That pain in your chest is because your heart is protesting the speed at which your fingers are moving.
So First quote says you rewatchd the movies when you entered SW. Second says your reling on past memories of your childhood, so which is it?

Best Author response to a problem I've seen on this site.

Also I just binged this. This is fun memories are how I rewatched it.

That's how it works.

My childhood memories are accessible like in a database because I can instantly recall things.

They are one and the same. And when I watched the a child....I didn't recall laser cannons. Which a memory...the thing I rewatched...didn't have them.

And thanks for reading! I appreciate each and every one of you, even if I don't always say it :)
I feel like I should post this at the beginning of the thread.

Because a lot of concerns raised thus far seem to assume a level of competence, skill, knowledge, and general thought patterns that I just don't have. I don't have the internal engineer, or the knowledge of the best possible tactics, or what the 'smartest' course of action is. I just do what I know?

And yeah, there'll be a couple serious minutes but the reason he makes jokes and tries to do theatrics all the time is because if he didn't he'd go crazy you know?

Anyway, it's 3:30 in the morning and I only woke up because of a neighbor and decided to get a chapter in. Gonna go back to bed now.

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I feel like I should post this at the beginning of the thread.

Because a lot of concerns raised thus far seem to assume a level of competence, skill, knowledge, and general thought patterns that I just don't have. I don't have the internal engineer, or the knowledge of the best possible tactics, or what the 'smartest' course of action is. I just do what I know?

And yeah, there'll be a couple serious minutes but the reason he makes jokes and tries to do theatrics all the time is because if he didn't he'd go crazy you know?

Anyway, it's 3:30 in the morning and I only woke up because of a neighbor and decided to get a chapter in. Gonna go back to bed now.

My room-mates are incredulous at your work ethic.

I am just grateful for bringing us this wonder our work of art.
To be honest, that last bit of your most recent chapter was the closest any of these stories about murderbots has gotten to emotional beyond the initial "oh crap in a commander, oh whelp time to munchkin the fuck out of everything" or "you have angered the metal God, now face his/her/it's wrath!"
Well done. memories are how I rewatched it.

That's how it works.

My childhood memories are accessible like in a database because I can instantly recall things.

They are one and the same. And when I watched the a child....I didn't recall laser cannons. Which a memory...the thing I rewatched...didn't have them.

And thanks for reading! I appreciate each and every one of you, even if I don't always say it :)
can you able to locate holocrons(jedi+sith) with your technology?

did you found Byss?

any plans for Galaxy Gun, Eye of Palpatine and Centerpoint station?
31 – An All Right Rescue Part Two
31 – An All Right Rescue Part Two​

How does one explain to a wookie that they are too loud to partake in a silent mission without pissing them off? The implication obviously being that they are incapable of being quiet which would be an insult to a species that prided itself on its hunting abilities in the lower levels of their ludicrously forested planet. Obviously it would be possible to provide them with weapons from all the dead guards but the fact of the matter is that none of the turrets or weapons that the Imperials are equipped with currently are going to be able to destroy one of the Snakes without several minutes of sustained fire which I most certainly don't intend to give. If anything they'd be a liability and I don't want to have to deal with them losing a single member after that whole reunion they just had.

So I don't.

Instead, I just help them load into one of the shuttles on the station and then have that shuttle fly up towards and into the Justice which waits ahead. A momentary shut down of a Snake was all that was required…but honestly?

I'm getting tired of that.

I'm never going to break through the unit cap, and for all that I scoffed and kind of condescendingly made sure to put in Katana slave systems into the ships I gave the Rebellion…I've been ignoring the possibilities. The Confederates proved that a droid army was a viable thing during the Clone Wars and the only real reason that the basic battle droid was such a piece of crap was because their builders cut corners and were more concerned with delivering the least effort product. At least that's what I remember being told. It would be a simple matter for me to put in some programming that would make them far more deadly and efficient. The issue of droid rebellion would be one I could also deal with if truly necessary, I wouldn't be making them with the programming of this age.

More like…the programming of basic doxes or something, efficient but no chance of turning against me. But how would I control them? Maybe droid commanders? A single unit slot but in nominal command over a bunch of droids? I could relay orders from that and have units not actually within my control go out and do them. Or something like that.

