i see.... thank you for clarification.

some more questions:
can we flood corridors as well? or only rooms?
can we choose multiple options from the "what to do with the crab" vote? and if not, will those options be there next time?

Edit: silly me, forgot to vote.
[x] Only living crabs need apply
No worries

Corridors ARE rooms (I would do a smiley here but it's terrifying)
No, as a narrative choice this is a one time vote where you select exactly one option.
Permission to use this image on the first post :V ?

Yeah, go ahead, i was actually drawing how the dungeon would look like in my style, and how it would look with the Plan i will go for.

The green arrow marks the entrance, the yellow/mustard separates tiles, and that brown thing is a door between rooms.

I might make the entire map in my style once i can use my PC, right now i can only use my phone and it is a pain to try making things be of uniform sizes, and the copy paste feature of the app i am using works badly, sometimes it copies things fine, other times it turns things blurry and semi transparent.

[X] Only living crabs need apply
-[X] Huh. Guess the crabs can die.
-[X] Waste not… (Entrance room Crabs gain trait "recycler")
-[X] Expand sideways east 2 tiles, then south 1 tile from south-easternmost tile (bottom right) - L corridor (3 depth)
--[X] Expand 3x3 room at the end of L corridor, room connects to the corridor by the north-westernmost tile (upper left) - prep room; Permanent Flooding (9+2=11 depth)

The brown things are doors, and tiles in light blue mean they are flooded, with the yellow/mustard to separate tiles.
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No worries

Corridors ARE rooms (I would do a smiley here but it's terrifying)
No, as a narrative choice this is a one time vote where you select exactly one option.
well... in that case....
i COULD make a new wote to only have the corridor flooded, but..... eh, the living crab plan is good enough for me.

Edit: just so the tally counts it normally...
[X] Only living crabs need apply
-[X] Huh. Guess the crabs can die.
-[X] Waste not… (Entrance room Crabs gain trait "recycler")
-[X] Expand sideways east 2 tiles, then south 1 tile from south-easternmost tile (bottom right) - L corridor (3 depth)
--[X] Expand 3x3 room at the end of L corridor, room connects to the corridor by the north-westernmost tile (upper left) - prep room; Permanent Flooding (9+2=11 depth)
Yeah, go ahead, i was actually drawing how the dungeon would look like in my style, and how it would look with the Plan i will go for.

The green arrow marks the entrance, the yellow/mustard separates tiles, and that brown thing is a door between rooms.

I might make the entire map in my style once i can use my PC, right now i can only use my phone and it is a pain to try making things be of uniform sizes, and the copy paste feature of the app i am using works badly, sometimes it copies things fine, other times it turns things blurry and semi transparent.

[X] Only living crabs need apply
-[X] Huh. Guess the crabs can die.
-[X] Waste not… (Entrance room Crabs gain trait "recycler")
-[X] Expand sideways east 2 tiles, then south 1 tile from south-easternmost tile (bottom right) - L corridor (3 depth)
--[X] Expand 3x3 room at the end of L corridor, room connects to the corridor by the north-westernmost tile (upper left) - prep room; Permanent Flooding (9+2=11 depth)

The brown things are doors, and tiles in light blue mean they are flooded, with the yellow/mustard to separate tiles.
Ah, since you are using my plan - the entire flooded room should be one more tile to the right. It connects with the L corridor, not by the upper central tile, but by the upper left tile.
You might want to alter either the map, if you want to keep up my plan, or alter the plan itself.
Ah, since you are using my plan - the entire flooded room should be one more tile to the right. It connects with the L corridor, not by the upper central tile, but by the upper left tile.
You might want to alter either the map, if you want to keep up my plan, or alter the plan itself.

... Fuck, it will either be very easy or a pain to change that, i will edit it now.

Edit: Done.
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[X] Shrine to the Great Space Crab (cost 10 Depth) (New 1 tile room, can expand later)
Does this give us crab occultism? Can we sacrifice heathens to the Great Space Crab and bring it ever closer to our plane of existence? Do we get a funny ritual?
[X] Shrine to the Great Space Crab (cost 10 Depth) (New 1 tile room, can expand later)
Does this give us crab occultism? Can we sacrifice heathens to the Great Space Crab and bring it ever closer to our plane of existence? Do we get a funny ritual?
It doesn't not do that xD but the flavour of a shrine is somewhat more... fuck around and find out?
Can we at least get a funny dance ritual?
Do you have a shrine? Patience Grasshopper..uh..Grasscrab: You're a little cart before the horse here ;)

