(Land of Origin) You have members from each of the Five Nations that once made up Galifar — Aundair, Breland, Cyre, Karrnath, and Thrane.
(Previously On) You successfully unmasked nothing less than an attempt by the nightmare fiends of the remote plane of Dal Quor, the Realm of Dreams, to seize control of the dreams of all the civilized peoples of Khorvaire, just as it turned out they already did to the people of the country of Riedra that dominates the distant continent of Sarlona. Thanks to your valiant efforts, the conspiracy is thwarted, Sarlona is free, and the kalashtar can meditate to facilitate the Turning of the Age in peace.
(Role Selection) An arcane spellcaster or psionic manifester. & (Role Selection) A jack of all trades or unpredictable wildcard.
Your party first discovered this draconic astral citadel two months ago, during your search for the remote plane of Dal Quor, and took note of it for later exploration; after all, at the time, you had a crucial mission. By the end of your adventures in Sarlona, it became clear that you had to find the Realm of Dreams before it could find the Material Plane again and come back into its orbit — and thanks to lore recovered from an ancient library in Xen'drik, you had a basis for trying. The Dreaming Dark was able to do a great deal of damage just through dream manipulation, the Inspired, dreamlily, and other ways of exploiting the connection of mortal minds to Dal Quor. It was obvious that the plane's manifest zones reappearing — or worse, the plane itself becoming coterminous — before the Age could turn and the Dreaming Dark faded like any other dream would have been disastrous.
Destroying the Dreaming Dark directly would have been impossible even for you, but you could bind powerful quori by the hundreds. You had an entire Bag of Holding full of Khyber dragonshards, and powerful rituals, their underlying principles hard-earned, with which to bind any nightmare fiends you encountered. After all, if slain, their essence would just reform into a new quori elsewhere in the plane, which would hardly make a dent in their efforts. While you did use smaller Khyber shards to bind any lesser quori like tsucora and du'ulora you encountered along the way, your real targets were the likes of hashalaq and kalaraq. Even as vast as Dal Quor is, its greatest fiends were as finite in number as the Overlords of legend, and not nearly as costly to defeat.
Binding the fiends was only half your plan. You also needed to prevent the lesser quori from freeing them... and unfortunately, if you simply took them out of Dal Quor, that would simply mean they'd survive the eventual Turning of the Age as they currently were. Fortunately, you had a potent tool to work with for the purpose of keeping them sealed away — a Staff of Impenetrable Rainbows, capable of conjuring Prismatic Walls and more importantly Prismatic Spheres — but needed a stable place in the ever-changing Realm of Dreams to use it, lest even its potent magic be eroded by Dal Quor's constant churn. Fortunately, you found such a place: an ancient and unsettling dream of an idealized version of the ancient empire of Dhakaan. You convinced its guardians to give you a chance to earn their permission to set up a prison in this "Uul Dhakaan", then overcame the tests and challenges they set before you. Your worthiness, need, and good intent having all been established, you entered the warded stable dream, trapped the sealed quori within a Prismatic Sphere deep within the earth, finished the seal with a Permanency beyond your normal limits, and arranged a series of traps and guardians to hopefully keep any lesser quori who might manage to infiltrate the Uul Dhakaan away.
All of that, of course, was at the end of a long metaphorical voyage. When you all first began, it was simply as a band of adventurers who, having long disapproved of the Last War, were glad to find others who felt the same after its end led to people traveling freely again. The war had started due to sudden defiance of a system of succession that had worked for hundreds of years, wherein the eldest child of the current king of Galifar would become governor of Cyre once of age, and then would ascend to the throne of all Galifar once the previous king died. The Cyran member of your party — that is to say...
[] (Cyran) yourself —
[] (Cyran) your weaponsmaster —
[] (Cyran) your shield —
[] (Cyran) your skillmonkey —
[] (Cyran) your mystical rival —
[] (Cyran) your blessed sort —
...believes this ought to have stayed unchallenged in order to prevent the war from having ever happened, while your Brelish member —
[] (Brelander) yourself —
[] (Brelander) your weaponsmaster —
[] (Brelander) your shield —
[] (Brelander) your skillmonkey —
[] (Brelander) your mystical rival —
[] (Brelander) your blessed sort —
...thinks that if there was something wrong with the system, it should have changed so that the people could vote to decide which of the five provincial rulers would rise to become the next King or Queen, rather than it continuing to default to Cyre's ruler. Due to the fact that your Thrane member —
[] (Thrane) yourself —
[] (Thrane) your weaponsmaster —
[] (Thrane) your shield —
[] (Thrane) your skillmonkey —
[] (Thrane) your mystical rival —
[] (Thrane) your blessed sort —
...believes that King Thalin was wrong not only in instigating the war by challenging Queen Mishaan's ascent to the throne of Galifar, but in caring more about temporal than spiritual power at all, you've managed to avoid much in the way of serious arguments. Meanwhile, your Karrnathi member —
[] (Karrn) yourself —
[] (Karrn) your weaponsmaster —
[] (Karrn) your shield —
[] (Karrn) your skillmonkey —
[] (Karrn) your mystical rival —
[] (Karrn) your blessed sort —
...thinks the whole thing weakened Karrnath, and was thus foolish regardless of who was or wasn't in the right. Finally, your Aundarian member —
[] (Aundairian) yourself —
[] (Aundairian) your weaponsmaster —
[] (Aundairian) your shield —
[] (Aundairian) your skillmonkey —
[] (Aundairian) your mystical rival —
[] (Aundairian) your blessed sort —
...is rather disturbed that Aundair has not completely left a wartime footing even having signed the Treaty of Thronehold with the rest of Khorvaire. That's normal for Karrnath, but Aundair? The last of you is...
[] (Cleanup) ...also Aundairian.
[] (Cleanup) ...also Brelish.
[] (Cleanup) ...also a survivor of Cyre.
[] (Cleanup) ...also Karrnathi.
[] (Cleanup) ...also a Thrane.
[] (Cleanup) ...an accident of the Mournland.
[] (Cleanup) ...someone who traveled the Five Nations and called none home.
[] (Cleanup) ...from beyond the current borders of the Five Nations.
(Obviously, this one calls for a plan vote.)