Edit: Sorry for any confusion - there was a missing threadmark that had to be re-added during our bookkeeping

So we were writing the update, and one thing about our writing process is that it often involves me asking Angus "Okay, and now apply it to dragons, does it still make sense?" :D

In this particular case, we are cooking something very potent... ;)
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The interesting thing about coming back to something after a long hiatus, is that sometimes you read notes and go "ah, yes", and other times you read them and go "ah... huh?", and this is why we spent several hours reconstructing the meaning of Plasegean. We're truly our own worst enemies at times - luckily this is the only word we've had start from scratch on as we had proper notes (or at least semi-proper) on our other terms.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by KlinkerKing on Mar 20, 2024 at 12:20 PM, finished with 13 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Colourful soap bubbles that never pop because he's cute and magical like that.
    [X] Sea Anemones - Of course the beard is made of the Greatest Allies of the Crab Nation
    [X] Seaweed, as befits a snipper so in tune with the Abundant Sleeping Shelterer!
    [X] Feathers, the soft and fluffy kind - luckily waterproof!
Skills & Traits - the new system's outline
Hey everyone, bringing news from the frontline of Rules Documents here. Our main rules document has ballooned in size since we last posted in the thread, as a result of us bringing new flavour, as well as skills and traits with more advanced options and more progression with more granular power levels. We're making steady progress but there's a lot of work to chew through after we made the changes to the rules and systems at the start of this process, so while we can't get you an update just yet, I want to give you some insight into how we're pushing the traits system while you're waiting.

As you can see, the traits here are lined up with Fire 1 coming first, and for a Trait like Fire Heritage it uses regular numbers instead of the Roman numerals we use for Skills. In addition, this new chain system allows progress through the fire heritage trait, providing new bonuses as the trait evolves. One part of the chain, Fire 3, also grants an activated ability which can be activated by paying the cost of 1 vigour and taking a Zero Action (an action with no cost, but that needs to be declared) - and the cost is denoted by the ";" that shows you what must be paid to take an action.
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Hey everyone! I just dealt critical damage to @KlinkerKing, who then reflected it back to me: we've just finished the elemental heritage traits and I asked which his favourite was - of the 8 heritages he immidiately selected 2, asked me my favourite, I selected 4, and then he started selecting more! xD

We are alas, choking on our greed!! we can't wait to have your greed choking on its tears!!!
Introducing Character Traits
Hey folks, we've got another peek behind the curtain for ya!

That's right, we've got personality traits with (mild) mechanical and (more impactful) narrative effects! This is the personality traits we've lined up for one of the characters in the quest. At the risk of it being obvious, would you care to take a guess :V ? Obviously this category will be part of the new character sheets when we update those

...Edit: In hindsight we have been informed we were not entirely clear, but these are traits we've decided on for a character in the quest, and that character will have these traits when they appear in the quest next time :p
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Hey folks, we've got another peek behind the curtain for ya!

That's right, we've got personality traits with (mild) mechanical and (more impactful) narrative effects! This is the personality traits we've lined up for one of the characters in the quest. At the risk of it being obvious, would you care to take a guess :V ? Obviously this category will be part of the new character sheets when we update those

...Edit: In hindsight we have been informed we were not entirely clear, but these are traits we've decided on for a character in the quest, and that character will have these traits when they appear in the quest next time :p
This reminds me of a certain adorable snipperino, HMMMM. 🦀
Dungeon Creator 2 - By the Light of the Pearl

Dungeon Creator 2 - By the Light of the Pearl

QM note: we're not ready to go back to a regular upload schedule, but we do have a good portion of the next delve firmly underway! We're going to take the next little while to update the character Crabacter sheets and get all our ducks crabs in a row while you have this update (and maybe some apocrypha!) to chew on

The shrine is a strange piece of our dungeon. At once, it is a sanctuary for our littlest crabs and a haven for the creatures of the dungeon in times of crisis, but it is also a pillar holding up the gates to a new floor.

Skali has taught us many things about the Brilliant Sky Pearl since that fateful day Snippy sat on her shell:

She started as the Mother of Molluscs, watching over her wards since the earliest days. In this duty, Nulumi reached out to the moon and coated it in reflective nacre. She became the Tide-Giver by her command of the moon. Truly, an impressive Kami.

With the support of the Brilliant Sky pearl, we can support a new floor. Are we going up or down?
[X] Down of course! We're going Deeper
[X] Up! We Rise with the Tides!

Something strange happens when we think about the prospect of a new floor, like a flood of memories we always had that were never there before. Crabs and crustaceans abound on our first floor, yet something tells us that the second floor could easily become a taiga or jungle, or even a mineshaft or haunted mansion! How strange…

A new environment with new critters, or a continuation of an ocean of ideas? What a novel choice, but an oh-so-difficult one. Bah, decisions, decisions!

What theme will our new floor have?
[X] This is the Crabby Cave! We will have crabs and caves!
[X] Write-in

Oh, it's more to it than before? We have tiles to place? Ack, why is it so much work to go deeper?

We have 9 free tiles to place, how will we arrange them? (the room the staircase is in will be part of the Shrine to The Brilliant Sky Pearl - meaning you will have a 3x3 basic shrine room to start off. See map for details)
[X] Write-in

Obviously, the tiles need something to go with them, that goes without saying. The question is, what?