I don't know…but I can't go on like this. I'm being spread far too thin.

In any case that's something to think about later.

Scientists first.

Of course now that I'm actually approaching that area I realize that I don't need to rescue most of them. A lot of these guys are total bastards. Tol Sivron is a murderer and happy part of the Sun Crusher and Death Star projects despite being fully aware of what they were going to be used for. This other lady, Golanda, has designed a lot of artillery and subsequent tactical deployment…so she knew what she was doing. Worst of them all however…

Bevel Lemelisk. The original developer of the Death Star and total all around amoral asshole. All he cares about is developing ever more powerful weapons of mass destruction. It even notes that in his files, I don't even have to look at his personal journals to see it. But he confirms it in there as well. 'The subjugation of the galaxy is irrelevant'. He wrote that. What a dick.

He's also dead.

Well…kind of. The Emperor did some kind of wackadoo soul/spirit/Force transfer into a new clone body after he executed Bevel the first time around. Probably because of the whole exhaust port thing. He's probably somewhere between his third and sixth body at this point due to the thing with the second Death Star still needing to be built.

Should probably get on that at some point.

Anyway, Bevel isn't on the station. Paldis Doxin is. Because Paldis is his eager student and more than willing participant in all of this. He's the mastermind behind the crystal phase shifter thing, and even though it wouldn't be used until many years after this in 'canon' it was viable right here and now. Daala just never got around to deploying it before then due to her ridiculously rigid adherence to secrecy and her orders. Years and years of just sitting in the Maw.

So..after cutting out the scientists who realized that their projects were evil and tried to escape and refused to work – and were thus executed – and those who were all about the projects with full complicity…oh.

We've got…one.

One scientist who is still alive and not actively a major participant in all of this with the knowledge of what the weapons were really being used for.


I was kind of hoping for some background characters besides the usual bunch from the story where they were revealed or something, but nope, just the one.

Qui Xux, designer of the Sun Crusher, Death Star project contributor, and personal pet project by the unlamented Tarkin. His horrific little projects. Man what a shitty life she's had up until this point. Kidnapped as a child, the only one of ten to survive the trials and forced to watch the price of 'failure' – Tarkin murdering not just your parents but blowing up your entire village – and just generally years of brainwashing and conditioning. Said conditioning involved her only focusing on the problem put in front of her and not really even being able to be aware of the truth of the results.

Poor girl thinks that the Death Star was to be used on dead worlds for resource harvesting rather than…what it was actually for. Same with the World Devastators. On the other hand she was the head of and most important part of developing the quantum crystalline armor so that's neat. Really though, after being so warped from childhood I can't really blame her for what she's been a part of.

The other guys though…and ladies…are the kind of amoral and entirely unethical brilliant folk that everyone is always horrified to hear about.

So…operation Rescue The Scientists is now…Operation Rescue The Scientist.

Well, I guess I really won't have to worry about rations now.
32 – An All Right Rescue Part Three
32 – An All Right Rescue Part Three
I've taken the computers. Through regular hacking and stealthily gaining physical access to hard locked data I've taken every single bit and byte in the entire Installation. I've taken every superweapon design that they had and I also have a Death Star that I'm in the process of unhooking from the station even as I have my droids approach the scientist quarters. It's got a perfectly functional propulsion system, so I see no point in not moving it right to Hub while the mission is progressing. The fact that it can get in and out of the Maw at all is kind of ludicrous to me considering how the Maw is described but being here is a bit different. With the right navigational abilities it's possible, and I have those abilities.

I've rescued the wookies. Each and every one is now happily chowing down on actual food and enjoying the feel of real beds and almost real trees and grass and other nature-y bits. Some are sleeping, others are just laying around, and still more are poking about at the walls. They won't be able to tear their way through multiple meters of metal so I'm not that worried. Even so I'm kind of embarrassed at having designed the hanger in halves – one half for wookies and one half for the scientists – especially considering there's basically only one person on the station now I'm even half inclined to save.

My control over the internal sensors and cameras is total.

So…I guess this would be the part where we switch from Solid Snake…to Raiden.

