Chapter 4:
The Maelstroms End
Anderson was not having a great day. For all it appeared to change to peons on the ground level, security analysts knew the truth of the matter, Night City didn't change. The gangs scuffled with one another. The citizens committed any crimes they thought would get them just one more rung up the ladder. Charity was just a hook with plentiful strings attached and... he dismissed the train of thought, it was depressing, even for him.
And unfortunately, it was also central to the entire problem he was now facing. The report crossing his desk was unwelcome, unwanted, and had the potential to annoy his superior officers, which was never a great path to career advancement. And this one was a hell of a doozy. Maelstrom, one of the most violent gangs in night city, if not the most violent, with almost half its twelve hundred member roster being clinical cyberpsychos....
Had seemingly changed overnight. Brick had been supplanted by someone they were whispering of called the Archmagos. That wasn't really worthy of his attention on its own, in fact it wouldn't have surprised him if there had been a leadership upset for a more psychopathic individual who would lead the gang to further and greater acts of violence. Those wannabe full borgs were just wired that way. No, the problem was that the direction they had taken was harder to plot. It's trajectory impossible to identify.
"Anna, zip me the detes on the Animals attempt to claim that Maelstrom hideout in Pacifica." The files appeared in his buffer and he accessed the one that he'd been warned he was not going to like.
The point of view was a security camera on a building across the street. Three vans packed with the Animals crashed through road barriers and they poured from their vehicle with machineguns, shotguns and more clutched in all sorts of augmented limbs. They headed straight for the building that...
Freeze frame: Zoom. Skull/Cyber/Cog sigil. Resume
They didn't wait, opening fire as they advanced, the crashing weight of fire from twenty Animals was actually pretty impressive, for a gang job it was a well planned hit. He wondered if they had a netrunner running cover over the operation. In fact, he was beginning to wonder if his time had been wasted by the little shit on the ground who sent it in. And then Maelstrom appeared. And Anderson froze the image once more. Their weapons weren't anything he'd ever seen or heard of in Night City. And when he resumed, a crashing wall of light rippled out. The grunts opening fire with extremely potent laser weaponry into the approaching animals, the merciless weapons were quite effective when they struck flesh, if less so when they struck better protected implants.
But the lasers were the least of the weapons the Maelstrom brought. Bottled lightning ripped out from two of their weapons and when they struck, the arced across to nearby Animals, and those weapons were far more effective against anything they struck. The Animals reeled, struck and caught by surprise from the sheer different level of technology thrown against them. Their big dumb bruisers continuing to charge in, machineguns in hand chattering away. Several of the Maelstrom fell back and the entire game changed.
On a set of tracks a machine rolled from within with a Maelstrom at the rear and four weapons bound together. When they fired the lead Animal ceased to exist. The four weapons had unleashed a single spear of light as thick as a mans arm each, and they converged on the animal explosively vaporising him and passing through to annihilate one of the vans they had arrived in, its fuel erupting in an explosion that rocked the streets.
The animals broke. Those that could reach their vehicle climbed in and engines were gunned. A second van and its occupants failed to escape as the tracked machine turned and focussed the full firepower of its laser weapons on it. Those Animals that couldn't make it to a van surrendered on the spot. "So much for that." Anderson said preparing to close the file before he realised it was timestamped.
What they wanted him to see was here. Not the fight.
The Animals were captured. The Maelstrom didn't kill them or tear them apart. They captured them and dragged them into the building. The tracked machine reversing back into where it had come from. The footage zoomed some minutes later as an Emperor emblazoned with the sigil pulled up. Once more the Animals were dragged into the light.
The creature that got out of the Emperor moved over on a bizarre leg arrangement and faced the prisoners that had been taken. The camera switched as the Arasaka operative selected one nearby with audio capability.
"Archmagos." The Maelstrom knelt. The being moved along the line of the animals. Studying them closely, occasionally a tentacle would reach out and grip one, studying it.
"These four, bring them to the Alpha site. Take the others to the Beta site." The being declared in a mechanical voice. The being turned to the camera and blurted a sound.
All footage of the area ceased.
Anderson now knew that he was about to have a very long and unpleasant day. The first thing he did was send a flurry of commands out to his most trustworthy operations squad and ensure that their discretionary budget had an injection of material that would allow for a heavier arsenal than was typical, and a blank report was formatted to be filled with data.
Comfort didn't fill him as he put down the eddies to hire a team of cyberpunks to hit the place with more than a brute gangsters forces.
Dana looked at the job and the eddies on offer. This was the kind of job that could land them seats in afterlife, or featuring tickets to their own funerals. The problem was the price point was almost at the sweet spot, where the possibility of the job being a suicide run was almost worth the rist. And Dana's team wasn't a small group of rookies. It was larger than most punk groups, five solos, a netrunner, medtech and a couple of nomads. As they rolled through the city the bottom line of the problem was the subject of the job.
