Boredom can be a cause of depression(source).

Without the ability to work, people would become incredibly bored, incredibly quickly. Most people from ages 23-65 spend 8 hours a day working, and suddenly removing that would be a massive disruption in their lives, which is a major cause of stress which is, again, linked to discontent as well as a whole host of other issues(source)

Plus, boredom is linked to a whole bunch of societal issues and higher crime rates(source)

Essentially, you're completely upending the entire world's life. Everything that they were doing, everything that they've done? Completely worthless. All that education that they spent the first 22 years of their life on? Useless. All that money they were saving up, all that effort that they put into those few thousand dollars for their kid's college fund? Completely useless.

People would be upset by the massive changes, bored(because, you know, the entire economy collapsed overnight and so did the vast majority of their time usage), and terrified by the massive changes coming from some random Tinker in some shithole of a city. Historically, those three things together are excellent causes for revolution. Plus, once this is all over and society settles... what then? People have nothing to do, and that's not going to change. They can't stop stressing about normal things(for Bet, anyways) like villains or Endbringers, but they have nothing to take their mind off of it, no goals to accomplish.

As a result, they're stuck in this angry, depressed, and generally unhappy world-wide mob, and those are never good things.
You want an answer to that question?

Serious answer: In the context of Worm, given scoietal collapse was previously guaranteed with fifty years, estimated around 30 and knowledge Scion goes off in two years... The replicator is needed to prevent any of those things. Even without Taylor creation the economy collapses due to society itself coming apart at the seems. It's hard to do business when Mad Max raiders keep stealing your good and there no law enforcement to stop them. Even if Taylor slays pokeballs Tessract Labyrinth's the Endbringers and single handedly slays Scion the proliferation of parahumans will still do society in, even if there no fall out from Cryoptek vs Scion (which should be as bad as canon Worms really). The replicator will help prop society up and maybe even prevent that collapse by an economy transition and unlimited scarce resources.

Semi Serious Answer: Taylor's tech will allow the expansion of humans into space and through exploration, labor jobs, innovation, arts, etc. still allow for an economy by providing unlimited growth potential. There is nothing scarce anymore, not even raw material due to unlimited expansion (space is infinte).

Crack Answer: We won't need an economy for too much longer because Taylor will convert the human race into Necrons 2.0 before that even becomes a concern.
Serious answer: In the context of Worm, given scoietal collapse was previously guaranteed with fifty years, estimated around 30 and knowledge Scion goes off in two years... The replicator is needed to prevent any of those things. Even without Taylor creation the economy collapses due to society itself coming apart at the seems. It's hard to do business when Mad Max raiders keep stealing your good and there no law enforcement to stop them. Even if Taylor slays pokeballs Tessract Labyrinth's the Endbringers and single handedly slays Scion the proliferation of parahumans will still do society in, even if there no fall out from Cryoptek vs Scion (which should be as bad as canon Worms really). The replicator will help prop society up and maybe even prevent that collapse by an economy transition and unlimited scarce resources.

Semi Serious Answer: Taylor's tech will allow the expansion of humans into space and through exploration, labor jobs, innovation, arts, etc. still allow for an economy by providing unlimited growth potential. There is nothing scarce anymore, not even raw material due to unlimited expansion (space is infinte).

Crack Answer: We won't need an economy for too much longer because Taylor will convert the human race into Necrons 2.0 before that even becomes a concern.
The author told us to knock it off. Make a thread or PM me if you want to continue.
Indeed. For now, I'm going to ask that the Post-Scarcity issue is set aside. Reading through what's been said since I've gone to sleep and just now woke up, there is alot for me to think and ponder on. Before it gets heated, I'm therefore going to ask that the topic is shifted elsewhere.
Green IS a beautiful color.

Half the reason I loved my original Xbox. 1000% greener than any other system on the market. The other reason is I have huge hands, and the original Duke style controllers were very comfortable for my hands.

Anyway, I can almost see the fan fair for the first tombship leaving before it goes FTL. Lots of ticker tape and balloons, and just as they crack open the champagne, all the capes on board drop dead because they passed out of range of their shards.
Offhand, at the advice of my first beta, I'm looking to expand to another. I need someone good with punctuation, and willing to hang around in the doc and chat and storyboard. Finally, someone who can do fight scenes. I'll admit that I stink at fight scenes. So someone who can help me through them or tag in to handle them would be greatly appreciated.
Offhand, at the advice of my first beta, I'm looking to expand to another. I need someone good with punctuation, and willing to hang around in the doc and chat and storyboard. Finally, someone who can do fight scenes. I'll admit that I stink at fight scenes. So someone who can help me through them or tag in to handle them would be greatly appreciated.
I would volunteer but I'm not skilled enough in the areas you need and I don't want to risk ruining your story with bad writing.
I would like to volunteer, if you would have me.
Need help with certain punctuation like: commas, semicolons, and colons? I'm your man; that said, I'll be the greatest at fight scenes, but I'm willing to give it a shot.

