Counting Sheep - A Pokemon Trainer quest

Like, is all that turtling up going to let Marigold learn Cotton Guard unwittingly? It would be hilarious if she simply explodes with floof one day because she just got too fed up with being whaled on.

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Now for ideas. Probably just setting down Electric Terrain and spam Thundershocks? Turtle up with Charge and try to proc a Static when the Pawniard attacks?

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The Pawniard is described as sketchy, and its a dark type too. We might not get a straight up brawler but a sneaky fighter instead.
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Hmmmm, a pawnaird with her training it will be *super* melee focused, luckily our electric type attacks will be able to do some damage, and they aren't the most tanky of pokemon. Since marri"s 'shocks are still not super accurate, perhaps we should tell her to take a hit head on so that she can clap back with a good thundershock?
More importantly, yesterday she showed you yesterday that she could switch between the turtling and her normal fighting style
one of these should be removed
three times quarter-finalist to the Driftveil Pokemon World Tournament, and one of the all-round most Trainers of the region.
most What Trainer?
most Well-known Trainers perhaps?
"Seeing as you've got passive, I don't need to give you the basics. She's obviously young, but that Mareep battled before ?"
passive what?

Pawniard seems like it would still fit with our current mode of battling. Hit a cheap shot, tank or dodge depening on opponent move, and use magnetic sense to counter. As long as we have Marigold avoid using Tackle, we should be golden.

Also I don't remember which character pic I chose when they were first shown, but I'm favoring 2 and 4.

On a more long term focus, I've switched my views on how worthwhile her current training of Turtle-Dodge switch is when she loses her fluff. Her in-game stats tend to have fairly good hp and defs, so her turtling can easily be switched to tanking or mitigating incoming damage rather than the wool turtling she is doing now.
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So, Pawniard is a physical-focused dark type, trained for a few months by a melee-focused trainer who is so much better than us it's not funny. While "staying at a distance" would be the obvious play, it's also obviously not going to work. So, the question is - what can we do when Ronnie is closing on Marigold that is a good use of her abilities, and what can Marigold do in melee range that's not just "Hope for Static to proc"?

-Marigold's aim isn't the best, especially on moving targets - but her capacity is great. Hold the first thundershock as long as possible on close?

-Actively dodging by jumping around is the best we've got - given Pawniard's sharp claws, it may be able to shear the wool right off a Mareep. Relying on taking multiple hits to the wool is a bad idea.

- Electric Terrain helps Marigold build and mantain wool charge. Is putting it up and charging the best way to build charge before Pawniard gets in range?
one of these should be removed

most What Trainer?
most Well-known Trainers perhaps?

passive what?

Yeah, this is what I get for writing with my brain still on the fritz. And sorry I didn't catch that, to have passive or a passive is mangled expat slang I've still not integrated years later isn't an actual word people use. It means to have a background in something. Changed it to something more suitable.
It's nice to see the Quest back in full force. This time we can't even blame the dice about only female trainers mattering. :V

More seriously, good stuff. Rosalie seems like a fun one, if maybe a bit overbearing if I had to interact with her in person. Still, Joan is the one that has to deal with that, so we're all good.

As far as a battle strategy goes, yeah, with tackle basically useless and the pawniard being melee focused, keeping range sounds like our best bet. Maybe make full use of the power of cute and get a growl in there to make the times Ronnie manages to close in less damaging.
Your other interruption, while you're washing up the cooking pot is a group of young Hoppip brought along by a strong draft. The playful little cotton weeds must have been caught by surprise and been carried away before they could link up. In a fit of fancy, you help them bunch up so they can stop drifting away, and in return they nuzzle you for a bit until the Skiploom that was presumably watching over them catches up.
The poor first Pidgey never really gets a chance to test her defensive training, as their failure to notice her sneaking up on them means she has all the time in the world to adjust that first Thundershock and completely nail it down. Its compatriot, however, is quick on the draw and immediately dives for her with an offended squawk, but she had the time to see it coming and rolls out of the way, taking the opportunity to set up her Terrain now that there's no more need for stealth.
Que the Metal Gear music. Our sheep really is being trained by a Snake.
Due to your constant avian bullying in her formative stage, she has also acquired a critical disdain for birds, especially the Wingull line. She'll never want to go through the humiliation of letting herself be beaten by one, but she will tend to drastically underestimate them until shown sufficient counter-examples.
Okay, this is pretty hilarious to me. It should also make for a rather interesting reunion with Rocco.

