Counting Sheep - A Pokemon Trainer quest

Do you want to consolidate to Business Admin? I know Finance is wholy different, but this is pokemon world, so things are likely more ground-up based. Also if we're gonna be dealing with trainers, they're gonna have the tendency to be even more removed from civilization than normal.
I definitely do not see Nursing as "something easy they can put as little effort in as possible". And don't you try to cheat a little by making our character knowledgable in something that's actually useful, you sly bastards? ;)

[x] Degree: Mythology

I still haven't given up on elemental bending team, so:

[X] Horsea
[X] Magikarp
[X] Onix
[X] Degree: Mythology
[X] Mareep
[X] Hoothoot
[X] Slowpoke
[X] Azurill

Hm, I can't help but think that starting with an aquatic pokemon like horsea, or chinchou might make for a bit of a cumbersome start, assuming we're operating under the logic that fish can't really battle/act on land. That being said, the two of them are pretty neat as far as aquatic pokemon go, so I don't really have anything to say against them either. I might end up throwing a vote at chinchou actually. It's just that out of the two electric types, I'd much rather start with a fluffy dear like mareep. It should be easy enough to fit them on the same team either way though, especially seeing how ampharos is specifically associated with lighthouses.

As for our mentor, I appreciate the roll call of her team. It was pretty interesting both in terms of the individual pokemons and the implications for being a trainer at large.
Why do you guys not like Slowpoke :(
Well, if it makes you feel better, I like slowpoke. Slowpokes are fun. Slowpokes are friends. Slowpokes are emergency rations. Well okay, that last point is mostly a jest. Although, their tales do grow back and they don't seem to mind losing them.

It probably helps that I can easily see a Slowking and a Noctowl on the same team.
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I definitely do not see Nursing as "something easy they can put as little effort in as possible". And don't you try to cheat a little by making our character knowledgable in something that's actually useful, you sly bastards? ;)
This. I've never met a nursing major (or honestly any kind of medicine major) that was never at the very least once under the threat of a severe burnout during their studies. Not exactly my picture of a low-effort degree.

Honestly this goes for that Meteorology degree too, I can't say I know whether it's considered hard but it is entirely too specific and betrays the kind of interest in the subject you don't really have. Not to mention Meteorology as a whole is kind of less respected in a world where a single angry pokemon can magic up a storm lasting several days out of thin air - weather reports are more of a hopeful prayer than anything.

I put the vote up for that degree because someone asked about it and I figured it'd be a fun bit of character background, but I meant it when I said you're not really going to get any real use out of it. You wanted to be a trainer, so you picked something vague and broad that wouldn't require active specialisation. Could you have found something synergistic ? Probably, but you were a sulking teenager being not-so-subtly guided by your parents into picking something not training-related which you'd already decided you didn't care about before even choosing.

From the current votes, I'm fine with Business Admin (I'll consolidate Finance into it), Art, that Mythology degree (IRL, I'd have called it too specialised, but the Pokemon world having actual living observable gods you sometimes need to deal with and not upset makes it a much more practical and well-funded course) and the Geography one.

You know did we ever get our teachers opinion on contest practitioners. Like we know her opinion on the wannabe trainers.
Pretty much what @TimEd said. It's in the name - Trainer. What you actually do with the pokemon you train doesn't really matter so long as it's not criminal or immoral, and so long as you keep on making them better.

In some ways, you can think of Melati as a Contest trainer. She's never actually done competitive contests, but she'd probably sweep everything but the Grand Festivals easily. She makes a living putting on shows where she can make sure people can appreciate how amazing and strong and pretty her snakes are, just like she does. And she's good enough at it that she can take off months for traveling and training without ever having to worry about her financial situation.