Lieutenant Pavel had been serving at the Maw Installation since its initial founding, and he took pride in his work. Here the smartest people in the galaxy were putting their heads together to create the weapons that would ensure peace. The old Republic had been too weak to finally grind down the unruly and unsavory wastes of space that has existed and now it was up to the Empire to do the job they couldn't. Some of his fellows had expressed concern over the sight of the giant sphere hooked to the station and the weapon it possessed but not him. Who could possibly resist the finished product?

No, with the good work being done here, he knew he'd made the right choice to join the Empire the day after the Emperor's coronation. When you wanted pirates taken down you called for the Empire. When you wanted crime stamped out, you would call the Empire. And one day those overgrown slugs would find out that you squeezing a peaceful neighborhood for credits would come back to bite you one day. His mother and father had scrimped and saved and outright stolen to help him escape from the Outer Rim and the grip of the Hutts…and they'd died for it. But one day, when Pavel was a General…there would be a reckoning.

A great and terrible – what was that noise? Music wasn't necessarily allowed but certainly not at that volume – not under Daala. It was too disruptive. It wasn't…what were these lyrics?

"Hey, someone shut that off, it's light's out!"

"It's not me LT!"

"Who…wait it's coming from-,"

The doors to the scientist quarter garrison's barracks exploded inward.

The same instant that occurred music began being pumped through at volumes high enough to make the human ear bleed.


Then six black shapes appeared in the smoke bearing massive guns, the barrels cheery red with heat.

Admiral Natasi Daala awoke with a start as the sounds of explosions and blaster fire rang out within her space station. Hers. In an instant she was up, slamming her hand down on the panic button to wake up anyone who wasn't up already and to activate the turrets within not just her room but the hallways leading up to it. One hand reached beneath her pillow to grasp the hold out blaster before she reconsidered. Given the volume of the weapon fire outside her quarters that would probably not be powerful enough.

But she was prepared.

She had always been prepared for this day.

She knew her soldiers had thought it impossible but there were contingencies in place for the day that some outside force came to take the Maw away from the Empire.

She wouldn't let it happen. Only the Empire could bring order to the galaxy. Only the Empire could protect humanity from the vagaries of a galaxy full of aliens and traitors whose only goal was to bring all that was good to ruination.

A button was pressed…and the door didn't open. The door to a suit of specially designed armor made of quantum crystalline materials and the powerful blaster weaponry inside didn't activate. Power was still obviously on, which could only mean that the systems had been infiltrated enough to deny her the ability to access her best chance at survival.

Which was fine.

This too, she had contingencies for. In this case an extremely powerful plasma cutter.

Tarkin would be furious at her if she didn't have at least three contingencies in place after all. She would not disappoint him. She would not disappoint the Emperor. She would not let this place fall to the enemy!

The last of the guards kept firing the entire time that I had the droids advance. Good dedication on him. It didn't help but I you have to respect a guy who can look in the face of the robots who have openly slaughtered the entire garrison without taking a single casualty and only a few scorch marks. I had run through a couple songs on the Revengeance soundtrack at this point but there were still plenty more by the time I finished. First though I'm off to go grab a blue alien chick who is super smart.

No, I'm not talking about Liara.

This one has hair.

Now…the problem with Xux is that she is under a metric ton of conditioning. On the other hand, all it takes is a metric ton of explanations and proof to show that all of her beliefs are false and she seemed to come out of it all right on the other side. Such as learning that the Death Star was a weapon and had been used and also that Imperials were evil space nazis by virtue of viewing their interrogations of people they considered disposable.

The scientists are all out and about at this point, in the hallways, crowding together…staring at me. Or rather at the guards and turrets strewn all over the place. There's lots of smoking things all over the place from all the blaster fire and a good lot of the light fixtures have been cracked or broken entirely.


One end, a group of people who've known no one but each other for years and for the most part have been protected by the jackboots who I had just finished destroying.

Other end, thirteen pitch black HK droids hefting gigantic blaster cannons, rocket launchers, and flame throwers.


And now they're running away.


Then a ridiculously powerful rocket propelled explosive slams into the back ranks and sends some of my droids flying. Minor damage but none of them are actually destroyed. It's still a little annoying though. If these were regular droids they would have been utterly obliterated so top score for trying. Still, there's only one person I know of who I haven't taken down yet who is rated for military action.

"Halt, in the name of the Empire!"

