Destiny 2: Acts of an Old Exodus [Evangelion/Destiny] [Sequel Thread]

From your perspective, perhaps! But your homeworld's spiders are so...versatile. And they have such variety! From tarantulas, whose mere sight sends shivers down the spines of men, yet is rather tiny little black widows and brown recluses, whose venom can kill, in the right dosage
I'm just gonna leave these here:

3.4, in which the Spider has a deal to offer.
Saint-14 glared at the dead Ghost in the Spider's hands, then at the several other shells sitting in various spots. " many Guardians have died by your hands?"

The Mataraelus huffed. "What a vulgar question," he hissed. "I've dealt with quite a few 'Guardians' over the years who didn't listen to reason...or didn't take a sensible deal. I warned them about the consequences of snooping around my business without permission. Can I be blamed for keeping my end of the bargain?" The Titan's clenched fist prompted the Spider's guards to bristle; the large Mataraelus merely chuckled. "Ah, don't be so crass! Your kind have killed many Fallen, while the Fallen of many a House have killed yours in return. That I've engaged in that same bloodshed should not surprise you...hence why you should be even more eager to work with me!"

'At least it hasn't devolved into a gunfight...yet.'

"...still refer to yourself as a Fallen, hm?" murmured Shin.

"Is it truly a surprise? Even if the Houses wear the title of 'Eliksni' with pride, we are still very much fallen from our former glories. To bear the name 'Eliksni' speaks of...a false sort of pride, one not yet earned." Two of the Spider's legs twitched in a manner that evoked a shrug. "I would much rather prefer things that are more...attainable."

Osiris calmly nodded. "A very pragmatic sort. I can see why the Reef have yet to take you out."

"Ha!" laughed the Spider. "The Queen and I have an understanding of sorts; the amount of manpower that would be required to fully subjugate the Shore isn't worth the trouble. As it stands, this wasteland is rife with a multitude of factions that all compete with one another over territory, contraband, have even one of the Alliance's members focus their attention on us would unite all of the scum and degenerates together. Not the sort of thing anyone is eager for, after the war against Umun'arath."

"Which brings me to why we're here." Shin calmly raised an empty hand, palm open. "I heard from a certain Awoken information broker that you might know about what the remaining Separatists are up to."

"Dear Andruch Quhl, hmm?" Shin's silence elicited a sinister chuckle. "Did you not think that someone with links to my network would inform me of your impending arrival? Give and take is part of the deal...and a matter of simple propriety!"

"...hmph. Figured it as a possibility. It's why I'm armed."

The Spider narrowed his eyes. "Don't insult my intelligence. You Lightmongers are armed to the teeth no matter where you go."

'He's not wrong.'

"But I'll ignore that slight, for the sake of something that would be of service to...the both of us. You want information about the Separatists? I have something better...but it'll cost you...and nothing so mundane as Glimmer, either." The Spider leaned back, his arachnoid mandibles clattering with anticipation. "You see, I have a brother who's somewhat less...agreeable, than yours truly. Siviks, is his name...and he seems to have gotten it in his head to ally with a Barons of various talents. Barons that used to offer tribute to ME, in return for...more agreeable business practices. But it seems they've forgotten whose Law runs this Shore...and they've judged whatever tech Siviks is bringing to the table to be worth the risk."

Saint-14 snorted. "So you want us to kill your brother and these Barons? Is that it?"

"Don't act so disappointed, Bright Crusader. In the end, my brother is far more outwardly antagonistic than I am...and if the Queen were here, she would certainly say that the devil you know is preferable to the devil you don't." He lightly laughed, satisfied with himself. "Such a true saying, that one is..."

"Do you have an idea of where we might find them?" asked Osiris.

"I can provide you some reconnaissance, but any overt moves on my part would only cause them to scatter. Best to end the problem in one fell swoop, before they become too...popular." He calmly grabbed a holo-projector from one of the shelves with one limb and a data tablet with another, connecting the two. As he tapped away on the tablet, images of various Fallen showed. "Yaviks, of Bardiel. Pirrha, of Ramiel. Kaniks, of Sachiel. Araskes, of Israfel. Reksis Vahn, of Zeruel. Hiraks, of Arael. Elykris, of Iruel. And, last but certainly not least, their 'leader'...Siviks, of Matarael. Kill them, and I shall provide the lead you're looking for." With an expectant gaze, the Spider leaned towards them, folding two of his hands together. " we have a deal?"

