Cowards never Conquer (ASOIAF/???)

[X] Lord Mychel Belmore - Lord of Strongsong he is one of the most powerful lords in your lands and the most wealthy for sure besides your own house. He is a wizened man of 60 years whose gift with coin has seen him to the position of Lord of the Exchequer.

A powerful ally to have on our side, and we already have Yohn Royce's loyalty and the mind of a warrior.

Also, Littlefinger. We need to be able to stop him from fucking our shit up.
Good point. I completely forgot about metagaming.
There have been butterflies already to the game. Some of them should be a strong clue to the Littlefinger cause
There have been butterflies already to the game. Some of them should be a strong clue to the Littlefinger cause

I would assume you are talking about the position of Lord of the Exchequer, yes?

Even still, Littlefinger should still be around somewhere, and he had Lysa's ear in canon. That might be even more so the case now that Jon died in Robert's Rebellion.

As long as he's alive, Lord Baelish's ambition cannot be checked.
I'd hoped to not have to give you meta knowledge but it aopears I will have to. Stand by while I finish writing out my expose on Lysa Tully and the Vale
That would be a pretty big butterfly, since that period of time in that location set the tone for many of the relationships and events to come.

And I'm not just talking about Petyr and Lysa, by the way.
*shrugs* Notice how the "different" option didn't mention anything specific about the changes. Sure, some butterflies, but when and how big? We have no idea.
*shrugs* Notice how the "different" option didn't mention anything specific about the changes. Sure, some butterflies, but when and how big? We have no idea.
There are three butterfly points from the canon you know, the effects of them aren't meant to be revealed by meta, you're meant to play and learn as one. It was my hope to make it fresh and unique by doing so.
[X] Lady Anya Waynwood - Lady of Ironoaks she too is a member of your regency council and a fast friend of your mothers. At her court are many lordlings and ladies-to-be of the Vale from various houses
Hmm. Looking things over I realised I actually made a mistake with my progression as per my quest plan... I think I'll have to restart! :O Well not that big a deal I suppose, I'm not the greatest QM and practice makes perfect.
[X] Lady Anya Waynwood - Lady of Ironoaks she too is a member of your regency council and a fast friend of your mothers. At her court are many lordlings and ladies-to-be of the Vale from various houses