There you are. As one the remaining eight droids turn around and stare at her. What the hell is she wearing? It's like some kind of…stormtrooper thing except with the odd faint yellow coloration of the quantum crystalline armor. I can see some pretty powerful servos that are letting her heft a heavy blaster emplacement weapon and the rocket launcher thing in the other. Why hasn't this ever come up before? Oh, wait, because she's a paranoid dink and probably had it hardlocked and hidden away so no one would find it and by the time it would matter she wouldn't have been on the station at all. What with the fleeing and running to the Imperial Remnants. Seriously though, what the shit. The amount of money it would take to produce this would - wait.

Daala. Tarkin. Palpatine.

How foolish of me to expect good financial sense from any of these individuals who enjoy the Tarkin Doctrine so much they might as well marry it.

"Natasi Daala. We've been expecting you," comes my chosen voice from every single droid. Those she thought disabled stand up again and come back to stand in formation – from the sudden spike in pulse rate I'm assuming she thought they were down for the count. Only one of the droids is sent after the scientists to stop them from doing something stupid.

"Who are you!?"

She doesn't give me time to answer before firing again with both weapons.

But that's fine.

I've been wanting to do this for a while. It might be unfair but a lot of my irritation and fury in the short time since I came into the Maw at all is kind of being projected onto her. She's not responsible for most of it…but I can't really punch beyond reality at the moment so she's the next thing I've got. This is a murdering, colony blasting, racist, genocidal, prejudiced, slave labor enthusiast…bitch. This, out of everyone I've put down thus far, is most certainly the most acceptable of targets. Even Vader has that whole 'potentially redeemable' thing what with the Force and that whole barrel of fun.

But she's no Sith in need of redemption. She's a one hundred and ten percent compliant Imperial with full knowledge of what they've done and plan to do.

And I needed catharsis.
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What's wrong with developing and designing weapons? Shouldn't the ones who used them be more guilty or something from moral point of view? Would you even kill modern weapon manufacturers if you had the choice? After all, they do it with full realization what their product will be used for.
No, I wouldn't target today's producers.

But when a guy goes: "I just love developing me some weapons that will obliterate entire planets" you've gone into another scale entirely from today's weapon makers.

Regardless, I'm not going to kill them. And yes, I consider those who use them to be guilty as well.

As for the scientists besides Xux:

I'm just not going to rescue them. Rescue implies something completely different than what I'm going to do with them.

Hint: It involves prison cells.

There's a difference.
What's wrong with developing and designing weapons? Shouldn't the ones who used them be more guilty or something from moral point of view? Would you even kill modern weapon manufacturers if you had the choice? After all, they do it with full realization what their product will be used for.

There's a difference between weapons and extermination devices. I'd say that people have a moral responsibility not to build things that cannot help but kill everyone, noncombatants and combatants alike, when used on an area. It's one of the reasons we no longer use chemical warfare.
There's a difference between weapons and extermination devices. I'd say that people have a moral responsibility not to build things that cannot help but kill everyone, noncombatants and combatants alike, when used on an area. It's one of the reasons we no longer use chemical warfare.
Well, I probably wouldn't imprison the people who made nukes, especially if they were forced to do it at gunpoint with dissenters being shot. If, at some point during that imprisonment, some developed stockholm syndrome or became convinced that they were doing stuff that's kinda okay to stop feeling guilty, well that would look a lot like what Theta is finding in the logs. Even if they didn't really believe it. Especially if they were writing fake (super loyal) things in their journals on the assumption that their superiors would read them anyway.

In the end though, this is a thing for the courts. Traditionally you dump the problem on a bunch of psychologists and judges and lawyers, and then a year later they'll have sorted the wheat from the chaff and given out appropriate sentences. A side benefit of such is that it cuts the morality discussion off at the knees, bringing people back to discussing exactly how quickly the Cry of Gimli could glass a planet.
I'm dumping them on the Rebellion you guys, it's just that Xux is the only confirmed redeemable one. Which is why she is featured/framed differently in Theta's mind.

That's all.

Morality, court, etc.

All that is going to be Leia and friends problem.

Back to bed
I was thinking @torroar and had an idea for your unit cap.

Just make a program that resides alongside your AI, whose entire purpose is to act like a proxy server/Google search engine.

