@WastingPixies So I guess that's a no, to voting on whether or not to keep Hasriel.

Sorry, I've played undertale and love the game, and even love the character that was reincarnated. But I don't have a lot of interest in writing Asriel. So, sorry but Harry's new incarnation is staying in this universe. If Lunaryon does something like this she may keep the Hariel from before, but I don't know.
Wands! Also Merry Christmass!
After a short while walking through the alleyway, a surprisingly simple task given the number of people in the alley, you arrive in front of a small shop. The building wasn't all that tall, but there was a hint of warmth to the store. The letters on the shop were peeling off, thought you could still read the words "Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 BC" written on the door. There was a single wand that could be seen on the other side of the shops rather dusty window, sitting on a purple cushion that seems to have been sun bleached purple pillow. Walking through the front door with your professor, you could hear the tinkling of a bell somewhere in the store.

The inside was not very large, even smaller than the building made it look, and what little space there is is filled with all manner of clutter. One of the few spots of cleanliness is a small, spindly looking chair that a man sat in. Set in great racks were what had to be literally thousands of small boxes stacked from floor to ceiling in almost like walls. The air of the store was dusty, and yet... There was something. A feel of... a sort of charge in the air? No, that was far from the right word to describe it. It was like the room was stuffed with energy and power, something that seemed to set a fire in your chest, a thrumming force that was begging to be released to act at your command.

"Good day,"You hear from a man behind the counter. Standing there was what looked like an old man, with wide pale eyes and long scraggly gray hair. After setting you back on your feet, the man quickly dusts you off, before turning back to your professor. "Severus, it is good to see you again! Bringing by another strange case are you?" The old man chuckles, "I should warn you, I have a feeling that you are going to have an... odd seven years ahead of you. I've had more cause to go into the back room and pull from the... more interesting stock in the last twelve months than I have in the past six decades."

The potions professor looks a little... worried, may not be the best term, but perhaps concerned. "Oh?"

"Yes, and it all started with that little raven haired girl and her True Cross wand." Ollivander says with a cheeky grin, "But enough on my past and your future - who do we have here?" He turns to you, giving a quick glance over your appearance. "Right," The old man claps his hands, "Come join Ms. Greengrass here Ms..."

You looked to see the pale girl on the other side of the counter as you walk forward.


"Granger! Let us see. Now, which arm would you be your wand arm?"

"I'm trained with both arms."

"Interesting! Hold out your arms for me, would you?"

You stick both of your arms out as the man pulls a long measuring tape out from his pocket, before dropping it. It never touches the ground though, instead floating around and measuring parts of your body. It measures from your shoulder to finger, then wrist to elbow, shoulder to floor, knee to armpit and even around your head. All while it measures you, he speaks. You do see out of the corner of your eyes the Professor leaning on a wall next to the man in the chair.

"Every Ollivander wand has a core of a powerful magical substance, girls. We use unicorn hairs, phoenix tail feathers and the heartstrings of dragons, though given the last year I am thinking of expanding my core selection. No two Ollivander wands are the same, just as no two unicorns, dragons or phoenixes are quite the same. And of course, you will never get such good results with someones wand."

You watched as the old man moved about the shelves, taking down some of the boxes and moving them around. With a snap of his finger the measuring tape fell to the floor in a small heap, before the plank of wood it was on flipped over and placed it under the floor.

"Right then, Ms. Granger. Try this one. Beechwood and dragon heartstring. Nine inches. Nice and flexible. Just take it and give it a wave!"

Taking the wand, you gave it a wave around. It didn't take to long before the old man snatch it from your hand, before replacing it at once.

"Maple and phoenix feather. Seven inches. Quite whippy. Here Ms. Greengrass, Ivory and Phoenix feather, twenty-one and a quarter inches long. Strong and sturdy with only the slightest of give"

You started to try – but you could barely raise the wand when it, too, was snatched back by the old man. He seamed to spin around and take Greengrass' as well.

