[D&D 3.P] Those Worthy of Eberron's Claw (No SV, we're starting at level 16)

I think there's still a tie for Previously On. Lemme fix it.

[x] (Previously On) You successfully unmasked nothing less than an attempt by the nightmare fiends of the remote plane of Dal Quor, the Realm of Dreams, to seize control of the dreams of all the civilized peoples of Khorvaire, just as it turned out they already did to the people of the country of Riedra that dominates the distant continent of Sarlona. Thanks to your valiant efforts, the conspiracy is thwarted, Sarlona is free, and the kalashtar can meditate to facilitate the Turning of the Age in peace.

And if the vote isn't closed, I'd like to add this:
[x] (Role Selection) A jack of all trades or unpredictable wildcard.

If any of this results in a new tie, feel free to disregard the vote.
Just to be clear, you're officially closing the vote then?

That was the idea, but I'm definitely happy to get some late votes in response to that tally instead!

If any of this results in a new tie, feel free to disregard the vote.

A tie between arcane caster/manifester and jack of all trades is at least a reconcilable tie! It'd just mean your character qualifies as both in some way. I'd be inclined to say you're technically the "jack", but your strongest suit is your arcane casting or psionic powers. Meanwhile, the more dedicated caster or manifester is whichever of those two you aren't.
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I'm glad that the extra votes put Dal Quor over the top. That way, upon our return to Khorvaire, we can have the fun of uncovering the Prophecy and all the other various plots going on in the continent - and to possibly get underestimated since the powers that be haven't seen us at work yet, which will make it extra fun!

A tie between arcane caster/manifester and jack of all trades is at least a reconcilable tie! It'd just mean your character qualifies as both in some way. I'd be inclined to say you're technically the "jack", but your strongest suit is your arcane casting or psionic powers.

Curious to see how this will work out on the sheet. I suggest a Psion, partly because it's appropriate to our great deed, partly because our Discipline may give more latitude towards the "jack" part, particularly when you add in the Open Minded feat.
Curious to see how this will work out on the sheet. I suggest a Psion, partly because it's appropriate to our great deed, partly because our Discipline may give more latitude towards the "jack" part, particularly when you add in the Open Minded feat.

Note that a caster doesn't necessarily mean a primary caster. The group needs at least one, but it's less likely to be our MC. I have a few thoughts on ways to go with this, but that's a couple of votes from now. For now, let's close things out...
0.1 Vote Results: Dal Quor Defeated, MC is both arcane and a jack, party is pan-Galifarian
Vote complete!

Adhoc vote count started by Pteryx on Oct 23, 2022 at 5:12 PM, finished with 27 posts and 12 votes.
  • 13

    [x] (Previously On) You successfully unmasked nothing less than an attempt by the nightmare fiends of the remote plane of Dal Quor, the Realm of Dreams, to seize control of the dreams of all the civilized peoples of Khorvaire, just as it turned out they already did to the people of the country of Riedra that dominates the distant continent of Sarlona. Thanks to your valiant efforts, the conspiracy is thwarted, Sarlona is free, and the kalashtar can meditate to facilitate the Turning of the Age in peace.
    [X] (Land of Origin) You have members from each of the Five Nations that once made up Galifar — Aundair, Breland, Cyre, Karrnath, and Thrane.
    [X] (Role Selection) A jack of all trades or unpredictable wildcard.
    [X] (Role Selection) An arcane spellcaster or psionic manifester.
    [X] (Previously On) You exposed and thoroughly proved the existence of a pair of warring ancient conspiracies beneath the surface of Khorvarian society, each of which would have been considered absurd before: machinations by rakshasa and other native fiends to release the Overlords that defined Eberron during the ancient Age of Demons, and a counteroffensive by dragons to prevent the same. Each side tries to manipulate an impossibly complex, ever-changing Prophecy inherent in the structure of reality.
    [X] (Land of Origin) You all hail from different obscure corners of the continent of Khorvaire, and helped each other navigate the strange human-dominated lands.
    [X] (Role Selection) A clever wielder of noncombat expertise.
    [X] (Role Selection) A divine or primal miracle worker.
    [X] (Land of Origin) Droaam, the unrecognized nation of monsters.
    [X] (Land of Origin) The Talenta Plains, ancestral home of nomadic halfling tribes who coexist with dinosaurs.
    [X] (Land of Origin) Thrane, home of the holy Silver Flame and the purest of its faithful.
    [X] (Previously On) You uncovered and thwarted a conspiracy in the heart of the Blood of Vol faith — a millennia-spanning effort by "Lady Illmarrow", aka the "Queen of the Dead" that the Order of the Emerald Claw answered to, aka the long-lost Erandis Vol. She was using the religion as a tool by which to ascend to rulership over the afterlife plane of Dolurrh. Now, only the last remnants of the Blood of Vol's corruption are being rooted out, and the country of Karrnath and the other faiths of Khorvaire are beginning to make peace with them.
    [X] (Land of Origin) Karrnath, a hard, cold land of warlords and necromancers.
    [x] (Previously On) You lifted the twin curses that left the mysterious continent of Xen'drik in chaos for millennia. The Traveler's Curse warped space and time in the continent's interior and made mapping impossible, while the "madness of crowds" shattered significant gatherings of civilized minds. Now, sanity has returned to Xen'drik, and thus the continent can be explored as never before. Ancient truths can be properly charted, and colonies established to the extent that the local peoples allow it.
    [x] (Role Selection) A master wielder of physical weapons.
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0.2: The End of The Prior Tale (who's from where?)
(Land of Origin) You have members from each of the Five Nations that once made up Galifar — Aundair, Breland, Cyre, Karrnath, and Thrane.