A few of those names were recognizable, and not in a good way. In the end, scum was scum; killing them would be no skin off his back. "Deal," answered Shin Malphur.
3.5, in which we gaze at some Barons.
/The Hollowed Lair, the Tangled Shore/

Within a large facility - based off of Eliksni design elements, complete with ether tanks and atmospheric converters, one of many that existed throughout the Tangled Shore - hanging underneath one of the larger asteroids, certain Barons convened and schemed.

Elykris swarmed about the strange tank - made of what appeared to be frosty glass, bearing odd attachments on the top - with curiosity, the Iruelus's clusters of nanites floating over the arcane technology with a sense of trepidation. "And these have been spotted throughout the Outer Planets?" she inquired, with a distinctly feminine tone...or, at least as feminine as a swarm of organic nanomachines could be.

Siviks chittered, his various limbs bolstered with more robotics and cybernetic protrusions than most Mataraelus. All in all, it was either a sign of his recklessness, or his cussedness, to keep moving despite getting his limbs shot off regularly. "Hee hee...indeed it is! A strange supplier, a strange offer, but one with a sense of animosity against the current order! This much, I could sense."

Araskes, an Israfelus - bearing a humanoid body with hunched shoulders and green and orange coloration, its most significant difference from an Israfelim being that the body bore two blank faces of gray bone, bearing only two circular eye holes each - hung upside down from a large pipe, fiddling with a web mine. Her voice seemed to alternate between two different voices seamlessly. "And you're sure this will give us an edge?"

"Of course it will!"

Reksis Vahn, a Zeruelus with two Scorch Cannons affixed to his shoulders, snorted. "Wasteful. Time would be better spent destroying the Spider's Servitors; becoming the Shore's only supplier of ether would be...more practical."

"Yes, yes, yes!" cackled Kaniks, a lanky Sachielus with spindly limbs and way too many Shock Grenades affixed to his person. "Would be more fun as well, hee hee!" Just for the heck of it, the green humanoid tossed a Shock Grenade against a wall bearing multiple Arc burns; the charge built, and with a shattering sound, it blew up. "Yeehahahahahaha!"

"And you wonder why Taniks kicked you out of House Sachiel so long ago," burbled Yaviks, a Bardielus fiddling with what appeared to be two Walker tanks; as gooey tendrils interfaced with the inner electronics, the spiky bones protruding from the floating blob of blue mold twitched. "...hmph. Going to need to organize another raid for Arc cores. Running low."

Siviks snorted at Reksis and Kaniks's suggestion, ignoring the Bardielus's maintenance. "Small thinking. Expected thinking. My brother would not be caught off guard by such things. What is needed is a game changer! And oh, if this thing works..."

Hiraks, an Araelus bearing a number of Hive artifacts bound to his abstract avian form, stared blankly at the glass tank that Siviks had brought. "Carries familiar taint. Hums with a familiar song. Hurts the a good way, mind you," mentally droned the telepathic Fallen.

"I would expect so, if what the thief told me about this was accurate!" said Siviks.

"You obtained this thing from a filthy thief?" said Reksis with an unmoving scowl, sounding out his displeasure.

"Ah, but this was a thief of a different sort, one with an eye for chaos and anarchy and the unexpected!" confidently asserted the Mataraelus. "All we'll need now is a field test..."

High above the towering room, gazing out through a number of transparent windows, a Ramielus - floating blue crystals arranged into form evoking long-distance rifles and telescopes - chimed with a musical sound, warning with trumpets and horns. "I spy Spider recon," said Pirrha. "...and they're gone again. Retreated the moment they saw me." The crystals briefly reconfigured and shifted, evoking emotional states of suspicion and wariness. "I recommend we change safe houses soon. Your brother might try something."

Siviks chortled. "Ha! It would require too much firepower to subjugate us here. Too many Fallen to fight through, too much of a risk, for a cautious one like him." The Mataraelus sneered with glee as the tank finished powering up, glowing a pale black within.

Hiraks immediately shivered. "Ooh...such an exquisite aura it produces..." he mentally whispered.

The four triangular nodes on the side of the tank began glowing, open and ready to receive...something special. "Now, we only need to find some volunteers," said Siviks.
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3.6, in which we have a surprise attack.
Outside the Hollowed Lair, an Iruelim quickly vacated the premises, retreating through the tiny crevice in the underside of the asteroid above. The swarm of nanomachines followed the twists and turns, which slowly expanded into a the end of a cave that opened out over two kilometers elsewhere; within that cave, two Mataraelim were waiting beside three particular Guardians. "They are still there."

"Were you spotted?" inquired one of the Mataraelim, bearing armor plates with various spikes - colored turquoise and teal and blue - that marked their association with the Spider.

