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Prologue: Before Revelation, Days of Innocence.

Even before you were born, your name was...


(Verified GM)
Prologue: Before Revelation, Days of Innocence.

Even before you were born, your name was decided. Before you were born, events conspired to ensure you would never be normal.

Uchiha Sayaka, was the name given to you. And this would be the name you would be remembered by for generations to come. Your position in the Uchiha Clan of Konoha was never in doubt. Raised to be the best, by the best, the pressure of what you innocently thought to be your mundane existence was to be just another 'genius' born from a pompous clan. And it is a role you silently take upon your self with grace... for despite all that is heaped upon you in your young age, you also have secrets. Secrets that while you feel are harmless, instead are a portent of a destiny that was decided before birth, and that would come to crush you without remorse. And these portents come in the visions of dreams from a paste life. A life you know you personally never lived, but with events you somehow know have happened. So over the years you have kept secret of these dreams about...

[X] A Hero, forever striving for a goal known to be impossible. For a dream so beautiful that it could make kings weep tears of blood. A goal that eventually broke the Hero in a way that could never be reversed... only for him to save himself through the failure of an equally impossible plan as that beauty reminded him of why he did what he did... [Identified: Archer, Fate/Stay Night]

[X] A Sorceress, a mortal goddess that had only wanted the freedom of the people she chose as her own, and in so hoping chose to wage an impossible fight, that eventually lead her into an Odyssey that allowed her to find love, friendship, and loss. Of her coming into her own power in time to face off against another with control that could crush Time itself. And forever waiting for her Knight to return to her... [Rinoa Heartilly, Final Fantasy VIII]

[X]A Dragon, An entity that had once been beyond merely mortal comprehension. Tasked with the protection of those that were infinitely his lesser. But who isolation and the machinations of the foe had warped to be neigh-unrecognizable. Falling at last, after one more mad attempt at ending the world he had sworn to protect, after causing a Cataclysm that nearly brought what he had sworn to protect to ruin, dying with the desperate need to undo the damage he had caused on his lips... [Identified: Neltharion/Deathwing, Warcraft]

And it is with these strange memories that you live your childhood. Almost quite, but not quite, seeking to understand these strange dreams. But these memories that are but are not you take back seat to the life you live now: and that life is...

[X]One that is overshadowed by War. Inevitable pain all that awaits those who leave but do not return. The desire to see a better tomorrow all that sustains those that fight, near constantly. A time when Legends are born. [Third World War]

[X]Centered around your older brother, the one you pour your existence into. The quiet peace almost deafening in its false simplicity. Lies hidden by agendas, and truths that are smothered by greed and old pain. A curse of Hatred that is destined to tear you apart.[Sasuke's Time]

[X]A fading time of Legends. Built on the back of old glories and held up by those considered Gods, and proto-Titans that are determined to see tomorrow dawn on their terms.[Second Hokage/Second World War]


First Quest no Jutsu!


You may now shoot me. Before anyone asks, yes this will be my first Quest I've ever done and I'm determined to do this right and in my own style! If you guys have any suggestions PM me because I love feedback.

To begin with: a few Ground Rules.

1. I am going to be lenient towards side-tracking and derailment, but only so far. So long as its related to the quest or given crossover I really don't care because some of the ideas that spawn might actually be pretty awesome. But if its not relevant then I'll shut it down.

2. The combat system works on roles: 1d100, with various modifiers. Events leading up to a fight can have an effect on a fight, and weather or not they do I might not tell. Some events will have {??Unknown Modifiers??} and I'll leave it up to your discretion on what to do with those choices. Hint: they will be far larger than regular modifiers that I'll throw in at random.

3. I'm pretty fond of 'Achievement' systems. If an event is weird/funny/left field enough I'll see about adding an achievement for getting it to happen. Bad ends will probably be added in just because I am going to be trying my hardest to get you killed in humiliating manners for the lawlz. So just 'Oops' it and move back to the choice that got you killed. If its a bad roll then you can choose the same action again or try a different choice. When I add in 'for the lawlz' choice it may end with bigger rewards than a regular choice but it could also get you a non-standard Bad End. Fair warning.

4. Other standard rules also apply. If a joke goes too far I'll shut it down, if you disagree with something then just bring it up. I might be able to fix or clarify whatever it was. Again: feedback is helpful.

5. Also, if you get someone else killed, then they are DEAD. No re-rolls for them (sorry) unless you get peripherally killed as well in the blast or something.