Basically it'd work by going "Hmm, I want to make the Cry of Gimli do a barrel roll, but I'm at my unit cap..."

But never fear! The new program has your back!

In fact, it's already been providing you with control and feedback interfaces for all your units for this entire dilemma!

So never fear Torroar, AND DO A BARREL ROLL!
33 – An All Right Rescue Part Four
33 – An All Right Rescue Part Four
"I'm not going to kill you, guys. You're just going to go to jail and then trial, that's completely different!" I called out to the running bunch of scientists as the HK lightly jogged behind them.

I could easily overtake them, sure, in a single bound, but I didn't want to freak them out anymore. They're all going into jail cells and then bigger ones when I give them to the Rebellion – what, you didn't think I was going to deal with them for any longer than I had to, did you – but there's no reason I have to hurt them badly to do it. Sure, it was kind of crazy that some of them had willingly worked on what were nothing less than extermination weapons but I wasn't going to outright execute them.

And yeah, I get to be inconsistent. I used to be human. We do and think contradictory things all the damn time.

On the other hand, I was pretty sure that only Xux would get exonerated if I dumped all the evidence I'd found on them. There were the requisite entries and reports that were all obviously tailored to Daala's paranoid wishes and demands. But then there was the other stuff. Because the idea that incredibly intelligent people like this wouldn't be able to create private logs that they would never let Daala see is ludicrous. For god's sake they figured out a way to make suns explode into supernovas and helped invent the Death Star. They aren't stupid. Just…really amoral and excited to see their weapons used. The student of the primary architect of the Death Star shared the guy's enthusiasm for creating weapons of masss destruction – and the subsequent usage of them. A lot of these guys wanted and enjoyed the knowledge of what these things did to planets. Except Xux and her wonky delusions that it was all for peaceful purposes.

Still, I'll give them a trial, if only because I'm pretty sure that the Rebellion would execute them anyway. The Empire would probably say to the public that they did if I handed them over and flooded the holonet with the evidence but instead they'd just be spirited away to some new installation or another in some secret place. Maybe Byss. Or maybe Palpatine could kill them but would then just transfer their minds to new clone bodies so that he can make it look like they were just punished. There weren't any other major polities that could be said to represent the people so the Rebellion it was. The Chiss certainly wouldn't want anything to do with the situation at all except maye to use them to dvice new weapons for them to use for themselves.

"I'm sure that you'll all get a fair trial!" I tried calling out to them again but they've just gone on ahead and locked themselves in a room.

I bring the droid to a halt before the door. Pretty sure it could tear its way through but that would probably hurt my whole 'not going to hurt you' image that I've just decided to try and emphasize. Continued attempts to initiate dialogue are met with stony silence though I can watch through the cameras as they try to activate the panels and various other electronics in the room. Which…I've turned off completely except for the lights. Now, if this was a show, I'd assume that they would somehow combine their brains and create something which actually could pose a threat to my droids…but I'm not that inclined to let that happen. So I'm back to one recourse, really.

Talking to them.

At least the 'fight' with Daala was going better. In that she can't hurt me but I can hurt her, as she discovered. The armor was a pretty damn good idea but she hadn't planned for one thing – I didn't need to shoot her to kill her. Instead as she ranted and raved and shot at the droids I just had them continue to advance and push her back further and further. Let's see…she's tried blasters, better blasters, the best blaster on the station except for the ones that my guys are holding, and then various explosives. Cryo grenades, flame grenades, electric things, ion blasters, ion bombs, and at one point she tried atmospheric decompression by exploding one of her own hallways.

I had mag locks though so it's fine.

She's starting to look a little tired, yeah? Hair all unkempt, breathing hard, suffering from dehydration from all the exertion she's been undergoing by running around in that suit. Guess there isn't a lot of opportunities for cardio when you're on a space station surrounded by black holes and various gravitational anomalies.

Seriously. She's gone into the armory and is throwing enough firepower at me that she could have killed a far larger force a couple of times over…if they weren't me. Pretty well made barricades for one madwoman too.

"Daala, come on. I'll make it quick."

"The Empire will never surrender!"

"You're not the Empire. You're one lady who slept her way to the top."

The response is an unintelligible scream and fifteen ion grenades. If my droids didn't have hardened systems and internals that were built up by a civilization's tech base that is preposterously above her own that would absolutely have worked. And now that I review my memories that's actually a bit mean of me.

