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North Carolina

The Year is 2026. As one Wise Man said, 'Shit is well and truly Fucked.'

The world has been in a near-constant state of apocalypse ever since the doomed assault of Stacker Pentecost at the Pacific Breach in 2018. This led to the creation of the Atlantic breach, along with the first-ever Triple Incursion Event recorded. The countries of Planet Earth have been in near Anarchy and most, if not all of them have entered a state of near collapse. The gargantuan EMP that detonated with the Triple Incursion has made it near impossible for contact of any kind. Kaiju packs roam the land, ravaging any centers of population that they can find. For many, this is the end of the Human Race.

But Not all hope is lost.
The state of Florida had been hit hard by the creation of the Atlantic breach. Miami, their greatest source of income and population was absolutely annihilated, the states around it closed their borders (Not that it helped them), and the state had been written off as a 'regrettable loss' by the cowards at DC. However, that does not mean that there is nothing that the supposed 'doomed land' can do. Many survivors of the Kaiju incursions and Blue have emigrated to the one last source of hope: The coastal city of Tampa. while not as popular as Miami, this also meant that it had a lower enough population size that would allow it to be targeted less by the Kaiju. And it's true that the city was near decimated. However, 'near' is not 'totally'. A good enough population size has made it to the now final bastion of civilization in the Sunshine State. Of course, just people aren't enough to survive. There was the creation of the Anti-Kaiju brigade, but everyone knew that wasn't enough. They needed something...bigger.

So, they looked. Any and all ships they could scrounge up to make or find, they sent. Many never came back, the others came back empty-handed. The city was starting to lose hope. As a final hurrah, they sent out one last expedition. A dinky fisherman's boat, not armed at all with pretty much nothing going for it than it's small size to hopefully make the kaiju disinterested in it. They didn't hope anymore, just humoring what they thought was the final quest of an old insane man.

And against all odds, he found one.
He managed to actually find one. Nobody expected it, nobody thought it would happen. So when it did happen, everybody was dumbfounded. It was as if time had stopped. And then, someone shouted, "Let's go get it then!" And the city went into an uproar, piled in everything they had to get to it. And get it they did. Their one last New Hope...

[] ...Brawler Tango (High Melee/Defense, Medium Strength/Speed, Low Dexterity, No Ranged -- The Brawler)
[] ...Defiant Iota (High Strength/Speed, Medium Melee/Defense, Low Dexterity, No Ranged -- The Wrestler)
[] ...Desperado Epsilon (High Ranged, Medium Defense/Speed, Low Strength/Melee -- The Gunfighter)
[] ...Slasher Splendor (High Melee/Strength, Medium Speed/Dexterity, Low Defense, No Ranged -- The Swordsman)

But of course, that wasn't the only thing they found. No, they also found...

[] ...A Nuclear Turbofan in Pristine Condition (Can automatically upgrade to Mark III)
[] ...Some Military Surplus, Easily convertible to Anti-Kaiju conventionals (+1 Tank Squadron at the start)
[] ...A large cache of supplies, easily enough to fund some projects (+3000 Supply units to begin)
[] ...Some piece of infrastructure desperately needed by the city (1 random characteristic of city gains +1)
[] ...A Black box of some kind. It will take some time to decipher (Black box)
[] ...Something else? (Literally giving me the chance to give you anything I want to.)

And as if the heavens were wishing them luck, a bright spray of sunlight burst through the clouds. After nearly 4 months of darkness, a new light was upon them. All they needed to do... was take it.

(AN: I could attempt to justify this in all sorts of certain ways. Many sorts of shiny explanations for all sorts of things. I'm not going to do that. I'm just going to say this:

I'm a simple man. I see Giant Robot Quest, I read Giant Robot Quest, I like Giant Robot Quest, I make Giant Robot Quest.

And let me tell you, binge-reading TRvTW and CAvTW in one day is one hell of an idea drug.
I'm mostly going to be using the same styles as those two quests, for the reason of: If it ain't broken, don't fix it!