6. Revelations: These are pre-scripted events. A.K.A. the friggin railroad. When these events happen you can choose to take part, or simply let it play out without you. End-results are pre-determined and can only be changed on a minor scale. But changes in Revelations can have cosmic scale aftereffects. For example a series of choices in a revelation saves someone scripted to die, then that can heavily sway future events. A sway that could possibly mean the difference between wining or losing the quest at the end. Again, I'll leave it up to you guys. They can also reveal information that might prove to be useful later.

7. Romance can happen with virtually anyone so be careful of your choices. Otherwise you might accidently be finding Sayaka trying to get into someone's pants (metaphorically speaking). Try to work out who you want to be with ahead of time otherwise this is going to start getting awkward for me.

8. Have fun.
Warning: Life's a bitch...
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Uchiha Sayaka - Character Sheet
Name: Sayaka
Clan: Uchiha
Past Life: Sorceress
--Ninjutsu learning curve bonus. Genjutsu learning curve lag. Chakra volume is peerless.

Have an art:

Corruption: 46% (Resistance lvl 5 - 75% Critical)

Current Life Abilities:
--Do you know...

Mizu Style-->
Movement Style: Goddess Form - Rank S. The ultimate fusion of Taijutsu and Ninjutsu. The base form of the style is distinctly Mizu Style taijutsu, using flexibility and rapidly shifting balance, the practitioner is capable of combining both offense and defense in an unparalleled fashion, while you alone are also capable of using the movements induced by the style to freely launch ninjustu with abandon without breaking rhythm or pace in a fight.

Ninjutsu - Rank B-. You can blast out medium to medium-high jutsu with reliable speed. Asura is jealous of your lack of requiring handsigns. Your low-level (C-Rank and lower) jutsu are now noticeably stronger.

Genjutsu- Rank D. You are capable of using numerous low-level genjutsu that can play tricks on the five senses while also being capable of dispelling anything up to C- Ranked jutsu on your own. You've also started to show signs of being able to choose who your area-backlash of genjutsu is capable of effecting while you are under one. Your chakra's strange nature can still overwhelm another's control of their jutsu and promptly cause the jutsu to effect everyone within a certain distance to you. Shisui refers to it as a 'trip' while Fugaku swore to never use genjutsu on you. Asura regrets using one on you. Warning - Last life's dislike for mental manipulation will lag learning in this area. (All learning will be halved in effectiveness.)

Kenjutsu - Rank F. While you know which side of the sword is sharp, your more likely to kill your self if you use one.

Chakra - Rank SSS. Your Chakra almost breaks the mind of all who inspect it. From a distance the Byakugan will see nothing more than a fountain of pure, dense, chakra. From up close? An unprepared Hyuuga would be blinded as if they looked into the sun. If there is one thing you never have to worry for: it is that chakra exahstion is a thing you will probably never experience.

Chakra Control- Rank A-. You are capable of folding your chakra and changing it's nature almost instantly with little to no effort at all. You are also capable of spontaneously using any jutsu rank C or lower with no warning what so ever.

Chakra Flow - The ability to flow your chakra through foreign objects and people for various effects.
-Chakra Flow (Fire) - Rank D
-Chakra Flow (Earth) - Rank D
-Chakra Flow (Water) - Rank D
-Chakra Flow (Wind) - Rank D

Baking - Rank B. Name it: you can probably cook something edible out of it. Just don't expect to pull ingredients out of your ass though.

Flexibility - Rank A. Houdini, 'nough said.

Outdoor Survival - Rank A. You are now capable of surviving without a steady supply chain in hostile territory regardless of conditions. You can make a camp that is virtually undetectable to other ninja and local wildlife. You have also memorized what plants and animals are edible in all zones.

Sewing - Rank F. You can stitch shut holes in clothing, armor, and people relatively well. Field repairs are possible, but don't expect anything too much.

Calligraphy - Rank B. When you write something it is impossible to mis-read it. Seriously.

Seal Identification - Rank B. You are capable of identifying the purpose of complex seal arrays, and are even capable of disrupting simply ones, such as trip-wire traps and explosive tags of varying kinds. (This may save your life one day.)

Medical Ninjutsu - Rank ??. Your memories have allowed you access to a series of strange jutsu, that operate outside of your understanding of Medical Jutsu.

Scientific Knowledge: Rank B+. You can identify the effects of low level Jutsu you have never seen before near-instantly. With enough time you can also identify the effects of unknown high-ranked jutsu. You can also identify important portions of new machines and what a simple machine does upon a glance.

