Cowards never Conquer (ASOIAF/???)

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The Mother Dearest with the disciples of the Warrior

The Beginning of the Start
Wherever the Beautiful Game takes me

The Mother Dearest with the disciples of the Warrior



You are:

[] Geoffrey de Charny

[] William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke

You have returned as:

[] Tommen Baratheon

[] Viserys Targaryen

[] Rickon Stark

[] Robin 'Sweetrobin' Arryn

The World is:

[] different. (A parallel universe, the butterfly's have only flapped their wings once or twice... maybe thrice).

[] exceptionally strange. (What you know cannot be trusted).

Yes I gave you no option for a canon world, sue me. In all honesty it's better this way, there are plans for both and a standard canon universe would have forged this into a bog standard ASOIAF quest. I have planned my butterflies and they flap so prettily...

Also as to plans, use the system of Plan [name of whomever it is your copying] or Plan [Original plan - with your name] Just to make things a bit easier.

Game Mechanics:

So this Quest is more of a narrative (wishy washy, swirly urly) based game than a numbers (gravity exists in the story 24/7) game. I can't profess to love something I don't and numbers can get kind of frustrating, especially as I'm terrrible at keeping track of them. So when it comes to leveling up, well we're using a Danmachi style leveling up. Kill something bigger and badder than you and get rewarded, otherwise all the little guys just add to your speed and muscle memory.

Of course saying that there will be times I do a discreet roll or three at points and I'll have some secret mechanics to make your world alive.

So, instead of rolls and luck I'll be going off a 'get real' system.
Aka. Trying to convince your mum that the dragon sized hole in the wall isn't your fault? Put in a good write-in. Maybe you're about to take on Khal Drogo, all 4 ft and 9 inches of your pre-pubescent self. Get real, or plan something crazy. Trying to get Lysa Arryn in your bed? Get real!
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The skin you wear
You are:
William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke

Robin 'Sweetrobin' Arryn

You have gained a Warrior's heart - You are more inclined to be friendly to those of similar mind

You have gained Manifest Destiny - You are inclined to be slightly arrogant to those not of your station

You have gained a Desire to emulate the past deeds - You want to be a knight. You are inclined to be very polite and friendly to such men.
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The world you dwell in
The World you dwell in:
A different place (butterflies).

People of Import:

Lady Lysa Arryn/Tully: She is your mother.

Yohn Royce: He is part of your regency.
  • You are [Friendly] with Lord Yohn Royce - He sees you as a godson/to be lord

Freya Stone: She is your nursemaid.
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[X] Geoffrey de Charny

[X] Viserys Targaryen

[X] different. (A parallel universe, the butterfly's have only flapped their wings once or twice... maybe thrice).
[X] William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke
Because who doesn't want to be the cooler real life version of Barristan?

[X] Viserys Targaryen

[X] different. (A parallel universe, the butterfly's have only flapped their wings once or twice... maybe thrice).
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[X] William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke

[X] Viserys Targaryen

[X] different. (A parallel universe, the butterfly's have only flapped their wings once or twice... maybe thrice).
[X] William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke
[X] Robin 'Sweetrobin' Arryn
Because Arryns "As High As Honor" and "best knight that ever lived".
[X] different. (A parallel universe, the butterfly's have only flapped their wings once or twice... maybe thrice).
[X] William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke

[X] Viserys Targaryen

[X] different.

Nice picture. In hoc signo vinces; in this sign you will conquer.
[X] William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke
Hell yeah
[X] Robin 'Sweetrobin' Arryn
[X] different. (A parallel universe, the butterfly's have only flapped their wings once or twice... maybe thrice).
Great to see you all voting for who you want to be :D Surprised at how it's swung from Geoffrey to William... It must be in the name ;)
Also, your all mad for Viserys! Except Actan, kudos for bucking the trend.

Anyway hopefully a clear majority appears soon enough :D

damn. ninja'd by Davohsith. Seems Actan isn't so alone :D
[X] William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke

[X] Viserys Targaryen

[X] different. (A parallel universe, the butterfly's have only flapped their wings once or twice... maybe thrice
[X] William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke
[X] Robin 'Sweetrobin' Arryn
[X] different. (A parallel universe, the butterfly's have only flapped their wings once or twice... maybe thrice).
[X] William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke
[X] Robin 'Sweetrobin' Arryn
[X] different. (A parallel universe, the butterfly's have only flapped their wings once or twice... maybe thrice).
[X] William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke

[X] Viserys Targaryen

[X] different. (A parallel universe, the butterfly's have only flapped their wings once or twice... maybe thrice
Well a majority is still yet too emerge I'd hoped I could move on by now. If anyone whose vote doesn't seem to be winning decides to switch to a larger bloc I'm all for that. @veekie @Nox

Currently William Marshal, Viserys Targaryen and Different is leading by one vote to the Robin Arryn bloc.
[X] Geoffrey de Charny

[X] Robin 'Sweetrobin' Arryn

[X] exceptionally strange. (What you know cannot be trusted).

Would have preferred Rickon Start as I don't think that's been done here on SV.
I can ask why you vote for Viserys, by the time of Robert's rebellion to him only 7 years and Aerys is already mad and in Essoss there will be no place for chivarly. Already is Viserys quest, Stark quest and Tommen quest. Why this time not to try new.
Ach. It's still fairly close so we'll give it an hour then no more waiting and the next turn is on its way.
[X] William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke
[X] Robin 'Sweetrobin' Arryn
[X] different. (A parallel universe, the butterfly's have only flapped their wings once or twice... maybe thrice).
[X] William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke
[X] Robin 'Sweetrobin' Arryn
[X] different. (A parallel universe, the butterfly's have only flapped their wings once or twice... maybe thrice).

- too many targaryen/stark quests... my votes are usually against them. besides isn't Viserys Targaryen the character in the quest a Sword without a hilt where he is a warlock?

-also there is the most excellent Tommen Baratheon quest where he is one of the Bhaalspawns from Forgotten Realms

- plus this: With Fire and Blood (Viserys Targaryen ASOIAF Quest)
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[X] William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke
[X] Robin 'Sweetrobin' Arryn
[X] different. (A parallel universe, the butterfly's have only flapped their wings once or twice... maybe thrice).