"By Pirrha, unfortunately. That Ramielus has surprisingly acute vision for a conglomeration of crystals."

"So...what does this imply about our infiltration?" inquired Osiris.

"You wouldn't have been able to use my path anyway; too large. I did observe several dozen other Fallen guarding the outside: mostly Israfelim, Zeruelim, Mataraelim, and Ramielim. Unfortunately, there is only one way into their lair that I've been able to ascertain; based on their past movements, they likely have a short-range teleporter that would take them to a different part of this particular asteroid, in a more discreet location. Any assault would be easily spotted."

Shin Malphur sighed. "Well, it's not like 'guns blazing' is an unfamiliar tactic for us."

"True, but I don't think it's one we necessarily must take." Saint-14 glanced over towards his old friend. "Osiris; how much assistance do you think we could garner?"

"Enough," cryptically said the Warlock, fiddling with a bracer made of blocky brass affixed to his left arm. "Your recon has been enough help; let your employer know that we'll take it from here."


/Several Minutes Later/

"The Legionnaires hiding away at Sorik's Cut will be perfect," said Siviks. "After all, nobody will miss them."

"Doesn't our group have a ceasefire in place with their commander?" inquired Elykris. "Edru'us won't take kindly to any abductions of his soldiers."

The Mataraelus sneered. "Heh...we've been meaning to kill that Centurion lout anyway. Now-"

Hiraks suddenly went still, loosing a sharp trill that ran through their minds like an arrow of white noise. "I sense a dimensional flux?" Lo and behold, near the edge of the cavernous chamber, a cloud of heavy fog and angular lines of non-baryonic matter began to manifest. "Vex intruders?"

"Open fire the moment they appear," snarled Siviks. An orb of light started coalescing, signifying an impending intrusion upon their reality. There was a flash-


Shrapnel, Arc beams, explosives, Walker ordnance, and lasers smashed into the chronospatial cloud in an immense burst of energy. As the dust cleared, the shimmering energy of a Ward of Dawn could be seen. " we have some plucky thieves who want to try their luck..." growled Reksis Vahn, his ribbon-like arms unfolding into myriad blades.

"And not just any!" exclaimed Kaniks, peering excitedly at the three Guardians standing within the dome of Void energy. "Osiris, Saint-14, and Shin Malphur...ooh, their heads will make a pretty pretty gift, heeheeheeheehahahahaa!"

"I don't think so," muttered Shin Malphur, hand hovering over the holster of his hand cannon.

Yaviks huffed, loosing a breathy burble. "I've already sent the signal for reinforcements. You picked an awfully elaborate way to pick suicide."

The former Vanguard Commander shook his head, the very motion evoking a wry grin. "Honestly..."


/Meanwhile, outside the Hollowed Lair/

Without warning, came the particular clouds that signified Vex arrivals. But these were not typical Vex, oh no. "What are the Pax doing here?!" exclaimed a Zeruelim, lashing out with shadowy limbs at his first opponent.

Said opponent being a Minotaur with plasma chainsaws for hands. "UNCLE OSIRIS ASKED US IF WE WOULD LIKE TO PLAY!" exclaimed the one known as Foolproof. In the background, Siviks's band of Fallen were surrounded on all sides by Pax of various capacities...a good deal of which were further empowered with SIVA. "ME AND MY FRIENDS SAID YES!" cheerfully chirped the innocently girlish death machine. "I HOPE YOU HAVE AS MUCH FUN AS WE WILL!"


"...I have a feeling we won't have to worry about unwanted interruptions," knowingly said Osiris.
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Said opponent being a Minotaur with plasma chainsaws for hands. "UNCLE OSIRIS ASKED US IF WE WOULD LIKE TO PLAY!" exclaimed the one known as Foolproof. In the background, Siviks's band of Fallen were surrounded on all sides by Pax of various capacities...a good deal of which were further empowered with SIVA. "ME AND MY FRIENDS SAID YES!" cheerfully chirped the innocently girlish death machine. "I HOPE YOU HAVE AS MUCH FUN AS WE WILL!"
Farewell Siviks, we hardly knew ye.
3.7, in which Saint-14 reveals ANOTHER Void Super.
Brief note: on a complete and total whim, I started up a new story, an NGE/Persona fusion called Shin Persona Evangelion. Link to SpaceBattles version, link to Sufficient Velocity version. It's lower on the totem pole in terms of priority next to AOE, however. I swear upon Cayde's Glimmer!

Cayde-7: Rookie move.

Hush you.


