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Welcome to Dungeon Quest, where we explore the realms of being a dungeon. This quest takes places in a medieval fantasy world, of non-specific origin, which will be shaped around the choices you make in the quest. Things can, and will, change both outside of your dungeon and inside it. There is a system, and it's mostly finished, but it's also being taken for a test drive. If there are changes you will be informed, and if it affects you, you will be asked if you want a mulligan.
1 - Deeper


Man bites dog?
The Lion's Den

Awareness is fickle. It starts with a creeping sense of sensing and expands with an encroaching feel of feeling. Then it slinks off like a child who won't admit they've eaten too many sweets. Is it even possible to reach for awareness if you don't already have some?

We are somewhere. We are something? Are we… cold?

[X] Cold? No, the ice is like a comforting embrace.
[X] Yes, as all damp stone should be.
[X] No, we are warmed by the sun…or was it molten rocks?
[X] Write-in

There is something to be done. Something important. Do we know what it is?

[X] Don't be absurd, we were borne yesterday
[X] Something about our place in the world?
[X] It's too early, more sleep

There's a sound filtering in, from somewhere. It's…

[X] The soft swoosh of waves, and some kind of clicking and clacking.
[X] Song? The sound of birds tweeting and singing.
[X] A howling of wolves or… wind?
[X] Write-in

The… Out? Doors? They are…

[X] Entirely upwards, reached by…stadders? That can't be right
[X] Down the hall to the side of this..Valley? Hill?
[X] On all sides. We stand alone, the only way is down
[X] Write-in

Are we anything else?
[X] No.
[X] Absolutely not.
[X] Nuh-uh.
[X] Write-in

You have a nagging feeling. In the back of your… head?, you feel an urge to…

[X] Consume. It's there, like an angry sibling knocking urgently on a bathroom door.
[X] Expand. Reach out with your senses, and embrace the world with your… roots?
[X] Take a nap. These questions are boring, and this world will come wake you up when it needs you.
[X] Write-in

What now? You have a plan…

[X] Deeper


No seriously, vote by plan guys.

Welcome to Dungeon Quest, where we explore the realms of being a dungeon. This quest takes places in a medieval fantasy world, of non-specific origin, which will be shaped around the choices you make in the quest. Things can, and will, change both outside of your dungeon and inside it. There is a system, and it's mostly finished, but it's also being taken for a test drive. If there are changes you will be informed, and if it affects you, you will be asked if you want a mulligan.

Good luck, choose wisely!

Voting is open for a week, but if there are no new votes within 24 hrs, we will close early.

Co-GM'd by @Angus512
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Informational Post: Maps and Other Useful Things

Unoccupied tiles are "old map colour" (beige), entrance is dark red, and room tiles are light red. The Shrine tiles are Light Gray (they are every habitat, meaning any creature can occupy the tiles). Light blue is flooded tiles. Each tile is 10x10 metres. Black lines are cliff lines.

Snippy, the Valiant! - Crab Captain

A small crab with big ideals, Snippy is a crab of conscience. Devoted to the Sleeping Shelterer, Snippy never misses an opportunity to tell newcomers and outsiders how magnificent they are. Snippy has a beard of colourful soap bubbles that never pop.

Being one of the first crabs born in the Sleeping Shelterer, he has spent his entire life in the dungeon. He knows a lot about the Sleeping Shelterer, but his knowledge of outside things often falls short. When there's something he doesn't know, he will often ask his friend, Skali.


