You wake up to the bothersome feelings of planetary reentry, and are confused. The Prime Crystal...
User | Total |
Aklyon | 27 |
"...isotopes of unknown element in wreck Zon-8-1-1-1-1"
"...And then it probably self-destructed, otherwise we'd have more pieces left to work with..."
"We've been here for an entire month and no one has given me a competent answer on why there is an island floating in complete disregard for physics over our heads! Goddess-damned incompetents, all of you! We can investigate that trash heap of a battlefield later!"
"How the fuck does this even stay together?! Its made of energy projectors and graphene and no connective components whatsoever!"
"It didn't, mate. Thats why its broken and we aren't. Also, maybe don't shout quite so loudly, I'm pretty sure the senior Investigators managed to hear you all the way back at base."
System: Unknown
Planet: 2 of 4 (Rocky)
Orbital status: Cluttered.
Transmissions: Yes.
After that last one, you do see a smoke cloud appear above the floating island. They don't seem to have found the interesting parts of the island yet, just odd things on an odd location. Maybe it'll happen later."No obvious signs of anti-grav propulsion on the exterior, will need a closer look"
"Closer investigation of the underside of the island has Lots of rocks. Not the interesting anti-grav or thrusters i was hoping for. Maybe I need to dig into it a bit, base?"
"Don't break whatever is keeping it up in the air."
"Well of course I want it to stay up here. I'm gonna assume you meant yes."
"EM scanner not detecting anything flowing from this clearly operational (if badly designed) solar array..."
"EM scanner is picking up power from this...flower pot? What, does it auto-water your plants or something? Plant in it is dead."
"Found some sort of weather prediction board. Unknown language, unknown measurements. Claims there is clouds in the future if it reads from left to right."
"Door refuses to open. Door is unaffected by guard firing into it at full power. Door is stupid and probably important. End recording."
"Plant in powered pot abruptly returned to life after being unplugged. What."
"*crumbling stone, followed by explosive sounds*
Retreat! Hostile dev-"
"You know what I bet works against those ridiculous forcefields keeping that room shut on the island?"
"Other forcefields?"
"No, I'm not that desperate for ideas. What if we made a meteor steel sword? Or at least asked Rop about it."
"...A steel sword. On this planet?"
"Well I doubt theres enough useful material in that recent meteorite for enough projectile ammo..."
"We'd be better off using a forgite blade than relying on the specialness of space-sourced metal, you idiot. And we already tried cutting it open! The first slice went straight though, as expected for that material vs energy shielding. The second slice bounced, and the third one exploded and took Won's arm off like we'd somehow gravely offended the damn door by using material that works extremely well against energy blasts. Steel will just bounce off."
"It would let us skip going back to that infuriating island for a day or two."
Decided i was doing the minions too obtusely so yes, its voting for 'what type of minions are we going for here'.I meant minions. What kind of minions are we allowed at this stage? Or is the point of the action to determine that through experimentation?