Dark Side Dreamers (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)

Name: Rehor Hogar

Age: 30

Gender: Boy

Occupation: Train Conductor

A slender tall person, with sharp angled hair. The eyes he has are black surrounded by white. Dressed in a black, white and brown coat, inside it is a white suit with a blue tie. His cap as a double U symbol on it.

A very attentive person, Rehor is someone who has a compulsion to track everything he does and will do down to the minor details. The sight or knowledge of something out of place or done in a orderly way gets on his nerves quickly. Other then that, he is a person that has not much care for others and will often at times get too into his work and get sidetracked. He is however, in the inside, not that bad and will try to arrange the right thing to be done.

Proficient in communication, hand-eye coordination, leadership, decision making. Also skilled in managing time tables and numbers.

Being raised in the nation of American, more specifically the urban areas, trains were a fascination to Rehor ever since birth. He always seemed so attracted to how they work and the skill it took to coordinate them across the rails of the network they ran through. After graduating from college he decided to finally go into the job he had long admired when he was a child. Although he could be, a bit too serious for most people, he was accepted and quickly became one the best employee of the train yard.
One day after a very bad train accident where while he was investigating some mysterious cargo, a low speed train crash caused him to fall into the package, he started to notice some strange thing following it. It seemed to be like it knew and was him in a way. Along with that came the nightmares, nightmares of doom, nightmares of gloom, nightmares of the end. And the trail that was left by the nightmares led to only one place, Tokyo, Japan.
Name: While being pushed by a lazy.


  • Destructive Power: C
  • Speed: C
  • Range: B
  • Durability: B
  • Precision: C
  • Developmental Potential: A

The stand takes on the appearance of a burly person clad in black armor with some flames emanating from his top of his boots and the end of he gloves. It hold on to a bladed train signal pole, one that would be good for use in signaling trains but also the cutting of the enemy.


  • Clear the Tracks!: The stand can open portals on any surface that is not too jagged and is mostly straight. If there is a straight path between two portals a train will be summoned to move at full speeds, running over any unlucky person to be in its path. If the train is disabled or destroyed, it will fade away after a while.
  • Reinforcements, just in time!: Instead of a cargo train being summoned, a transport train will be summoned instead. This train will stop in the middle of the track and will drop off 5 constructs armed with a mix of melee weapons and guns. The train will move on after the constructs are defeated. Only one special train can be out at a time.
  • Red ball, Incoming!: Same as above only this time, a giant armored tank-like mortar manned by one orc construct will arrive and will open fire at the target till it is destroyed. The train will move on after the mortar is destroyed. Only one special train can be out at a time.

If you want to know, I based the idea off this boss.
Operator Thogar (Blackrock Foundry) Strategy Guide

What do you think of my app?
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Name: Rehor Hogar

Age: 30

Gender: Boy

Occupation: Train Conductor

A slender tall person, with sharp angled hair. The eyes he has are black surrounded by white. Dressed in a black, white and brown coat, inside it is a white suit with a blue tie. His cap as a double U symbol on it.

A very attentive person, Rehor is someone who has a compulsion to track everything he does and will do down to the minor details. The sight or knowledge of something out of place or done in a orderly way gets on his nerves quickly. Other then that, he is a person that has not much care for others and will often at times get too into his work and get sidetracked. He is however, in the inside, not that bad and will try to arrange the right thing to be done.

Proficient in communication, hand-eye coordination, leadership, decision making. Also skilled in managing time tables and numbers.

Being raised in the nation of American, more specifically the urban areas, trains were a fascination to Rehor ever since birth. He always seemed so attracted to how they work and the skill it took to coordinate them across the rails of the network they ran through. After graduating from college he decided to finally go into the job he had long admired when he was a child. Although he could be, a bit too serious for most people, he was accepted and quickly became one the best employee of the train yard.
One day after a very bad train accident where while he was investigating some mysterious cargo, a low speed train crash caused him to fall into the package, he started to notice some strange thing following it. It seemed to be like it knew and was him in a way. Along with that came the nightmares, nightmares of doom, nightmares of gloom, nightmares of the end. And the trail that was left by the nightmares led to only one place, Tokyo, Japan.
Name: The Foundry


  • Destructive Power: C
  • Speed: C
  • Range: B
  • Durability: B
  • Precision: C
  • Developmental Potential: A

The stand takes on the appearance of a burly brown orc clad in black armor with some flames emanating from his top of his boots and the end of he gloves. It hold on to a bladed train signal pole, one that would be good for use in signaling trains but also the cutting of the enemy.