Past Life Derived:
--Abilities gained from knowledge of your passed life. This will lead to abilities and powers that cannot be termed 'Jutsu' by normal standard. Advanced enough study into this can cause it to be considered a new 'Blood Line' spawned from the Uchiha Clan and unique to you.

Without Restriction: Elemental - You discovered that you held more than just Rinoa's awesome power: you actually have an affinity to all elemental types! Wind, Earth, Fire, Water, and Lighting are yours to command!

Seal-less - Turns out you don't require seals to preform Jutsu. Awkward.

Small Unit Tactics: Rank C-. You can lead a small group against superior odds with a minimum, but reliable, chance of success.

Tier 1 - A group of Rank D Jutsus of varying elements. Among them are the strange ability to temporarily rob someone of sight, and voice.

Tier 2 - A group of B Ranked Jutsu that are Elemental in nature. They have shown surprising symmetry with eachother, as well as being capable of mixing with Tier 1 at need.

Cure - Rank B. Strange healing Jutsu that can instantly close damaging wounds with unprecedented efficiency.

Cura - Rank A. Strange healing Jutsu that can instantly close major wounds, and restore blood to the Human system, as well as mend broken bones instantly.

Tier 5 - A group of S Ranked Jutsu that only you can reliably use. The required chakra to fire these Jutsu exceeds any but Jinchuriki, and even they can only use them once.
--Flare - Conjures a wall of oblivion that annihilates everything in it's path.
--Slow - Radiate your chakra in such a way that significantly slows all within range.
--Stop - Send out a pulse of chakra that instantly solidifies the air upon an opponent, freezing their movement.
--[Tornado] 55% Complete. [Requirements: Chakra Control Rank A, Wind Flow Rank A.]
--[Protect] 90% complete. [Requirements: Chakra Control Rank S.]
--[Kekkei Genkai Recreation] 0% Complete. [Requirements: Scientific Knowledge Rank A.]
--Haste/[Hestega] 80% [Requirements: Chakra Control Rank S, Chakra Flow Rank C (All).] - You overclock your muscles in such a way that allows you to move at the same speed your Sharingan allows you to react, without damaging yourself. Improvement required to be usable on allies.
--[METEOR] 7% Complete. [Requirements: Chakra Control Rank S, Chakra Flow (Earth) Rank A, Scientific Knowledge Rank B.]
--[Telekinesis] 66% Complete. [Requirements: Chakra Control Rank SS.]
--[LIFE] 13% Complete. [Requirements: Tier 3, Tier 4, Corruption 50%.]
--Doom - You inject a breadth of unchanged chakra into an opponent, causing their inevitable, and unavoidable death ten seconds later. It cannot be stopped or cured. Period.

Known Jutsu
--Jutsu you know.

-Fire Release:
---Great Fireball Jutsu - Inhale deeply with your lungs, filling them with chakra, and exhale in one great burst for massive damage! More chakra put into the jutsu means bigger fireball. Rank C.

-Lightning Release:
---Thunder Flash - Rank D. Small, narrow bolt of lightning leaps from the tips of your fingers. Short range.

-Water Release:
---Water Bullet - Rank C. Shoots small spheres of water at high speed. Can instead be used in a stream as well.
---Hidden Mist - Rank D. Summons a mist that hides the user. Is incapable of bloacking the Byakuugan, but is capable of blocking the Rinnegan and Sharingan. Though skilled users of either can partially see through the mist.
---Water Clone - Rank C. Creates a clone from water with one tenth of the original's total power.

-Air Release:
---Air Bullet - Rank C. Shoots globes of air at high speed. Can be used as a stream of air as well.
---Great Breakthrough - Rank C. Creates a gust of wind that can blow away target within the user's line of sight. Stronger users have been known to knock down trees.
---Divine Wind - Rank B. Creates miniature tornadoes of wind that race along the ground

-Earth Release:
---Mud Wall - B Ranked Defensive. Creates a earthen wall to absorb or block attacks.
---Rampart - B Ranked Defensive. Upscale of the Mud Wall.
---Earth Clone - Rank C. Creates a clone made of dirt and mud. Extraordinary physical defense and offense, but slow.

-Goddess Style/Release:
---Devil Crusher -Rank A. Team 9 special. Misaki and Sayaka attack simultaneously from a horizontal axis to disable and disorient a target. Shiiru then promptly plant the target into the ground

-Guardian Force!
---Your connection to Rinoa Heartilly drug you into the sub-dimension where Guardian forces rest between manifesting themselves into the physical world. This contract is one-of-a-kind and you are so far the only signatory of the unique scroll. In response to your pleas for help you are requires to summon at least one of the Guardian Force outside of combat and into your world a month. Warning: If you have to summon Eden then you pissed off something that could turn all the Bijuu into their collective bitches, and the 'Godzilla Threshold' is a vague dream of lunatics. Bahamut alone is more than enough to fight on the scale of any four Boss Summons, and counts as a Godzilla Threshold alone.)

