[X] Explosive Entry - No, wait. They probably have laser defense. They look high tech enough for it. And explosions are fun.
[X] Absorption Fields - They look pretty high tech from what you can tell. Lets make sure we can at least try to protect against energy weaponry.
What do we do first, after we calm down and have finished checking what we've got?:
[X] Ex-communications - Start on capturing and decoding the competition's communication signals instead. (Spending energy on this will speed things up, but give you less to expand with)
[X] Explosive Entry - No, wait. They probably have laser defense. They look high tech enough for it. And explosions are fun.
[X] Absorption Fields - They look pretty high tech from what you can tell. Lets make sure we can at least try to protect against energy weaponry.
[X] Ex-communications - Start on capturing and decoding the competition's communication signals instead. (Spending energy on this will speed things up, but give you less to expand with)
Explosives can be useful in other ways besides weaponry. Blast mining comes to mind.
[X] Explosive Entry - No, wait. They probably have laser defense. They look high tech enough for it. And explosions are fun.
[X] Absorption Fields - They look pretty high tech from what you can tell. Lets make sure we can at least try to protect against energy weaponry.
[X] Ex-communications - Start on capturing and decoding the competition's communication signals instead. (Spending energy on this will speed things up, but give you less to expand with)
No research started or progressed.
As the solar object (you add a note to the list to find out what the xenos archeologists call it here) reaches around the middle of the sky, you've finished your inventory. Of particular interest to this situation is the explosive armaments for the occasional asteroid testing ground clean up, and energy absorption tech (though that was originally for investigating if it had any relation to wireless power potential) And as much as you'd like to start investigating the nearby wreckage field...Competition! You need to know what they are and what they're doing and why they're here and how they got here and...and well, you should probably make a list. That could've been a very long sentence otherwise.
Some time later in the cycle, apparently not yet having attracted their attention, you manage to solve their language puzzle after spending all of your reserves on overclocking the process in favor of less time spent, although you're still rather wary about the whole thing. What sort of fools leave the majority of their communications unencrypted while investigating a world that has pretty clearly reached the point (numerous times) of having spying devices, even if the vast majority of them are probably dead or dysfunctional? You downgrade the unknown xenos in your priorities from Competition to Dubiously threatening as a result before continuing to listen in.
"...isotopes of unknown element in wreck Zon-8-1-1-1-1"
"...And then it probably self-destructed, otherwise we'd have more pieces left to work with..."
"We've been here for an entire month and no one has given me a competent answer on why there is an island floating in complete disregard for physicsover our heads! Goddess-damned incompetents, all of you! We can investigate that trash heap of a battlefield later!"
"How the fuck does this even stay together?! Its made of energy projectors and graphene and no connective components whatsoever!"
"It didn't, mate. Thats why its broken and we aren't. Also, maybe don't shout quite so loudly, I'm pretty sure the senior Investigators managed to hear you all the way back at base."
While the last one is the most interesting (Some sort of vehicle that collapses down into its physical components when unpowered, perhaps?), that third one is probably a manager of somekind, you expect. If you want physics-defying explanations you have to do your own science, after all. Trying to listen to others explain things that disagree with the universe tends to make no sense at all. This is why the others tend to just agree with whatever the reactor engineers are saying when they get going on talking about how they're getting more energy out of the same fusion reaction by just adding more weirdly-specific crystal lines...augh.
Having their help would be amazing right now, from an energy viewpoint. Them not being here means you'll have to figure out that arcane technobullshit yourself if you want it instead of just relaxing and doing more Science, doesn't it. At least the reactor itself shouldn't be too difficult to find, considering the general tech level of the ruins...
New Coretech research topics: Dampening Fields, Offensive Export, Fusion Amplification.
So, what do we go for next?
[] Outproduce them - Competing (if unknowingly) with a Crystalline in base building? Hehehe... (Focus on digging straight down and converting materials to Base crystals as energy allows to build up our per cycle generation.)
[] Outgun them - its only a few dozen...dozen missiles to the face. You're sure they won't mind if you build them such a generous present, even if it takes a few cycles to do so. (Line the crater with missile-launcher crystals and defensive ones as energy allows. Requires some new crystal types be designed for the purpose)
[] Spy some more - As long as they haven't noticed you yet, you don't really need to do your own investigations, do you? Lets log their comms and compile our own points of interest for later.
[] Write in - Maybe theres an idea you're missing.
Also in case people missed it in the status spoiler last time: We need a research project to focus on, they aren't going to figure out themselves!
Map: Unchanged, no energy leftover for expansion.
Integrity: Intact
Core Armor: Unarmored
Mood: Frustrated at engineering crystalline.