"All right, I was a little wrong on that part. Sexism is a terrible thing, especially in a galaxy spanning military that somehow nevertheless manages to stock itself with troops. You were exceptional at your officer trials…and slept your way to the top."

Now she's set up a heavy blaster carbine…turret…thing. Huh, records say it's some kind of experimental weapon for infantry. And…now she's firing.

"Seriously, gargling that wrinkled old genocidal windbag? I could see myself blowing up a planet if it were totally lost to tyranids or something. Orks, perhaps. But a peaceful little ball of civility and diplomacy? Really? It's no wonder that Tarkin died when the Death Star blew up."

"You lie!" She accompanies her claim by pulling out another blaster rifle to start shooting at me with two guns now.

"Nnnope. Here, let me play a reconstruction."

Memory accessed, speakers on the droids turned on…

"Evacuate? In our moment of triumph?"

Then the sound of the explosion.

"Look on the bright side. He was vaporized pretty much instantly…I think."

Now her screams are a mixture of rage and what I guess is grief. A bit of denial in there too.

…yeah, I've had enough of this.

One of the least scuffed droids advances into the armory, and there she is in her soot streaked glory. More than a little manic. See, part of the reason I haven't actually taken her down until that point was because for all of my own weapons….her shit was pretty on lock. The quantum crystalline armor beat out all of what I had equipped my droids with so basically this was going to have to go down in melee range. She's pretty fast in this quasi-power armor – and I know about the Dark Trooper project so the Emipre isn't fully incapable of stuff like that – so I didn't see the point until she was sufficiently 'cornered' you know?

Then she does something a bit surprising. When the droid reaches for her she tries to suicide grunt me classic Halo style.

"You'll never take me alive!"

Then uh, well, you can figure what happened next. A kaboom.

Of course, the problem is that both of us are a bit more durable than that, and I guess she didn't think of her armor at the time. I'm assuming she hadn't thought of that because what little part of her expression I can see through her helmet is a bit surprised. Actually, I could probably –

I could have hacked this armor fifteen minutes ago. It barely takes a drop of effort to swarm its systems and lock it down.

Son of a bitch!

I keep missing stuff like this.


No one can know I messed this up so badly.

She's trying to struggle away but with me locking the armor she's pretty darn helpless. Helmet disengaged, and my droid can just outright take it off of her now. Even now she's pretty tenacious, waggling her head back and forth as if that's going to do something.

"You know, I'm going to try and make this quick."

"You won't have me, whoever you are. I'm trained to resist torture! The secrets of the Empire will never pass my lips!"

….who the hell did this lady think I was?

"Uh, I'm sure that's great for you – well, the training was probably unpleasant – but I don't really know if it's going to be of use to you right now."

Annnnd now she's just down to wordless snarling.

Ahhhh fuck this. I'm done.

Is this what it felt like to deal with FTL? This overwhelming sense of 'I just want to leave'? Oh, my poor metal non-existent heart, Faith you poor soul.

At least the wookies weren't a goddamn problem, because fuck this. I'm just going to have the scientists wake up on the Justice because I am leaving this place! Yeah sure they scream as the door is ripped open but to heck with it!

Stun bolts for everyone!

"I will never surrender, the Empire will never surrender, and-,"

I relish the sound of her head turning to pulp as the Solid Snake puts its fist through her skull. I'll take her armor, but I just…ugh.

It's not twenty more minutes before everyone who needs to be is aboard, the fabricators are poking at the armor, the Death Star Prototype's engines are activated, and I am leaving the Maw.

Thank god.

I can't wait to dump all of this on the Rebellion and just go back to simpler times.

The Death Star though…that's going to Hub.

…might need to have the Vengeance come over and install some more engines to speed things along.

In the immortal words of an orc peon:

Work Work.
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I'm pretty sure Theta has won the galaxy at this point. Everything from here afterwards is cleanup. Apart from Palpatine, I guess.
I'm estimating....only 10 or more so chapters before I get to go to a new universe.

Could be wrong though, never know where the muse will take me.
Must be glad that dealing with the Maw and it's crazy bitch of a leader is dealt with.

Also get a bunch of cool toys in the process which is always a plus.