Alright, I was considering the battle system a while ago and realized it relied more on my whim then it really should've.

Also that my point system in relation to the letter scheming made les sense then I thought it had.

Hindsight: 20/20.

So I'm going to dump this revamp here.

Each rank works off 5 points with F being the lowest. Each +/- either increase it or decrease the modifier by 2 points either way.

For example F is 5, but F- is 3. With 3 being the technically lowest stat possible in a ninja skill it's civilian grade. Going off that, shit goes like this:

F- = 3
F = 5
F+ = 7

See? Each full letter adds another 5 points to your score. Like so:


The modifiers work by acting as intermediaries while leaving a gap worth mentioning to the calculations.

D- is still more than an F+ if only by two one points.

As for how SSS still ranks in this mess?

SSS = Trollface.

It can be anything from 40-190,000,000,000.

So just assume if something is SSS, it's going to kick your ass in the skill. Like your chakra.

Any questions?
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Isn't 5 a bit too little ? A civilian could beat someone with an S rank skill if he made a good roll and the S rank made a bad roll.
Isn't 5 a bit too little ? A civilian could beat someone with an S rank skill if he made a good roll and the S rank made a bad roll.
Somewhat. I'm thinking of keeping the calculation as this:

Starting difficulty roll + personal skill - enemy skill (+/- any modifiers) = end difficulty required.

Which if I keep the End difficulty required as 95 would go a little like this:

95 + 30 - 3 = Chance of kicking civilians ass: 122%. So unless you crit fail that repeatedly in a row there's not much chance of that civilian kicking your ass.

I'll change the points if everyone agrees that it's not enough.
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Crystalwatcher, out of curiousity what has become of dear Kaguya Usagi after we sent her back to Konoha?

Because I was thinking about doing an Omake starring her but wasn't sure if you had any particular plans or ideas about what she had been getting up to. I know how a binder of ideas tends to get filled and forgotten over time, and figured I'd ask about it since she is a KAGUYA and therefore not exactly someone of little consequence.

For those who don't remember the lovely Bone-Rabbit...
"Oh! My name is Kaguya Usagi. I'm just another Chuunin candidate... but..." She glances at the direction her team had gone. You look over your shoulder to follow her gaze, finding the two Kiri Genin that were apparently her teammates glaring at all three of you. "They're not very team-oriented."
And our sending her to Konoha, the last we hear about her.
You also discover that after their run-in with your team, the Tanigakure Team with the thing had withdrawn from the exams. Usagi was also sent to Konoha with one of Orochimaru's snakes as an escort (Jiraiya would have sent a frog, but... desert) and happy to have defected. You also discover two days later that the other teams that hadn't fought, found themselves lost a whole two days over the time limit.
D- is 10-2=8, F+ is 5+2=7. Difference of 1, not 2. Minor nitpick.
I'll fix it.

EDIT: fixed.
Mayhap 10 would be more appropriate to truly show the gap between S class and D class.
So increase it in levels of ten?

For example:

If I do that I'd probably change the modifiers to changes of 4.


Like so? If I do it like this should I simply add in an E ranking? As to mark Civilian understanding of an area and make it something like 0?

Not sure how that'd work in the way of the calculation... one sec noting down-

95 + 60 - 10 = 145%.

Actually, that wouldn't be bad. Originally wanted to keep the numbers small, but this works.


Crystalwatcher, out of curiousity what has become of dear Kaguya Usagi after we sent her back to Konoha?

Because I was thinking about doing an Omake starring her but wasn't sure if you had any particular plans or ideas about what she had been getting up to. I know how a binder of ideas tends to get filled and forgotten over time, and figured I'd ask about it since she is a KAGUYA and therefore not exactly someone of little consequence.

For those who don't remember the lovely Bone-Rabbit...

And our sending her to Konoha, the last we hear about her.

Usagi-chan is currently being vetted and is on probation before being cleared to get work within Konoha.

As it is, even though she's a defector, no one's going to be willing to let her into the military and at possibly classified data. As it is, she herself will be allowed to get civilian work after she's been cleared, but only her children will be allowed to go into the military.

Two reasons for this: A) Former Enemy Nin. And B) Kekkei Genkai.

So she's looking for a place to set up a future family, and working her way through an extensive process with T&I. Otherwise she's having a hell of a time with how friendly everyone is.

Might do something more with her in the future depending on the omake.
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Well, shit. Found a plot hole in my story that I never noticed.

EDIT: Turns out the Third Raikage died in the third war, not the second like I had believed when originally planning this out. So the exact event that crippled Kaiomi and killed your dad I'll have to change up some. There' also the fact there's a different Fourth Raikage since A is still Minato's age at the moment.

This is a bit awkward.
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Into the Depths
-[X]Into the Depths

You and Shisui share a single glance. You could tell almost instantly that this building must have once been important. If only for it's resemblance to the Konoha Police building. Without even needing to verbally communicate Shisui takes the lead, and the two of you move into the building.

Almost immediately the path drops out from beneath Shisui, dunking him momentarily under the water before he regains his balance. Now drenched he quietly points out where the path dips before you get dunked as well, the water past this point reaching to chest height. From there the search of the building is slow going. Most rooms are empty, pieces of what could have been desks float, water-logged in the murky water. Pale light shines through holes in the roof, barely enough to see by.

And as you are about to give up, you tumble across a stairwell.

By again, the floor dropping out from under you. Floundering for a moment, you scramble backwards to higher ground, Shisui drawn by the noise wades through the water to where you are.

"What'd you find?" You spit out water that had gotten into your mouth from the dunk.

"I think its a stairwell. Couldn't see much but the steps were obvious."

As you check to make sure your floundering hadn't nocked any of your ninja tool loose, Shisui squeezes past, poking at the drop with a foot. "Definitely a stairwell. I can feel the steps. Considering how the water hides it, I don't think the flooding of this building was collateral from the fighting... Want to take a look?"

Status of tools confirmed you turn toward the stairwell...

[]Take a look. If Shisui is right, then something important might be down there.
[]Don't. You have no idea how long the stairwell is, and don't have a source of light on you.
[]Fallback and get advice from Kushina. She might be able to tell you if this building had anything worth hiding.
[X] Take a look. If Shisui is right, then something important might be down there.

I do believe its time to get our Indiana Jones on.
[X]Take a look. If Shisui is right, then something important might be down there.
[x] Send in Water Clones.

Can't they send water clones or something to take the traps for them?
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[X]Fallback and get advice from Kushina. She might be able to tell you if this building had anything worth hiding.

Haha, no. The constantly sinking floor and the flooding are obviously intentional. If I were a clan of nutty seal experts who were crazy enough to booby trap an entire village and half-flood a building to hide a stairwell, I'd make sure to trap the stairs as well in case the looters are competent enough to find it and not drown because the floor gave in and dropped them in the water.

Let's get Kushina here, this place seems important enough to warrant further investigation.
I went and edited some of your guy's character sheet in order to better facilitate finding shit on it.

Can't they send water clones or something to take the traps for them?
Only you know Water Clone. Sayaka also completely forgot that she can make them. It's been so long since you learned it, the thought slipped your mind.
[X]Fallback and get advice from Kushina. She might be able to tell you if this building had anything worth hiding.