Energy Generation:
Core: 1000/cycle
Base Crystal: 16 @ 50/cycle - 800/cycle
Total Energy production: 1,800/cycle
Max single crystal cost: 10K
Current Stored Energy: 1800
Storage Status: Fine.
Research Production: 1/cycle
Current Research Project:
Available Research:
Warfare: Repair Protocols, Offensive Export, Dampening Fields
Energy Generation: Alternate Power Sources, Strengthened Conduits (repeatable), Base Crystal Upgrade?
Storage: Energy Condensing, Enhanced Stabilization (repeatable).
Research: Research Crystal, Processor Crystal
Command Network: Delegation
Sensors & Exploration: Visual Augmentation, Wireless Theory.
Arcane: Undiscovered.
High Tech Materials: Undiscovered.
The Xenos Threat:
They are bad at communication security here.
They are at least somewhat organized (managers)
They appear to lack an answer on the more arcane-bullshit sort of thing around here. Though we hardly know much either, how is that island floating...
Location: In a crater. Near some xenos of dubious security proficiency.
How much can we do? Because all 3 sound like a good idea and not really mutual exclusive.
[X] Outproduce them
[X] Outgun them
[X] Spy some more
[X] Research: Research Crystal (0/4)
Not really sure what to go for on research. I guess going for the low-hanging fruit? @Aklyon what does the number (0/??) besides the research tech mean? How many research points to complete? How many research points per cycle are we getting right now? Might end up just switching this to getting more research cores if it's only out of 4.
You also provided the map legend without the map.
edit: Changed research to Research Crystal since it has single digit research points required and can contribute to all future projects.
On energy: Thats right at the top of the status. We currently have 1800 energy gen/cycle. A Base crystal costs 200 and produces 50/cycle each.
On research: The first number is our current progress. The second is what we need to finish it. Currently we're gettign a measly 1 research per cycle from any side experiments we're doing while the main focus of the update is going on.
On research: The first number is our current progress. The second is what we need to finish it. Currently we're gettign a measly 1 research per cycle from any side experiments we're doing while the main focus of the update is going on.
It'd probably make 10 research/cycle with our current lack of support if you dropped everything and just did research all half-day. Its probably somewhat safe to do so in cycle 3 or 4, sicne as far as you know the xenos do need to sleep, while you don't nessesarily need to (although not having any at all for a long time will probably give you a headache from the lack of time to just relax and clear your thoughts.)
Hmm. Then I'm tempted to just focus on researching R-crystals until completed and then focus on production until they wake up next morning at the end of next cycle.
[X] Research: Research Crystal (0/4)
-[X] When that's done....
[X] Outproduce them
-[X] 5 Base Crystals.
[X] Spy some more
That should take us to the end of the cycle, with 80 energy left over. And keep us spying I guess.
Won't give us the raw crystal output if we focus on production with research in the background, but this should open up some options when we can get research time down to something reasonable without completely stalling expansion.
Edit: Could add spying in if that doesn't take any time/energy?
Wait, when you say cycles are half-day, do you mean 6 hours/half of daylight or 12 hours/half daily rotation cycle?
Spying (unless you want to attempt remotely hacking a comms system you only understand enough to decode the language involved) will only take time, not energy. Research crystals would take half a cycle to fully sort out in full-burn research mode. Construction is fast and can fit in wherever at this stage, we aren't changing huge tracts of land yet.
Edit: 12 hours. We're a space rock, 'short' is relative.
Why do we have all of them available at once? What determines what we would be able to do in a cycle?
What do we do with produced crystals?
It would probably be nice seeing how much a research topic would cost us right in the Status menu. What determines our research output? I get it, it's 1/cycle, but it goes up to 10... why is that? How do de tweak it?
Overall I think I'd better observe how any of this works before voting.
[X] Research: Research Crystal (0/4)
-[X] When that's done....
[X] Outproduce them
-[X] 5 Base Crystals
[X] Spy some more
we need the energy and the Research Crystal are going to pay for them self when we unlock new tecknology
Spying (unless you want to attempt remotely hacking a comms system you only understand enough to decode the language involved) will only take time, not energy. Research crystals would take half a cycle to fully sort out in full-burn research mode. Construction is fast and can fit in wherever at this stage, we aren't changing huge tracts of land yet.
Edit: 12 hours. We're a space rock, 'short' is relative.
how mutch time do we have for spying in this vote? [X] Research: Research Crystal (0/4)
-[X] When that's done....
[X] Outproduce them
-[X] 5 Base Crystals.