Shinsei Sharingan -
Your unique Sharingan is capable of not only standard Sharingan abilities, but is also capable of instantly translating Justu into a form that you can use without hand seals. Your divine sight is also capable of piercing Genjutsu as well as other sight-inhibitory effects, such as the Hidden Mist Jutsu. These eyes also allow you to cast 'Tier 1' by sight, without requiring movement. Other special abilities unique to this Sharingan may also be unlocked.
  • You can disrupt and absorb jutsu within your line of sight.

People you know!

Uchiha Akaba - Father. Dead. The Kanki.
Past Life: Gunslinger
---Allows recreation of 'Shot' Limit as a Jutsu.

'Base' Taijutsu: B
Ninjutsu: S
Chakra: A+
Genjutsu: S
Flexibility: C+
Instinct: S

Ammo - Rank S
---Allows the user to 'empower' thrown weapons with the user's Elemental Affinities allowing a verity of effects. The original creator of this Jutsu favored using his Fire Chakra to turn thrown kunai into lethal fireworks. The only restraint to this Jutsu is the user's ability to throw weapons.

Sharpshooter - Rank N/A
---Your farther's mastery of thrown weapons was so well known that even the Uchiha deeply respected him for it. It was said that he never missed a single target, no matter the factors involved. Rumors also hold him at throwing a Kunai over nearly a mile to strike an enemy ninja between the eyes through a forest. Whether or not this is true is debated to this day by the major Villages. Konoha surprisingly enough being one of the adamant detractors of the incident despite being his village, while Iwa is adamant that is what he did, despite being home of the slain ninja. This has lead to a lot of questions on how good he really was.

Mindfuck no Jutsu - Rank S-
---A Genjutsu that was known for turning everything in the victim's vision into some kind of candy. How it works was never divulged by Akaba, even to his wife, despite their years together. It was also known for being exceedingly difficult to dispel, especially for kunoichi. Why though has never been explained by those caught in it.
Uchiha Kaiomi - Mother. Runs a bakery out of the edge of the Uchiha District. Reinstated Konohagakure Tokubetsu Jounin: Intelligence Division. Chakra network is permanently crippled from an unknown event that also killed your father. Concentrated Awesome. The Karitoriki.
Past Life: Strongest Being
---Allows recreation of a singular Ultimate Technique that can Kill Gods.

'Base' Taijutsu: C+ (A-)
Ninjutsu: B- (A+)
Chakra: C+ (A+)
Genjutsu: C- (B+)
Flexibility: C+ (B-)
Instinct: A (A+)

The Accelerator - Rank A+
---Signature Jutsu. Usin her Lightning Element, Kaiomi creates a tunnel of extremely powerful magnetism which she uses to accelerate metal senbons to 2,300 km/s, creating a line of destruction the size of a pinhead with a maximum range of 200 meters. She is only capable of firing off a single Senbon at a time and in one direction, but so long as the magnetic tunnel is active she can fire constantly until she runs out of either Chakra to sustain the tunnel or Senbon to fire. This justu is credited as the source of her moniker: The Karitoriki (Reaper), because it is said she had used it to obliterate an entire enemy fortress in moments, as well as kill ninja that were far above her capabilities to face because of the pure speed at which the senbon move. Only the First Hokage, and Third Raikage had been known to survive a direct hit from this Jutsu with minimal damage to their persons.

The ??? - Rank ?? (Forbidden Jutsu. S-Class Secret)

Mangekyo Sharingan -
---Legendary evolution of the Uchiha Clan's dojutsu, that was gained when Kaiomi watched her Husband die right in front of her. This evolution of her dojutsu allows the use of both Kamui and Amaterasu. She has also mastered an ability known as Taorero, which allows the user to Invert an opponent's senses and scramble them between each other, for example forcing one to Hear what they Taste what they See. This has been known to cause a near-instant collapse of the victim's mental state as the sudden sensory rape overwhelms them.
Uchiha Mikoto - Childhood Friend. Close confident, Team 3 Konohagakure Genin.
Past Life: Blue Mage
---Allows the User's Sharingan to copy Kekkei Genkai.