  • Clear the Tracks!: The stand can open portals on any surface that is not too jagged and is mostly straight. If there is a straight path between two portals a train will be summoned to move at full speeds, running over any unlucky person to be in its path. If the train is disabled or destroyed, it will fade away after a while.
  • Reinforcements, just in time!: Instead of a cargo train being summoned, a transport train will be summoned instead. This train will stop in the middle of the track and will drop off 5 orc constructs armed with a mix of melee weapons and guns. The train will move on after the constructs are defeated. Only one special train can be out at a time.
  • Red ball, Incoming!: Same as above only this time, a giant armored tank-like mortar manned by one orc construct will arrive and will open fire at the target till it is destroyed. The train will move on after the mortar is destroyed. Only one special train can be out at a time.

If you want to know, I based the idea off this boss.
Operator Thogar (Blackrock Foundry) Strategy Guide

What do you think of my app?
Stands must be named after the opening and ending songs from anime. Naming your Stand after another song on the soundtrack is possible, but the sheets will be judged more harshly.
It's the first freaking rule of the RP. You need an anime song. Anime! Not video game!
Found a song to work with, just trying to figure out what to do with it.

Related: is mind reading allowed?
Possibly. Want to go into more detail there?
Phone typing so cliff notes: stand power operates off sympathetic principle, linking similar things to each other and sharing stuff across. Wibbly wobbly stuff like minds is a valid target, but fidelity isn't super high, not enough to straight up read thoughts.

Which the user is fine with, considering she mostly uses it to cheat at fistfights by knowing what the other guy is gonna do before he does it.
Phone typing so cliff notes: stand power operates off sympathetic principle, linking similar things to each other and sharing stuff across. Wibbly wobbly stuff like minds is a valid target, but fidelity isn't super high, not enough to straight up read thoughts.

Which the user is fine with, considering she mostly uses it to cheat at fistfights by knowing what the other guy is gonna do before he does it.
Sounds good. Go for it.
Name: Rehor Hogar

Age: 30

Gender: Boy

Occupation: Train Conductor

A slender tall person, with sharp angled hair. The eyes he has are black surrounded by white. Dressed in a black, white and brown coat, inside it is a white suit with a blue tie. His cap as a double U symbol on it.

A very attentive person, Rehor is someone who has a compulsion to track everything he does and will do down to the minor details. The sight or knowledge of something out of place or done in a orderly way gets on his nerves quickly. Other then that, he is a person that has not much care for others and will often at times get too into his work and get sidetracked. He is however, in the inside, not that bad and will try to arrange the right thing to be done.

Proficient in communication, hand-eye coordination, leadership, decision making. Also skilled in managing time tables and numbers.

Being raised in the nation of American, more specifically the urban areas, trains were a fascination to Rehor ever since birth. He always seemed so attracted to how they work and the skill it took to coordinate them across the rails of the network they ran through. After graduating from college he decided to finally go into the job he had long admired when he was a child. Although he could be, a bit too serious for most people, he was accepted and quickly became one the best employee of the train yard.
One day after a very bad train accident where while he was investigating some mysterious cargo, a low speed train crash caused him to fall into the package, he started to notice some strange thing following it. It seemed to be like it knew and was him in a way. Along with that came the nightmares, nightmares of doom, nightmares of gloom, nightmares of the end. And the trail that was left by the nightmares led to only one place, Tokyo, Japan.
Name: Trainroll


  • Destructive Power: C
  • Speed: C
  • Range: B
  • Durability: B
  • Precision: C
  • Developmental Potential: A

The stand takes on the appearance of a burly person clad in black armor with some flames emanating from his top of his boots and the end of he gloves. It hold on to a bladed train signal pole, one that would be good for use in signaling trains but also the cutting of the enemy.


  • Clear the Tracks!: The stand can open portals on any surface that is not too jagged and is mostly straight. If there is a straight path between two portals a train will be summoned to move at full speeds, running over any unlucky person to be in its path. If the train is disabled or destroyed, it will fade away after a while.
  • Reinforcements, just in time!: Instead of a cargo train being summoned, a transport train will be summoned instead. This train will stop in the middle of the track and will drop off 5 constructs armed with a mix of melee weapons and guns. The train will move on after the constructs are defeated. Only one special train can be out at a time.
  • Red ball, Incoming!: Same as above only this time, a giant armored tank-like mortar manned by one orc construct will arrive and will open fire at the target till it is destroyed. The train will move on after the mortar is destroyed. Only one special train can be out at a time.