[X] Spy some more
I can explain better later, but in an bit of pain right now that makes it hard to focus. As in the mechanics, You can split the turn into 4 subcycles. These are 3 hour chunks. Each one will give a fourth of the 'focus all on research' point output. Spying will claim at least one of these, and research crystalswill require two to be finished in a single turn. Construction can be fit in whenever, it is easy and quick to make 5 crystals. The reason they are all available is energy. With enough energy (more than our current), we certainly could build both power output and military force at once. Energy is the key to everythingfor Crystalline, the more we have the more we can ramp up. Energy is added at the start of the cycle
Edit: It goes up to 10 because we are focusing on research. Produced crystals will do what they are made for, should I make an addition to the status spoiler for our current available crystals instead of in the threadmark?
Produced crystals will do what they are made for, should I make an addition to the status spoiler for our current available crystals instead of in the threadmark?
That would probably help. But the question I am asking is this: say, we have Dampening Fields technology and can make some crystals with that trait. How much would we need to protect ourselves? Do we need to cover our exterior with it (6 tiles), or what?
Do we place the newly created crystals anywhere on the map?
Crystals can be placed anywhere adjacent to us or cooncted crystals that matched their requirements. Storage can be build in empty spaces for example.Then those can be converted into whatever for half the price of the more expensive one.
I hadn't really thought much about combat yet, I'd been expecting we'd pick a different start. Lets go for one layer needed for basic defense. If I'm feeling better I'll have the update later today.
Sorry about not having updates the last few days, turns out that even short common surgery can hurt enough to knock any thoughts of getting things done out. It was pretty bleh. Still sorta is.
[X] Research: Research Crystal (0/4)
-[X] When that's done....
[X] Outproduce them
-[X] 5 Base Crystals.
[X] Spy some more
Cycle 3
Peace. Quiet. Twin moons. Quite nice in comparison to the daytime loudness of the xenos base. And while their comm sec is lacking, they do post guards...with insecure comms. You hold onto that idea for later as you decide now is a good time as any to investigate yourself for how those networked extensions to your researching ability went. First you'll need a copy of that part in storage...
Sub-cycle 3 - And with a bit more polishing and cleaning up loose ends, done! Its hardly even remotely close to assistants, but at least you can start properly researching things now, after you've covered the basics like extra power generation. You build a single one as a test, and enjoy the extra line of thinking. Some of these scattered crystals are even close enough to be connected already. Those 5 crystals don't take very long however, so instead you start unpacking the pile of scan data you'd gotten on your way down and examining it while you wait for them to wake up.
System: Unknown
Planet: 2 of 4 (Rocky)
Orbital status: Cluttered.
Transmissions: Yes.
You stop there and sigh at the lack of detail. Yes is not supposed to be a valid answer there. But it technically is correct, the worst kind of correct for this situation. You go back to spying on the communications instead of reading further, the rest of the scan is probably just as uselessly informative.
Sub-cycle 4 - With some creative application of comms-hopping, you manage to pin down a number of central servers to look into once you have better access than hiding in voice data, and two interesting details:
1. These are Alterin (single Alteri). This base isn't completed yet, it appears to be a bit of a punishment actually. The "proper support crew" is apparently not coming until they can send back proof this planet is worth investigation, and the "worthwhile basekeeper AI" is not until they get the budget for it.
2. They do actually take research data security seriously. Along with a system to keep access logs and hand out requests as needed (a rather ancient one by your old standards, considering it can't even accept general queries, just exact results), there were several requests for password resets, and several rebukes for not doing so through email where the Records unit could respond. As for actual communications, their plan appears to be investigate the floating island.
"No obvious signs of anti-grav propulsion on the exterior, will need a closer look"
"Closer investigation of the underside of the island has revealed...rocks. Lots of rocks. Not the interesting anti-grav or thrusters i was hoping for. Maybe I need to dig into it a bit, base?"
"Don't break whatever is keeping it up in the air."
"Well of course I want it to stay up here. I'm gonna assume you meant yes."
"EM scanner not detecting anything flowing from this clearly operational (if badly designed) solar array..."
"EM scanner is picking up power from this...flower pot? What, does it auto-water your plants or something? Plant in it is dead."
"Found some sort of weather prediction board. Unknown language, unknown measurements. Claims there is clouds in the future if it reads from left to right."
"Door refuses to open. Door is unaffected by guard firing into it at full power. Door is stupid and probably important. End recording."
"Plant in powered pot abruptly returned to life after being unplugged. What."
"*crumbling stone, followed by explosive sounds*
Retreat! Hostile dev-"
After that last one, you do see a smoke cloud appear above the floating island. They don't seem to have found the interesting parts of the island yet, just odd things on an odd location. Maybe it'll happen later.
What next?
[] Energy focus - Build more energy production, ignore the alterin until they come to you.
[] Defense focus - Prepare for them to come to you.
