
Deleted member 30375

So, I've recently been playing the newest Digimon game for the PlayStation 4 and I am now craving a roleplay set in some kind of Digimon universe. I will post more details as they come to be, please post questions below and pm me if interested in roleplaying.

I'm looking for a 1x1 roleplay set in a brand new universe. Digivices are now watches and can act something like Ash's Pokédex, identifying Digimon. All types of Digivolution will exist and the overarching plot will go a little something like so:

Humans, as they grow more and more reliant on technology are polluting the digital world, causing Digimon to flee from the infected areas and even become infected themselves. Tomako Fugiwara is an American who's lived in the digital world for the last two years with her partners, protecting the Village of Beginnings, where all Digitama (Digimon eggs) are formed.

I will be playing as my oc, Tomako Fugiwara, and my partner Digimon will be Terriermon and Lopmon. (Feel free to pick two Digimon as well!)

My character will be 16, so romance is allowed, but there will be no sexual content.
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Interested, but I think you'll have to offer more info before anyone takes the plunge. What's the overarching plot going to be, if any? Mechanics? Character Sheet template? Number of players, etc. etc.
Interested, but I think you'll have to offer more info before anyone takes the plunge. What's the overarching plot going to be, if any? Mechanics? Character Sheet template? Number of players, etc. etc.

I will be sure to edit the post and put in these details and please allow me to apologize, I tend to jump into things headfirst.
So the plots is just us vs polution? I doubt that technology by itself is poluting as digital world itself was born from data from tech so somthings specifics up.
So the plots is just us vs polution? I doubt that technology by itself is poluting as digital world itself was born from data from tech so somthings specifics up.

I know, I'm trying to think. I'm not good at plots in universes that already exist.
I know, I'm trying to think. I'm not good at plots in universes that already exist.

Name: Edmund West
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Birth place: Latvia
Curent residence: Toy Town
Theoretical crest: Kindness
Bio: Bright young man from Baltic reagion that allway liked to make evereyones lifes brighter. It seemed natural to move to Toy Town. His moto is 'every day is a good day for a helping hand'.
Partner: Toy Agumon ---> Omekamon ---> Yo!Yo!mon ---> Puppetmon
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Name: Leto Cujo
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Birth Place: Maine
Current Residence: Some Dark Castle somewhere
Crest: Love
Bio: Mostly a loner in his group, doesn't really spend much time with everyone else, deep down he cares a lot about everyone's safety, just doesn't want to open his walls to anyone except his partners.

Partners: Geopardmon--> Loweemon--> JagerLoweemon --> Rhihimon

Name: Sombra

Lunamon--> Lekismon--> Crescemon--> Dianamon --> Dianamon: Burst Mode

Name: Lillith
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Name: Leto Cujo
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Birth Place: Maine
Current Residence: Some Dark Castle somewhere
Crest: Love
Bio: Mostly a loner in his group, doesn't really spend much time with everyone else, deep down he cares a lot about everyone's safety, just doesn't want to open his walls to anyone except his partners.

Partners: Geopardmon--> Loweemon--> JagerLoweemon --> Rhihimon

Name: Sombra

Lunamon--> Lekismon--> Crescemon--> Dianamon

Name: Lillith
You do know this is dead right.
I'll admit I don't know much about Digimon, but I'd be interested in a revival of this.
Shure I guess since @TheRowdyPegasus is nolonger on the forum I might as well take over since I was a player. So taking aplications 3-4 people.

Also since she is no longer here the big goal we agreed on elsewhere along with our old IC thread link.

Among digimon of the past there were 7 that were know as deamon lords their caried crests of sin and caused ruin where ever they went. Luckely they were sealed and people were happy that the threat of deamon lords were gone for good... Or so they tought.

Not may know this but deamon lord is not a typing only exclusive to the 7. As seen by existence and boogie man of the past MaloMyotismon deamon lords can and will emerge time and time again this is the story of 2 souch digimon and the foolish chosen that opose them.

Murmukusmon is in the ruling class of the Nightmare Soldier digimon family, with the title puting him in comand of the nightmare army he manages thirty legions of demons. His ambition is legendary but he has lerned patience as everyone else that had grand designs has fallen in the past. He looked for a final solution just when he thought no sutch thing existed he stumbled upon obscure prophecy among the bits and pieces of delited data. Deathmon the deamon lord that might not even bee a deamon lord is the key. Manipulate events to turn him black and you know that the finall batle will be upon everybody in digital world...

Do you think you have what it takes to emerge on top foolish chosen?

Digimon Duality IC
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I am 100 percent down on reviving this thread.
So are you willing to wate 4-5 or so hours to see if anyone else makes a sheet? Then I will wrap up where IC left off and give a chance to you and posibly othets to start their IC posts.

Also can anyone tell me if its posible to somehow transfer the ownership of this and IC thread to me?
So are you willing to wate 4-5 or so hours to see if anyone else makes a sheet? Then I will wrap up where IC left off and give a chance to you and posibly othets to start their IC posts.

Also can anyone tell me if its posible to somehow transfer the ownership of this and IC thread to me?
Well I do, do other things besides wait in the Dark for updates. Take all the time you need.
Well I do, do other things besides wait in the Dark for updates. Take all the time you need.
A question should I get a clue that your dark castle is somehow conected to the incident and come to this castle or do you have plans to find me IC? More ever should the clue be true or false as Murmukusmon is trying to make everyone gear for war while he is also trying to also gear better and emerge on top in the end.
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A question should I get a clue that your dark castle is somehow conected to the incident and come to this castle or do you have plans to find me IC? More ever should the clue be true or false as Murmukusmon is trying to make everyone gear for war while he is also trying to also gear better and emerge on top in the end.
I suppose it could be the big bads castle or some other antagonists, either way I hope my character can steal some $#@t from him/her.
I suppose it could be the big bads castle or some other antagonists, either way I hope my character can steal some $#@t from him/her.
Not the big boss select an ultamite you think would fit as first big boss. Also Tomako now is a NPC use her or do not its up to you.
Edit: make the dark Superstarmon the 2nd in command.
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Dark Knightmon huh deacent pick. Should I continue following the signal and launch rescue arc or are you going to write your escape to set up a meeting somewhere that is not the the castle?

Dark Knightmon huh deacent pick. Should I continue following the signal and launch rescue arc or are you going to write your escape to set up a meeting somewhere that is not the the castle?

Either one, Hell maybe we can leave it for now and bring it up later after we've already escaped, by the way got homework to do so I'll be busy for an hour.
Either one, Hell maybe we can leave it for now and bring it up later after we've already escaped, by the way got homework to do so I'll be busy for an hour.
OK no problems. I myself will be bussy for the rest of the day and then will probably crash and go to sleep after. So I will continue this tomorrow. Let's make so you have all really escaped as I do not want to bee at the 1st bosses castle already. That is if you do not mind?
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OK so I myself will be bussy for the day and then will probably crash and go to sleep. So I will continue this tomorrow. Let's make so you have all really escaped as I do not want to bee at the 1st bosses castle already. That is if you do not mind?
It's less fighting the boss to escape, more bolt when he's not looking.