If you want to know, I based the idea off this boss.
Operator Thogar (Blackrock Foundry) Strategy Guide

What do you think of my app?


Ok, I fixed the song to something more appropriate.
Penelope "Witch" Grace
Name: Penelope "Witch" Grace
Age: Twenty Nine
Gender: Girl
Occupation: Courier, Bodyguard, Arsonist, Witch's resume (or rapsheet) would read like a list of criminal practices. She's never gone into work for herself, but lets others hire her for whatever dirty job they want. She's the cream of the dregs of society, and knows it.
Appearance: Witch is an extraordinary six foot three and hates every inch of it. Black hair, dyed with purple highlights that lightens to sky blue at the tips falls halfway down her back, a long fringe shadowing her eyes. Her face is sharp and angular, a razors blade of a jawline and high - some might say cruel, but never in earshot - cheekbones frame a small mouth and a long nose, crooked from a bad break. Her eyes are hazel, or 'sludge' as she'd put it. She does not think of herself as a pretty woman, and she's right. Her clothing is almost a complete contrast to her bodyshape, as if Witch was challenging the world. Pastel sundresses and long socks are as common an attire as pink jackets over flowery blouses. On her shoulder blades are two spiralling circles, each representing the death of a loved one.
Personality: A good way to summarise Witch's personality is that her nickname comes as much from people trying to back-peddle on calling her a bitch as her supernatural abilities. She's exacting, impatient, and has a tendency towards dangerous levels of irreverence and back-chat. What seperates her from all those others is the fact that the single greatest subject of her tendencies is herself. She knows that half of what she does is morally wrong (and the other half ambiguous), and hates herself for it. She hates herself for a lot of things, really.
Abilities: While her stand is her main source of muscle nowadays, Witch grew up in a bad neighbourhood and still knows her way around a knife. Due to being English, however, her knowledge of guns is basically non-existent. She's also a really good pickpocket.

And, of course, she's very good at pugilism.
History: The streets aren't kind to a family. Penelope was given that name by her parents, who were both vagrants, and she grew up squatting in shacks, dealing whatever shitty drugs they could get, and petty thievery. Her family were as poor as poor could be, and it wasn't a surprise to the four year old when her mother finally died, having grown tired over the last week, before finally giving up the ghost. After the police found her, sobbing over her last parents cooling corpse, she was given to custody of her half-brother, some twenty years older, who had tried as best he could to make something of himself, even if that thing was one of the larger drug dealers in Camden. He cared for his seldom seen sister, however, and was keen for her to have a chance he lacked. He kept her out of his buisness as best he could, sending her to school, giving her language lessons from private tutors, and otherwise trying to let her have the best she could.

But the streets leave scars. She was a violent child in school, and the petty thievery she'd learned young never went away, even if she hid it as best she could after her third expulsion led to her brother becoming angry with her for the first time in three years, trashing the living room in the process, even if he was careful to never hit her. But the streets leave scars, and she never achieved academic brilliance. Her teenage years were most spent out of school, hanging with a group of 'friends' who would commit petty crimes. She was blamed as the bad influence on them, whenever they were caught, of course.

She was seventeen when the violence of her brothers life came to realise itself to her. Drug-dealing is not a kind business, and she was woken at two am one day by the sound of breaking glass. Rushing down the stairs, she saw her brother throwing off six men with what looked like an ephemeral badger surrounding him. Petrified by fear, she hid on the stairs, watching the fight escalate until finally her brother died, ivy crawling through his veins as his head was smashed in by a cricket bat. In the rage, her ⌈Stand⌋ awoke.

The police would find her asleep on the stairs come morning, twelve corpses in the house. The investigation would conclude that she was caught up in a gang battle, and recommended counselling she never attended.

With her last caregiver dead, she was taken in by the government for four short months, until she turned eighteen. Then, as she left the carehome, a old man, a publican, called out to her. He knew her brother, you see, a good friend. Now, while what happened to him was a tragedy, if a girl had some of the good old "mojo" he had, she might find herself with some well paying jobs, and he was just the kind of man who happened to know people who could give her them. They all drank at his bar, you see.

It's been three years and a decade hence. Too many jobs. Too much blood. Too many scars.

She really should have gone to that counselling.