Voting will last for an hour. Have fun!)
[X] ...Desperado Epsilon (High Ranged, Medium Defense/Speed, Low Strength/Melee -- The Gunfighter)

[X] ...A Black box of some kind. It will take some time to decipher (Black box)
The City of Tampa was enthusiastic at the discovery of Desperado Epsilon. They finally had a true counter for the beasts that plagued their city! They quickly did their best to repair the mighty machine, with its many parts needed to be replaced, armor to be crafted, weapons to recalibrate and re-arm, and pilots to hook up. Luckily, they had just the fit: James and Maggie Whitsman. Fraternal twins, they were considered to be one of the best combinations for the Ancient Gunslinger Mech and it's giant Cannon. The black box had also been found, although Nobody had any idea what they should actually do with it.

Of course, they didn't really have too much time to worry about that, especially since...


If someone could be so kind as to roll me a d10+1?
Scanner: 2+1=3

Unfortunately, with all the rush to rebuild Desperado, nobody recalibrated the scanner. You were able to get some vague readings, but nothing truly Sensational in terms of information. It is coming from the South-West, and is around 70 KM (70 units) away from the outermost Danger point, although it will be much closer when you are deployed.

How will you deploy the forces you have?
Well, we've got 1 Jaeger, 2 Tanks, and 1 Scout Helicopter, yeah?

[X] Plan: Play it Careful
-[X] Pixie Scout Choppers move ahead of offensive force to get sensors and visuals on the Kaiju
-[X] As soon as they've made contact and gotten solid info (visual description, basic sensor readings), pull back behind defensive line.
-[X] Desperado deploys 8 Units away from Tampa. Directly in the path of the Kaiju.
-[X] Tanks deploy 1 Unit behind Desperado, to the Jaeger's Southwest and Southeast, respectively. Aka behind and to the right and left.
-[X] Desperado braces their gun and prepares to fire as soon as they can get a good lock on the Kaiju and it's not absurdly far away.
[X] Plan: Play it Careful
-[X] Pixie Scout Choppers move ahead of offensive force to get sensors and visuals on the Kaiju
-[X] As soon as they've made contact and gotten solid info (visual description, basic sensor readings), pull back behind defensive line.
-[X] Desperado deploys 8 Units away from Tampa. Directly in the path of the Kaiju.
-[X] Tanks deploy 1 Unit behind Desperado, to the Jaeger's Southwest and Southeast, respectively. Aka behind and to the right and left.
-[X] Desperado braces their gun and prepares to fire as soon as they can get a good lock on the Kaiju and it's not absurdly far away.

Your Forces deploy quickly enough, ensuring that Desperado is in the Projected path, Braced for combat with the Tanks holding position Far enough that they aren't directly in the line of fire. The copters pull ahead towards the Kaiju, which is just now 35 Units away from Tampa. Doing their best to both get a scan and be undiscovered, they pulse out the sensors...

Roll me a d10-1, please!
[X] Plan: Play it Careful
-[X] Pixie Scout Choppers move ahead of offensive force to get sensors and visuals on the Kaiju
-[X] As soon as they've made contact and gotten solid info (visual description, basic sensor readings), pull back behind defensive line.
-[X] Desperado deploys 8 Units away from Tampa. Directly in the path of the Kaiju.
-[X] Tanks deploy 1 Unit behind Desperado, to the Jaeger's Southwest and Southeast, respectively. Aka behind and to the right and left.
-[X] Desperado braces their gun and prepares to fire as soon as they can get a good lock on the Kaiju and it's not absurdly far away.

Your Forces deploy quickly enough, ensuring that Desperado is in the Projected path, Braced for combat with the Tanks holding position Far enough that they aren't directly in the line of fire. The copters pull ahead towards the Kaiju, which is just now 35 Units away from Tampa. Doing their best to both get a scan and be undiscovered, they pulse out the sensors...

Roll me a d10-1, please!
Sure I'll do it. I'm hoping we slow down turns a bit after this so that it's not just "whoever writes up a vote first wins everything".

EDIT: Well then.
KnightDisciple threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Sensors Total: 10
10 10
Scanners: 10-1=9

"Uhh, pilots? We've got your info."

Maggie blinks at this.

"Really? I thought that this was just a last-ditch maneuver to get some info."

"That's what we thought too. Apparently someone decided to Spruce up the scanners on these things. Anyway, here's the deal..."

From what the scanners could tell, the Kaiju in question was a Quadraped, with unusually large hind legs, with its head was shrunken into it's torso, but besides that, there weren't any extraneous body parts. The scanners also didn't pick up any sort of exotic amounts of energy, so there shouldn't be any 'surprises' in store. Of course, this is just what the helicopters could get, so you could very well have to deal with something completely out of left field.