'Base' Taijutsu: C
Ninjutsu: C+
Chakra: B-
Genjutsu: D+
Flexibility: C-
Instinct: D+

---Mikoto's Sharingan is fully matured, allowing her to accurately predict and and copy an opponent's moves in the midst of combat, as well as allow her to cast genjutsu with her eyes. She has also shown the unique ability to copy Kekkei Genkai, as shown when she and her team faced off against a ninja from the Rinha Clan. It is unknown how she is capable of this, for it has been proven before that the Sharingan should be incapable of such a feat.

Power Word - Rank C+.
---A strange mix of Genjutsu and Ninjutsu that allows Mikoto to imbue her voice with jutsu connected to a singular word. For example, 'Power Word: Crush' is an Earth Release that raises a stone slab and throws it at an enemy, and 'Power Word: Drown' has similar effects to the Water Prison Jutsu. It is unknown how she does this, as she refuses to divulge her secret. It has been noted though that long phrases require far more power to achieve their effects: like 'Power Word: Soul Annihilating Sphere', which ignited her opponent's chakra, turning it into fire all at once, but knocking Mikoto out through chakra exhaustion from being fully rested.
Uchiha Asura - Clan Head. Konohagakure 'Chuunin'. The Ishi no Me. Respects your mother's teaching abilities.
Uchiha Fugaku - Acquaintance. Clan Heir. Team 2 Konohagakure Genin. Scared shitless of your mother.
Uchiha Shisui - Acquaintance. Second in line for Clan Heir. Team 3 Konohagakure Genin. Fan of yours. Scared shitless of tents.
Past Life: None.
---Has no bonuses from a past life.

'Base' Taijutsu: B-
Ninjutsu: B
Chakra: C+
Genjutsu: C+
Flexibility: D+
Instinct: D

---Uchiha Clan dojutsu. Shisui's second stage Sharingan allows for the prediction and identification of enemy Jutsu and attacks, though lacks the ability to allow him to copy them, or cast genjutsu out of his eyes.

Fire Style.
---Shisui is highly skilled in the Fire Release branch of Ninjutsu, able to utilize the Great Fireball jutsu, as well as numerous subsidiaries while in combat.
Uzumaki Kushina - Friend, Fuuinjutsu User. Heir to Uzushiogakure. Team 3 Konohagakure Genin.
Hyuuga Misaki - Best Childhood Friend. Hyuuga Branch Family member. Taijutsu specialist. Dancer. Team 9 Konohagakure Genin.
Past Life: Ultimate Martial Artist
---Can break the bounds associated with Taijutsu recognized as 'Mortal Limitations'.

'Base' Taijutsu: A
Ninjutsu: F+
Chakra: B-
Genjutsu: F-
Flexibility: A
Instinct: B-

Summoning: Tigers-
---The Tiger Clan as a subsidiary of the Noble Cat Clan. They are recognized by the other Summons as Knight Templar. The common price for their loyalty is for their summoner to have a singular belief that they are to hold onto without reservation, no matter what happens. If that belief evolves, they will record it's changes and evolution in their archives. They hold dedication to a cause above all else. Their specialty is Genjutsu, and Ninjutsu.

Goddess Style: Material Daemon - Rank S- (Kinjutsu.)
---A combination of the dozens of taijutsu styles that Misaki has studied over her life. Leaning heavily into a mixture of whats recognizable as Juuken, and 'Outer Lotus' taught only in Konoha. Misaki has mixed and matched other moves from numerous styles into a single string of Kata. It utilizes the mindset of 'Void Cross' in which the user literally ceases to consider physical limitations of not only what their body can do, but also the punishment it can absorb. This mindset allows the fighter to sacrifice portions of their own health to deal a truly awesome amount of damage with every hit, and gives the user a rank of Battle Continuation, that allows them to fight even under a mortal wound, and only an instantly fatal attack can stop them.
Akimichi Shiiru - Team 9. Akimichi Clan. Friend.
Past Life: None.
--No bonuses from Past Life.

'Base' Taijutsu: A-
Ninjutsu: B
Chakra: A+
Genjutsu: D-
Kenjutsu: A
Flexibility: D
Instinct: B+

Indestructible Body - Rank A+.
---Shiiru's body is unnaturally tough. His bones and skin are far denser than a Human's has any right to be, easily rivaling the toughness of iron. His internal organs are also nearly immune to blunt force trauma, allowing him to take crushing blows that could break another ninja in half like they're love taps. He is still susceptible to piercing or cutting attacks, but is still highly resistant to them. One of his opponents during the Swordsmen Ambush related his toughness to that of the Third Raikage.