Name: Armoured Jam

  • Destructive Power: C
  • Speed: B-
  • Range: C
  • Durability: A++
  • Precision: B
  • Developmental Potential: B
Appearance: ⌈Armoured Jam⌋ is a set of twenty three floating armour plates, all coloured in camo, each around an inch thick, that float half a foot around Witch's body. While that far away, there are numerous, if small, gaps in the plates, but they can be brought closer to form a close fitting armour set with no gaps, beyond a small gap for her eyes.
Abilities: Beyond acting as you might expect for a set of inch thick armour plates, the real ability of Armoured Jam comes when when Witch choses to dissolve them. While this opens up gaps in the plating, the resulting dust can move much further away than the six inches of the full plates, up to 10m. This dust, if it gets into something, causes it to "Jam". While cameras may just short, and guns jam, if she can get humans to ingest the dust, it can cause nausea, internal bleeding, or even heart attacks if she can get them to consume enough (roughly the amount of one full plate, turned into dust).
The plates, in intact and close fitting form, also work to double Witch's strength.

She can only split the dust, no matter how much she has, four ways at present, although she gets greater fidelity if she only has to control one flow of it.
Last edited:
Name: Penelope "Witch" Grace
Age: Twenty Nine
Gender: Girl
Occupation: Courier, Bodyguard, Arsonist, Witch's resume (or rapsheet) would read like a list of criminal practices. She's never gone into work for herself, but lets others hire her for whatever dirty job they want. She's the cream of the dregs of society, and knows it.
Appearance: Witch is an extraordinary six foot three and hates every inch of it. Black hair, dyed with purple highlights that lightens to sky blue at the tips falls halfway down her back, a long fringe shadowing her eyes. Her face is sharp and angular, a razors blade of a jawline and high - some might say cruel, but never in earshot - cheekbones frame a small mouth and a long nose, crooked from a bad break. Her eyes are hazel, or 'sludge' as she'd put it. She does not think of herself as a pretty woman, and she's right. Her clothing is almost a complete contrast to her bodyshape, as if Witch was challenging the world. Pastel sundresses and long socks are as common an attire as pink jackets over flowery blouses. On her shoulder blades are two spiralling circles, each representing the death of a loved one.
Personality: A good way to summarise Witch's personality is that her nickname comes as much from people trying to back-peddle on calling her a bitch as her supernatural abilities. She's exacting, impatient, and has a tendency towards dangerous levels of irreverence and back-chat. What seperates her from all those others is the fact that the single greatest subject of her tendencies is herself. She knows that half of what she does is morally wrong (and the other half ambiguous), and hates herself for it. She hates herself for a lot of things, really.
Abilities: While her stand is her main source of muscle nowadays, Witch grew up in a bad neighbourhood and still knows her way around a knife. Due to being English, however, her knowledge of guns is basically non-existent. She's also a really good pickpocket.

And, of course, she's very good at pugilism.
History: The streets aren't kind to a family. Penelope was given that name by her parents, who were both vagrants, and she grew up squatting in shacks, dealing whatever shitty drugs they could get, and petty thievery. Her family were as poor as poor could be, and it wasn't a surprise to the four year old when her mother finally died, having grown tired over the last week, before finally giving up the ghost. After the police found her, sobbing over her last parents cooling corpse, she was given to custody of her half-brother, some twenty years older, who had tried as best he could to make something of himself, even if that thing was one of the larger drug dealers in Camden. He cared for his seldom seen sister, however, and was keen for her to have a chance he lacked. He kept her out of his buisness as best he could, sending her to school, giving her language lessons from private tutors, and otherwise trying to let her have the best she could.

But the streets leave scars. She was a violent child in school, and the petty thievery she'd learned young never went away, even if she hid it as best she could after her third expulsion led to her brother becoming angry with her for the first time in three years, trashing the living room in the process, even if he was careful to never hit her. But the streets leave scars, and she never achieved academic brilliance. Her teenage years were most spent out of school, hanging with a group of 'friends' who would commit petty crimes. She was blamed as the bad influence on them, whenever they were caught, of course.

She was seventeen when the violence of her brothers life came to realise itself to her. Drug-dealing is not a kind business, and she was woken at two am one day by the sound of breaking glass. Rushing down the stairs, she saw her brother throwing off six men with what looked like an ephemeral badger surrounding him. Petrified by fear, she hid on the stairs, watching the fight escalate until finally her brother died, ivy crawling through his veins as his head was smashed in by a cricket bat. In the rage, her ⌈Stand⌋ awoke.