"...We're calling the thing 'Thumper'. From what we can tell, it's about 30 units from you right now. We'll be heading back to the city now. Don't botch this!"

"Well, thanks for the vote of confidence..." James grumbled.

"Ah shaddup James. This just means that we'll be even more popular when we kill the thing!"

"Anyways, let's just focus on the fight."

"Roger, Sis."

It is your turn. What do you want to do?
[] Walk (You can walk 5 Units)
[] Run (You can Run 10 Units)
[] Wait (Gain +1 to Ranged Attack Roll)
[] Shoot You are not in Range yet.
Do we have an idea of the rate of travel it's undertaking? ie how many Units per round?

Also, if we Run, can our Cons keep up?
[X] Plan: Careful Steps Part 2
-[X] Pixie Scouts Maintain Overwatch
-[X] Desperado and Tanks move 4 Units closer.
Desperado Takes land-eating steps forwards, crossing kilometers in seconds, At its side, the two tank squadrons rumble at their top speed, making sure that they can keep up. While the Pixies would love to help out, there's just not much they can do. They hover around, but all they can really do right now is make more scans. At the same time, Thumper marches forward as well. The gargantuan beast lumbers inexorably to the final bastion of humanity in this area, with only the lone giant to stand in its way. However, when it catches sight of the Jeager, it pauses, before roaring out a challenge.


[] Does what?
Epsilon and Tanks are 21 units away from Thumper. Pixies are 25 Units away from Thumper.
[X] Plan: Careful Steps Part 3
-[X] Pixie Scouts move 15 Units, swinging to the Kaiju's right (Jaeger's left). Goal is to be able to come behind it next turn.
-[X] Desperado moves 5 Units closer.
-[X] Tanks move 4 Units closer.
Once more, the mighty machine moves. It's within Gun range, with the tanks coming in as well. The Helicopters are also on the move, swinging around in an attempt at a stealthy circling of the Beast. Said beast is also on the move, lumbering up at a run. It will be meeting you soon.

Epsilon is 6 Units away from Thumper, Tanks 7 Units away. Thumper is 18 Units away from Danger Point. Helicopters are 15 units to the Right of the Kaiju.

[] What will you do?

[X] Plan Engage Engage!
-[X] Epsilon Stands and Fires
-[X] Tanks move into range of Kaiju while increasing their separation from the Jaeger, and Fire
-[X] Pixie Scouts swing around to 2 Units behind Kaiju and keep their eye on it.
Right, vote ends in 10 minutes.

Can you roll me 2 D10s for Jeager, and 4 D10s for Tanks?
Right, sorry I missed this, and that I seem to be the only consistent should drop a post in the Tacit Ronin and Mammoth Apostate threads!

KnightDisciple threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Desperado Total: 16
7 7 9 9
KnightDisciple threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Tanks for the Memories Total: 24
10 10 6 6 6 6 2 2
Desperado braces themselves to fire, bracing themselves on the plains. The Kaiju they are fighting barrels at them, Fists outstretched. A quick confirmation between the two pilots, and they sidestep the beast, coming very close to being hit...but also in a prime position to fire. They pulled the trigger...


And hit the Kaiju across the back! Thumper stumbles at the painful blow, his legs splayed and paralyzed.

(Thumper takes a major wound to the spine! Paralysis! Thumper takes 7 strikes! Thumper's Armor is Destroyed!)

Doing their best to support the Massive Machine the Monstrosity is facing, the Tank Crews Pull the triggers at Thumper.

The shots sail directly into the right arm of the beast. While it didn't seem to be much at first, the strain on his arm pushes his already mutilated back over the edge, and a Sickening CRACK is heard. The beast slumps over, lifeless.

(Thumper takes a minor wound to his Right Thigh! -1 Agi! Thumper takes 12 Strikes!)

KE-026-0008, "Thumper" has been Defeated!

Y'know, when I first made this thing I thought was going to last more than 1 round, to be completely honest. Write up and Kaiju sheet will be up soon. And before you ask, the whole charging thing at the top was just narrative fluff so that there was a reason you were hitting their spine than 'Surprise magic turning shell!'