Maybe once we get back from the exams our team could train in stealth since would be pretty good for ambushes and devastating aswell with Misaki's taijutsu depending on how well she takes to the training.
[X]Overwhelming Firepower! [+10 to all Offensive Rolls!]

This was it.

Now was the time you and Minato showed how much your training meant to the both of you. And proved to all those watching how far ahead Konoha really was to the other villages.

Minato had proven that even under restricting effects he was faster than most Jounin, even as a Genin. His skill in Seal Work was so advanced that he could use it in the middle of a fight. But combat ability and skill wasn't all a Chuunin was meant to be able to do. Let alone a Hokage candidate...

He had planned ahead since the start of the Chuunin Exams, and had -in his own way- known exactly what it would come down to. His observations of the opposing teams, his knowledge of Konoha's teams. Minato was a genius! He had worked through the variables throughout the exam, and even before it, and had planned for it all. Even you, who in a straight fight was an insurmountable obstacle for any average Genin. Even his fight with Mikoto was nothing more than a way to set the stage for his battle with you.

All of it.

The Goddess VS The Flash: Power Overwhelming.
1d100 = 22 + 10 = 32
1d100 = 36 + 10 = 46
1d100 = 7 + 10 = 17
1d100 = 99 + 10 = 109
1d100 = 47 + 10 =57

The first two blows happened faster than four fifths of the audience could see. Your right first met his left in mid air, sending the initial attack high, but your left hand was out of position to catch his left hook that belted you across the face.

One second.

You recover faster than he anticipates, rolling with the hit, and you take his follow-up kick across the shoulders, deflecting it high. But he rolls with the deflection, using the imparted momentum to spring into the air as you feel scroll work race across your back. Your Slow is sealed away before you even finish straightening, and suddenly Minato is on the offensive again, moving faster than your body can keep up.

Two Seconds.

His barrage is merciless. Every blow that lands, hits with the full weight of his speed behind them, as a comment your mom had once made comes back to you, "It's all about speed. Even if your opponent hits only about a third as hard as you do, that doesn't mean much when he can land ten blows to your one."

Ironic, that only now you really understood what that meant. Each of Minato's blows was barely enough to stagger you. But in the two seconds that followed, you decided that 'barely enough' was sufficient when he hit you almost eleven times in those two seconds.

Once to your left leg, twice to your gut, one to your right breast that landed another seal that locked away another Tier 5 that you tried using on reflex, once to your left shoulder, and the last six belted across your head and face. Altogether they left you tumbling away in a daze.

Four seconds.

Minato pauses to catch his breadth as you struggle to your feet, and you find yourself slightly awed through the haze of pain: even with his injuries from your Flare Minato was still moving fast enough to overwhelm you, and it was awe-inspiring. You could tell that the audience was on the edges of their seats, trying to determine who the victor would be, either for personal gain or simple need to know they were all staring.

There was no side conversations happening, and you would see out the corner of your eye, your mother chewing nervously on her finger as she watches your fight.

You can't help but giggle at the image.

Seven seconds.

Both you and Minato are once again back on your feet, and once again staring each other down...

You were upheld as the pinnacle of your generation. And in a way, you were. You had a natural grasp of Ninjutsu that none of the other Uchiha could compare to. You had chakra reserves that, Orochimaru had outright stated, would probably never run dry. And had you wanted to, you could have just coasted by on that alone. But you had taken Misaki up on the challenge she represented and worked hard on your Taijutsu as well as your ninjutsu. With your mother you had worked on expanding your list of skills to more than simple combat applications. While you were a monster in combat, that wasn't the only role you could fulfill.

You could also lead in a way that inspired others to follow you, and the ability to plan around those same people. And Minato knew this as well.

So when he lept forward one last time both of you already knew how this would end. It was just time to get there.

He opened your last confrontation with a barrage of Kunai covered in explosive tags of his own making, the blast obscuring you from view, but you didn't bother trying to dodge or use the smoke screen to re-position: instead you simply lunged into his attack. You blast out of the smoke screen just as he reaches it, taking the whole crowd, including the Hokage by surprise, since they couldn't conceive of a reason to rush a superior opponent so late in the game when both players were out of cards.

Which is why what happened next was such a shock.


Your voice fills the stadium like a divine mandate, as your chakra is suddenly visible.

An aura of gold and blue envelopes you, radiating outward like energized smoke as you and Minato close on each other, and without warning or buildup, you suddenly just as fast as he is, in his wounded state.

Eleven seconds and it's over in a Flash.

The exact events are never revealed to anyone besides you and Minato who had been in the heart of the action. All the audience was aware of was the entire battleground lighting up in seal arrays as the work that Minato had laid down during his fight with Mikoto, and you suddenly flaring as bright as the noon-day sun as you bring everything you can to bear against Minato as you both unleash your finishers.

The blast wave vaporizes the ground-floor walls of the arena, reducing them to nothing more than their frames as Minato is launched clean across the arena where he is embedded in the ground, and you are launched mid-way up the arena wall where you are buried in rocks from the wreckage your impact causes.

When neither you nor Minato respond to the proctor and your survival is confirmed it is declared a draw.

[]Your out like a fucking light. Who's POV do you want to see the end of the Exams with?
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Even with the awful rolls (I can't remember whether SV ever corrected the issue for the dice roller to average lower than it should) we managed to at the very least determine a tie against someone who prepared extremely well to be able to fight us on an even footing. Through the seals, through a vicious pummeling, through us only putting in a few solid hits, we pulled out a draw against the rising Hokage.

Now all we need to do it keep Misaki occupied from plotting how to humiliate/rebuke Minato for daring to think himself even with her goddess.
So stratagetic-view or street-level view? Our Mom might be able to fufill both, then there's the Hokage, and of course Misaki. Orochimaru as well or maybe Jiraya. Tsunade for an un-biased view maybe?
Actually, I'm going to say Orochimaru because then we get to hear his perspective on the whole shebang that has been the Chunin exams as well as hear from Jiraiya and Tsunade at the same time. He's got to be so proud that a student of his who has been training managed to tie with Jiraiya's star pupil and who, Orochimaru probably knows, will likely be chosen as Jiraiya's personal apprentice.

So, my vote is for...

[X] Roachy-sensei (Orochimaru)
[X] Roachy-sensei (Orochimaru)

I don't think we have ever seen his POV on this quest should be interesting.
Actually, I'm going to say Orochimaru because then we get to hear his perspective on the whole shebang that has been the Chunin exams as well as hear from Jiraiya and Tsunade at the same time. He's got to be so proud that a student of his who has been training managed to tie with Jiraiya's star pupil and who, Orochimaru probably knows, will likely be chosen as Jiraiya's personal apprentice.

So, my vote is for...

[X] Roachy-sensei (Orochimaru)

I would never have thought about this until you pointed it out.