The police would find her asleep on the stairs come morning, twelve corpses in the house. The investigation would conclude that she was caught up in a gang battle, and recommended counselling she never attended.

With her last caregiver dead, she was taken in by the government for four short months, until she turned eighteen. Then, as she left the carehome, a old man, a publican, called out to her. He knew her brother, you see, a good friend. Now, while what happened to him was a tragedy, if a girl had some of the good old "mojo" he had, she might find herself with some well paying jobs, and he was just the kind of man who happened to know people who could give her them. They all drank at his bar, you see.

It's been three years and a decade hence. Too many jobs. Too much blood. Too many scars.

She really should have gone to that counselling.

Name: Armoured Jam
Ranked E to A
A: Excellent
B: Good
C: Average
D: Weak
E: Very Weak/
  • Destructive Power: C
  • Speed: B-
  • Range: C
  • Durability: A++
  • Precision: B
  • Developmental Potential: B
Appearance: ⌈Armoured Jam⌋ is a set of twenty three floating armour plates, all coloured in camo, each around an inch thick, that float half a foot around Witch's body. While that far away, there are numerous, if small, gaps in the plates, but they can be brought closer to form a close fitting armour set with no gaps, beyond a small gap for her eyes.
Abilities: Beyond acting as you might expect for a set of inch thick armour plates, the real ability of Armoured Jam comes when when Witch choses to dissolve them. While this opens up gaps in the plating, the resulting dust can move much further away than the six inches of the full plates, up to 25m. This dust, if it gets into something, causes it to "Jam". While cameras may just short, and guns jam, if she can get humans to ingest the dust, it can cause nausea, internal bleeding, or even heart attacks if she can get them to consume enough (roughly the amount of one full plate, turned into dust).
The plates, in intact and close fitting form, also work to double Witch's strength.

She can only split the dust, no matter how much she has, four ways at present, although she gets greater fidelity if she only has to control one flow of it.
Anime song? Or if it is named after one the link?
Name: Penelope "Witch" Grace
Age: Twenty Nine
Gender: Girl
Occupation: Courier, Bodyguard, Arsonist, Witch's resume (or rapsheet) would read like a list of criminal practices. She's never gone into work for herself, but lets others hire her for whatever dirty job they want. She's the cream of the dregs of society, and knows it.
Appearance: Witch is an extraordinary six foot three and hates every inch of it. Black hair, dyed with purple highlights that lightens to sky blue at the tips falls halfway down her back, a long fringe shadowing her eyes. Her face is sharp and angular, a razors blade of a jawline and high - some might say cruel, but never in earshot - cheekbones frame a small mouth and a long nose, crooked from a bad break. Her eyes are hazel, or 'sludge' as she'd put it. She does not think of herself as a pretty woman, and she's right. Her clothing is almost a complete contrast to her bodyshape, as if Witch was challenging the world. Pastel sundresses and long socks are as common an attire as pink jackets over flowery blouses. On her shoulder blades are two spiralling circles, each representing the death of a loved one.
Personality: A good way to summarise Witch's personality is that her nickname comes as much from people trying to back-peddle on calling her a bitch as her supernatural abilities. She's exacting, impatient, and has a tendency towards dangerous levels of irreverence and back-chat. What seperates her from all those others is the fact that the single greatest subject of her tendencies is herself. She knows that half of what she does is morally wrong (and the other half ambiguous), and hates herself for it. She hates herself for a lot of things, really.
Abilities: While her stand is her main source of muscle nowadays, Witch grew up in a bad neighbourhood and still knows her way around a knife. Due to being English, however, her knowledge of guns is basically non-existent. She's also a really good pickpocket.

And, of course, she's very good at pugilism.
History: The streets aren't kind to a family. Penelope was given that name by her parents, who were both vagrants, and she grew up squatting in shacks, dealing whatever shitty drugs they could get, and petty thievery. Her family were as poor as poor could be, and it wasn't a surprise to the four year old when her mother finally died, having grown tired over the last week, before finally giving up the ghost. After the police found her, sobbing over her last parents cooling corpse, she was given to custody of her half-brother, some twenty years older, who had tried as best he could to make something of himself, even if that thing was one of the larger drug dealers in Camden. He cared for his seldom seen sister, however, and was keen for her to have a chance he lacked. He kept her out of his buisness as best he could, sending her to school, giving her language lessons from private tutors, and otherwise trying to let her have the best she could.

