're the last one," a broad shouldered boy says. All in all, there are seven here, not including you - Nagase, Bishoujo, the guy that went berserk, the guy that spoke to you, an absolutely stunning girl, a incredibly tiny boy and a relatively normal boy.

"And you don't even have the decency to look good, when you're the one making us wait," the boy continues.

You clench your hands, fingernails biting into your palm as you take up the one remaining spot.

"That's no way to talk, Gabriel," Berserk says.

"Yeah, and who the fuck are you? How the fuck do you know my name?"

"Manners, please." Bishoujo interjects.

Mr. Berserk cuts off Gabriel's response to that, saying, "I'm Michael. My, um, colleagues here are Nagase and Clare. Would you care to introduce yourselves?"

"Lilith," the beautiful girl says.

"I'm Zhang Yi Jing. You can call me Jeremy. Nice to meet you all," the tiny boy says, waving.


"Taylor." Your response is terse.

Michael nods, muttering a bit under his breath for a moment.

"You've all been assaulted by the Masked Dicer these past couple of days-" he says.

"And how do you know that?" Gabriel growls.

"-or someone dressed like her," Michael continues, ignoring the interruption. "We know because I was the one that did that."

"You!" Gabriel jumps to his feet. "You're the one that did that?!"

"Yes. I was. But not for Dice, but for-" Michael's interrupted by Lilith springing to her feet in one motion, twisting in midair to scythe a kick at him. He catches her in midair, before slamming her into the ground. Cracks form in the concrete at the point of impact, but Lilith simply rolls to her feet, looking none the worse, except for her face. "Listen to me!"

You idly file away the fact that rage can, in fact, make one seem ugly, no matter how pretty they might be, before considering what Michael just said. He's not an idiot, so him gathering people that he attacked - and people that seem to be combat-capable, to boot - isn't smart no matter how powerful one is. You don't start negotiations with a fight.

No, there's something else here. Something unrelated to the fact that he probably gathered the people with the most dice in this section of school. Attacking's not going to help now.

[] What do you interject with?
Not sure what to say, because this alliance presumably against us seems to be falling apart on its own. However
-[X] See if we can try to guess at what sort of people these dicers are, their mannerism, clothes and what sort combat style they prefer.

Also Anondylar, can we get a map of campus, and some indication on how many people are at this school as well as which years.
Okay, what do we have in our corner for social interaction stuff? As is, we neglected to boost our Appearance, which I recall is pretty bad to have low.
Random Asian Person said:
Also Anondylar, can we get a map of campus, and some indication on how many people are at this school as well as which years.
Campus is big. No map for now. Anyway:

Your school has students from middle school to university. That's why it's gigantic, and there are other parts of it that you couldn't even reach on your dice robbery scheme, since it's so big that you would need to sprint for thirty minutes to reach the other end.

I'll talk about it a bit more tomorrow morning.