Danmachi Quest (Danmachi/Fate Apocrypha)

Ok then, well, predicted reasons we won't be doing murder mystery investigation and involving John...

1. We've got no reason to involve John in this shit. It would be rude as hell.
2. Sonzai has no investigative skills that I know of. Why would he try?
3. Morrighan on the other hand does, and will tell her children to just stay the fuck out of her way while she does her thing. Just assign a crow or two to watch every member of the Dionysus family, find out if any suspicious characters are watching/following/stalking them, etc. Send other crows to follow those persons. No need for Sonzai to be involved at all at this point.

As to who is the culprit, not a clue. The only suspect I would have would be sword and shield guy, but the only reason I can think of for him to be involved would be to try to force this very situation so that he could find out where we live since for some reason he wouldn't know, but if these two can find us so easily it can't be that damn hard. And he's not smart enough for that anyways, I don't think. He seems more like the kind of guy who'd just gather a bunch of his thug buddies and try to gang up on us to beat the crap out of us. No, this is more likely someone else who has a beef with the Dionysus family for some reason or another, and we probably don't know them.
hmm, here is picture of several elves

I swear, It's pretty hard to find elf pictures that was A) Decently drawn B)SFW C) Wear the correct garment.

Especially B. ESPECIALLY B.
Just some thoughts about our new party members and how it'll affect things going forward.

1. Both of them should have Abilities around that of our current party members given their performance in Monsterphilia was on par with our own, with Abilities ranging from D, C, and B. I'd guess Penthesilea would be B class in Strength, and at least C class in Vitality and Agility given those are what Amazons get bonuses in. Elseria likely has similar abilities to Faris, though possibly being higher in Magic due to her being a particularly powerful caster and lower in Dexterity due to her clumsiness.

2. This brings our party numbers up to five, and three of them have experience fighting the toughest monsters that show up in the upper floors. At full party strength, it should be easy to move to floors 9-12. Mind you, it's likely to take a day or two for the two new members to move, and not everyone will go with us every day, but it's nice to have a reliable party size. If Morrighan goes beyond just commissioning equipment from Welf and actually recruits him, we'll have a sixth party member. Getting a Supporter (hoping for Lili) will also help out a lot. The GM also mentioned we may get to the Middle Floors, which could give us opportunity for Level Up by doing things like dueling a Minotaur or what have you.
yeah lets go deeper

of course with all our part member to get experience in each others abilities and because of our buff, and to grind magic of course
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Friends and Family
Friends and Family

[x] Take Elseria and Penthesilea into your Familia. They are you friends, you will not turn them away in their time of need.

It takes a few days for everything to settle down enough for the ceremony formally inducting Elseria and Penthesilea to be held. Morrighan when you had informed her your desire to take both girls into the Familia, did not protest. Instead she disappeared to push the acquisition of the small estate with the warning that you were not under any circumstances to investigate the murders. At least one of the deceased was a level 4 adventurer, meaning the killers were at least level 4 but more likely 5 or 6. You would not stand a chance in a fight against such a person or monster.

The property that was acquired was more expensive than Morrighan had planned, but she had decided it was worth the difference. After seeing the estate you were inclined to agree.

Located slightly outside the city center, the compound sat on a two acre plot of land. Surrounded by a stone wall eight foot high and a foot thick, it was not very defensible as most adventurers would simply be able to leap over the wall, but it did provide for a great deal of privacy. The mansion itself was brick work, the interior a beautiful hardwood. With twelve private rooms, a large kitchen, common room, a blacksmith's forge in the corner of the estate, plus a basement training room it would fit your Familia's needs for the foreseeable future. Morrighan took the master bedroom and you were pushed into the second largest room, which left everybody else to pick their own rooms.

After the move in was completed, everyone was finally under one roof. Morrighan was quite happy with the arrangement, she hadn't liked sending off Roland and Faris to live separately, though space constraints had made this necessary. Penthesilea and Elseria were settling in nicely, but the pall of sorrow around them was palpable. Deciding it would be best if they managed to say their goodbyes to their Familia before joining yours, you escort the girls to the Dionysus Familia House.

Thought you felt very much like an intruder to a very private moment, as there were many tears, apologies, hugs and well wishes, you knew you made the right choice to take them in. Dionysus passes you a letter for Morrighan and attempts to give a sack of valis as well to help pay for the upkeep of the girls but you flatly refuse.

"The girls aren't a burden. You can repay me by keeping your Familia safe," you see something dangerous flash in Dionysus' eyes, but it is fleeting. He nods and you shake his hand. The girls return from packing and saying their goodbyes, and the three of you head back to Morrighan Familia Home. You realize you better come up with a name for it, before Morrighan names it something ridiculous like "The Crow's Nest".

Come up with a name for the Morrighan Familia Home!


The first time you meet Welf Crozzo, you are waltzing in full armor with Elseria. Descending from the elven royals, Elseria was well versed in the arts of dance and had thus taken up as your practice partner and instructor in the fine art. It was however a rather embarrassing position within which to find yourself meeting someone, as Elseria had been demonstrating how best to dip a dancer partner… by dipping you.

"Oh ho! How scandalous! The lady takes the lead, I think she likes you boya!" comes a boisterous voice from the gate. Elseria drops you as she brings her hands to her cheeks and blushes in embarrassment. You turn slightly from your position on the ground to glare at the red haired man.

"Oops! Sorry didn't mean to intrude on such a private moment," the man says sheepishly. Elseria runs into the house to avoid looking at you. Getting up and patting the dust off yourself, you introduce yourself.

"I'm Shimasen Sonzai, of the Morrighan Familia," you say with a slight bow.