High above from his perch, Pirrha rotated about with movement that evoked irritation. "...the Pax have established a line between the lair and our forces," he chimed, observing the havoc occurring outside through the window.

"Well then!" exclaimed Araskes, her twin faces rotating in place. With a casual flick of her arms, a dozen web mines were thrown, encircling the Ward of Dawn. "We'll just have to kill you quickly."

"Tell me, wretched interlopers," sneered Siviks, six eyes peering malevolently at the trio of Guardians. "What brings you to our lair? Was it my deluded brother?"

"...let me just put it this way," growled Shin. "Soon, you'll be too dead to care." With those words, Osiris suddenly blinked away, out of sight and out of mind, out of existence itself it seemed.

Elykris buzzed angrily. "More Vex tech!"

Shin Malphur darted out from the Ward of Dawn to the rear, firing his hand cannon as he headed for the pylons standing along the right side of the circular room.

"Araskes, Kaniks, with me! The rest of you, kill the Titan and the Warlock!" commanded Siviks, firing dual shrapnel launchers as he pursued the Hunter, in league with the Israfelus and Sachielus. Pirrha, Elykris, and Hiraks split up to try and divine the location of Osiris, leaving Reksis Vahn and Yaviks to deal with Saint-14.

The web mines promptly exploded, surrounding the Ward of Dawn in a thorough net of heavy Arc energy...yet Saint-14 was not perturbed. With a determined grunt, the Ward of Dawn suddenly levitated, revealing itself as a sphere of Void energy and not a dome...

"...what in Bardiel's name...?" burbled Yaviks.

...which Saint-14 then charged into with his shoulder, treating it less like a defensive shield and more like a rolling ball of devouring Void energy. The Titan roared as he ran in place, causing the sphere to rampage towards Reksis.

Snarling, the Zeruelus summoned his A.T. Field, blocking the Void sphere-


-but momentum carried through regardless, as Saint-14 barreled over Reksis en route to the dual Walkers that Yaviks commanded. The Bardielus loosed a wet snarl, as twin cannons fired at the ground-


-causing a mighty explosion that finally seemed to deplete the Titan's Ward of Dawn, but not before the burst of energy redirected the Exo into the air. With ease and grace, Saint-14 withdrew a glistening shotgun, bearing elements of his very likeness, and charged into close range with the spider-tanks right as he landed.

And lo, the battle began in earnest.
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Giant rolling void-ball of death...
At least it's not bouncing. Yet.
3.8, in which Shin Malphur makes his case for why he should be considered the definitive Gunslinger instead of Ana Bray.
Above the pylons and ledges of the cylindrical room ascended Pirrha, Elykris, and Hiraks. The Ramielus shifted into a configuration resembling several telescopes facing in various directions, while the Iruelus commandeered a multitude of Shanks, enhancing their inherent capabilities. The Araelus, meanwhile, seemed to shimmer with pulses of light. "...I'm trying to sense the Warlock's location," mentally hummed Hiraks. "I despise Vex technology."

"Does it not carry echoes similar to the Hive realms?" inquired Elykris, her ten Shanks buzzing irritably at the lack of any targets.

"Whatever alterations he's made to them, they aren't as sharp or noticeable-"

A golden silhouette of Osiris suddenly blinked into existence behind Pirrha. The crystalline Fallen roared with the sound of blaring tubas, shocked by the Guardian's sudden emergence; his A.T. Field flickered brightly as a shining blade smashed into him, propelling the Ramielus into the wall. The silhouette was destroyed by concentrated fire from Elykris's Shanks, dispersing with a burst of light-

"Another one!"

-right as another golden clone emerged in the midst of the Iruelus's drones, dropping Fusion Grenades. One was destroyed, eliciting a pained shriek from Elykris as the golden clone was blasted apart by a laser from Pirrha-

"Not this time!"

-but the attempted assault on Hiraks was anticipated at the last moment, the Araelus shifting in midair to dodge a doppelganger's blade. A burst of psychic energy blasted into the clone, breaking it apart-

"Above us!"

-when three other silhouettes flickered into existence in the piping running along the ceiling, firing down at them with bursts of ethereal bullets from golden scout rifles. "These wretched clones are annoying," groused Pirrha, taking cover as best as he could.

"...and only clones," mentally murmured Hiraks, before a flicker of alarm emanated from his thoughts. "Decoys!"


