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It took you a few minutes to figure out what had awoken you that morning, expecally since it had...
Opening Post
It took you a few minutes to figure out what had awoken you that morning, expecally since it had been one of the few nights where you weren't actually having nightmares. It was only when you had opened up your eyes to find the sun glaring into your eyes did you figure out what it was.

And you kind of wished that you had waited a little while longer before opening your eyes as they now had spots on them.

Which was annoying.

Shielding your eyes from the evil suns light you pulled yourself out of bed. Yawning you walked over to your calender to check if today was the day. Running your finger over the days you found that, it was. And a grin split across your face, as you simply couldn't wait. You had been waiting for this day to come for nearly a year now, ever since you learned about magic when Professor Snape had come by on your birthday to tell you about the magical world. Granted with all the things that have been happening your really not all that surprised about the idea of magic anymore, but thats not the point. The point is that today is the day! The day that you would finally go to Diagon Alley with Professor Snape! He said that he would be arriving with your book list today, as they had to find a new teacher to fill up one of there classes.

Quickly getting dressed you started your way down the stairs, before running back up said stairs to grab your Waster. With that back at your side you felt much more comfortable. Walking back down the stairs you noticed that your parents had left the TV on when they left, again. Really you weren't all that surprised that they couldn't be bothered to do even that much. Hell, they weren't even planing on coming with you today, which was ridicules! Shaking your head and pulling your thoughts away from that topic you found the TVs remote, just as some commercial ended and the screen went black. A second latter the little triangle symbol took the center of the screen, before fading into the news anchor.

"Welcome back to Abstergo News! Yesterday afternoon Sailor V was seen with another masked vigilante fighting against youmas that attacked a park near-"

You clicked the button on TV, turning it off. While you would normally be interested in hearing what Sailer V was doing, especially with another vigilante, you really had to prepare for your trip with Snape. It didn't take you long to find where you parents left you the money for the trip.

When the professor arrived he was in the same sort of outfit as the other times you had seen him out with muggles, jeans, boots, a green shirt, and a leather jacket.

"Hi Professor!" You smile at the man at the doorway, before stepping out to join him.

"You have the things you need for the trip?" When you node the two of you walk a short distance down the street towards the local park, and there, parked at the curb was a motorcycle that you think you've seen before.

"You like it?"

[ ] Yes
[ ] No
[ ] Love It!

It should be noted to newcomers that this is a Reboot of a dead quest, the character has already been made as was ported over. I even did a vote to see if people wanted to do that or start with a new character.
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Character Sheet: Hermione/Mordred
Character Sheet
Hermione Granger



Mordred, The Son of King Arthur

Strength - 6(c+/E--)
Dexterity - 4(d+)
Stamina - 6(c+/E--)

Intelligence - 8(b+/E)
Wit - 6(c+/E--)
Perception - 3(d)

Appearance - 4(d+)
Manipulation - 2(e+)
Charisma - 5(c)

Mana: 10/10
Mana Regen Rate: 3/Min

Spell List:

Echos (5)- Your life as Mordred effects you even now and your final moments more then anything else possibly can. As your anger and despair rises, so does your magic, and those around you can smell the bodies of the freshly slain, can smell the scent of blood from all around them, and feel their bodies shake from the clash of arms. Most are so overcome that they don't even notice the tears that streak down their cheeks......
Flashbacks - The Hills of Camlain are etched forever into your mind, and when under presure you remember a Hill of Swords.
Otherwordly Taint - You slew your beautiful father, and all of Gaia wept.
Loathing - You hate King Arthur.
Inferiority Complex - Not good enough to be king. Never good enough. -2 die in situations where you are force to face your inability to believe in yourself.
Sensation Junkie - Fate Mordred's a bit of a hedonist. You must make a roll when given a chance to try out something new and different, or fall to your need to try all the things.
Overconfident - And she's also massively overconfident.
Hero Worship - You love King Arthur, even though you Loath them in many ways!
Nightmares - Troubled Sleep for a Troubled Soul.
Compulsion - Be Armed At All Times. If you cannot fulfill the Compulsion you are going to be distracted and unable to properly focus. +1 to difficulty of all rolls until the Compulsion is sated.
Disturbing Tendancies - Knife Twirls.
Compulsion - Acting "Male". If you cannot fulfill the Compulsion you are going to be distracted and unable to properly focus. +1 to difficulty of all rolls until the Compulsion is sated.
Phobia - Whenever you see a Lance you flinch away, a strange feel of dread fills your body. You also swear that looking at one makes your chest hurt.
World of Monochrome - Neither Hermoine nor Mordred were great at this...You see all things in black and white. Good and Evil. Light and Dark. +1 Difficulty in Social situations where things are more complex than you are willing to allow them to be.
Compulsion - Know-it-all. All Hermoine.
Curiosity - Again, from Hermoine.