(Previously On) You successfully unmasked nothing less than an attempt by the nightmare fiends of the remote plane of Dal Quor, the Realm of Dreams, to seize control of the dreams of all the civilized peoples of Khorvaire, just as it turned out they already did to the people of the country of Riedra that dominates the distant continent of Sarlona. Thanks to your valiant efforts, the conspiracy is thwarted, Sarlona is free, and the kalashtar can meditate to facilitate the Turning of the Age in peace.

(Role Selection) An arcane spellcaster or psionic manifester. & (Role Selection) A jack of all trades or unpredictable wildcard.


Your party first discovered this draconic astral citadel two months ago, during your search for the remote plane of Dal Quor, and took note of it for later exploration; after all, at the time, you had a crucial mission. By the end of your adventures in Sarlona, it became clear that you had to find the Realm of Dreams before it could find the Material Plane again and come back into its orbit — and thanks to lore recovered from an ancient library in Xen'drik, you had a basis for trying. The Dreaming Dark was able to do a great deal of damage just through dream manipulation, the Inspired, dreamlily, and other ways of exploiting the connection of mortal minds to Dal Quor. It was obvious that the plane's manifest zones reappearing — or worse, the plane itself becoming coterminous — before the Age could turn and the Dreaming Dark faded like any other dream would have been disastrous.

Destroying the Dreaming Dark directly would have been impossible even for you, but you could bind powerful quori by the hundreds. You had an entire Bag of Holding full of Khyber dragonshards, and powerful rituals, their underlying principles hard-earned, with which to bind any nightmare fiends you encountered. After all, if slain, their essence would just reform into a new quori elsewhere in the plane, which would hardly make a dent in their efforts. While you did use smaller Khyber shards to bind any lesser quori like tsucora and du'ulora you encountered along the way, your real targets were the likes of hashalaq and kalaraq. Even as vast as Dal Quor is, its greatest fiends were as finite in number as the Overlords of legend, and not nearly as costly to defeat.

Binding the fiends was only half your plan. You also needed to prevent the lesser quori from freeing them... and unfortunately, if you simply took them out of Dal Quor, that would simply mean they'd survive the eventual Turning of the Age as they currently were. Fortunately, you had a potent tool to work with for the purpose of keeping them sealed away — a Staff of Impenetrable Rainbows, capable of conjuring Prismatic Walls and more importantly Prismatic Spheres — but needed a stable place in the ever-changing Realm of Dreams to use it, lest even its potent magic be eroded by Dal Quor's constant churn. Fortunately, you found such a place: an ancient and unsettling dream of an idealized version of the ancient empire of Dhakaan. You convinced its guardians to give you a chance to earn their permission to set up a prison in this "Uul Dhakaan", then overcame the tests and challenges they set before you. Your worthiness, need, and good intent having all been established, you entered the warded stable dream, trapped the sealed quori within a Prismatic Sphere deep within the earth, finished the seal with a Permanency beyond your normal limits, and arranged a series of traps and guardians to hopefully keep any lesser quori who might manage to infiltrate the Uul Dhakaan away.