But the streets leave scars. She was a violent child in school, and the petty thievery she'd learned young never went away, even if she hid it as best she could after her third expulsion led to her brother becoming angry with her for the first time in three years, trashing the living room in the process, even if he was careful to never hit her. But the streets leave scars, and she never achieved academic brilliance. Her teenage years were most spent out of school, hanging with a group of 'friends' who would commit petty crimes. She was blamed as the bad influence on them, whenever they were caught, of course.

She was seventeen when the violence of her brothers life came to realise itself to her. Drug-dealing is not a kind business, and she was woken at two am one day by the sound of breaking glass. Rushing down the stairs, she saw her brother throwing off six men with what looked like an ephemeral badger surrounding him. Petrified by fear, she hid on the stairs, watching the fight escalate until finally her brother died, ivy crawling through his veins as his head was smashed in by a cricket bat. In the rage, her ⌈Stand⌋ awoke.

The police would find her asleep on the stairs come morning, twelve corpses in the house. The investigation would conclude that she was caught up in a gang battle, and recommended counselling she never attended.

With her last caregiver dead, she was taken in by the government for four short months, until she turned eighteen. Then, as she left the carehome, a old man, a publican, called out to her. He knew her brother, you see, a good friend. Now, while what happened to him was a tragedy, if a girl had some of the good old "mojo" he had, she might find herself with some well paying jobs, and he was just the kind of man who happened to know people who could give her them. They all drank at his bar, you see.

It's been three years and a decade hence. Too many jobs. Too much blood. Too many scars.

She really should have gone to that counselling.

Name: Armoured Jam
Ranked E to A
A: Excellent
B: Good
C: Average
D: Weak
E: Very Weak/
  • Destructive Power: C
  • Speed: B-
  • Range: C
  • Durability: A++
  • Precision: B
  • Developmental Potential: B
Appearance: ⌈Armoured Jam⌋ is a set of twenty three floating armour plates, all coloured in camo, each around an inch thick, that float half a foot around Witch's body. While that far away, there are numerous, if small, gaps in the plates, but they can be brought closer to form a close fitting armour set with no gaps, beyond a small gap for her eyes.
Abilities: Beyond acting as you might expect for a set of inch thick armour plates, the real ability of Armoured Jam comes when when Witch choses to dissolve them. While this opens up gaps in the plating, the resulting dust can move much further away than the six inches of the full plates, up to 10m. This dust, if it gets into something, causes it to "Jam". While cameras may just short, and guns jam, if she can get humans to ingest the dust, it can cause nausea, internal bleeding, or even heart attacks if she can get them to consume enough (roughly the amount of one full plate, turned into dust).
The plates, in intact and close fitting form, also work to double Witch's strength.

She can only split the dust, no matter how much she has, four ways at present, although she gets greater fidelity if she only has to control one flow of it.
Link to your song?
update on sheet: 75% done, just the really wordy bits that need doing, need to go to bed now though. Should have it in Wednesday evening.

Ok, I fixed the song to something more appropriate.
Okay, while that is a song in japanese with a cute anime girl in the video, as far as I can tell, it's not a part of an actual anime. It's just from a standalone album, at least I think it is. If not, prove that it's from an anime. But if it isn't, that still doesn't count.

That was dumb of me. Done now.
Great, thanks.
update on sheet: 75% done, just the really wordy bits that need doing, need to go to bed now though. Should have it in Wednesday evening.
Thanks for the update. It's a bit longer than I wanted to keep submissions open, but I want to see what you come up with.

You hear that @Sablonus? You have until Wednesday evening to get your app in.
Name: Rehor Hogar

Age: 30

Gender: Boy

Occupation: Train Conductor

A slender tall person, with sharp angled hair. The eyes he has are black surrounded by white. Dressed in a black, white and brown coat, inside it is a white suit with a blue tie. His cap as a double U symbol on it.

A very attentive person, Rehor is someone who has a compulsion to track everything he does and will do down to the minor details. The sight or knowledge of something out of place or done in a orderly way gets on his nerves quickly. Other then that, he is a person that has not much care for others and will often at times get too into his work and get sidetracked. He is however, in the inside, not that bad and will try to arrange the right thing to be done.

Proficient in communication, hand-eye coordination, leadership, decision making. Also skilled in managing time tables and numbers.