Weight Class: 1
Durability: 2
Health: 1
- - Head & Torso: 2
- - Claws & Legs: 1
Damage: d2
Speed: 1 m/s

Presence: 6
Mana: 2
Money: n/a
Vigour: 6

Traits (Crab - Weight Class 1)

Base Form - Crab

Form - Crab
  • Environmental Adaptation 1(Semi-Aquatic) - You are adapted to an extreme environment of your choice (eg hot desert, underwater) and have all the necessary traits to thrive in that environment
    • Gills 1 - You can breathe in water (by extracting the dissolved oxygen)!
      • Gills 2 - You can use your gills to breathe air, provided they remain hydrated. (e.g. the Labyrinth organ of Labyrinth fish)
  • Grasp 1 - the ability to hold on to an object: claws, mouths, 'n' stuff
  • Size 1 - weight class equal to investment into this trait
  • Limbs 10 - limbs come in many shapes and functions from tails to legs to arms. Generally, arms are limbs primarily used for grabbing and manipulating the environment, and legs/tails/wings are limbs primarily used to move. Some limb types are multifunction - tentacles are a great example. You can apply any unlocked and non-exclusive movement and/or manipulation options to any limbs you have (you don't pay again for each limb).

  • Climb 1 - you can climb basic obstacles and surfaces
  • Jump 1 - you're capable of vertical jumps
  • Leap 1 - you can cross some distance horizontally when you jump
  • Swim 1 - in water and similar liquids you're able to move in 3D space, but not well
  • Walk 2 - Gotta go fast! Your walking speed increases by pushing your body entirely off the ground. (e.g. quadrupeds, crabs)

  • Hearing (water) 1 - you can detect vibrations at range, specialised for detection through one medium of your choice (air, water, ground (solids)), though it might work somewhat through other mediums. This trait level can be taken multiple times to gain different specialisation options.
  • Smell 1 - you have the ability to detect volatile/diffuse chemicals in air
  • Taste 1 - you have the ability to detect chemicals diffused in water
  • Touch 1 - You have a tactile sense and can detect when something is - or isn't - touching you. Detailed sensory information, such as exact texture or hardness is not readily available at this level.
  • Ultra-vision 1 – You can see into the ultraviolet spectrum of light
  • Vision 1 – You can see in the visible spectrum of light

  • Autotomy 1- You are able to self-amputate at least some body parts to distract and escape predators. Most commonly limbs (including tails), but sometimes skin etc. losing a body part this way does not cause trauma or bleed, but does reduce durability.
    • Autotomy 2 - You are able to replace a body part shed with autotomy with an inferior replacement, causing vantage loss when relevant (GM discretion), barring exceptional circumstances.
    • Autotomy 3 - You are able to regenerate any body parts shed with autotomy, barring exceptional circumstances.
  • Exoskeleton 1 – You have an exoskeleton that provides your weight class plus 1 in mundane armour to your torso and head, and half your weight class (rounded down) plus 1 in mundane armour to every limb. This stacks with other armour to a mundane maximum bonus of 10.
  • Sturdy 1 - +1 durability
  • -
  • Short 1 - You are considered short for creatures of your shape and weight. This affects things like fitting into spaces or reaching higher and seeing further.

  • Compassionate 1 - You understand the struggles of others and want to help: +1 vantage when helping people, -1 to attempts to maliciously hurt people.
  • Contemplative 1 - When you have the time, you are thoughtful and capable of introspection: +1 vantage to any plan or action if a scene passes between the planning stage and execution.
  • Excitable 1 - Your emotions are strong and quick to rise: +1 vantage to any situation where your emotions on the subject are beneficial (e.g. delivering an impassioned speech on a topic important to you): -1 vantage when they are detrimental to you. Also -1 vantage to resisting emotional manipulation
  • Naïve 1 - You are unworldly, having lived a sheltered life, or have a tendency to believe in people's good nature that is beyond the entirely rational: -1 to resisting manipulation, for good or ill.