Also, you know, carry on out teachers unconcioud rivalry with all things avian.
So, Pawniard is a physical-focused dark type, trained for a few months by a melee-focused trainer who is so much better than us it's not funny. While "staying at a distance" would be the obvious play, it's also obviously not going to work. So, the question is - what can we do when Ronnie is closing on Marigold that is a good use of her abilities, and what can Marigold do in melee range that's not just "Hope for Static to proc"?

-Marigold's aim isn't the best, especially on moving targets - but her capacity is great. Hold the first thundershock as long as possible on close?

-Actively dodging by jumping around is the best we've got - given Pawniard's sharp claws, it may be able to shear the wool right off a Mareep. Relying on taking multiple hits to the wool is a bad idea.

- Electric Terrain helps Marigold build and mantain wool charge. Is putting it up and charging the best way to build charge before Pawniard gets in range?
Marigold's dodging abilities were described to be pretty bad in the most recent chapter. I would genuinely not think that she could possibly dodge or avoid a Pawniard that has been training his close combat abilities for far longer than she's been alive. Mareeps are pretty slow too while Pawniards are much faster, at least stat-wise. So while its not exactly accurate in this narrative story, I believe its a safe indicator of whose going to have the initiative.

Dodging in general worsens her accuracy too, which was mentioned in this chapter. Marigold is just too green to have any tricky plays or manoeuvres she can pull off. I honestly feel the best she can do is sit tight and blast away. Any attacks that comes, tank it but make sure Pawniard gets zapped for it. She might avoid a few poorly aimed attacks, but on the whole, her strategy should focus on outputting more damage then actually dodging.

It would have been nice if she at least had T-Wave which would seriously screw up a physical attacker, but oh well.

one of these should be removed

most What Trainer?
most Well-known Trainers perhaps?

passive what?

Pawniard seems like it would still fit with our current mode of battling. Hit a cheap shot, tank or dodge depening on opponent move, and use magnetic sense to counter. As long as we have Marigold avoid using Tackle, we should be golden.

Also I don't remember which character pic I chose when they were first shown, but I'm favoring 2 and 4.

On a more long term focus, I've switched my views on how worthwhile her current training of Turtle-Dodge switch is when she loses her fluff. Her in-game stats tend to have fairly good hp and defs, so her turtling can easily be switched to tanking or mitigating incoming damage rather than the wool turtling she is doing now.
Her fluff doesn't need to be gone permanently though. Cotton Guard is a move, so I expect that fluff-based strategies can still be used even as a Flaaffy or Ampharos, so long as she learns that move.
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Okay, for this plan I'm thinking that we rely more one the Pidgey training. Also, as a Steel type, he may stand out to Marigold's magnetic senses more; which we can use to our advantage.
On a personal preference, I'd say we should go for a more defensive strategy until we get a paralyze off, and then kite the Pawniard and go on the attack after. I don't see us winning this confrontation without Static going off, probably.
I'm pretty much sold on nerdy soft boi, just because it looks the most like someone who's actively trying to get away from that look. Plus, the lab coat adjacent button down vibes with our college education.

As for battling, the image of a Pawniard hacking at our girl's wool like a weed whacker leads me to believe a defensive strategy might not be the best.
"Hmm. Well, I won't kick in all gears blazing until I'm sure she's keeping up then. Here's how we're going to this."

She brings out a pokeball, which to your surprise doesn't release one of her iconic team members but instead a young, shifty-looking Pawniard (and no you're not profiling because it's a Dark-type, this little guy looks sketchy as hell).

"Seeing as I have free time and I was due for a bit of variety, I've decided to put Ronnie here on trial for the seventh spot on my team. I've had him for two months now, so even though unless I'm mistaken he's got a bit of a headstart on your Mareep they should still be in the same rough wheelhouse if you haven't been slacking. We'll do a standard one on one, Mel will call out the winner — let's not go to knock-out, there's no real point. This is so I can get a feel for your style and habits. That work ?"