All of that, of course, was at the end of a long metaphorical voyage. When you all first began, it was simply as a band of adventurers who, having long disapproved of the Last War, were glad to find others who felt the same after its end led to people traveling freely again. The war had started due to sudden defiance of a system of succession that had worked for hundreds of years, wherein the eldest child of the current king of Galifar would become governor of Cyre once of age, and then would ascend to the throne of all Galifar once the previous king died. The Cyran member of your party — that is to say...

[] (Cyran) yourself —
[] (Cyran) your weaponsmaster —
[] (Cyran) your shield —
[] (Cyran) your skillmonkey —
[] (Cyran) your mystical rival —
[] (Cyran) your blessed sort —

...believes this ought to have stayed unchallenged in order to prevent the war from having ever happened, while your Brelish member —

[] (Brelander) yourself —
[] (Brelander) your weaponsmaster —
[] (Brelander) your shield —
[] (Brelander) your skillmonkey —
[] (Brelander) your mystical rival —
[] (Brelander) your blessed sort —

...thinks that if there was something wrong with the system, it should have changed so that the people could vote to decide which of the five provincial rulers would rise to become the next King or Queen, rather than it continuing to default to Cyre's ruler. Due to the fact that your Thrane member —

[] (Thrane) yourself —
[] (Thrane) your weaponsmaster —
[] (Thrane) your shield —
[] (Thrane) your skillmonkey —
[] (Thrane) your mystical rival —
[] (Thrane) your blessed sort —

...believes that King Thalin was wrong not only in instigating the war by challenging Queen Mishaan's ascent to the throne of Galifar, but in caring more about temporal than spiritual power at all, you've managed to avoid much in the way of serious arguments. Meanwhile, your Karrnathi member —

[] (Karrn) yourself —
[] (Karrn) your weaponsmaster —
[] (Karrn) your shield —
[] (Karrn) your skillmonkey —
[] (Karrn) your mystical rival —
[] (Karrn) your blessed sort —

...thinks the whole thing weakened Karrnath, and was thus foolish regardless of who was or wasn't in the right. Finally, your Aundarian member —

[] (Aundairian) yourself —
[] (Aundairian) your weaponsmaster —
[] (Aundairian) your shield —
[] (Aundairian) your skillmonkey —
[] (Aundairian) your mystical rival —
[] (Aundairian) your blessed sort —

...is rather disturbed that Aundair has not completely left a wartime footing even having signed the Treaty of Thronehold with the rest of Khorvaire. That's normal for Karrnath, but Aundair? The last of you is...

[] (Cleanup) ...also Aundairian.
[] (Cleanup) ...also Brelish.
[] (Cleanup) ...also a survivor of Cyre.
[] (Cleanup) ...also Karrnathi.
[] (Cleanup) ...also a Thrane.
[] (Cleanup) ...an accident of the Mournland.
[] (Cleanup) ...someone who traveled the Five Nations and called none home.
[] (Cleanup) ...from beyond the current borders of the Five Nations.


(Obviously, this one calls for a plan vote.)
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[X] Plan: Defying Stereotypes
-[X] (Cyran) your weaponsmaster —
-[X] (Brelander) your blessed sort —
-[X] (Thrane) your skillmonkey —
-[X] (Karrn) yourself —
-[X] (Aundairian) your shield —
-[X] (Cleanup) ...someone who traveled the Five Nations and called none home.

Because defying them was a key principle of Eberron to begin with, so now let's subvert the national stereotypes altogether!
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[x] Plan: Ristelle-ish
-[x] (Cyran) your blessed sort —
-[x] (Brelander) yourself —
-[x] (Thrane) your mystical rival —
-[x] (Karrn) your weaponsmaster —
-[x] (Aundairian) your shield —
-[x] (Cleanup) ...an accident of the Mournland.
I don't know enough about eberron to have particular feelings about this vote, but I'm definitely keen to see where this quest goes.
I don't know enough about eberron to have particular feelings about this vote, but I'm definitely keen to see where this quest goes.

If anyone wants a brief description of options in a vote — or even a lengthy description — I'll gladly oblige. For this one, I figure expanding out from the one-liners in the first post to a paragraph each would be sufficient context to not be poking options blindly.
[X] Plan: Defying Stereotypes Modified
-[X] (Cyran) your weaponsmaster —
-[X] (Brelander) your blessed sort —
-[X] (Thrane) your skillmonkey —
-[X] (Karrn) yourself —
-[X] (Aundairian) your shield —
-[x] (Cleanup) ...an accident of the Mournland.

