Finished it up. Still a few things I'm not sure about, but I'm willing to adjust the sheet however needed. In particular, I wasn't sure how to balance the stats and abilities of the stand, and tried to go for a balanced punch ghost with a few tricks up their sleeve. But seriously, fucking Stand abilities. Wanted to go with something that fit the song, but.. It's the fucking One Punch Man theme, how am I supposed to balance that shit?
Name: Clark Jameson
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Occupation: Student / Journalist
Appearance: Clark is a bit thin for his age, only highlighted by his seemingly lanky height. The loose, baggy tweed and leather trenchcoat he constantly dresses in does nothing to dissuade this look, draping and hanging from his body even when tucked in, bandages peaking out from just below the shadow of his coat sleeves. Shaggy brown hair hangs from his head like a mop, framing his similarly mellow amber eyes. Timid, almost shy looking, his shoulders are always drawn in, his back hunched.
Clark's attire is messy, and usually looks as if he had thrown it on after finding out he was half an hour late to class. His horn rimmed glasses always hang crooked, as does his bolo necktie baring the symbol of Utu, the ancient Mesopotamian god of sunlight, justice, morality, and truth. With slacks, light gloves, dress shoes, a vest suit, and a dress shirt, the boy looks almost English, a far cry from his American origins.
This is a lie. Beneath his bookish, mundane clothes, the boy is layered in bandages, from his stomach to his toes, to his shoulders and arms. His knuckles are worn from years of swinging punches, similar scars sprinkled across his lean, muscled, and peak condition body. Without most of his outfit, Clark's facade is a bust, and looks as if he could punch a hole through a car door without much trouble, his stance tall. Despite his lack of bulk, the sheer condensed mass in his body makes him swift, durable, and powerful.
His appearance is a disguise. The boy is a brawler, an adrenaline junky, a fighter, through and through.
Personality: A mild mannered teenage wallflower with a penchant for paradoxically being in the background of major incidents and events. Earnest, nervous, and just a bit too scatterbrained, Clark appears to be nothing more than a naive, plucky, and soft hearted youth trying to make his way in the world. This too, is a slight lie.
Beneath his built facade of the clumsy bookworm, Clark's spirited vigor for fighting and passion for punching makes itself known in times of danger and tense adrenaline. Maniacal laughing and crazed grins are the norm as his timid stance shifts into a hunched form for battle, tossing aside his stuttering whisper for a flamboyant visage, challenging those who he sees as unjust to debate. Sometimes, just with his fists. Despite his surprising power, Clark somehow remains humble and level-headed, careful to balance the line from turning to hubris.
This isn't to say he's completely batshit crazy, his sense of justice and moral compass shine through even his mellow, light hearted mask, able to find compromises and agreements through heavy toleration of abuse, verbal, physical, and mental. Determined, courageous, and hungry for a real fight, Clark seeks to help whoever he can.
- Background Wallflower: Despite frequently being at the fringes or near the center of spectacular, dangerous, and thrilling events, Clark has a knack for being so mundane and forgettable that he can usually blend into the background, or play off his involvement as if he were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time looking for a bathroom.
- Amateur Investigator, Hobbyist Sleuth: Finding out and catching the trail of a big scoop is an essential skill for a journalist in the open field, as is putting together clues, pulling in information, and being in places you
really shouldn't be, though playing it off as being a dumb, confused foreigner usually works.
- Hardened Veteran Brawler, Battle Hungry Maniac: He likes to fight. He's good at it, too, real good, enough so that even as he hides it, the boy trains day and night, sometimes going to the point where he searches for trouble on the streets when bored. Punching, kicking, and in times of seriousness, even using chairs and bats.
History: Born in the United States, land of the free and home of the brave, origin point of superheroes and bearer of the American Spirit, Lady Liberty and Uncle Sam's humble abode, Clark Jameson was raised in the town of Miniville with his loving family. Aunt Martha and Uncle Ben did their best to raise the boy, despite his rugged, younger self's innate talent for getting into trouble and digging his nose into places he shouldn't.
As he grew older, Clark seemingly mellowed out, the burning fire that had once pumped through his veins petering out. The now 'mild-mannered' glasses wearing teenager became a skilled journalist, his personal integrity keeping the articles uncompromisingly honest. Part of this was due to an incident, when fighting the wrong person and sticking up for another led to a chain of events that ultimately resulted in his Uncle's death.
The boy's youthful vigor has seemed to fade, washed away by the sheer normalcy and convention of daily life, the consequences of fighting for no good reason at all finally catching up to those he cared about.. Though it hadn't. Instead of being released, his hot blooded spirit had only been condensed, pushed down instead of out. Training your body could only do so much, after all. Clark found himself on the verge of snapping, ready to beat the ever-loving snot out of anybody who looked at him funny.
Luckily, he found inspiration when trouble found
him in the form of a gang of hooligans, and was able to offload some stress.. With a good reason attached. Criminals! Ne'er-do-wells! Villains of the night and prowlers of the street! Surely they'd care less if the people he beat up were committing crimes and injustice?
Though he first began his crusade against evil as a hobby and way to let loose some of his fighting spirit when training wouldn't, the boy grew more and more dedicated to his cause, seeing it as both his duty and a path to grow even stronger, and meet even more powerful opponents to protect the law and virtues of society.
Name: The Hero
- Destructive Power: C
- Speed: C
- Range: E-
- Durability: C
- Precision: C
- Developmental Potential: A+++
Appearance: The Hero is a cloaked, bandaged figure of muscle and shadow, wisps of flame and light billowing from his fists and eyes. Standing high and proud, his grinning face promises duel meanings for his allies and opponents. A beacon, a symbol, and a veritable Damocles' Blade for those who would cause mischief, seed evil, and cheat their way through life. Unlike it's user, The Hero is a towering mass of muscle and scar tissue, covered only by rugged bandages and mantle of white and red draped across their shoulders. Bereft of any sort of armor, weapon, or even footwear, The Hero with the billowing mantle and bandages is near impossible to discourage or control. Though completely covered by their mantle at first the further and further The Hero delves into battle, the more and more their cloak tatters and burns away, until they're left with only their bandages.
- Rise to the Challenge: The Hero starts rising in overall ability the more they're hurt, outclassed, and outnumbered, as well as how passionate and determined their user is feeling. Slowly at first, though the longer the battle draws out, the faster they gain power--Stronger, Faster, Sturdier, and more Precise. Able to rival massive threats, though having to carefully work their way through weaker foes with smarter minds to survive. The effects of this ability on all involved parties ends when they leave The Hero's range of a mere hundred feet.
When opponents are within a hundred feet of The Hero, how much the battle is stacked in their favor, how much damage they do to The Hero and the User, and how passionate, optimistic, or determined the User is, directly affects the growth of The Hero's stats. The growths begin declining the moment the opponent leaves their range.
- Mantle of Peace: The Hero must remain anonymous. Unless they're witnessed in battle, other Stand users will always assume the Stand to be weaker than it truly is. This is somewhat, but not entirely negated by past experiences and skirmishes with The Hero. If found in a setting where a connection could be made that, hey, maybe this guy is the cause of all this damage and utter destruction of his foes, the Mantle produces an aura that divert the connection, and let others come to a different conclusion that in no way alludes that the user was responsible.
Unless directly seen in the act of combat, the results of said combat will almost never be attributed to the User, who will almost always be underestimated until battle.