This isn't, specifically, about winning. It's about our approach to battling, and how we direct Marigold to deal with a physical attacker - something she'll face plenty. We should battle like we want to win, but whatever plan we come up with will be beaten I don't doubt - the question is whether it's beaten by Marigolds lack of skill or Ronnie's abundance of it, and how well we utilize Marigolds limited skillset.
I like Joan number 4, because it IS both really funny, and really in-character. Also, the "stylish type trainer" was an option we got due to getting an electric-type, so that tracks.
[X] Plan Show off Marigold
-[X] Do our normal set up - Electric terrain, Charge, etc. Try and keep moving while doing so
-[X] Expect Ronnie to close in the distance fast - focus on few Thundershocks when the Pawniard is closer with more power and accuracy
-[X] Try and keep Marigold in her mobile dodging style rather than turtling up - claws + wool is a bad combination. Exploit Static if it happens, but don't try and force it. Expect Pawniard to keep close and the pressure up.
-[X] Possibly try and Thundershock the Pawniard at the moment it uses Steel Claw, for a moment of disruption? Or Electric Terrain?

[X][Joan pic vote] number 6
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[X][Battle Plan]Plan Dancing to Marigold rythm
-[X]Marigold will altern between dodging and tanking as needed. The important part here isn't to 100% negate damage, but to dictate the battle momentum.
-[X]The default attack will be Thundershock. Use a fast Tackle to create distance if the oportunity is there. Take down should be used only as a finisher move, demanding too much commitment in momentum.
-[X]If Marigold is incapable of dodging, use Electric Terrain. She at least know how to move under it better than her oponent. The move will also strenghten the aim and power of Tundershock. Elctrick Terrain activation or deactivation could be used to disrupt Pawniard movement at a critical moment.

[X][Joan pic vote] number 1
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-[X]The default attack will be Thundershock. Use a fast Tackle to create distance if the oportunity is there. Take down should be used only as a finisher move, demandant to much commitment in momentum.
marigold hasn't used Take Down yet. Also, Tackle and Takedown are bad moves to use against a Steel type. Marigold is likely to only hurt herself if she tries to hit Pawniard like that.
marigold hasn't used Take Down yet. Also, Tackle and Takedown are bad moves to use against a Steel type. Marigold is likely to only hurt herself if she tries to hit Pawniard like that.

Tackle is used to keep control of the battle by pushing Pawniard away, not damage him.
Take Down is a move strong enought to damage Pawniard even with his resistance to normal type. Plus at a level this low I imagine Marigold weight and static electricity will deal additional damage. Pokemon typing isn't the only variable of a battle.

We haven't trained Marigold in Take Down but she still used it during the wild battles.
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[X] Plan Show off Marigold
-[X] Do our normal set up - Electric terrain, Charge, etc. Try and keep moving while doing so
-[X] Expect Ronnie to close in the distance fast - focus on few Thundershocks when the Pawniard is closer with more power and accuracy
-[X] Try and keep Marigold in her mobile dodging style rather than turtling up - claws + wool is a bad combination. Exploit Static if it happens, but don't try and force it. Expect Pawniard to keep close and the pressure up.
-[X] Possibly try and Thundershock the Pawniard at the moment it uses Steel Claw, for a moment of disruption? Or Electric Terrain?
[X] Plan Show off Marigold
-[X] Do our normal set up - Electric terrain, Charge, etc. Try and keep moving while doing so
-[X] Expect Ronnie to close in the distance fast - focus on few Thundershocks when the Pawniard is closer with more power and accuracy
-[X] Try and keep Marigold in her mobile dodging style rather than turtling up - claws + wool is a bad combination. Exploit Static if it happens, but don't try and force it. Expect Pawniard to keep close and the pressure up.
-[X] Possibly try and Thundershock the Pawniard at the moment it uses Steel Claw, for a moment of disruption? Or Electric Terrain?

This plan is too passive for me. The setting up isn't bad but after that Marigold just keep attacking and dodging, hoping that it's enought, giving the iniative to Ronnie. Her Pawniard has been trained for two month, letting him apply his training without trying to disrupt it will end up with us getting boddied. Fear of letting Marigold take hits directly should not keep us from applying our own strategy.
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[X] Plan Counter, No Normal
-[X] Do our normal set up first - Electric terrain, Charge, etc.
-[X] Have Marigold exclusively use Thundershock to deal damage the opponent
-[X] Use her magnetic sense to sense Pawniard's location if/when she turtles up to recognize counter opportunities, just like in her trainings.

[X][Joan pic vote] number 4
[X][Joan pic vote] number 2
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