  • Dungeon Empowered 1 - your connection to your home goes beyond the normal level:
    • +1 max mana
    • +2 max vigour
    • when in your dungeon of origin, At end of scene: +1 mana

Skills (Bonuses: Commerce +0, Magical +1, Martial +3, Leader: +3)


Commerce +1
Magical +1
Martial +3
Leader: +3


Crab of the Crabby Cave - Lookout

Free Background Skills (choose 4 - they contribute to bonuses and resource stats)
  • Language [Plasegean] I (Social) - you can hold a conversation in a language of your choice without difficulty
    • Language II (Social) - you are considered fluent in your chosen language
  • Lookout I (Martial) - Vigilant against danger, you're better than most at keeping watch. +1 vantage on rolls to stay alert and spot approaching danger
  • [24% progress] Mathematics 0 -> Mathematics I (Commerce)

Commerce (+0 from 0 skills)

Magical (+1 from 1 skills)


  • Paladin's Protection I (Magical) – You[Rally]are immune to and cleansed of poison and infectious disease. You may grow a magnificent beard and/or hair (including of unusual types e.g. barnacles), even if you otherwise couldn't.
    • Paladin's Protection II (Martial) - You[Rally] take 1 less damage from all sources
    • Paladin's Protection III (Social) - You may Rally eligible ([Rally]) effects of Paladin's Protection for 1 mana per effect rallied
    • Paladin's Protection IV - You do not deteriorate with age (though you can choose to let your appearance age and, as an action, return to youthful looks)

Martial (+3 from 4 skills)

  • Aimed Strike/Called Shot I (Martial) – When you use an action to attack, you may lose 2 vantage to target a specific hit location, or 4 vantage to target an area smaller than the standard target areas (e.g. the eye slit of a visor). A GM may modify the vantage loss depending on the exact target.
  • Courageous I (Martial) – You[Rally]gain 1 vantage against intimidation attempts.
    • Courageous II (Social) – You may Rally eligible ([Rally]) effects from Courageous. You also gain the following Rout: Routed hostiles lose 1 vantage on intimidate attempts. (Intrepid)

Social (+3 from 6 skills)

  • Philosopher [of the Crabby Cave] I (Social) - Experienced in the field of careful thinking, you can work through problems that leave others stumped: When given ample time to reason through a situation, remove the smallest negative vantage effect (e.g. if one effect was giving -5 vantage and another -2, you would only suffer the -5 instead of the total -7). If there are no negative vantage effects, +1 vantage to the roll.
  • Tactician (Social) - You gain 1 vantage on initiative rolls. If you give orders, Rallied allies that follow the plan gain 1 vantage. In a formation, this bonus only applies to the lowest vantage level. Routed hostiles lose 1 vantage on initiative next turn [ *Rework in progress ]


  • Plasegean

Response to fear: Fight


Skali - Prophet of the Brilliant Sky Pearl
Racial Traits (Hermit Crab - Weight Class 2)
  • Shell Hermit - This creature can don torso and head armour (technically all Delvers have this ability). Additionally, you have (your weight class -1) (max 2) mundane armour on every limb. This stacks with other armour to a mundane maximum bonus of 5
  • Aquatic Adaptations you are adapted to underwater environment of your choice and have all the necessary traits to thrive in that environment
  • Large – your weight class increases by 1 (to 2)
  • Any 1
Skills (Bonuses: Magical +3, Leader: +1)
  • Prophet's Prongs (Spell, Activated) - you loose a fork-like projection of force towards a target that is far (or closer) to you: damage scales off your casting implement (Magical)
  • Paladin's Protection (Spell, Passive) – you do not age (though you can choose to let your appearance age, and as an action return to youthful looks), cannot become poisoned or diseased, and take 1 less damage from all sources. Additionally you may grow a magnificent beard and/or hair, even if you otherwise couldn't (Magical, Leader)
  • Divine Trust – You place your faith in a divinity and they in you. By furthering their goals and message, you gain spells unique to the divinity in question (without spending skill points): they are made the same way other spells are but the phonetic alliteration rule is replaced by Domain restrictions. This skill can be selected more than once (for different Deities - though that can get complicated). (Magical)
    • Nulumi's Negation (Spell, Activated) You may draw on Nulumi's strength to counter a spell or break an enchantment; roll against the caster/enchanter. If you win their spell fizzle or their enchantment breaks. Passive spells and other non-dispellable magical effects can be disrupted this way for a number of turns up to your magical modifier. (Magical)
Backgrounds (+3)
  • Formative Experience: Tier 1 - Wandering Hermit (Background) (Area)
  • Life Altering Experiences: Tier 1 - Nulumi's Chosen (Background) (Skill)
  • Plasegean
  • Sumarsh
Response to fear: Fight

  • Large White Conical Shell (+4 armour to head and torso locations) - this shell is slightly magical, granting an additional +1 to armour (base 3, +1 = 4) in addition to never dulling, ageing, or otherwise deteriorating. It doesn't seem to do anything else, but Skali is able to completely retract into it.