Of course, I must note again that we can neither confirm nor deny the porpoise of the shrine and such (though ofc we wouldn't make an expensive nothingburger).
Clarifying post, please pause all crab-related shenanigans, chicanery, and event planning

[X] Shrine to the Great Space Crab (cost 10 Depth) (New 1 tile room, can expand later)
Does this give us crab occultism? Can we sacrifice heathens to the Great Space Crab and bring it ever closer to our plane of existence? Do we get a funny ritual?
It's occured to me the english may not be your first language and even if it is you may have misinterpreted my first response: When I said "It doesn't not do that", what I meant is "It might do that (but if it does it will not be confirmed at this time and it may do other things also/instead)"

This has been a clarifying post, everyone may now resume crab-related shenanigans, chicanery, and event planning
Since Only Living Crabs Need Apply is now overwhelmingly ahead, I'll go ahead and close the votes. Expect an update no later than .
Scheduled vote count started by KlinkerKing on Dec 25, 2021 at 2:16 PM, finished with 34 posts and 15 votes.

  • [x] Only living crabs need apply
    [X] Plan Crab-Shells for the Crab-Shell-Throne!
    -[X] There will be blood on these walls…
    -[X] Well, un-break it! (Gain 1 Necro-crab)
    -[X] Expand sideways (1 Depth per tile) 8 tiles total: [South, 2 Tiles, New Room "Corridor", 1 width in tiles] followed by [South, 2 Tiles, New Room "Tide Pools", 3 width in tiles, centered on "Corridor"]
    -[X] Crabs (cost: 1 Depth) - 1 tile worth of crabs 3x along the southern boarder of "Tide Pools"
    -[X] Tide pools (cost 1 Depth) - 1 room. Tiles in this room have pools where sea creatures live. Sometimes there may be treasure there @ Room "Tide Pools"
    -[X] Kung-Fu Crabs (cost: 2 Depth) - All Crabs in a room of your choice gain 1 threat (room costs 1 extra Depth per tile to expand after applying this upgrade) @ "Tide Pools"
    [x] Only living crabs need apply
    -[X] Huh. Guess the crabs can die.
    -[X] Waste not… (Entrance room Crabs gain trait "recycler")
    -[X] Expand sideways east 2 tiles, then south 1 tile from south-easternmost tile (bottom right) - L corridor (3 depth)
    --[X] Expand 3x3 room at the end of L corridor, room connects to the corridor by the north-westernmost tile (upper left) - prep room; Permanent Flooding (9+2=11 depth)
    [X] Plan: Sad Crab Gets Fed
    -[X] Our Crab!!!
    -[X] Well, un-break it! (Gain 1 Necro-crab)
    -[X] Expand west, 4 tiles, Crab Cafeteria, 2 width, Tide Pools (9 depth)
    -[X] Kung-Fu Crabs (cost: 2 Depth) - All Crabs in a room of your choice gain 1 threat (room costs 1 extra Depth per tile to expand after applying this upgrade)
    [X] Plan: Crab Dies=Revenge
    -[X] There will be blood on these walls…
    -[X] Well, un-break it! (Gain 1 Necro-crab)
    -[X] Expand west, 4 tiles, Crab Cafeteria, 2 width, Tide Pools (9 depth)
    -[X] Kung-Fu Crabs (cost: 2 Depth) - All Crabs in a room of your choice gain 1 threat (room costs 1 extra Depth per tile to expand after applying this upgrade)
    [X] Shrine to the Great Space Crab (cost 10 Depth) (New 1 tile room, can expand later)
3 - Delve 2 - Snipping and Snapping
Delve 2 - Snipping and Snapping

Creatures now have a slightly less opaque character sheet, representing an individual better. No actual changes have been made, just a display change.
  • Feature: Crabs
    • Max Damage: 1
    • Health: 1
    • Replenishment: Fast
    • Abilities (Weight class 1):
      • Climate adaptation (aquatic) - you are adapted to an extreme climate of your choice (e.g. hot desert, underwater) and have all the necessary traits to thrive in that environment
      • Exoskeleton – if you are weight class 2 or less, you have an exoskeleton that provides 3 armour to your torso and head, and 2 to every limb.
      • Remaining Ability slots: 2

We are expanding. Our deepness grows! Crabs are snipping and snapping, rooms are configuring. We flourish.