That said, this is Melati's view of training. More battle-oriented Trainers in particular can be quite dismissive of Contests, and beyond Contests themselves a lot of Trainers do have an issue with professionals on that circuit because a lot of them often care pretty poorly for their pokemon not out of malice, but some very stupid and human ideas about aesthetics, desirable qualities in an individual and (as Contests are often a pastime of the rich) what levels of comfort and decadence are actually harmful to a given pokemon.
Not to mention Meteorology as a whole is kind of less respected in a world where a single angry pokemon can magic up a storm lasting several days out of thin air - weather reports are more of a hopeful prayer than anything.
I mean, that's part of why I thought it'd be a reasonable pick. It's very much so Pokémon reliant in this world, so someone who didn't have a deep interest could get by focusing on those aspects of it rather than caring all too deeply about the specifics of meteorology, and it being an utterly unreliable thing presumably stops it from being an extremely high stress field. On the surface level, it's a real career separate from training!.. jokes on the parents, though, because it's really just an excuse to look at data on cool Pokémon causing storms.

That said, I'll update my vote to remove it.

[x] Chinchou
[x] Geography
Right, that seems about all we'll get, so I'm calling a final 12 hours countdown. I might still need to deal with something from work at that time tomorrow, so I might not be able close the vote personally, but consider any vote made 12 hours after this post invalid.
[X] Degree: Mythology

[X] Magikarp
[X] Azurill
[X] Mareep

Switching degrees. Kinda fits our sensei too.

Also Magikarp seems to be a no go it seems nobody wants to start out in hard mode (╯•﹏•╰)
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Adhoc vote count started by Mount. Elements on Apr 8, 2022 at 5:09 AM, finished with 32 posts and 23 votes.

And that's game ! You have a BA in Mythological Studies, and you are starting out with a Mareep ! Somehow, the juxtaposition of these two facts is really funny to me.

Didn't expect the fluffy little dear to win, when I started this, but that's what makes it fun ! I need to go back to work, but I'll put up a dex entry for it and get started on the update by tonight - Horsea was looking like it was going to win when I went to bed, so that's the one I wrote up before turning in for the night.
About your pokedex
Alright, the pokedex has been added to the Dramatis Personae, and now contains the pages for Mareep and Horsea (I mean it was already written anyway, might as well stick it in there).

Why might that matter ? Well, there are two reasons why I bother writing proper pokedex entries. The first is that they're fun and I enjoy them. But the second one is that beyond using them to flesh out the world and the pokemon in question, they're also where I stick a lot of information which you might consider relevant when training your pokemon, looking for good team members or thinking about your theme. You'll notice that a lot of tidbits in the description text are bolded - those are things that are commonly known enough about the pokemon in question which I figure might be worth noting, for one reason or another.

That's by no means an exhaustive list - they're summaries meant as quick guides for curious trainers, and if you get further ideas, by all means explore them. Maybe you'll even discover stuff people had never known about particular species - I already have some of those for quite a few species, and I'm open to being convinced. The Mareep entry in particular, for example, is missing a few interesting things about its evolutiionary line which came to mind just looking at its Bulbapedia page, but I figured would not be widely known or studied in-quest enough to be in the Pokedex, due to its low usage as a competitive battler.

There's three separate parts to a pokedex entry :
  • The pokemon itself's entry, which focuses on its peculiarities and history
  • An entry for its evolutionary line, or if they have none, a broader overview of the pokemon as a whole, which focuses more on common ways they are trained, public perception and their place in the training and battling community
  • A summary of 'key associations', which is a small cheat sheet of broad concepts and keywords one might associate to that particular evolutionary line - once again, they're here a small reminder and summary, but are by no means exhaustive and/or final
Basically, it's there to make your life easier when it comes to what you want to do when training your pokemon, by letting you know some of the avenues which might be interesting to explore, what they might work well with (for example, you are going to struggle with team cohesion if you try and add a Sneasel alongside your Mareep), things you can expect to happen on their own and things which you'll have to force... It's not there to put hard limits, but just to make sure that there's roughly always some kind of direction you know you can point your pokemon in.

Anyhow, that's it for now, I'll start work on the update tonight.
Huh looked at the Pokédex entry for Horsea. Interesting how you made them ambush predators and have some poison. Also dragon clan killing people who know the natural way to evolve Seadra to Kingdra and not make weaker Kingdra is interesting lore.
I can't quite decide where to take the theme with mareep.

Maybe a fluffy theme? We could also go for "farm" theme and tie our mythology degree with it through ancient practices or whatnot.
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@ReverendSwing Is evolving Mareep to Ampharos a straightforward, well-known procedure or there are some hardships or deep lore required as is the case, radically, with Kingdra?
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