Down below, Shin Malphur calmly spun and dodged, evading the explosives of Kaniks and the bladed strikes of Araskes. All the while, Siviks lobbed acid grenades around the Hunter, intending to narrow down his avenues of escape. "Run, wretched Lightmonger! Run, and-" There was a sudden impression of alarm and warning that roared across hid mind-


-which is the only reason the Mataraelus leapt away in time, avoiding the downward thrust of Osiris's Dawnblade. "A close call, thief!" Siviks landed several meters away, shrapnel launchers armed and ready-


-and for some reason Shin Malphur was right in his face, hand cannon blossoming with fire. "When-?!"


And that was how Siviks ended up as a shadow against the wall, charred into ash and dust by three Golden Gun bullets fired so fast that they sounded as one shot. "Thanks for the distraction, Osiris."

"My pleasure," remarked the former Vanguard Commander, his radiant form turning towards Kaniks and Araskes.

The Sachielus simply laughed with glee. "Heeheehahaha! Impressive fire! Me like!"

The Israfelus was far more practical. "...I believe a tactical retreat is called for."
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3.9, in which the Barons make the really smart decision to run away.
...okay, so about 30,000 words later, I've realized that Shin Persona Evangelion turned out to be a bit more distracting than I initially thought it would.

Cayde-7: Hah! Called it.

I bet on your Glimmer, you know?

Cayde-7: Good luck trying to find it.


The death of Siviks signaled an almost-immediate change in the Barons' tactics. "Yaviks! Cue Onslaught Maneuver!"

"BAH! You owe me after this!" screeched the Bardielus, detaching from the twin Walkers right as their inner workings overclocked and began to go crazy. Cannons fired and missiles launched and spare Shanks emerged, intent on causing as much destruction and carnage as possible. The stark aggression forced Saint-14 to actually back away, finally giving Reksis Vahn some breathing room to counterattack.

Osiris swung his Dawnblade, unleashing fiery discs that destroyed ordnance before it could get close; Shin Malphur peered through the increasing smoke and steam, watching cautiously as the Fallen began to gather neat the back of the chamber. "Oh no you-"


And that's when a flying Titan smashed into him, barrelling the Gunslinger backwards. "A lucky shot," growled Saint-14, his breastplate bearing a decent cut in it.

Alas, at least the Zeruelus had come off much worse than he, bearing massive bruises and Void burns. One ribbon-arm hung limply by mere threads. "You'll get yours one day, wretch!"

"The portal's open. Stay close," mentally warned Hiraks. The Araelus hovered in front of a flickering portal of black and green, tinged by flames and starlight.

"A Hive portal," warned Osiris. "Quick, we have to-!"

Then the two modified Walkers actually jumped forward, their heads shining brightly with a brilliant charge-!


Ah. Death. By Fallen Walker.

Though, death by explosion was a new one.

Then again, Jaren had sometimes warned him about times where unsuspecting Guardians had been killed by a Walker blowing up. Usually new ones.

Ah, there was Susan's familiar mote of Light-

"-wake up!"

Shin Malphur quickly got to his feet, hand cannon held up. The entire chamber had been reduced to a smoldering wreck, rife with smoke and shrapnel. The remnants of the two Walkers were scattered all over, with most of the pieces actually buried within the walls. Although his two teammates were also rising, they were all alone; of the other Barons, there was nothing to be found. "Damn it. They got away."

"Well, you can't win them all," reassured his Ghost, before she phased into his body.

"How interesting," murmured Osiris, quietly fiddling with the brass bracer on his arm. "I had noted that the Araelus Hiraks had a number of Hive relics on his person, but his study of their arcana must be specially advanced to open a portal."

Saint-14 sighed, irritated by the abrupt end of the battle. "My apologies. If I had been quicker to destroy those mechs-"

"There's no helping it, old friend," assuaged Osiris. "I suspect that the Spider will at least be satisfied with the death of Siviks." The Warlock quietly moved towards one of the few things that had appeared to survive the explosions: a cylindrical tank made of frosty glass. "Now, what to make of this, I wonder?"

The dark light within elicited an unsettling feeling within Shin's gut. "Nothing good, I'd wager." He briefly gazed at the radar on his helmet's HUD, and there were suddenly a lot of friendly signals approaching-


The door into the chamber was blasted open, and various walking machines entered. "WE HEARD AN EXPLOSION!" exclaimed a Minotaur with plasma chainsaws for hands. "WELL, THERE WERE LOTS OF EXPLOSIONS, BUT THAT WAS A REALLY BIG ONE! WE ARE HERE TO ASSIST!"

"Fret not, Foolproof," warmly said Osiris. "We're fine. But our enemies are no longer here."

The girlish Pax pumped her arms with excitement. "EXQUISITE! HAVE YOU VAPORIZED THEM?"

"...well, I suppose we vaporized one of them," truthfully answered Shin.