Akimichi Style: Body Expansion - Rank A+.
---Shiiru is considered a prodigy in the use of his Clan Jutsu. The delay between activation of an expansion and the actual growth is measured in milliseconds, where other Akimichi of his age can only achieve execution in seconds. He is also capable of using individual expansion jutsu already as well, years ahead of where he should be.

Alchemic Release - Rank A-.
---Using his tri-nature of Water/Fire/Earth, Shiiru is capable of pulling heavy metals from the surrounding area and instantly forging them into any desired weapon he knows the details of. These jutsu require a huge amount of Chakra to perform, as well as a large amount of natural metals in a given area to form even one weapon. The objects he creates are no longer brittle and are hard to destroy, letting them keep up with even well -forged weapon with ease. He has also manage to learn how to re-build and fix his weapons on the fly without needing to make new ones.

Summoning: Armadillos
---The Armadillo Clan is a minor subsidiary of the Noble Snake Clan. They are recognized by other Summons as being relatively lazy, but also extraordinarily honorable. Their common prive for loyalty is Good Food, and loyalty to friends. They record the names of all their Summoner's friends in their Archives, as well as hold Feasts every October 31st to celebrate those that have died. They hold loyalty to friends above all else. Their specialty is Taijutsu and Kenjutsu.
Namikaze Minato - Acquaintance. Gennin of Kanoha. Rookie of the Year of his generation. Last Namikaze. Scared of you. Team 7 Konohagakure Genin. Hokage Candidate.
Yamanaka Inoichi - Acquaintance. Budding interrogation expert. Heir to the Yamanaka Ninja Clan. Scared of you. Team 7 Konohagakure Genin.
Sarutobi Hiruzen - Third Hokage. Your beloved leader. Entertained by you.
Orochimaru - Densetsu no Sannin. Acquaintance. Bemused by you. Team 9 Jounin-sensei.
Tsunade - Densetsu no Sannin. Legendary Medic Nin. Confused by you. Misaki's Confident.
Jiraiya - Densetsu no Sannin. Team 7 Jounin-sensei. Highly amused by you. Fuuinjutsu Master.
Inuzuka Tsume - Inuzuka Heiress. Team 8 Konohagakure Genin. Partner is Kuromaru. Friend.
Hyuuga Hiashi - Hyuuga Clan Heir. Acquaintance. Team 7 Konohagakure Genin. Scared of you.
Hyuuga Hizashi - Younger brother to Heir. Acquaintance. Fiancee to your best friend. Team 8 Konohagakure Genin.
Hatake Sakumo - Team 3 Sensei. Konohakagure Jounin.
Nara Shikaku - Nara Clan Heir. Acquaintance. Team 4 Konohagakure Genin.
Akimichi Chouza - Friend? Heir to Akimichi Clan. Team 4 Konohagakure Genin.
Aburame Shibi - Acquaintance. Friend of Inuzuka Tsume. Heir to the Aburame Clan. Team 8 Konohagakure Genin.
Senju Nawaki - Tsunade's younger brother. Your Biggest Fan.
Sarutobi Biwako - Hokage's Wife and Master.
Aki - The Unholy Spirit. Tanigakure Ninja. Unknown Clan affiliation. Your Evil Counterpart. Misaki's Natural Counter.
'Base' Taijutsu: C-
Ninjutsu: S
Chakra: A+
Genjutsu: B
Flexibility: N/A
Instinct: S

Hell Release - Rank S.
---Aki's body is made up of a kind of chakra matter that when dispersed resembles blood. The only thing that holds her together is her chakra coils. But thanks to practice Aki has gained the ability to reshape her body at whim into a variety of special weapons and shapes that are not limited to Human physiology. After killing an opponent she has also been shown to absorb the victim's reminding chakra by eviscerating their corpse or simply ripping it to pieces. This allows her to expand her own chakra network as well as replenish her own reserves. Whether or not this grants her information from her victim or not is unknown. Her weapons have also shown to be capable of destroying steel.
Onoki - The Hunger. Tanigakure Ninja. Unknown Clan Affiliation. Misaki's Evil Counterpart. Your Natural Counter.
'Base' Taijutsu: B-
Ninjutsu: C
Chakra: C-
Genjutsu: D
Flexibility: F+
Instinct: C-

