DARLING in the FRANXX - it's literal

I knew the mecha designs looked familiar. But also, 2005, Sousei no Aquarion were combining to form the giant robot was treated as sex.

Oh god I just had the mental image of Darling using combining mechs as a metaphor for polyamory. This is a beautiful and perfect mental image of 'symbolism' that I am sure will never happen in the show.
Wow, this ep was really good!

That whole scene of Ichigo pulling the team together was great, and Hiro pouring his heart out to 02 was even better :)

And that fight! That was awesome :cool:
My metaphors are TOO SUBTLE for you.

But I think this episode definitely picked things up, roughly the way I was pegging it as going, so it's where things go now- Im still waiting for at least one moment where the train leaves the tracks.
There are some things that only make sense in context.

And then there are times when context makes it worse.


You know, I gotta respect them at this point. "If you're going to do this, go all in" and all that.

"Hiro! Zero Two! Get Fuck in the giant robot!

Amazingly, they do actually finally let Hiro pilot it.

All in all, that was a solid episode, though other than immediate hypeposting I don't have anything particular to say. Ichigo stepping up as the leader was nice, as was her seemingly accepting that if Mitsuru's "accident" wasn't going to change Hiro's mind, than nothing will.

Though with Onii giving her the smug face, I'm going to assume it won't last.

I am interested what the Omniscient Council of Adults will do next though. Probably milk Strelizia to it's maximum is my guess, now that they potentially have a parasite that can last longer and keep Onii under control.

...I'd say that came out wrong, but this is FranXX, so it was totally intentional :V
This anime is already weird as shit, and I've only watched the first episode. I love it.

Not digging the creepy adults and normalized system enforcing use of child soldiers though.
Not digging the creepy adults and normalized system enforcing use of child soldiers though.

I'm pretty sure that's intentional, much like how Evangelion had SEELE who did those conference calls, you generally get the idea that these people are good dudes. On another note,

I'm confused, I thought this was one of Abe's whacky scheme to get his countrymen to reproduce.
The mecha designs remind me of Diebuster. Mostly the animated faces, though; the Buster Machines were weirder-looking.
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Trying to decide whether I want to blow my 14-day free Premium on watching episode 4. I don't watch a whole lot of anime, and I don't know what else there is that might be worth it.

Edit: Fuck, Dragon Maid is mostly Premium-only, so I might have to.
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Trying to decide whether I want to blow my 14-day free Premium on watching episode 4. I don't watch a whole lot of anime, and I don't know what else there is that might be worth it.

Edit: Fuck, Dragon Maid is mostly Premium-only, so I might have to.
I highly recommend dragon maid, so do it
The mecha designs remind me of Diebuster. Mostly the animated faces, though; the Buster Machines were weirder-looking.
It's got a mechanical designer in common (albeit not the guy officially credited with Buster Machine design.)

Shigeto Koyama also did design work for Gurren Lagann, Star Driver and Captain Earth among other projects. I'm not sure how much of the look of the show is his, and how much is just Gainax/Trigger's house style for mechanical design, but he's worked with some other impressive designers and learned a thing or two.
They're really going all-in on the symbolism here, and in some cases giving it to us bluntly. How amusing. As to the episode itself, the mecha fight was pretty neat, the new monster was interesting in the design behind it, and I'm pretty sure Onii has more than just her horns as a sign of monster-human hybridism going on.

Those flips she did seem kinda impossible for normal folk to pull off. Unless a circus acrobat could do 'em too? I dunno.
They're really going all-in on the symbolism here, and in some cases giving it to us bluntly. How amusing. As to the episode itself, the mecha fight was pretty neat, the new monster was interesting in the design behind it, and I'm pretty sure Onii has more than just her horns as a sign of monster-human hybridism going on.

Those flips she did seem kinda impossible for normal folk to pull off. Unless a circus acrobat could do 'em too? I dunno.

Don't forget that she backhanded a dude completely across the huge conference room like it was nothing. He didn't seem to be moving much either. Though I am sure he is okay and just going to go to the hospital, like Naomi who is also completely okay.
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Those flips she did seem kinda impossible for normal folk to pull off. Unless a circus acrobat could do 'em too? I dunno.
Assuming you mean from Episode 2? I don't think so - not off a rigid surface like that. I've seen people get a fair amount of momentum and airtime, but 0nii jumped three or four metres in the air there. That's not possible for a human without some form of mechanical assistance (springboard, vaulting pole, etc.).

Edit: Though what she pulled in Episode 4 was also clearly superhuman.

That sounded suspiciously like a love declaration to me.

Also, Klaxosaur be like
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