Being raised in the nation of American, more specifically the urban areas, trains were a fascination to Rehor ever since birth. He always seemed so attracted to how they work and the skill it took to coordinate them across the rails of the network they ran through. After graduating from college he decided to finally go into the job he had long admired when he was a child. Although he could be, a bit too serious for most people, he was accepted and quickly became one the best employee of the train yard.
One day after a very bad train accident where while he was investigating some mysterious cargo, a low speed train crash caused him to fall into the package, he started to notice some strange thing following it. It seemed to be like it knew and was him in a way. Along with that came the nightmares, nightmares of doom, nightmares of gloom, nightmares of the end. And the trail that was left by the nightmares led to only one place, Tokyo, Japan.
Name: While being pushed by a lazy.


  • Destructive Power: C
  • Speed: C
  • Range: B
  • Durability: B
  • Precision: C
  • Developmental Potential: A

The stand takes on the appearance of a burly person clad in black armor with some flames emanating from his top of his boots and the end of he gloves. It hold on to a bladed train signal pole, one that would be good for use in signaling trains but also the cutting of the enemy.


  • Clear the Tracks!: The stand can open portals on any surface that is not too jagged and is mostly straight. If there is a straight path between two portals a train will be summoned to move at full speeds, running over any unlucky person to be in its path. If the train is disabled or destroyed, it will fade away after a while.
  • Reinforcements, just in time!: Instead of a cargo train being summoned, a transport train will be summoned instead. This train will stop in the middle of the track and will drop off 5 constructs armed with a mix of melee weapons and guns. The train will move on after the constructs are defeated. Only one special train can be out at a time.
  • Red ball, Incoming!: Same as above only this time, a giant armored tank-like mortar manned by one orc construct will arrive and will open fire at the target till it is destroyed. The train will move on after the mortar is destroyed. Only one special train can be out at a time.

If you want to know, I based the idea off this boss.
Operator Thogar (Blackrock Foundry) Strategy Guide

What do you think of my app?


Ok, I changed it to a anime opening song now.
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Okay, while that is a song in japanese with a cute anime girl in the video, as far as I can tell, it's not a part of an actual anime. It's just from a standalone album, at least I think it is. If not, prove that it's from an anime. But if it isn't, that still doesn't count.

Great, thanks.

Thanks for the update. It's a bit longer than I wanted to keep submissions open, but I want to see what you come up with.

You hear that @Sablonus? You have until Wednesday evening to get your app in.
Do you have any advice for my entry as to how I might make it more likely to be chosen that you are willing to give me?
Question: One of the songs that I have an idea for has its title in German. Is that ok?
Terry Anthem
Name: Terry Anthem
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Occupation: Candy DealerMiddle School Student
Appearance: A kid on the smaller side, standing at 4'5", with a mop of black hair and brown eyes, really rather average. Though his ambitions certainly aren't.
Personality: The first thing you'd notice about this child, age fourteen, is his rowdy nature. Contrary to how small Terry is, his sound is loud, though at the very least his normal talking voice is bearable. Even at his age, he's prone to snarking and pessimism, likely derived from his father, and frankly has a streak of delinquency. On the daily, he skips school, and doesn't have a particularly good reputation as he pulls rude pranks, insults every other sentence, and gets into brawls several times a month.

Beneath this charcoal exterior, there is a note of caring, at least for those close to him, and while he doesn't like good deeds being done for him, he'll attempt to reciprocate them at the very least as well as being unreasonably stubborn. Though that's a vice in its own regard. Even if he intentionally makes himself seem worse, he finds misunderstandings to be extremely irritating but people attempting to understand him even moreso.

Even if he wants to see what's at the very top of the world, there shouldn't be a use for others right?

A Boy's Smart's: Something really only a child could possess, is a way of thinking out of the box, able to present different answers to a question or situation, usually unexpected, though sometimes it can turn out for the worse for him.

Rolling Around At The Speed of...: Terry has familiarity with rollerskates, a pair being the last gift his father gave to him, which he cherished. He's rather good with them on, very good at creating distance with short bursts of speed.

History: Terry was born in Georgia, his father a reformed hoodlum turned cop, and his mother the owner of a smalltown bakery. His biggest inspiration was his father, who was everything he wished to be, big and strong, a sly smirk on his face, and seemingly at the top of his own world. Both parents cared for him, and he couldn't be happier. At age eight he got the pair of rollerskates he'd been using all these years, and in the same year, his father died in an accident on the job.