Crabs (Weight Class 1)
  • Climate adaptation (aquatic) - you are adapted to an extreme climate of your choice (e.g. hot desert, underwater) and have all the necessary traits to thrive in that environment
  • Exoskeleton (Can only be taken at Weight Class 2 or less) – You have an exoskeleton that provides your weight class in mundane armour (max 3) to your torso and head, and your weight class -1 (max 2) mundane armour to every limb. This stacks with other armour to a mundane maximum bonus of 5
Remaining Ability slots: 2
Cordite Lobsters
Lobsters, Cordite (Aquatic, Weight Class 1)
  • Exoskeleton - (must be weight class 2 or less) – You have an exoskeleton that provides your weight class in mundane armour (max 3) to your torso and head, and your weight class -1 (max 2) mundane armour to every limb. This stacks with other armour to a mundane maximum bonus of 5
  • Cordite Claws - Crabs can now store cordite in their claws, and cause minor explosions when successfully snipping a target. Increases claw damage by 1.
  • Remaining Ability slots: 2
  • Vicious Claws - Monsters adapted for clawing attacks deal 1 extra maximum damage with claws. If this is their main mundane attack, this ability is free.
Spiny Lobsters
Lobsters, Spiny (Aquatic, Weight Class 2)
  • Exoskeleton (must be weight class 2 or less) – You have an exoskeleton that provides your weight class in mundane armour (max 3) to your torso and head, and your weight class -1 (max 2) mundane armour to every limb. This stacks with other armour to a mundane maximum bonus of 5
  • Scary (½) - gain +1 vantage to intimidation/persuasion-based rolls respectively, lose 1 vantage to persuasion/intimidation-based rolls respectively
  • Spiny Shot - Spiny lobsters may loose spines twice per Delve (Spines need time to regrow - in a Horde or Formation they may do this 4 times, as defenders don't loose). This does the same damage as the creature's unarmed strikes.
  • Remaining Ability slots: 1.5

Basic Actions
Strike - An attack with a reach equal to the reach of your weapon (0 for unarmed)
Throw - An attack with a range of near (DC5)
Loose - An attack with a range of far (DC5/10/15, depending on range)
Defend - You attempt to deflect or avoid incoming attacks.
Help/Hinder – Impose vantage gain/loss respectively. You must describe how you do this, and the GM may decide it doesn't work, although if your character should know this you can take a different action. Additionally, there may be a roll with an associated DC. This action is the same "Help/Hinder" regardless of which one you're using (Rule 2 does apply).
Intimidate - You may inflict the Fear condition on a single target that is near or closer. This may be done as part another basic action.
Communicate Clearly - With this you can lead a Horde, turning it into a Formation (if you have a leader modifier, you can command 10 times your leader modifier in creatures, read more in Hordes and Formations) Using this action you may also Rally or Rout, to extend 1 benefit or harm to this number of creatures for 1 round.
Sprint - Move as fast as you can. This is considered a Defend against Strikes you are moving away from.
Key Terms
Creature - Any animated being, including living, constructs, and undead.
Level - the total number of non-racial points spent (starting level is 2, children are 1)
Ally - A creature that sees you as an ally
Hostile - A creature that sees you as hostile
Disrupt - To, for 1 turn unless otherwise specified, negate the effects of something.
Intrepid - An item, skill or action that can be taken or used even under the effects of Fear.
Rally - Apply beneficial effects from any leader skill (and any passive magical abilities regardless of source) to up to your leader skill modifier of nearby Allies
Rout -
Apply harmful effects from any leader skill (and any passive magical abilities regardless of source) to up to your leader skill modifier of nearby Hostiles.
Misc. Mechanics
Backgrounds come in tiers, adding (Background Bonus)/(Tier) rounded down of your background modifier to rolls (minimum 1).