:Maelstrom have established a presence at the target facility.:
:Your task is to remove Maelstrom from the facility by any means necessary.:
:Report back to the Fixer who will deploy the secondary team.:
The details on the facility were sparse, and that troubled her more than anything. "Paul, tell me you've learned some real intel before we get our tits caught in a vice?" The Netrunner frowned without turning from his position in a tub of ice.
"No joy boss. Some corpo runners had been in the system and stripped all surveillance for an hour period yesterday. But I can confirm Maelstrom are in there. But the local net for the facility itself boss? That shit is burned. There's something else running through those networks now, and it doesn't talk with our stuff." Dana cursed as she glanced at the Netrunner again. "Yes boss. I'm telling you that I am going to be absolutely no help once you enter the building."
She hissed in annoyance before calling Tomas. "You have sights on?"
The man who replied whispered in an effeminate voice, she could picture him on his perch, the Nekomata resting in his hands with the calm grace of a child in a doting parents hands. "I could drop one of them right now. But boss. I have no idea what the hell that gun is."
An image shot across the teams network.
Cables connected to a backpack, and they watched through Tomas' feed as he panned over to another. It carried an identical weapon. And it was then Dana felt like the job was achievable. If those two hadn't noticed Tomas, then they might be able to sneak in after all. "Ok team, we took this job. Let's get it done."
Dana moved in quietly, relying on camera feeds to ensure none of the Maelstrom could see her on her approach. She checked her DA8 Umbra as she flicked comms to her other solos as they made their approaches, there were only two Maelstrom outside, and they seemed disinterested in their surrounds. But something about this felt strange. "Boss. Did you see that?"
She turned her head to look at Harper, she had her D5 Sidewinder aimed skywards. And a frantic look on her face. Dana scanned the skies where her sister was looking and saw it. A small drone in the shape of a skull was hovering twenty metres above them. It's cybernetic eyes staring down at them.
When she turned her gaze back down, she looked at the Maelstrom.
They weren't actually relaxed she realised. They were trying to look relaxed, their hands were hovering over the grips and triggers of their weapons, and the hand that looked like it was casually resting on the top of the weapon was positioned a moment from sliding under and taking the weight. They hadn't taken a drag of smokes, or brought out a drug inhaler. "We're rumbled." She said. "Go loud."
The Nekomata wielded by Paul cracked and suddenly the man that had been targeted was advancing his weapon held level and a wall of light ripped out followed mere microseconds later by the second Maelstromer. The second shot from the Nekomata... failed to land again. Paul was not that bad an aim and Dana looked as she unleashed a burst from her Umbra, aiming centre mass and the Maelstromer reeled under the shots. "This is Tomas. Something is interfering with my sights."
Dana turned and saw it. "Tomas! Turn!" But the blade wielded by the being with a domed head flashed and Pauls head bounced down to the city streets below. It's strange piston legs slammed to full extension and Tomas' killer leapt across towards them, the crackling weapon in one fist matched only by the gun in the other which blasted burst of fire her way. The initial shot missed, but every other round in the burst followed the first into the hold it had made. Fire lanced in her shoulder and she rolled away and realised the energy weapons were punching clear through her cover.
She also realised that the incoming fire was herding them.
She had to make a call. "Storm the building. Focus on these two." Tomas might be dead, but there were still four experienced Solos against two gangers. She unleashed a burst into the head of the closest and dropped him like a stone while focussed fire dropped the other. And one grenade toss burst the roller-door and they surged into the lair of these Maelstrom. Suddenly there was a wailing transmission from Paul, laced with panic. "There's a demon in the skies after me. Dana! It's a trap. They were expecting somebody!"
As they entered, their implants seeking out targets, the interior lights snapped on and she saw thirty Maelstrom on the catwalks above. Most of them bearing the same weapon as the men outside. Half a dozen bore different weapons. Crackling electricity wreathed two of them. The other four had weapons glowing with power.
"Welcome." The voice came from a massive Maelstromer. He stood behind the controls of a tracked machine, with four massive barrels pointed right at her chest. "Fortunately, you're not the corpo attack team we were expecting.
"Who the hell are you?" Dana asked as she held her weapon pointed towards the ceiling. She was a Solo. Not stupid.
"I am Royce. Formerly of the Maelstrom..." Interrupting him Dana blurted.
Royce nodded. "The Maelstrom no longer exist. I am now Princeps Royce of the Skitarius. Loyal son of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Favoured of the Omnissiah. And we don't want to waste talent, if you tell us the fixer who gave you the job, you can walk out here with the same eddies they offered you to hunt us."
Dana blinked in surprise. Stabbing your fixer in the back was a quick way to an early grave. Trying to continue the job was swan diving into it. She told him.