
@always_confused forgot to ask where are you going to drop off you character? If you are so kind could you drop them off somewhere close to castle so we can pick you up quickly or Primary village where I could play as one of the locals till we return there from the castle.

@radioxaxa what do you think. Dose my distraction in tunnels works as is or should I kick it up? Anyways in your mind what is the Dark Knightmons motive for Dark Digitron plan besides pissing off the whole File Island? Figured I ask since he is your NPC.
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@radioxaxa what do you think. Dose my distraction in tunnels works as is or should I kick it up? Anyways in your mind what is the Dark Knightmons motive for Dark Digitron plan besides pissing off the whole File Island? Figured I ask since he is your NPC.
It'll do, plus maybe they could be collecting relics to allow their leader to ascend to the next level, and conquer all of File Island.
@Flex Nard Hello there. Gonna join? Would be glad to have you on board. :)
Answering your PM question here since it's important.

There are common 3 ways that to travel to and sometimes from digital world.

1) You can request to open a Zenith Gate on a website that only can be accessible if you have a digivice. It's the service provided by the Ophan type angels. It's easy to get to digital world from human world this way but harder to get from digital to human world as terminals with internet browsing capabilities are rarer in digital world.

Side note do not fuck with zenith gates guardian Clavis Angemon he will own your ass.

2) Natural cracks in dimensions can lead to digital world or human world they can also lead to dark ocean or any other number of places so jump in at your own risk.

3) One way invitations by powerpufull digimon can pull people to them by one method or other. They can not send you back as it's just grabbing people at semi random by weakening the hypothetical floor and seeing stuff fall.

Edmund fell in to a natural crack and Leto got pulled by human gatcha by the Dark Knightmon.
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I'm sure you can manage.
I'm glad you think so.
It'll do, plus maybe they could be collecting relics to allow their leader to ascend to the next level, and conquer all of File Island.
Eh I suppose I could swing it as Digitron taint serving as markers for a ultra complex ritual that targets egg spawn point connections to search and pull dead warrior digimon souls to trigger digievolution to Tactimon. In a way its a fitting continuation of a dark knight theme.
I'm glad you think so.

Eh I suppose I could swing it as Digitron taint serving as markers for a ultra complex ritual that targets egg spawn point connections to search and pull dead warrior digimon souls to trigger digievolution to Tactimon. In a way its a fitting continuation of a dark knight theme.
Just to be clear, we're definetly using fan on Digimon, rich?
Fanon, Oc's, made up Digimon. Dianamon has a fanon burst mode that I want too use eventually.
Case by case basis. When we get to that point when it's possibly revelant you can make your case then.

In general I'm not opposed of OC mons as seen by allowing your rookie OC or unveiling to frankenshtane lines as my line or the one used by @always_confused dose not exist normally. (ultra minor spoiler) I just try to finding official options first.
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Name: Leon Alarcon
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Birth Place: Spain
Current Residence: Dragon Eye Lake
Crest: Sincerity
Bio: A very confident person, even to the point where he can sometimes come off as self-centered. He takes pride in the strength of himself and his partner, although focused on more himself and his winning streak against higher level Digimon, not even considering the possibility that he may lose. However, he is still a kind and compassionate human being outside of battle. Genuinely trying to help the others get stronger with his repeated challenges. He and his partner mainly hangout with Seadramon in Dragon Eye Lake bugging the Digimon for tips and sparring.

Name: Jeanne

Coomon > Meicoomon > Meicrackmon > Rasielmon
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Name: Leon Alarcon
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Birth Place: Spain
Current Residence: Dragon Eye Lake
Crest: Sincerity
Bio: A very confident person, even to the point where he can sometimes come off as self-centered. He takes pride in the strength of himself and his partners, although focused on more himself and his winning streak against higher level Digimon, not even considering the possibility that they may lose. However, he is still a kind and compassionate human being outside of battle. Genuinely trying to help the others get stronger with his repeated challenges. He and his team mainly hangout with Seadramon in Dragon Eye Lake bugging the pokemon for tips and sparring.
Partners: Dracomon-->Coredramon -->Wingdramon --> Slayerdramon

Name: Spike

Monodramon--> Strikedramon--> Cyberdramon--> Justimon

Name: Ryu
Pokémon? Other than that accepted.

I'm starting to feel inadequate with one partner so @always_confused hury up we single partner chosen need to stick together.

Also before you start what is your plan for meat up? You bump in to us or should I play a NPC at the lake for a bit to pass the time till Radio and I get out of our situation?
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Pokémon? Other than that accepted.

I'm starting to feel inadequate with one partner so @always_confused hury up we single partner chosen need to stick together.

Also before you start what is your plan for meat up? You bump in to us or should I play a NPC at the lake for a bit to pass the time till Radio and I get out of our situation?
Ah my word document has Pokemon in the dictionary probably corrected it.
BTW would killing and absorbing a Ryudamon and or/ Dorumon yield some antibodies of the x variety?
Working on my sheet now. Should be done in a bit. Although I'm tempted to go with duo partners as well now.
BTW would killing and absorbing a Ryudamon and or/ Dorumon yield some antibodies of the x variety?
No because loading data of dead enemies isn't a thing here. As you can see in primary village battle by Omekamon killing Dark Lizardmon we run on 01 and 02 rules of data auto condensing in to eggs at spawn points.

Edit: Granted you could ritual or science it up eventually.
Working on my sheet now. Should be done in a bit. Although I'm tempted to go with duo partners as well now.
Common do not make me the odd one out besides it was noted IC to be rare.
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Name: Victor (Chen) Cross & Lily
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Birth Place: Hong Kong, PRC
Current Residence: ???
Appearance: As above, 6'0''
Crest: Willpower
Bio: Born the youngest of 4 Siblings to a dysfunctional but absurdly rich member of a high-powered business dynasty, Victor was fed everything on a gold platter (literally, more than once) and never really had to work for a day in his life. What was missing from his life was pretty much anything that wasn't material in nature. Although he played the role in public that was expected of him, he also longed for a closer, more personal, experience with the world than what he had. Attending the funeral of his beloved elder sister, he recalled a promise he made to do something with his life grander than the usual drudgery of the family. Then he later fell into a crack connected to the digital world. Apparently wishes do come true on occasion in the most mysterious of manners...

As a person, Victor prefers to be neither seen or heard, a habit gained from experience with his family but in times of need he's always available to help and to his friends he remains eternally loyal.

Partner: Impmon - - - > Witchmon - - - > Lady Devimon - - -> Beel Starmon
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Name: Victor (Chen) Cross
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Birth Place: Hong Kong, PRC
Current Residence: ???
Appearance: As above, 6'0''
Crest: Willpower
Bio: Born the youngest of 4 Siblings to a dysfunctional but absurdly rich member of a high-powered business dynasty, Victor was fed everything on a gold platter (literally, more than once) and never really had to work for a day in his life. What was missing from his life was pretty much anything that wasn't material in nature. Although he played the role in public that was expected of him, he also longed for a closer, more personal, experience with the world than what he had. Attending the funeral of his beloved elder sister, he recalled a promise he made to do something with his life grander than the usual drudgery of the family. Then he later fell into a crack connected to the digital world. Apparently wishes do come true on occasion in the most mysterious of manners...

As a person, Victor prefers to be neither seen or heard, a habit gained from experience with his family but in times of need he's always available to help and to his friends he remains eternally loyal.

Partner: Impmon - - - > Witchmon - - - > Lady Devimon - - -> Beel Starmon
Accepted. Same question you stumble on us or do I need to play a NPC?