There are more Out-the-Door-ers. Delvers? More is not right. There are less. Stronger though. Does that mean more? Is the whole more than the sum of the parts? Too much philosophy will mean a nap…

Hm. New Delvers, Delving. More Delving is good. Could be bad, but likely good.

…Is that a crab on two legs? No, it's a crab-bird, with a beak. No wait, no wings. A… turtle? No, no, it's got legs. It's a turtle with legs, like a tortoise. Most tortoises don't have hands, though. A tortle?

Oh, and look at that, the other one has an odd shell of little metal loops it puts on to protect its squishy insides. Adorable. Oo, and a little pointy metal stick. Funny, it's shorter than the tortle's staff. Maybe the size indicates rank?

The Delve

"What do you think Sal?" Her flickering Orb-light gleams across his maille. "All I see is Crabs and more crabs."

"I think our Delve-lings missed something interesting." Pointing at the back corner Sal draws her colleague's eyes away from the gleam of his maille and towards a passageway at the back of the chamber. "Careful where you step, Lazzy, we don't want to provoke the crabs."

"You mean these little darlings?" Lazzy cooed, crouching down and picking up a bold little crab snipping at his armoured heels, and bringing it to eye level "I shall call you Snippy, Destroyer of Delvers!"


The small crab sails through the air, thwacking into the far wall.

"Bad Snippy!"

Only a few crabs have taken interest in the 'duel', the remainder continue to mill about unbothered.

"Well named," Sal chuckles "perhaps your nose is just the beginning!"

"Little bastard almost took it clean off." Lazzy's voice is a little off as he clutches his nose, trying to stem the blood. "Let's get this over with before any more of these fuckers take a snip at me."

"Ha! Let me know if they do and I'll ward you, 'Think happy thoughts' and all." It's wild how even a joke can Rally. Sal's protection extends over to Lazzy for a few moments, and the pair make their way to the unexplored passage.

"A blind corner. My favourite."

"Hush Lazzy, I'm focusing." Sal peers into the orb, stretching her view round the corner. Inky blackness. ""Blind corner'' is the right term. Not to worry though, Snippy, Destroyer of Noses hasn't followed us."

Sal winks, Rallying. With the ward on both of them, the pair round the corner, finding it empty but for some still water at the end of the L shape.

"A pool. Great, let's go."

"No so fast Mr. Bodyguard," Sal ribbed. "Look closer, it clearly goes somewhere."

"Yeah, well, I can't be splashing around under there long enough to matter, so if you want to look, you're on your own."

Sal nodded, already tying a rope around her shell. "You know the drill: one tug pull me back, two tugs, I'm under attack."

Lazzy grumbles and pulls out a match from his pack, fiddling with it for a moment before setting a nice, warm light in his lantern shield.

"Right, hop on in," he says, grabbing the rope as she takes a Deep Breath.

Sal feels her feet touch the silty ground, and she peers into the room, sparsely illuminated by the light emanating from the orb above her head. It's barren, with nothing but a few minor rocks strewn about. No silt is disturbed elsewhere in the room, and she takes a few steps to get a better feel for the ground. No trembles, no tracks in the silt, no vegetation. The room is empty. She yanks once on the rope, and then pushes off the ground, swimming back up towards the entrance.

"Anything?" Lazzy peers down into the water from the ledge as she wades up.

"Not so much as a spec of algae. Room's probably new, I don't think even the greenest of greenhorns could miss the corridor, and the room is almost depressingly barren."

"Fair. Guess we just head on out?"

"Yep!" Sal pushes herself out of the water, and swings a leg over the ledge. "Unless you get your nose snipped by a crab on the way out as well, we should be fine to just leave and write up the report. Local Headfolks will definitely want to hear about it."

"Gee, hope they pay more than a Shou this time."

Decisions, Decisions


Snippy sails through the air, thwacking into the far wall. Oh dear, is Snippy…? Hm. Aha. Snippy is not dead, but Snippy could be dead. We ought to....

[X] Save Snippy!
[X] Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

We have 10 Depth, and our entrance room opens to the outside on the north. Tiles are square, and if two tiles touch there will either be a door or it will be the same room.

Recycle - The Crabs go exploring for more recyclables, and have made a discovery. (Pick 1)
[X] Gain 2 Depth
[X] Crabs in houses? House Crabs?
Feature: Hermit Crabs

  • Max Damage: 1
  • Health: 1
  • Replenishment: Fast
  • Abilities (Weight class 1):
    • Climate adaptation (aquatic) - you are adapted to an extreme climate of your choice (e.g. hot desert, underwater) and have all the necessary traits to thrive in that environment
    • Shell Hermit - This creature can don armour (technically all Delvers have this ability). All Hermit Crabs start with a shell armour of 3.
    • Remaining Ability slots: 2
[X] Driftwood? Crab Construction? Upgrade: Crabs learn construction. They're not very good at it yet though…yet.