With his role model gone, Terry had nothing to drive him forward, secluding himself into his room. His mother wasn't faring much better but still attempted to work, soon turning to alcohol for comfort. At some point, he wasn't sure how many days had passed but with his inline skates in hand, Terry decided moping wasn't the way to go and came out of his home for a breath of fresh air. And suddenly as he skated all his repressed emotions came flooding out, making his outlook cynical yet still a small bit hopeful and lots of anger to spare.

In fact, so much that two years later, he had been skating, not paying attention to where he was going and was nearly ran over. With the car streaking towards him, instead of trying to skate out of the way, dashed right towards it shouting in a random burst of anger. Which came his「Stand」... A figure of glassy silver limbs and strange skate-like feet, emerging out of him kicking the car out of the way.

And instinctively Terry knew this was his stand, 「Back On」!
Name: Back On (Chain - Back On[Air Gear OP])
Parameters: How strong, generally, is your Stand?

  • Destructive Power: C
  • Speed: B
  • Range: C
  • Durability: E
  • Precision: A
  • Developmental Potential: A

Spread Your Wings: This stand, when in contact with any object or person, will make them practically weightless, allowing it to be thrown, kicked, or moved with near to none effort. This effect is either dispelled when they leave Back On's range(5m) or are touched again by it. Although anything affected by this is virtually weightless any strength a person or thing has beyond that, is still usable, though any weight in an attack will be heavily lowered, allowing for one to mimic Back On's speed to a degree.

Letting Loose: Not necessarily an ability but a good thing to note. While mostly bound to the ground, Back On is light as a feather(and as fragile as one), allowing him to cross large leaps though, is still restricted by its range and if it carries Terry, it's mobility is hindered by a harsh degree. Otherwise, it's precision and speed allows it amazing acts of acrobatics and dashing around.
Hopefully there's still time for me? Couldn't help myself haha.
Edit: Oh god dammit there's already another kid :V
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Momo Kobayashi
Name: Momo Kobayashi
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Occupation: Mostly odd-jobs and part time work, with income regularly supplemented by loot gained from back alley brawls.
Appearance: A girl of medium height and deceptively slight build for how fit she is, with black, slightly wavy hair down to the shoulders. Momo typically dresses in jeans, boots, a t-shirt, and a jacket, in varying shades of black and red. Her most distinguishing feature, however, is the black flatcap she wears, worn at an angle such that her left eye is always obscured by either the brim of the hat or the shadow it casts.
Personality: A somewhat rough character, quick to jump to violence or the threat thereof. Many would describe her as arrogant as well, though atypically for someone of such character traits she isn't exceptionally loud. In truth, only about half half of that impression is legitimate: while she is very self-confident, and more than a little violence prone, an equal amount is deliberate exaggeration of those traits. When people see such things they often fail to look deeper and spot the calculating intelligence hidden behind the facade.
Abilities: Pugilism, knife fighting, even some experience with swords and small firearms. If you could expect it to pop up in a back-alley gang fight, chances are better than not she can kick your ass with it.
History: Born into a fairly well off and highly traditional Japanese family, Momo found at a young age that the chafed unbearably under the restrictions imposed upon her. Over the course of her school years she developed a gradually escalating pattern of rule-breaking and acting out, which eventually culminated in her cutting ties with her relatives as soon as she was of legal age to do so. From there, she went on to work various odd-jobs and part-time placements before accidentally stumbling across the criminal underground and finding she fit right in. While she doesn't officially work with any group, she's plenty willing to go break some bones for those willing to pay her.
Name: Resonance
Destructive Power: D
Speed: C
Range: B
Durability: A
Precision: B
Developmental Potential: D

Appearance: A roughly humanoid figure composed of shadows that waft and swirl like smoke. Its only sharply defined figure is the single glowing red diamond where its left eye would be.
Abilities: Resonance's power is inherently quite simple: it links similar things together, such that the state of one can influence the state of the other. The applications for this are many and varied. Sharing senses, sharing pain, spreading damage... However, its strongest and most often used application is the linking of minds. The sharing of states performed by Resonance is not sufficient to draw distinct thoughts from another's mind wholesale, but is sufficient to give a sense of what one is about to do before they do it, acting as a significant force multiplier when interacting with any thinking being.

Here you go @RexHeller

...I'll be honest if you were waiting in suspense for some kind of masterpiece days in the making, this ain't it. The reason this took so long was work monopolizing the first half of my week.
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