Because 'an accident of the Mournland' sounds very interesting! What this one could be, a awakened living prestidigitation spell? A carcass crab butler? XD The possibilities are intriguing.

Also, the winning party composition vote before was 'from each of Five Nations'. While someone from beyond FN will match the theme of mixed background party, I think it will be more interesting to have someone from What-Was-Cyre.

A tie between arcane caster/manifester and jack of all trades is at least a reconcilable tie! It'd just mean your character qualifies as both in some way. I'd be inclined to say you're technically the "jack", but your strongest suit is your arcane casting or psionic powers. Meanwhile, the more dedicated caster or manifester is whichever of those two you aren't.
Curious to see how this will work out on the sheet. I suggest a Psion, partly because it's appropriate to our great deed, partly because our Discipline may give more latitude towards the "jack" part, particularly when you add in the Open Minded feat.
Well, a jack-spellcaster hybrid is actually really simple. That's just a Wizard. :p Or for the standard issue one, a Bard.

A Psion don't match to being a jack/wildcard much I think ... For a psionic class, an Erudite likely will be better option.
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Eh, I am one to lean into stereotypes. What else am I supposed to think, given a one-liner description?

[x] Plan: Stereotyping
-[x] (Cyran) your shield —
-[x] (Brelander) your skillmonkey —
-[x] (Thrane) your blessed sort —
-[x] (Karrn) your weaponsmaster —
-[x] (Aundairian) your mystical rival —
-[x] (Cleanup) ...from beyond the current borders of the Five Nations.
Also, the winning party composition vote before was 'from each of Five Nations'. While someone from beyond FN will match the theme of mixed background party, I think it will be more interesting to have someone from What-Was-Cyre.

We already have someone from What-Was-Cyre right at the beginning. That said, given the spirit of your point, I tweaked it to: (Cleanup) ...someone who traveled the Five Nations and called none home.
No, that's Cyre-That-Was :p Yeah, technically they hail from the same geographical place. But Mournland is so different place from Cyre, that it is effectively new country even while sit in the same geolocation. I should have note that earlier.

Which is, of course, exactly why I figured the option was worth including. Well, that and the potential for a very weird character to be added to the mix, as you pointed out in your previous post. :grin:
[X] Plan: Outside Perspective
-[X] (Cyran) your mystical rival —
-[X] (Brelander) your blessed sort —
-[X] (Thrane) your weaponsmaster —
-[X] (Karrn) your skillmonkey —
-[X] (Aundairian) your shield —
-[X] (Cleanup) ...from beyond the current borders of the Five Nations.

Implication obviously being we're the odd one out, who has chosen to embroil ourselves in the affairs of a former nation we do not necessarily owe allegiance to.
Five plans, very little voting on plans (though the first plan proposed does have a lead). Think it's time to make the clock start ticking.
[X] Plan: Outside Perspective
-[X] (Cyran) your mystical rival —
-[X] (Brelander) your blessed sort —
-[X] (Thrane) your weaponsmaster —
-[X] (Karrn) your skillmonkey —
-[X] (Aundairian) your shield —
-[X] (Cleanup) ...from beyond the current borders of the Five Nations.

I like the prospect of us being a outsider.
Only 12 hours left on the nationality assignment vote!

Also, since character building will be coming up pretty quick (even if a lot of the nuts and bolts will be done at my end), let's talk about the skill system a bit. As I'm sure a lot of you know, the default 3.0/3.5 skill system is kind of overwhelming for the purposes of a quest, and PF1's isn't much better. There is a Consolidated Skills variant in Pathfinder Unchained (a variation on which is used in the video game Pathfinder: Kingmaker) that'd make things lighter, though I'd want to modify it significantly. Not looking to put this to a formal vote, but I would like to hear some opinions.
I think it depends a lot on how crunchy you want to be with the skill checks and such. But overall I think having a lightweight, simplified skill system is definitely better for a quest.
It will also depend on what will be easier/preferred for you to run. Us saying we want to use the full system is all well and good, but you're the one who has to keep track of 35+ skills on our main character, their companions, and NPCs throughout the quest.

Ultimately, do what you think will work best for your QM style, and adjust if you feel the need.
Proposing an additional plan would likely not count as help, so I'll refrain from that. Maybe I can perform a Ritual of Exaltation with these ornamental balls of colored paper strands...