Expansion (at the end of each Delve, for each uncleared feature, score 1 Depth per Delver level for each Delver) <- Changed wording, no mechanical change.

[X] Expand sideways (1 Depth per tile) X tiles (write-in, For example [East, 14 Tiles, New Room "Corridor", 1 width in tiles])

New Room Features (choose up to 1 - MUST CHOOSE 1 AS WE HAVE AN EMPTY ROOM, but doesn't have to go in said empty room)
[X] Large Crabs (cost: 2 Depth) - 1 tile worth of Large Crabs
  • Max Damage: 2
  • Health: 2
  • Replenishment: Standard
  • Abilities (Weight class 2):
    • Climate adaptation (aquatic) - you are adapted to an extreme climate of your choice (e.g. hot desert, underwater) and have all the necessary traits to thrive in that environment
    • Exoskeleton – if you are weight class 2 or less, you have an exoskeleton that provides 3 armour to your torso and head, and 2 to every limb.
    • Large – your weight class increases by 1 (to 2).
    • Remaining Ability slots: 1
[X] Log-istics, A Log Delivery System (Cost 1 Depth) - a tripwire will send a log (or similar) hurtling towards any Delvers on this tile, if triggered (on hit deals up to 6 damage).
[X] Crab… Mermaids? (aquatic) (Cost 1 Depth)
  • Max Damage: 2
  • Health: 1
  • Replenishment: Fast
  • Abilities (Weight class 1):
    • Exoskeleton – if you are weight class 2 or less, you have an exoskeleton that provides 3 armour to your torso and head, and 2 to every limb.
    • Vicious Claw – monsters adapted for clawing attacks deal 1 extra damage with claws. If this is their main mundane attack, this ability is free.
    • Remaining Ability slots: 3 (no terrestrial adaptations)
[X] Treacherous Tim's Tiny Tin Tin (Cost 2 Depth) - A small metal box, stuck firmly in the floor or wall, with contents unknown. Decorated with a silver monogram of two Ts, and some skulls. Increases your attractiveness to Delvers.

Upgrades - pick up to 1
[X] Cordite Claws (cost: 1 Depth) - Crabs can now store cordite in their claws, and cause minor explosions when successfully snipping a target. Takes a crab ability slot (making this trait heritable). Increase crab threat (and maximum claw damage) by 1. (May apply this to as many crabs as you have at the end of this turn, if none specified, will apply to all.)
[X] Crabs expand (cost: 1 Depth) - Our existing crabs have multiplied, and may occupy another tile. (Costs 1 extra for every room they enter on the way to the new room. Corridors count as a room.)
[X] Geothermal Spring (cost: 3 Depth): warms all water in a flooded area, becoming a hot spring: Increases our attractiveness to Delvers and reduces their hostility towards us.
[X] Blank? Acquire more features to see more upgrade options

Vote by Plan! Or Snippy WILL snip you!


Shou: A unit of measurement equivalent to 1800ml (just under 2 litres) or 61 fl. oz.

Hey, did you know, my Co-GM, @Angus512 , does not know Swedish? This came up, because he tried to name this update "dickings", in Swedish.
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its still alive, so it may become stronger....or atleast, learns how to jump back from the walls :V

[X] Crabs in houses? House Crabs?
Feature: Hermit Crabs

  • Max Damage: 1
  • Health: 1
  • Replenishment: Fast
  • Abilities (Weight class 1):
    • Climate adaptation (aquatic) - you are adapted to an extreme climate of your choice (e.g. hot desert, underwater) and have all the necessary traits to thrive in that environment
    • Shell Hermit - This creature can don armour (technically all Delvers have this ability). All Hermit Crabs start with a shell armour of 3.
    • Remaining Ability slots: 2
[X] Driftwood? Crab Construction? Upgrade: Crabs learn construction. They're not very good at it yet though…yet.

damn it! i want both T_T hermit crabs just so, they combine into a living armor (when we get there) and the construction... because i want a crab spa! :V
By crabs, with crabs, for crabs (or those who are friends of crabs!)! they just gotta get through....