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[x] plan dark cold and very gentle place
[X] Cold? No, the ice is like a comforting embrace.
[X] Something about our place in the world?
[X] Entirely upwards, reached by…stadders? That can't be right
[X] Nuh-uh.
[X] Expand. Reach out with your senses, and embrace the world with your… roots?
[X]Plan Crabby Cave
-[X] Yes, as all damp stone should be.

I was about to go with ice, but then i realized thst crabs probably don't like frozen places.

-[X] It's too early, more sleep

Am i the only one who gets crabby when they are woken up?

-[X] The soft swoosh of waves, and some kind of clicking and clacking.


-[X] Down the hall to the side of this..Valley? Hill?

Crabs go to the sides.

-[X] Nuh-uh.

I find this less serious than the others.

-[X] Take a nap. These questions are boring, and this world will come wake you up when it needs you.

Naps are good.

-[X] Deeper

[X] Plan Iron and Steel
[X] No, we are warmed by the sun…or was it molten rocks?
[X] Something about our place in the world?
[X] A howling of wolves or… wind?
[X] On all sides. We stand alone, the only way is down
[X] No.
[X] Consume. It's there, like an angry sibling knocking urgently on a bathroom door.
[X] Plan Underground River or something?
-[X] Cold? Yes, over there it's cold, but over there it's warm...
-[X] Something about our place in the world?
-[X] The rushing of water and the grinding of stones.
-[X] Upwards, most likely. Or, well, following the water should lead outdoors as well, eventually...?
-[X] Not entirely solid?
-[X] Expand. Reach out with your senses, and embrace the world with your… roots? Tendrils? Grabby-cords? Connecty-wires?
-[X] Deeper. Deeeeper.
[X] Plan: Tower of Pride
That which dares bridge between heaven and hell.

We are somewhere. We are something? Are we… cold?
[X] No, we are warmed by the sun…or was it molten rocks?
We are the light, drinking both earth's incandescent blood and the sky's shining breath.

There is something to be done. Something important. Do we know what it is?
[X] Something about our place in the world?
Let all see us and our glory, and rejoice or despair as they will.

There's a sound filtering in, from somewhere. It's…
[X] The soft swoosh of waves, and some kind of clicking and clacking.
We stand as a lighthouse, our light shining on the sea, for all to seek and be denied.

The… Out? Doors? They are…
[X] On all sides. We stand alone, the only way is down
Our egress is at our peak, and we grow taller by pushing upwards from below.

Are we anything else?
[X] No.
Perfection should be something as simple as possible, and only itself.

You have a nagging feeling. In the back of your… head?, you feel an urge to…
[X] Consume. It's there, like an angry sibling knocking urgently on a bathroom door.
To build to heaven, we must mine to hell. Hollow the depths and erect it into the sky.
Just for funsies
[X] Plan: No-sense nonsense
-[X] Write-in: Yes, and then again no? It depends, except when it does not. Which is always.
-[X] Something about our place in the world?
-[X] Write-in: A confused cacophony that somehow, inexplicably, resolves itself into a symphony of mirth
-[X] Write-in: an assortment of constantly shifting platforms and bridges, locked in an eternal dance of braking and reforming a thousand and one paths

