It's been a great ride so far and I've enjoyed it, looking forwards to more.

Trust in thy muse for it has not led you astray.

Seriously, I'd be alright with the Star Wars continuing on for quite awhile as your inspiration goes, it's just great.
I'm surprised it took you so long to go with 'I'll just create an endless droid army and subvert the level cap that way.' I'd have done that after stealing the Executor and maintained control through the logistics network as a backup to good programming.
Do I have to get the jingle out again?

The only issue with that excuse is that the character in this story is a super powerful AI with pretty much unlimited knowledge available to him. If he did not have all those resources or super intelligence then it would be understandable. But he does have all of those things, so why is he not considering any of it?
The only issue with that excuse is that the character in this story is a super powerful AI with pretty much unlimited knowledge available to him. If he did not have all those resources or super intelligence then it would be understandable. But he does have all of those things, so why is he not considering any of it?
Well he doesn't really have super intelligence so much as he has extreme technical knowledge and bullshit level hardware. The smarts to use those things to the max are a whole other thing.
Easy, you did notice that he's doing the droid thing, right? The thing you were whinging on, that the SI had to get traumatized to get over his issues and start doing it?

It's been discussed in and out of story explicitly at this point: because he didn't want to due to his own mental tendencies. Which he's adjusted accordingly at this point. He always had the capacity as well as the capacity to ignore certain solutions.

Come on guys.

I mean, I'm all for constructive criticism but when I've answered the issue in and out of story multiple times it starts to get annoying.
The larger the amount of people looking at a work of fiction, the more likely it is someone will find something to complain about, most of us are fine with how things've been.
Easy, you did notice that he's doing the droid thing, right? The thing you were whinging on, that the SI had to get traumatized to get over his issues and start doing it?

It's been discussed in and out of story explicitly at this point: because he didn't want to due to his own mental tendencies. Which he's adjusted accordingly at this point. He always had the capacity as well as the capacity to ignore certain solutions.

Come on guys.

I mean, I'm all for constructive criticism but when I've answered the issue in and out of story multiple times it starts to get annoying.


I wasn't talking about that. Like, not once did I mention it in my post. I think you misunderstood me or something.
No, I understand perfectly. You were saying that the 'excuse' doesn't work, when it does even more so with talk of his hardware and mega-intelligence going.

He's known he could do the droid armies thing the entire time.

He just didn't want to.

That is why he doesn't do certain things, because he wants to do something different because he has the capability to do so.

He's not an efficiency bot. Which some people seem to struggle with while reading this.

I just...I'm just trying to go out and have fun with friends, not keep coming back to this thread to explain that Theta makes bad decisions at some times and tries to resist other things while hyperfocusing on others. He does not have the same ideas as you guys all the time.

He does consider things, all the time, then discards then out of a multitude of reasons not least of which could be as simple as pique!


You know what, no. I'm just gonna get off the thread for a bit.
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No, I understand perfectly. You were saying that the 'excuse' doesn't work, when it does even more so with talk of his hardware and mega-intelligence going.

He's known he could do the droid armies thing the entire time.

He just didn't want to.

That is why he doesn't do certain things, because he wants to do something different because he has the capability to do so.

He's not an efficiency bot. Which some people seem to struggle with while reading this.

I just...I'm just trying to go out and have fun with friends, not keep coming back to this thread to explain that Theta makes bad decisions at some times and tries to resist other things while hyperfocusing on others. He does not have the same ideas as you guys all the time.


You know what, no. I'm just gonna get off the thread for a bit.

Again, I did not mean any of that. I understood your reasoning about the droid army thing the last time we talked. I said as much. I'm not talking about droid armies or any of that stuff. I'm fine with the way you've done it in the story.

Seriously, you seem to be taking my comment way too personally right now. The only reason I left that comment is that I saw someone else mention the "jingle" and I just thought about it for a bit and it made me curious about how he's been using his information gathering in the story (such as the brief mention of looking up information on different subjects, being connected to basically everything online). That's why I left that comment. Not once, while typing that message, did droid armies or droids in general pass through my mind.

Look, I've had a long, stressful day. Someone in my immediate family is in the hospital right now, and I've got a lot of stuff going on. You are a great writer, and reading each update you put out gives me something fun and relaxing to do. I only wanted to leave some of my thoughts about how the character works in the story. That's it. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, but please don't start accusing me of whinging or starting an argument when I haven't done that. I just want to relax with a good story.
Well it looks like hospitals are negatively involved with both of our lives today. :(

Sorry for your situation, but the droid army thing thing is short hand at this point for when people keep asking why Theta does or doesn't do something, it sparked in me for some reason. I have no right to be mean over my own stuff.

Look, I've had a long, stressful day. Someone in my immediate family is in the hospital right now, and I've got a lot of stuff going on. You are a great writer, and reading each update you put out gives me something fun and relaxing to do. I only wanted to leave some of my thoughts about how the character works in the story. That's it. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, but please don't start accusing me of whinging or starting an argument when I haven't done that. I just want to relax with a good story.
If you're this upset, and things are going wrong IRL, and you "just want to relax"... Maybe, just maybe, reconsider starting any arguments, just enjoy the fic, and stow the questions away for later when you have a clearer, less stressed head?

Because what happens otherwise is that you misunderstand things, words get phrased out incorrectly, and salt starts accumulating fast.

And I Must Scream.

See, this is where my personal ethics come between me and story enjoyment.

Delete the fucker. Put him in a parot droid replica and shove him in a cage for a decade. Hells give him an organic/cybernetc/gynoid body and try to enlighten.

But for the love of god I wouldn't even lock sauron or skynet in a tiny blank box/concrete coffin for an eternity.
See, this is where my personal ethics come between me and story enjoyment.

Delete the fucker. Put him in a parot droid replica and shove him in a cage for a decade. Hells give him an organic/cybernetc/gynoid body and try to enlighten.

But for the love of god I wouldn't even lock sauron or skynet in a tiny blank box/concrete coffin for an eternity.

It's temporary.

OK seriously I gotta get off the thread.
Well it looks like hospitals are negatively involved with both of our lives today. :(

Sorry for your situation, but the droid army thing thing is short hand at this point for when people keep asking why Theta does or doesn't do something, it sparked in me for some reason. I have no right to be mean over my own stuff.


I'm really sorry to hear that. Yeah, I can definitely relate when it comes to hospital related stress. :(

No, it's fine. Thinking back, I really should have expected that you would think I was talking about the droid thing. And in that case, I can easily understand why you'd get so frustrated, because from your end it would look like I was bringing up an old argument for seemingly no reason at all. Sorry about that.

Actually, what made me think about how much Theta knows was him trying to make Xux feel better, and when he talked to the Wookies. In the story, he mentions all the books on psychology and other such things which he's read.

Let me try phrasing what I meant in a different way. As an author, how do you handle a character who is super intelligent? What I mean is, Theta in this story has used his nature as an AI to read who knows how many books on different subjects and to connect himself to pretty much everything online. Because of this, even though you and him are meant to be the same (being an SI and all), he undoubtedly has much more information on all kinds of different things. So, how do you handle that? Like, if he tries to be diplomatic and negotiate or something, then he would undoubtedly be better at negotiating than you as the author since he has so much knowledge available to him. Do you just leave what he says as vague so you don't have to waste a lot of time looking up negotiation stuff online?

Hopefully that explains my thoughts a bit more. Sorry again for all the confusion.