[X] Crab… Mermaids? (aquatic) (Cost 1 Depth)
  • Max Damage: 2
  • Health: 1
  • Replenishment: Fast
  • Abilities (Weight class 1):
    • Exoskeleton – if you are weight class 2 or less, you have an exoskeleton that provides 3 armour to your torso and head, and 2 to every limb.
    • Vicious Claw – monsters adapted for clawing attacks deal 1 extra damage with claws. If this is their main mundane attack, this ability is free.
    • Remaining Ability slots: 3 (no terrestrial adaptations)

[X] Cordite Claws (cost: 1 Depth) - Crabs can now store cordite in their claws, and cause minor explosions when successfully snipping a target. Takes a crab ability slot (making this trait heritable). Increase crab threat (and maximum claw damage) by 1. (May apply this to as many crabs as you have at the end of this turn, if none specified, will apply to all.)

Next round, i would be totally down for thermal springs!

[X] Plan: securing the estate
-[X] Save Snippy!
-[X] [X] Driftwood? Crab Construction? Upgrade: Crabs learn construction. They're not very good at it yet though…yet.
-[X] Crab… Mermaids? (aquatic) (Cost 1 Depth) into the flooded room's entrance
  • Max Damage: 2
  • Health: 1
  • Replenishment: Fast
  • Abilities (Weight class 1):
    • Exoskeleton – if you are weight class 2 or less, you have an exoskeleton that provides 3 armour to your torso and head, and 2 to every limb.
    • Vicious Claw – monsters adapted for clawing attacks deal 1 extra damage with claws. If this is their main mundane attack, this ability is free.
    • Remaining Ability slots: 3 (no terrestrial adaptations)
-[X] Cordite Claws (cost: 1 Depth) Crab... Mermaids?

-[X] Expand sideways (1 Depth per tile) X tiles (write-in, For example [East, 14 Tiles, New Room "Corridor", 1 width in tiles])
--[X] 2 blind corners, from the flooded room's 2 corners, see visual
C= Corridor, F= Flooded room, CM= Crab... Mermaids?

Edited because my original plan needed 11 depth... we only have 10 T_T
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Damn it, now i can't read about something deep or profound without thinking about xianxia.

Cultivator crabs? They even have their own caves, are we in a mountain?

[X] Plan Homely Snappy Spring.
-[X] Save Snippy!

If they are dead then they are dead, but if they are alive we can make them Better, Stronger, Faster.

-[] Crabs in houses? House Crabs?

Crabs with their own small caves in a cave with crabs inside! Caveception, Crabception?

-[X] Driftwood? Crab Construction? Upgrade: Crabs learn construction. They're not very good at it yet though…yet.

We shall give Snippy the longest stick for his bravery, to show that he has the biggest rank. Maybe wood legs.

-[X] Geothermal Spring (cost: 3 Depth): warms all water in a flooded area, becoming a hot spring: Increases our attractiveness to Delvers and reduces their hostility towards us.

Am i the only one who likes taking a nap in hot water?

-[X] Log-istics, A Log Delivery System (Cost 1 Depth) - a tripwire will send a log (or similar) hurtling towards any Delvers on this tile, if triggered (on hit deals up to 6 damage).

Right at the entrance of the hot spring, for anyone who dares to disturb.
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Damn it, now i can't read about something deep or profound without thinking about xianxia.

Cultivator crabs? They even have their own caves, are we in a mountain?

[X] Plan Homely Snappy Spring.
-[X] Save Snippy!

If they are dead then they are dead, but if they are alive we can make them Better, Stronger, Faster.

-[X] Crabs in houses? House Crabs?

Crabs with their own small caves in a cave with crabs inside! Caveception, Crabception?

-[X] Driftwood? Crab Construction? Upgrade: Crabs learn construction. They're not very good at it yet though…yet.

We shall give Snippy the longest stick for his bravery, to show that he has the biggest rank. Maybe wood legs.

-[X] Geothermal Spring (cost: 3 Depth): warms all water in a flooded area, becoming a hot spring: Increases our attractiveness to Delvers and reduces their hostility towards us.

Am i the only one who likes taking a nap in hot water?

-[X] Log-istics, A Log Delivery System (Cost 1 Depth) - a tripwire will send a log (or similar) hurtling towards any Delvers on this tile, if triggered (on hit deals up to 6 damage).

Right at the entrance of the hot spring, for anyone who dares to disturb.
Sadly, you need to chose between Hermits and Driftwood, at least, if i read it right. Nice plan otherwise!

Edit: I think we are at the foor of a Cliff, near a sea. so, you are technically correct. The best kind of correct!
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