-[X] Write-in: No, not now, probably never, and occasionally have never been
-[X] Write-in: A competing drives towards corruption and cleansing, quite a bit similar to standing between your wacky best friend inviting you to come over, play and make a mess, and a strict parent looming over you impatiently tapping their foot and demanding to know when are you going to clean up your room and do the rest of your chores.
-[X] Write-in: Outwards and inwards!
[X] Plan Soomething
-[X] Cold? No, the ice is like a comforting embrace.
-[X] Something about our place in the world?
-[X] A howling of wolves or… wind?
-[X] Down the hall to the side of this..Valley? Hill?
-[X] No.
-[X] Take a nap. These questions are boring, and this world will come wake you up when it needs you.
-[X] Deeper
[X] Plan : The Tree of Life
-[X] No, we are warmed by the sun...
-[X] Something about our place in the world?
-[X] Song? The sound of birds tweeting and singing.
-[X] Down the hall to the side of this valley.
-[X] Absolutely not.
-[X] Expand. Reach out with your senses, and embrace the world with your… roots?
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by KlinkerKing on Dec 21, 2021 at 12:10 PM, finished with 22 posts and 21 votes.

  • [X]Plan Crabby Cave
    -[X] Yes, as all damp stone should be.
    -[X] It's too early, more sleep
    -[X] The soft swoosh of waves, and some kind of clicking and clacking.
    -[X] Down the hall to the side of this..Valley? Hill?
    -[X] Nuh-uh.
    -[X] Take a nap. These questions are boring, and this world will come wake you up when it needs you.
    -[X] Deeper
    [x] plan dark cold and very gentle place
    [X] Plan Underground River or something?
    -[X] Cold? Yes, over there it's cold, but over there it's warm...
    -[X] Something about our place in the world?
    -[X] The rushing of water and the grinding of stones.
    -[X] Upwards, most likely. Or, well, following the water should lead outdoors as well, eventually...?
    -[X] Not entirely solid?
    -[X] Expand. Reach out with your senses, and embrace the world with your… roots? Tendrils? Grabby-cords? Connecty-wires?
    -[X] Deeper. Deeeeper.
    [X] Something about our place in the world?
    [X] Plan Iron and Steel
    [X] No, we are warmed by the sun…or was it molten rocks?
    [X] On all sides. We stand alone, the only way is down
    [X] No.
    [X] Consume. It's there, like an angry sibling knocking urgently on a bathroom door.
    [X] Plan: No-sense nonsense
    -[X] Write-in: Yes, and then again no? It depends, except when it does not. Which is always.
    -[X] Something about our place in the world?
    -[X] Write-in: A confused cacophony that somehow, inexplicably, resolves itself into a symphony of mirth
    -[X] Write-in: an assortment of constantly shifting platforms and bridges, locked in an eternal dance of braking and reforming a thousand and one paths
    -[X] Write-in: No, not now, probably never, and occasionally have never been
    -[X] Write-in: A competing drives towards corruption and cleansing, quite a bit similar to standing between your wacky best friend inviting you to come over, play and make a mess, and a strict parent looming over you impatiently tapping their foot and demanding to know when are you going to clean up your room and do the rest of your chores.
    -[X] Write-in: Outwards and inwards!
    [X] Cold? No, the ice is like a comforting embrace.
    [X] Entirely upwards, reached by…stadders? That can't be right
    [X] Nuh-uh.
    [X] Expand. Reach out with your senses, and embrace the world with your… roots?
    [X] A howling of wolves or… wind?
    [X] Plan: Tower of Pride
    [X] The soft swoosh of waves, and some kind of clicking and clacking.
    [X] Plan Soomething
    -[X] Cold? No, the ice is like a comforting embrace.
    -[X] Something about our place in the world?
    -[X] A howling of wolves or… wind?
    -[X] Down the hall to the side of this..Valley? Hill?
    -[X] No.
    -[X] Take a nap. These questions are boring, and this world will come wake you up when it needs you.
    -[X] Deeper
    [X] Plan : The Tree of Life
    -[X] No, we are warmed by the sun...
    -[X] Something about our place in the world?
    -[X] Song? The sound of birds tweeting and singing.
    -[X] Down the hall to the side of this valley.
    -[X] Absolutely not.
    -[X] Expand. Reach out with your senses, and embrace the world with your… roots?