Will of Iron - No mind reading to spoil the plot! You are completely Immune to Supernatural Fear Effects, and other mental attackers have increased Difficulty effecting you.
Heritage of the King - With hair of gold and eyes the color of the clear sea, it is impossible to deny that this child has the blood of Camelot running in her viens.
Daredevil - We're gonna be doing crazy bullshit. Best to be good at it.
Crack Driver - Despite having never even been in the front seat of a car, you've got what it takes to pick up driving, boating, piloting, whatever for anything you end up in control of as if you were born doing it.
Dragon Reactor - Deep within your soul, fire and death sing within your breath, and within the heart of a dragon.
Eidetic Memory - Can't be Hermione without it.
With Grace - Need to be Graceful.
Foreboding Feelings - Instinct (D) - Momentary flashes of brilliance brought on by half-forgotten dreams of war and death.
Concentration - Don't flinch. Even with a lance going through your chest, you will not flinch and you will your hands will be firm and eye locked on the goal. No matter how many distractions are around, you never lose more than 2 die for completing actions.
Code of Honor - Even in a new life, you are still a Knight.
Enhanced Senses (Sight) - Nasu levels of vision.
Enhanced Senses (Hearing) - Nasu levels of hearing.
Cross Dominant - You never liked having an off hand, so you trained yourself to the point where neither hand is particularly stronger than the other. You suffer no Penalties for using your 'Off-hand' and only a minor increase in difficultly for doing different things with both hands at the same time

Alertness - 4 - You've always been able to pick up on things that others don't, your good eyes and ears help a little. It's actually a rather useful skill to have.
Athletics - 5 - While you wish you could do a triple somersault before springing off a wall into a backflip in the middle of a fight, your bodys not that good.... Yet. Still rather good, but not that.
Awareness - 4 - You've noticed things that in the past didn't make much sense. After lurning about magic you think thats what it was.
Brawl - 2 - While you feel unconfertable without a weapon in your hand, you did realize that its a good idea to know how to fight if you ever were disarmed. You still like your weapon better.
Empathy - 2 - Always Social at all times.
Expression - 1 - The ur-Social skill.
Leadership - 1 - She's probably has some skill, but this is something she really needs to actually learn.
Streetwise - 1 - You've lived in a city, even if you don't spend time on the streets you picked up on a little.
Etiquette - 1 - Pfft. The bare minimum, but no more.
Melee - 6 - Your well trained for your age in how to use a Waster, and a sword has always felt right in place in your hands.
Survival - 1 - You remember that one time your parents actually spent some time with you, you went to the Forest of Dean. You learned a bit out there.
Academics - 5 - You can't practice with a sword all the time, you get sore! With your parents out all the time, you are left with the books they've given you. Not much else to do but read.
Computer - 1 - Basic knowledge.
Investigation- 2 - The plot beckons.
Politics - 1 - I just can't wait to be king!
Science - 1 - Decent knowledge.
Technology - 1 - It's hard to not know how to use some technology in this day and age.
Law - 1 - Kinda important.
Medicine - 1 - You're parents are dentists, of course you would know a little about Medicine.​
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Faces and Voices
Faces and Voices
The people and voices you've seen.

Basically everyone that you have come into contact with and your thoughts on them​

Faces and Voices





Professor Snape

This is your professor, he's taking you to go shopping!


Daphne Greengrass

You meet her while getting your wands, hers is made of Ruby with a Thunderbird feather core.

Draco Malfoy

You meet him in the robe store.

Harry ?????

You saw him talking with Draco, you heard that his first name was Harry.


You have not meet this person yet


You have not meet this person yet

Other People

Lucius Malfoy

Draco's Father, you don't know much about him.

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CoSR Index
You may want to check out the Master Thread, which will hold Everyone's Character Sheets (Including side characters, teacher, and maybe even magical creatures if we make them all some). It will also have various world building info like -
Political stances of various people
Laws dealing with Magical Creatures
How various things see other things
(Hopefully) a map of Hogwarts
Hogwarts Staff
Class Lists and Schedules
Magical World News
And the Hints that the Trio will start to find to begin to piece together the biggest and deepest mystery of the Quests.

You may also want to look at the quest for Adalrich Weissmann (formerly von Eisen), who is a Master in Fate/Zero. Yes, I'm just looking for the notes I had and then posting an update over there.
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[X]Love it!

Pixie, you think luna might reboot harriel once she has a computer again.

And should you guys reboot the other quests, have you conisder making each quest different dimensions
with the same/simlair characters that way you don't have to worry about keeping track about the other two characters in thier respective quest?
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What? Hermione being reincarnation of Mordred?

[x] No

*checking so said master thread*

... Ron Weasley as Sailor Saturn ?!
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Most of the reincarnations are around, as I said on the master thread two of them have been changed.

Also, any thoughts on the first post?
And you can't tell us if one of our created characters were the ones that changed? Really liked the Harry one. As for the others, it'd be neat if Anderson was also around, so that Harry could have a fellow Flower Power Abomination to be friends with.

And it's a pretty interesting start. The Sailor V means that odds are Rowan is still here, though that Abstergo has some possible implications of a Templar nature. If this world does have Templars, it will be very interesting to see how they tie into Fate and Harry Potter.
Edit: And I just realized that it was preceded by a triangle, so yeah, odds are it's the Templar.

And a vote
[X] Love It!
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