"No, no – here, ebony and unicorn hair, eight and a half inches, springy. Go on, go on, try it out."

The two of you tried, and tried some other wands as well. You really didn't have a clue what it was the old man was waiting for, but the pile of used wands had been growing higher and higher as you went along. Honestly you would be more annoyed with him if it wasn't for the fact that he seemed so happy! The girl to your left seamed to be vaguely amused and annoyed about it as well. You were also glade that with each time you grabbed a wand, some of the feeling inside of you had died down. It made you less twitchy, something that you didn't realize you were until you stopped being twitchy. You continued on for quite a while, before he started to go into the back of the shop, pulling out wands that some of the previous owners of the shop had made.

"I'm Daphne Greengrass, nice to meet you."

You as soon as the wand in your hand was snatched away and the shopkeeper walked in the back you shook the hand that she offered.

"Hermione Granger, pleasures mine."

You didn't get much of a chance to say anything else before handing her another wand.

"Apple tree with Dragon heartstring, than the whole thing was dipped in quicksilver, six inches. Try this one." That was a strange one - the entire thing began to glow the moment it touched the girls skin, and no matter what she tried, she couldn't seem to make it do anything else.

It just kept glowing and glowing.

"Not even in the top ten weirdest things to happen in this store, child. Pay it no mind."

"Hmmm... Perhaps..." The old man said, after giving her another long once over. "I think I may know just the wand for you my dear." He hurried back to the back of the store, and for a few long moments the room was quiet, before the old man returns, triumphantly holding two different boxes. They were no different from any of the others, and yet you could see the Daphne's eyes were fixated on one, while your eyes were on another.

"This is a one of a kind, and were it not for how things had already been going, I may have never thought to try this out. Fourteen and a half inches, with a shaft of ruby instead of wood. The core however is something interesting. I have never been able to get an answer on how he did it, but the core is a feather of Thunderbird. Not sure how he managed to get a feather from one, though it is interesting to pair them together. Go on...try it!"

You watched as she swiftly reached out and grabbed it. She twirled the wand between her fingers as bursting from the tip were softly shining stars that shimmer and glow silver, red, gold and black. She finished it with a waving gesture where flames burst from the wand before the flames shifted into lightning that made the walls made of wands creak and managed to burn nothing. You watched as he rubbed his hands and smiled, before opening the other for you.

"This another one of a kind, twelve and a quarter inches, with a shaft of dragon tooth instead of wood. Much like Ms. Greengrass' the core is something special. I was never able to get an answer from that old fool on how he did it, but a core of Dragon's blood suspended in Amber from a Yew tree. Not just any Dragon blood however, but blood from the very same dragon that the shaft is crafted from. Go on... Let us see if the he was right..."

You reach out slowly, a feeling of... trepidation, of expectation permeating the air. And as you fingers wrap about it, there is a moment where you can feel... Acceptance? Agreement? Something. Something calling forth from the wand, as warmth flows forward from your chest, down your arms, and into the wand.

You twirl the wand in your hand as you so often do your knife, and bursting forth from the tip are softly shining stars that shimmer and glow red, silver, gold and blue. Finishing your impromptu twirl, the wand settles in your hand, as a great burst of flame surges free, snaking up in the shape of a great dragon, before it opened wide it's might maw and forth came a roar that shook the windows and dropped dust from the ceiling. The professor and the other men in the room start to talk, you and Daphne talk a little before your two groups split up. Apparently she had to go and do somethings with her father then would be at Flourish and Blotts.

Where do you visit next?
[ ] Flourish and Blotts Bookseller
[ ] Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions
Soo.... Any thoughts on the update?
Seemed similar to the first quest. Not a bad thing though as it got the job done. The True Cross wand confirms Pansy is still likely the same reincarnation. If Harry is a reincarnation of Assassins Creed, especially Ezio who has killed a Pope. No clue who Green grass is. Good update.

[X] Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions
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