Choose a starting feature:

[X] Mural of the First Reflection - A mural depicting the triumph of the Brilliant Sky Pearl. It is a beautiful set of carvings and etchings decorated with nacre and running water. They glimmer brilliantly when light shines upon them, and one large piece even shines in the dark... (Greatly Increases our Attractiveness to Delvers).
-[X] Place the Mural (Room)

Overgrown Toolbox - A toolbox, covered in local flora. It's completely rusted shut, and will need opposable thumbs to even try and operate the locking mechanism. Can't be opened by cave creatures, but it does look nice with hues of red and green. Increases attractiveness to Delvers.
-[X] Place the Toolbox (Tile)

Shaft of Sunlight: a small shaft in the dungeon which provides a lot of bright light to a room. This light has different effects depending on the environment and creatures inside of the room, from the obvious (creatures with light sensitivity may struggle) to large (plants grow faster, ice melts and refreezes, becoming slippery, etc.).
-[X] Place the Shaft of Sunlight (Room)

This is too much thinking, we should…
[X] Go to sleep now. We'll be awake again soon enough…
[X] Rest… just for a bit…
[X] Take a nap, Snippy and Skali will wake us if it's important!
[X] Write-in

Vote by Plan! Or Snippy WILL snip you!
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uuuh, vote's open right?

[X] Plan: Down under the sea
-[X] Down of course! We're going Deeper
-[X] Write-in: Coral Reef themed
-[X] Use the layout in Leonixo's plan
-[X] Overgrown Toolbox
--[X] Place in a corner of the new stair room
-[X] Take a nap, Snippy and Skali will wake us if it's important!
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uuuh, vote's open right?

-[X] Create a basic 3x3 room where the stairs will be.

it is indeed!

um, so I guess we weren't clear enough about this, but you're getting a 3x3 room of Brilliant Sky Pearl Shrine Tiles (part of the shrine upstairs) as displayed on the dungeon map this update, and then you get 9 more tiles to play around with!

edit: there's also a secret extra choice at the end we need a decision on : D
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Ok, so I've been making this draft since yesterday and I'm still not sure how to place the 9 tiles. Just like Amilia I want the 3x3 room to be connected the same way, but I have no clue what would be useful for the 9 tiles we have.

Therefore, I have a question! What would be the benefit of making the tiles to the rooms wider, let's say like this?

View: https://imgur.com/a/MjLCUr0
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Actually, question number 2 electric boogaloo: is it better to add the mural or anything that has attractiveness to outsiders closer to the entrance so they see it earlier? I think for the toolbox it's even more important to do so as it needs people to open it as well.
Actually, question number 2 electric boogaloo: is it better to add the mural or anything that has attractiveness to outsiders closer to the entrance so they see it earlier? I think for the toolbox it's even more important to do so as it needs people to open it as well.
For this, I'd say it's even - we didn't specify it and it would make sense for "rare" rewards to be more prized than common ones, but at a harder to access location, well, I figure it shakes out to about the same.

Therefore, I have a question! What would be the benefit of making the tiles to the rooms wider, let's say like this?

This one's a little harder to answer - the scale is 10x10 metres so most things will fit through, but equally you do need space for each of the creatures you want on the floor.

The upsides and downsides also depends on how much of that area you choose to make permanently flooded.
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[X] Plan: Glistening marble caves and murals!

-[X] Down of course! We're going Deeper.
-[X] Write-in: marble caves with glowworms and of course crabs!
-[X] 9 tile placements here:
View: https://imgur.com/a/g0KtkKM
-[X] Mural of the First Reflection:
--[X] Write-in: place the mural in the new room (marked by darker red tiles)
-[X] Take a nap, Snippy and Skali will wake us if it's important!
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uuuh, vote's open right?

[X] Plan: Down under the sea
-[X] Down of course! We're going Deeper
-[X] Write-in: Coral Reef themed
-[X] Create a basic 3x3 room where the stairs will be.
-[X] Overgrown Toolbox
--[X] Place in a corner of the new 3x3 room
Hey, we've noticed this plan needs a little updating because it's not entirely complete and does not place the tiles in a way that makes sense. If this plan still isn't valid when the vote ends we can't do anything with it - we do require complete plans - we'll extend voting by 2 days to give you some time to fix it, since we're working on stuff for the delve & apocryphal stories we're in no real rush :). If it's not fixed then, we'll just go with the runner-up instead.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by KlinkerKing on Apr 28, 2024 at 1:02 PM, finished with 11 posts and 4 votes.
  • 2

    [X] Plan: Down under the sea
    -[X] Down of course! We're going Deeper
    -[X] Write-in: Coral Reef themed
    -[X] Use the layout in Leonixo's plan
    -[X] Overgrown Toolbox
    --[X] Place in a corner of the new stair room
    -[X] Take a nap, Snippy and Skali will wake us if it's important!
  • 2

    [X] Plan: Glistening marble caves and murals!
    -[X] Down of course! We're going Deeper
    -[X] Write-in: marble caves with glowworms and of course crabs!
    -[X] 9 tile placements here:
    View: https://imgur.com/a/g0KtkKM
    -[X] Mural of the First Reflection:
    --[X] Write-in: place the mural in the new room (marked by darker red tiles)
    -[X] Take a nap, Snippy and Skali will wake us if it's important!
Sorry I didn't get in on the vote, still trying to figure the new system out while dealing with a lot of other stuff.