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Hello, hello there! Thank you for taking a look at Cyberpunk 2075: Apotheosis! This is my very first quest and it was inspired by @nwish425 's Apotheosis- A Deity Quest so expect some floundering and subtle panicking on my end! I hope I'll do a good job so that you all may enjoy it! Please be gentle...

Cyberpunk 2075: Apotheosis takes place in the world of Cyberpunk 2077, though a couple of years before the events of the game and a year earlier than Edgerunners, this is when you come in, as a small spark of divinity cast down from the heavens to start your own following and hopefully gain enough power to become an official god! Will you achieve Apotheosis and become the new god of Night City or will you fade away?
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July 1st Week (Re-do)
Welp, the votes are a little weird so let's try this again.

Do you help the woman enact her own brand of justice?
[ ] (Justice) Infuse her with some of your godly might. Justice shall be served through her own hands. (-10 Faith)
[ ] (Justice) Enact Karmic Justice on the fleeing criminal. May he repent through his misfortune. (-7 faith)
[ ] (Justice) Bless the woman with a trickle of divine power. It's not much but it should be enough to give her some satisfaction. (-5 Faith)
[ ] (Justice)There is no need to meddle, she seems to have things well in hand.

Help Jack with his investigation?
[] (Jack) Not This Time: Multiple arms or not, you can't hold the hands of your followers at all times.
[] (Jack) Only A Little: Narrow down the possible locations of Joytoy Joyce to a single block. (-3 Faith)
[] (Jack) Track Her Down: Lead Jack to her exact location (-5 Faith)
[] (Jack) Take Over: Find Joyce and punish the guilty yourself (-10 Faith)

Which lead does Tanner Montoya follow up?
[ ] (Supernatural) There have been some almost reverent rumors of some kind of Psychic in Little China.
[ ] (Supernatural) Lately, people have seen some strange lights coming from a run down warehouse in Northside.
[ ] (Supernatural) Officers have been receiving calls about a suspicious lady in white wandering around Kabuki in the middle of the night.
[ ] (Supernatural) Residents have been complaining about loud noises in the area and want it taken care of.