[] Research focus - Build more research crystals. Ponder what to research next.
[] Expansion focus - Bigger is better, and you certainly could be bigger! And relying on others to scout for you when they don't even know you are doing so is only so useful.
[] Write-in - Names, multi-cycle plans, more specific ideas. They fit in here.
Next cycle is noon to midnight, and your 'meteor impact' will soon be at the top of the list of unexpected-but-not-special events to look at.
Integrity: Intact
Core Armor: Unarmored
Energy Generation:
Core: 1000/cycle
Base Crystal: 25 @ 50/cycle: 1,250/cycle
Research costs: 1 @ 10/cycle: -10/cycle
Total Energy production: 2,240/cycle
Max single crystal cost: 10K
Current Stored Energy: 100
Storage Status: Fine.
Research Production: 2/cycle
Current Research Project:
Available Research:
Warfare: Repair Protocols, Offensive Export, Dampening Fields
Energy Generation: Alternate Power Sources, Strengthened Conduits (repeatable), Base Crystal Upgrade?
Storage: Energy Condensing, Enhanced Stabilization (repeatable).
Command Network: Delegation
Sensors & Exploration: Visual Augmentation, Wireless Theory.
Arcane: Undiscovered.
High Tech Materials: Undiscovered.
The Alterin Threat:
They are bad at communication security here.
They are at least somewhat organized (managers)
They appear to lack an answer on the more arcane-bullshit sort of thing around here. Though we hardly know much either, how is that island floating...
They do take research data security seriously, and have a logging system.
Current base is not a full one.
Location: In a crater. Near some alterin of suspiciousness.
Assimilated matter
The quick, dirty solution to your lack of range.
Template: Matter
Energy production: 20 per cycle
Fabrication cost: 50 energy, nearby material.
Basic Crystal
Created by converting solid materials, like rock or assimilated matter.
Energy production: 50/cycle
Template: Refined
Fabrication cost: 200 energy, nearby solid material or crystal.
Storage Crystal
A stabilized hunk of additional crystal, giving you more room to store energy without side effects.
Template: Space-filling
Fabrication cost: 200 energy, empty space.
Research Crystal
Because doing everything yourself is slow and complicated.
Template: Space-filling
Traits: Data Storage (replaces Energy Storage: Basic)
Fabrication cost: 700 energy
Research Output: 1/cycle, Research cost 10 energy/cycle.
Available traits:
Energy Generator (Basic), Energy Storage (Basic), Data Storage, Absorption Fields, Defensive Offense, Explosive Entry
Check the crystals threadmark for energy costs and details.
Navy Blue - Crystal core Light Blue - Base crystals Orange w/ black S - Storage Crystal Turquoise with small diamond - Farseer Crystal Black with Turquoise diamond - Scrying Crystal Purple/Orchid - Focusing Crystal Darker Purple - Overseer Crystal Blue w/ gold R - Research Crystal Red - Diplomatic Crystalline
--- Dark Brown - Empty underground space Light Brown - Dirt or other non-solid material Grey - Rock Sky Blue - Empty aboveground space Teal w/brown diamond - Assimilated matter
(Background) w/ question mark[/color] - [Unknown tech] Black - Unknown
--- Red cross-shaped overlay - Damaged Red X overlay - Heavily damaged
[X] Expansion focus - Bigger is better, and you certainly could be bigger! And relying on others to scout for you when they don't even know you are doing so is only so useful.
Seperate bodies would be related to wireless tech if you wanted to keep them around and not just give them some charge and see how far they go before running out and collapsing.
Or, we could use them to pretend we're the structure of an underground base by some method of Big Crystal hollow space-filling types, and have them walk around inside a small section of us. Basically, either wireless tech for minions, or base designing and communicative augmenta to pretend we aren't space rocks, but doods with space rocks attached.
Seperate bodies would be related to wireless tech if you wanted to keep them around and not just give them some charge and see how far they go before running out and collapsing.
Or, we could use them to pretend we're the structure of an underground base by some method of Big Crystal hollow space-filling types, and have them walk around inside a small section of us. Basically, either wireless tech for minions, or base designing and communicative augmenta to pretend we aren't space rocks, but doods with space rocks attached.
so it like a Railway electrification system for trains but the the bodys have a battery in itfor the base thing so they could work for a time with out being in contact with the crystal base or we could have wireless power transmission for the bodys. am i understanding this correctly?
Could we get some dirt onto our surface? A gigantic crystal is suspicious, empty crater meanwhile could just mean that meteor just got buried below ground.
Could we get some dirt onto our surface? A gigantic crystal is suspicious, empty crater meanwhile could just mean that meteor just got buried below ground.