"Hiro! Zero Two!
Get Fuck in the giant robot!
Amazingly, they do actually
finally let Hiro pilot it.
All in all, that was a solid episode, though other than immediate hypeposting I don't have anything particular to say. Ichigo stepping up as the leader was nice, as was her seemingly accepting that if Mitsuru's "accident" wasn't going to change Hiro's mind, than nothing will.
Though with Onii giving her the smug face, I'm going to assume it won't last.
I am interested what the Omniscient Council of Adults will do next though. Probably milk Strelizia to it's maximum is my guess, now that they potentially have a parasite that can last longer and keep Onii under control.
...I'd say that came out wrong, but this is FranXX, so it was totally intentional