"I'm Welf Crozzo! You're the Division 4 Champ that wore my armor! Heard your goddess had been asking after me, figure I'd swing by and see what this is all about." Your eyes widen in surprise, you hadn't thought Welf would be such a young guy. Gesturing for him to follow you, you begin outlining the request.

"Roland needs a better set of armor and weapons, especially if he continues to be the primary front line fighter. Having worn your armor, I wanted to request your services in crafting a set of armor and weapons. We're willing to pay 100,000 valis for the end product."

"That's all this is? An armor crafting request?" Welf asks as he takes a seat across from you in the Common Room. He seems surprised.

"Well yes? I thought you were a good armor crafter, the Pyonkichi Mk II I'm wearing is light but durable. I figure you could make something similar though more in the line of heavy armor. I was going to ask if you could make him a shield and sword as well, but I don't know if you have any experience in this area."

"Just… a plain sword and armor?" You blink.

"Well we would want something well crafted, made from steel or better depending on what you believe would fit the budget. Is there something else you can make?" you inquire genuinely curious.

"Well uh… you really don't know anything about the Crozzo's?" Welf asks, with a forced grin.

"No? Is there something I should know? You're not from a family of wanted assassins or something are you?"

"No, no! Nothing like that. If you aren't aware of my family lineage, if at all possible I'd prefer not to discuss it." You nod. You have no issues with his request, if it were something critical, Morrighan would have told you about it already.

"Will you take his commission Mr. Crozzo?" Welf sits there, eyeing you for a moment.

"I'll agree on one condition!"


"I'm finally on the eleventh floor!" and that's how you ended up on the eleventh floor of the dungeon with Welf and your entire Familia. The trip had not been easy to organize as Elseria had turned hostile once she found out that Welf was a Crozzo, which confused you as she was typically the most diplomatic out of your whole Familia. Morrighan ended up taking Elseria to the side and informed her Welf had forsaken making "them" whatever "them" was and had left his family as a result. This mollified her, and she apologized for her behavior which Welf happily accepted.

Of the six of you, Penthesilea and Elseria had been down this far into the Dungeon and were steadily explaining what types of enemies might be encountered on this floor including the baby dragon monster that was part of the competition. You were half paying attention as you were certain the party could handle whatever came.

Welf had requested to come down to this floor as his condition, as he needed to in order to attain the blacksmith skill. You weren't entirely sure what the relation between the two things was, and Welf was absolutely terrible at explaining it, but you had acquiesced. It was a small price to pay for the commission and it would help him make a better product. Additionally there were materials he needed to acquire on this floor.

Pick your two priorities for this journey:

[ ] Help Welf acquire the materials he is looking for

[ ] Kill as many monsters as possible for magic stones and base ability gain

[ ] Hunt for the rarest, most powerful monsters.

[ ] Practice fighting as a party. Include Welf.

[ ] Practice fighting as a party. Exclude Welf.

[ ] Push through floor 11 and head down to floor 12.


Welf is currently partied with you as part of his commission. He has NOT elected to join your Familia nor is he your personal smith.

Also just so I can put this image in everyone's head, dancing with John was like dancing with Jack Rakan. Yeah. Picture those chiseled abs all up in your face.

I added Penthesilea and Elseria to the Familia sheet with stats and what not. They're a bit better than Roland and Faris by virtue of having gone further in the dungeon and having more experience. The magic chants for Elseria are not quite where I want them to be, but I wanted to list the spells first.

In case it wasn't clear, name suggestions for the Morrighan Familia home are now open.

Additionally please pick two from the above list of choices. Floor 12 is the last floor before the mid-levels.
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[X] Help Welf acquire the materials he is looking forward

[X] Hunt for the rarest, most powerful monsters.

...I like The Crows Nest.
[x] The crow's nest
[X] Help Welf acquire the materials he is looking forward
[X] Practice fighting as a party. Include Welf.
[X] The Crow's Nest
[X] Help Welf acquire the materials he is looking forward
[X] Practice fighting as a party. Include Welf.
[X] The Crow's Nest

I like the idea of Sonzai arriving too late to prevent this, and I actually like the name.

[X] Help Welf acquire the materials he is looking forward
[X] Practice fighting as a party. Include Welf.

First, we should meet the objective we came for. Second, we should practice fighting as a party as that's key to everyone's survival, and should maybe help convince Welf to join up in the long run eventually. Besides, leadership is a hero trait, so let's lead.
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Hellfire Blast - Heed the contract and serve me, O Tyrant of Flame! Come, flame of purification, fiery broadsword of judgment. Fire and brimstone given form, the crimson howl of destruction. Set the heavens alight in your fury. Surge forth and turn all sinners to ash. Hellfire Blast!

Ayyy, we got Hellfire anyway! I'm kinda miffed we didn't learn it but it's sweet to know we have it in our Familia.
[x] The crow's nest
Will Morrighan be angry because Ravens and Crows are different? I hope so.
[x] Practice fighting as a party. Include Welf.
While I don't really care about whether he joins, it seems a little rude to ignore him.
[x] Help Welf acquire the materials he is looking forward
I do also want to push onto floor 12 but I don't know if the others have our level of plot armour.
[x] The crow's nest
Will Morrighan be angry because Ravens and Crows are different? I hope so.
[x] Practice fighting as a party. Include Welf.
While I don't really care about whether he joins, it seems a little rude to ignore him.
[x] Help Welf acquire the materials he is looking forward
I do also want to push onto floor 12 but I don't know if the others have our level of plot armour.

I think her motif is actually Crows though I have heard Raven's occasionally.
[X] Help Welf acquire the materials he is looking forward
[X] Practice fighting as a party. Include Welf.