Although I do live in New York, so I dunno how big of a time gap there is between us, if that will be a problem.
I would like to volunteer, if you would have me.
Need help with certain punctuation like: commas, semicolons, and colons? I'm your man; that said, I'll be the greatest at fight scenes, but I'm willing to give it a shot.

Although I do live in New York, so I dunno how big of a time gap there is between us, if that will be a problem.

Just punctuation in general, and I imagine you are better then me at fight scenes.

As for time, it's alright. It's about ten thirty there, right? It's about seven thirty here. 3 hours isn't much. Drop me a PM with your email, and I'll send you a link.
On the other hand, Armsmaster, at a 21st century tech level, could replicate Clockblocker's timestop.
I'm eager to see what he'll do with Necron tech and a Shard's help.
If Taylor chose too she could have several time-based wargear....

A Timesplinter Cloak is a Necron defensive technology utilised by only the most accomplished Cryptek Chronomancers. A Timesplinter Cloak is encased in shards of crystallised time, with each splinter proof against any blow not landed in the split-second formed in another moment. This forms an unassailable temporal shield against any attack that does not originate from the time stream corresponding to the precise moment of impact. A Timesplinter Cloak offers a level of protection similar to that of a Phase Shifter.

A Chronometron is an arcane eye-shaped device that manipulates time in a way that only the Necrons and their technological mastery over space-time can achieve. The bearer of a Chronometron can activate the device to allow him and his unit to exist slightly outside and act out of phase with the natural flow of the space-time continuum. This means that they are able to advance normally whilst their opponents move in apparent slow motion, as well as slowing incoming projectiles such that those nearby can simply move out of the path. A Chronometron also allows the bearer to make minor, but sometimes potent, alterations to his destiny; by allowing him to glimpse possible futures and modify his recent actions accordingly. Any Necron seen utilising a Chronometron appears blurred, its movements sudden and spasmodic like a primitive pict-reel or degraded hololith to the subjective observer. Due to the Chronometron's confounding nature, they are only ever found being used by Necron Cryptek Chronomancers, although Necron Lords have been known to wield these mysterious devices as well.

Or a Staff that pretty much functions like Clockblocker. :p
An Aeonstave is a Necron weapon used only by Cryptek Chronomancers. Indeed, it can be considered their signature weapon and symbol of office. Taking on the appearance of a simple stave with an ornate head, the sapphire crystalline headpiece of an Aeonstave contains a massive chronal charge that, when unleashed, can trap a foe in a bubble of slow-time for an extended period of time, severely degrading the enemy's physical capabilities and power to defend himself. This is because each blow from an Aeonstave generates a low-level stasis field that encapsulates the foe and moves him outside the flow of the normal space-time continuum.
Offhand, at the advice of my first beta, I'm looking to expand to another.
I can help out if you like. I'm decent at punctuation and grammar. Also okay at fight scenes so long as I know what actions you want in sequence. Though I'd need to go brush up on my Necron law, haven't read the codex in 3-4 years.
I can help out if you like. I'm decent at punctuation and grammar. Also okay at fight scenes so long as I know what actions you want in sequence. Though I'd need to go brush up on my Necron law, haven't read the codex in 3-4 years.

Hmm. Fluffy did accept, but I suppose I could use a third. :D

Drop a PM with your email, and I'll link you in. I could use another opinion on this scene anyway. Einargs says it's ok, but I'm wondering.
Is it wrong that this story has awakened in me Necrom fever?

I want to go play DoW: Soulstorm again.

This story has Reawakened me to Necrons!
Is it wrong that this story has awakened in me Necrom fever?

I want to go play DoW: Soulstorm again.

This story has Reawakened me to Necrons!

Necrons rock.

A stray thought that might become an omake later on.

"Taycron, Taydar, and Tayork walk into a universe."

"And? What's the punchline?"

"Punchline? It wasn't a joke, it was a tragedy. That poor universe never deserved that."