Redirect - Rank N/A
---Onoki has the ability to inhale elemental Ninjutsu and exhale it at a chosen target at will. The only identified weaknesses of this power are that it can only target one ninjutsu at a time, and less chakra has to go into it than he has access to at the time of use, or otherwise he will suffer internal damage from the Jutsu he 'reflects'.
Yamada - The Anti Beast. Tanigakure Ninja. Unknown Clan Affiliation. Shiiru's Counter Part, and Natural Counter.
'Base' Taijutsu: C
Ninjutsu: A-
Chakra: C+
Genjutsu: C
Flexibility: F
Instinct: C

Banish Style - Rank A
---Yamada has shown the ability to break up chakra constructs through contact with her chakra. It has been demonstrated as being capable of shattering clones on contact as well as forcibly sending Summoned Beasts back where they came from, regardless of the power of their summoner. He is also capable of rejecting and changing the momentum of physical objects as well as people if given enough warning. He tends to use this ability to launch his Teammate Aki at opponents.

Throwing Weapons - Rank A+
---Yamada has demonstrated a highly skilled ability with throwing weapons, as well as an ability to channel his chakra through them even after they have left his hands. The most used aspect of this is him using thrown weapons to 'banish' summons at a distance.

Clan Politics

Uchiha Clan:
-Third in line for Heir.
-Rising Star.

Akimichi Clan:
-Free Food on Fridays.

Nara Clan:
-Slight Interest.

Yamanaka Clan:
-Inoichi's fault.

Inuzuka Clan:
-Love you.

Hyuuga Clan:
-No idea what to do with you.

Senju Clan:
-Tsunade Loves you.
-Nawaki is your Biggest Fan.

Hatake Clan:

Sarutobi Clan:
-Hiruzen finds you a source of good amusement.

Aburame Clan:
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Quest Data Mine
Table of Contents:
Innocent Days
First Trimester
Second Trimester
Legendary Trouble?
Sometimes Silence is the Better Part of Valor
Revelation: Will of Fire
End: Year 1
Second Year
Quiet Days Gone
Another Year Pass...
Destiny Begins!
Dear Teacher...
Big Happy Family
The Art of Planning
Team 9
Revelation: Tomorrow Never Comes
Omake: Trust 1n 7h3 GDoadedmeosns
Path of the Legend
Woot! Train
Revelation: Path of the Goddess
Causing Incidents
Vlad Wanna-be (Bad End)
First Movement of The...
Righteous Thunder!
Vast Power
Cold Grass
Yesterdays Past
Shinsei Sharingan
Three Days in Sunagakure
Cold Certainty
Strange Happenings...
King's Gold
Dance Baby, Dance!
Cause and Effect
Aki, the Unholy Spirit
The Goddess and The Evil Spirit
Third Movement of the Goddess
Stick with it!
Above It All
Blue Mage
Limit to Kindness
Comrades II
Good Ideas. Bad Ideas.
[Misaki] Y3ll0w F1ash
[Sarutobi] Torch Bearer/Revelation: The Greatest Tomorrow
[Kaiomi]The Lonely Mother
Copyright Infringement
Cheat Harder
[Orochimaru]Seals and Gold
Wrong Turn
Broken Bird, Healing Wings
Mended Hope
Chronically Undead
Into the Depths
Nothing Ventured...

User Submitted Omakes:
TikiTau Doink!
Kaioo Mokuton
TikiTau Goddammit, Gilgamesh
TikiTau My Bad, Suna. My Bad
TikiTau Coffee of DOOM
Kaioo In doubt? Torch it.
Pathos Think About It
Pathos Shitshitshitshit!
Pathos About that...
Pathos Hinata's Grandma is a Badass
Pathos Kaguya Uagi - Neophyte

World Building Data:
Power Data
Info on Ranking and significance of Ranking. Plus a bit of ANBU shit.
Uzushiogakure Data
End-Game Content
Ninja Village Military Data
Quick Info: Junction
Everyone's age as of the Chuunin Exams
Stat Explanation/Rebuild

And Achievements:

You can also add a TVTropes Page

And suddenly! Theme songs!

Team 9:

Hyuuga Misaki:

Akimichi Shiiru:

Uchiha Sayaka:
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That was my thought. Fits him to a T.

[X]A Dragon, An entity that had once been beyond merely mortal comprehension. Tasked with the protection of those that were infinitely his lesser. But who isolation and the machinations of the foe had warped to be neigh-unrecognizable. Falling at last, after one more mad attempt at ending the world he had sworn to protect, after causing a Cataclysm that nearly brought what he had sworn to protect to ruin, dying with the desperate need to undo the damage he had caused on his lips...

[X]One that is overshadowed by War. Inevitable pain all that awaits those who leave but do not return. The desire to see a better tomorrow all that sustains those that fight, near constantly. A time when Legends are born.
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Is Dragon "We Neltharion Now?"

