Deus Ex: The Sixth World [Deus Ex: Human Revolution/Shadowrun]

[X] Non-lethal. You're not looking to start a firefight in there, and frankly the more of 'em are left alive the better chance you have of getting someone who knows something useful to squeal.
[X] Short-range. You don't plan on lingering in wide open spaces if you can help it, and in close quarters you'll take every advantage you can get.
[X] Non-lethal. You're not looking to start a firefight in there, and frankly the more of 'em are left alive the better chance you have of getting someone who knows something useful to squeal.
[X] Short-range. You don't plan on lingering in wide open spaces if you can help it, and in close quarters you'll take every advantage you can get.
[X] Non-lethal. You're not looking to start a firefight in there, and frankly the more of 'em are left alive the better chance you have of getting someone who knows something useful to squeal.
[X] Short-range. You don't plan on lingering in wide open spaces if you can help it, and in close quarters you'll take every advantage you can get.
[X] Lethal. If something goes wrong you want to put them down before they put you down.
[X] Short-range. You don't plan on lingering in wide open spaces if you can help it, and in close quarters you'll take every advantage you can get.

It's the hostages' fault for not visiting. :cool:
Going by canon, our choices of guns here are:

Combat Rifle
Tranq Rifle
Stun Gun

Once we're inside, it becomes a simple matter to loot a semiautomatic pistol. Of course, that's how the game works. Things may be different here.

Remember that for non-lethal short range, Jensen has the old standby of giving a good, hard tap to the head.
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[X] Non-lethal. You're not looking to start a firefight in there, and frankly the more of 'em are left alive the better chance you have of getting someone who knows something useful to squeal.
[X] Short-range. You don't plan on lingering in wide open spaces if you can help it, and in close quarters you'll take every advantage you can get.

I always went this way to show that I was the better man.
[X] Lethal. If something goes wrong you want to put them down before they put you down.
[X] Short-range. You don't plan on lingering in wide open spaces if you can help it, and in close quarters you'll take every advantage you can get.

Personally I usually go into this part quietly with the taser, but I think Jensen would appreciate the revolver in these circumstances. That and the explosive rounds mod is damn good if we get that option later on.
I always just stuck to a pistol with silencer + laser sight + AP mod. Lots of quiet headshots.

I only had to pull out the heavy weapons for the boss fights and Panchaea.
I went pacifist, but only after I got augmented. So Jensen's spiel about the augs enabling him to be better than before rung especially true for my play through.
I went pacifist for the most part, only going loud when those PMC bastards escalated on me first.

The pod hotel, PICUS offices and the plane crash are all places I left no survivors.
I should perhaps amend my previous post to mean that I went pacifist in the factory. Afterwords, I usually still did because it was quieter, but if I got caught it was shooting time.
[X] Non-lethal. You're not looking to start a firefight in there, and frankly the more of 'em are left alive the better chance you have of getting someone who knows something useful to squeal.
[X] Short-range. You don't plan on lingering in wide open spaces if you can help it, and in close quarters you'll take every advantage you can get.
From a Public Relations standpoint, "Anti-Aug Rioters taken down non lethally by Augmented Corporate Security Expert" plays a lot better than "Anti-Aug Rioters mowed down in droves by Augmented Corporate Security Expert"
They aren't anti-aug rioters though. They're armed terrorists who broke into a factory and took its employees hostage.

To be fair. I mean, look at our media now, and ask whether they'd actually have any level of accuracy? I mean, maybe they're going to become even more corporate owned, and so it'll be, "Disgusting thugs who deserved to die get shot by brave, beautiful and heroic soldier of our glorious corporate leaders" but who knows?
Well...Picus exists so yeah 'the media getting more controlled' is like 100% correct. That said, the real question of mowing down the guys in the factory is if you want Prichard to call you Ghandi or Atila the Hun.
In the grim darkness of the near future, our corporate overlords amuse each other with jokes where the punchline is, "freedom of the press!"
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[X] Non-lethal. You're not looking to start a firefight in there, and frankly the more of 'em are left alive the better chance you have of getting someone who knows something useful to squeal.
[X] Long-range. You can take them out personally if you bump into anyone traversing the offices. You'll need that distance on the old auto floors.
[X] Non-lethal. You're not looking to start a firefight in there, and frankly the more of 'em are left alive the better chance you have of getting someone who knows something useful to squeal.

[X] Long-range. You can take them out personally if you bump into anyone traversing the offices. You'll need that distance on the old auto floors.

Yeah, if we're already close, we have a way to take them out. But if we're caught it's gonna be a hell of a task trying to get close enough without getting shot. So grab the long range option.
[X] Lethal. If something goes wrong you want to put them down before they put you down.
[X] Long-range. You can take them out personally if you bump into anyone traversing the offices. You'll need that distance on the old auto floors.

We're a cop. All things considered, we want everyone walking out of here....but. The first priority is the hostages and the job. If we were with SWAT, we'd go in with gas and flashbangs and rubber bullets, we'd go in with a team so that our assault would be overwhelming and that if it didn't work, there would be someone else on hand to take the shot. But we're not SWAT, we don't have good intel or overwhelming force, and there's no one watching our backs. There's just us.

(Thus vote is also futile, but...I'm not a fan of the "non-lethal = moral" thing the game has going, for various reasons.)
[X] Non-lethal. You're not looking to start a firefight in there, and frankly the more of 'em are left alive the better chance you have of getting someone who knows something useful to squeal.
[X] Short-range. You don't plan on lingering in wide open spaces if you can help it, and in close quarters you'll take every advantage you can get.

Beacuse Metal Gear taught me that Lethal is for scrubs and short (or mid) range is best range, and I refuse to accept that something Metal Gear taught me isn't appliable to absolutely everything.