Creation's Re:Creation (Riot God Quest)

Voting is open
Wanna trade? Minions means future people I can drive mad. And madness means... well... fun times for your minions.
Hmm. . . On one hand I don't think Ante would particularly care about the wellbeing of his Minions, but on the other hand he might be concerned about them being too crazy to work.

Also does anyone have any suggestions for a race name? Because just calling them minions is getting a bit old to me already.
I don't really understand this divinity thing. So I am not gonna touch it for now.


[X] Staff of All Things

Staff of All Things is an artifact that resembles a metal staff made of pinkish metal in its basic form. It has the ability to change its mass, shape, and size within certain limits, primarily to accommodate the scale of whoever is using it. It is nigh indestructible and mend itself over time, if not completely broken. However, the Staff of All Things will always maintain the appearance of being made of the same metal and will always retain a stick-like shape, such as a staff, wand, or rod, or whatever else similar no matter how hard you try to shape it. One cannot make it into a ring to put on their finger, for instance.

To become the owner of this artifact, one simply needs to be in physical contact with it for a minute. The ownership of the staff can change if someone else touches it for a minute, while current owner doesn't. As the owner of the staff, you instinctively know its functions and can use them at will. You can also repel, propel, or stick this artifact to your grip within a certain radius and within certain, not really high, limits. It is impossible to shoot it at the speed of a sniper rifle's bullet, let's say.

However, these functions are not the main feature of the staff. Instead, it has an empty "slot" by default. The owner of the staff can place a piece of material or an object into this slot. Once this is done, the Staff of All Things will develop an orb or another simple shape attached to it, representing whatever was placed in the slot, including its texture or some symbolic representation on the developed shape. Depending on the item placed in the empty slot, the Staff of All Things will produce various effects for the owner to exploit. For instance, if you place a piece of basalt in the empty slot, the artifact will grant its owner the ability to create, break, erase, move, and shape basalt and all substances similar to this type of rock while in contact with the staff and within certain radius. The slot can be emptied and refilled at any time the owner desires, but it takes a few seconds at most. They just need to touch the staff, so they can retrieve the object - the slot will become empty again, ready to receive another item. Only one things can occupy slot at a time.

Although there are some caveats, such as the abilities granted by the staff not always being straightforward. For example, putting a material into an empty slot does not guarantee that you will receive the same type of manipulation as with the basalt option. You could insert lead into the slot and gain the ability to temporarily increase the weight of any object struck by the staff or hit by the produced wave/beam. The Staff of All Things offers a unique ability for each physical object in existence, some of which may be more esoteric than others.

Also, merely possessing ownership of the staff and get instinctive understanding of how to use it does not equate to mastery over the effects created by the staff or to having knowledge about ability limits and potential dangers. One must explore and learn to wield each power skillfully, applying their existing skills, experiences and knowledge to the staff's abilities. For instance, if the owner of the staff is a master mason, they would be able to learn how to create more complex shapes from basalt more quickly, leveraging their existing skills and mindset for working with stone.

Therefore, if you insert something extremely powerful into the staff's empty slot, it does not guarantee that learning how to use the ability derived from that item will be easy. It can be extremly hard or complicated. Sometimes so much, it probably doesn't worth it. (Was inspired by this Staff, and I decided, why not?)

Give Staff of All Things as a gift to the first mortal creature I encounter, announcing myself as Annatar - The Bringer of Gifts. It shall be any sapient creature lesser than divine. Leave right after.​

[X] Divinity Takes A Name: The Bringer of Gifts, Annatar


[X] Necromancy
By @Worm_that_Walks

[X] Lifestar
By @Bloms

[X] Create The Forge of Everflame
By @ShieldCrown

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[X] Create an update for "Chaos"
You can actually support up to three votes of other people. I am just saying, because your vote seems kinda empty.

Edit: Not sure about divinity thing. Like, should I take a name? 🤔
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Hey PlanetaryTennis, how long do you plan to keep the vote open?
Also not sure if it matters but Chapter Zero is marked in informational instead of threadmarks.
You can actually support up to three votes of other people. I am just saying, because your vote seems kinda empty.

Edit: Not sure about divinity thing. Like, should I take a name? 🤔

Taking a name is more or less fluff and an action to get access to faith, you don't need to do it but it leaves you in the world as more of an unknowable nameless god beyond the minds and kine of mortals.

Hey PlanetaryTennis, how long do you plan to keep the vote open?
Also not sure if it matters but Chapter Zero is marked in informational instead of threadmarks.

I was going to leave it open about a week but the actual timeline does depend on the way the votes/players are doing.

Thanks for the catch
Authored Act
[X] Create The Forge of Everflame

A grand smithing forge whose flame is connected to the world itself, only dying out when the world ends, and imbue with supernatural powers that allow even a mere mortal to fashion magical arms, armor, and jewelry if they have the appropriate skill in shaping metal and a good imagination. It will always be fully stocked with the tools and basic mundane materials for the potential smith.
[X] Divinity Takes A Name: The Forge Lord, Demiourgos

[X] Staff of All Things
[X] Wild Magic
[x] Create Grass, small motionless creations that take energy from the sun and multiply
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Oh, I have project of the Staff in mind just right for this opportunity. Can I use your forge? :V

It kind of needs to pass if you want to use it. But sure?
It was my funny way of asking for landing a vote for the Staff. :D

Edit: I am not actually sure, how many votes I need for this one to pass. Although, I've got an idea of writing small story about how my divine get his name.
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You might wanna tone the description down a bit because I'm pretty sure you'd need 15 votes for it as a divine ranked action (regarding the "connected to the world itself" bit) since at the moment I think we're limited to the local area the 'sap' is focusing on. Could be wrong tho.
Every four turns the saps shifts above the world exposing only a small area to your influence, this means the game plays out similar to the Island Riot Quest were you build up a region before moving on. One you move on the region is unable to be affected unless the sap returns there.

Although while I have you, think you could vote for 'Give Ante Some Minions' to help them get to major rank incase they need to be magical to function? There won't really be any life on the planet if they don't get in (well besides some mushrooms I think?).
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[X] Wild Magic

The primitive cultures that shall rise across this world deserve magic just as primitive, as primal. Wild Magic is, by its nature, almost untamable, with only those that embody it or have mythic control over nature being able to force it into a more orderly form. For others, while it is very versatile, there's always a chance that it lash out at it would be user. Summoned vines to assault enemies may quickly wrap around their would-be master in an attempt to squash the life out of them. Mesmerized animals may quickly focus their rage on not only the foes in front of them, but the ones trying to boss them around. Truly, a pathway to great power, yet the road forward can only be traversed by those willing to risk their lives, and embrace the dangers of Wild Magic...
-[X] Authored act.

[X] Create The Forge of Everflame
[X] Staff of All Things
[X] Shrimp of the Woods
Every four turns the saps shifts above the world exposing only a small area to your influence, this means the game plays out similar to the Island Riot Quest were you build up a region before moving on. One you move on the region is unable to be affected unless the sap returns there.

Now that it's been mentioned, would the wider reaching ones(Souls, etc.) only apply to this region? Or would they be applied on a greater scale and subsequently worth more?
[x] Create Grass, small motionless creations that take energy from the sun and multiply

[x] Authored Act

[x] Divinity Takes Name: Livinni The Green

[X] Wild Magic
[X] Shrimp of the Woods
[X] Create The Forge of Everflame
Voting is open