Not sure who Sorceress is though.
[X] Dragon.

[X] One that is overshadowed by War. Inevitable pain all that awaits those who leave but do not return. The desire to see a better tomorrow all that sustains those that fight, near constantly. A time when Legends are born.

I want to see if we can't take out that pole from Fugaku's backside.
Two out of three Crossovers identified. Hero is Archer, and Dragon is Neltharion.

Depending on what you choose effects your future abilities in the quest. If you can guess what the options represent then I'll give you an achievement ^^ and possibly a bonus to Sayaka.
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[X]A Dragon, An entity that had once been beyond merely mortal comprehension. Tasked with the protection of those that were infinitely his lesser. But who isolation and the machinations of the foe had warped to be neigh-unrecognizable. Falling at last, after one more mad attempt at ending the world he had sworn to protect, after causing a Cataclysm that nearly brought what he had sworn to protect to ruin, dying with the desperate need to undo the damage he had caused on his lips...

Hi there Deathwing.

[X]Centered around your older brother, the one you pour your existence into. The quiet peace almost deafening in its false simplicity. Lies hidden by agendas, and truths that are smothered by greed and old pain. A curse of Hatred that is destined to tear you apart.

Hi there Sasuke.
[X]Centered around your older brother, the one you pour your existence into. The quiet peace almost deafening in its false simplicity. Lies hidden by agendas, and truths that are smothered by greed and old pain. A curse of Hatred that is destined to tear you apart.

Hi there Sasuke.
Timeline guess right. [1/3]

I need a fucking hobby......
[ ]One that is overshadowed by War. Inevitable pain all that awaits those who leave but do not return. The desire to see a better tomorrow all that sustains those that fight, near constantly. A time when Legends are born.
--The Third Shinobi World War

[ ]A fading time of Legends. Built on the back of old glories and held up by those considered Gods, and proto-Titans that are determined to see tomorrow dawn on their terms.
--Founding of the Ninja Villages
[ ]One that is overshadowed by War. Inevitable pain all that awaits those who leave but do not return. The desire to see a better tomorrow all that sustains those that fight, near constantly. A time when Legends are born.
--The Third Shinobi World War

[ ]A fading time of Legends. Built on the back of old glories and held up by those considered Gods, and proto-Titans that are determined to see tomorrow dawn on their terms.
--Founding of the Ninja Villages

EDIT: Nvm, the first is actually correct, the second is off though.
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Ahhh, if that's teh case, the third option probably makes sense as the "Pre-Founding" era? As in the period of time where the Villages didn't yet exist because Hashirama and Madara hadn't gotten around to deciding that "Constantly trying to kill each other sucks, let's make a village"
Ahhh, if that's teh case, the third option probably makes sense as the "Pre-Founding" era? As in the period of time where the Villages didn't yet exist because Hashirama and Madara hadn't gotten around to deciding that "Constantly trying to kill each other sucks, let's make a village"
Hint: too far out ^^. It says 'A time of fading Legends'. And 'Those considered 'gods''.
Hint: too far out ^^. It says 'A time of fading Legends'. And 'Those considered 'gods''.
Just after the Kyuubi attack? The Fourth died after all, and the Third is not what he used to be. Proto-Titans could refer to Akatsuki/Tobi.

EDIT: Oh wait no nevermind. That's basically Sasuke. =T

After the Fourth World War?
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Just after the Kyuubi attack? The Fourth died after all, and the Third is not what he used to be. Proto-Titans could refer to Akatsuki/Tobi.

EDIT: Oh wait no nevermind. That's basically Sasuke. =T

After the Fourth World War?
Hint: your over shooting it horribly, the opposite direction now.

Think more towards middle ground that might fit.
[] A Sorceress, a mortal goddess that had only wanted the freedom of the people she chose as her own, and in so hoping chose to wage an impossible fight, that eventually lead her into an Odyssey that allowed her to find love, friendship, and loss. Of her coming into her own power in time to face off against another with control that could crush Time itself. And forever waiting for her Knight to return to her...

First thought is Queen Beryl with some very rose tinted view of events.
[] A Sorceress, a mortal goddess that had only wanted the freedom of the people she chose as her own, and in so hoping chose to wage an impossible fight, that eventually lead her into an Odyssey that allowed her to find love, friendship, and loss. Of her coming into her own power in time to face off against another with control that could crush Time itself. And forever waiting for her Knight to return to her...

First thought is Queen Beryl with some very rose tinted view of events.
I'm trying not to cry now.....