Conquer The Posleen! An SV Council Game (Applications Open)


Really in the mood for ribs.
It is the year 2000, on New Years Day, and the celebrations about the fact that Y2K is not going to happen are in full swing, but that's not all that's happening. A group of aliens, calling themselves the Darhel, representatives of the Galactic Federation, have contacted world leaders with a warning several years ago. A race of hyper-predatory, planet-destroying beings called the Posleen are going to arrive at Earth in several years' time, and when they do, Earth is doomed.

But the GalFed's offer a way out; provide troops to defend GalFed planets and divert the Posleen, and Earth will receive the technologies to defend their homeworld against Posleen predation. Naturally, all major superpowers agree to the deal.

However, a ROB has taken notice of this scenario, and since there's going to be plenty to spare, they have decided to co-opt this scenario for their own ends. And by that, it means that you, good player, are going to be put in charge of one of several super-powers, who will then reject the GalFed deal, in order to make use of a ROB-provided advantage, ranging from infinite resources to a special technology.

Can you defend your nation against attack? Can you defend the planet as well? Could you launch into a counter-attack against the Posleen and wipe them out? And what do you get out of this insanity?

Plenty, according to ROB. More money than you will ever be able to spend in your lifetime, a copy of the technologies developed to save this Earth, and you get to keep your memories, along with any nightmares.

Of course, if you lose, you get eaten alive unless you keep a bullet for yourself.

To apply for this council game, simply provide the following details for your pseudo self-insert.

Character Name:

With those details put down, the first six will be chosen to start, after that everyone else goes onto the waiting list and will come on sequentially when someone dies.

IC Thread Link: Conquer The Posleen!
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Well, had a ton of fun with the last time you did this sorta thing, so might as well sign on up for it. Going to assume character requirements are going to be as fairly bare bones as last time as well, so just tell me if you'd like a written description added.

Character Name: Justin Emerick
Gender: Male
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Character Name: Jacob Beetlegeuse
Gender: Male
Appearance: Short, stocky, with a thick, glorious beard.

Will try and add more later. Hyped we get another Gideon council game though!
This sounds rather interesting, I hope to see how far it will go.
Character Name: Anzac Irwin
Gender: Male
A Gideon council game? That's nice.
Character Name: Sunati
Gender: Female
What-ho, this looks interesting.

Character Name: Hans Farmann
Gender: Male
Hmm, you know I can start with 5.

OKAY! Here's your choices and starting tech for each. If it looks like i ripped them from C&C Generals, it's because this was originally going to be a C&C quest.

United States: The USA starts with advanced laser technologies, extensive drone usage and heavy air power. I'm sure you'll figure out how to defeat Posleen sensors.

Russia: Russia has tanks, lots of tanks, along with working Tesla weaponry.

China: Apart from huge reserves of manpower, China starts with extensive nuclear and incendiary arsenals alongside military hackers and gattling guns.

European Union: The EU has put huge amounts of money into extensive defensive technologies alongside advanced prototypes.

Character Name: Hans Farmann
Gender: Male

You're in.

A Gideon council game? That's nice.
Character Name: Sunati
Gender: Female

Welcome aboard.

This sounds rather interesting, I hope to see how far it will go.
Character Name: Anzac Irwin
Gender: Male

Good to have you.

Character Name: Jacob Beetlegeuse
Gender: Male
Appearance: Short, stocky, with a thick, glorious beard.

Will try and add more later. Hyped we get another Gideon council game though!

Good to see you again

Character Name: Justin Emerick
Gender: Male

Nice to see you.

Okay guys, which nation will your shadowy council control?
Well, going with the US went so well last time, so I figure I might as well stick with it.
I vote european union because it sounds fun.
GM Addenum: The different factions
This post is to allow the players to make an informed decision on which faction to play as. And yes, each group is based on the factions from Command And Conquer Generals: Rise Of The Reds.

United States Of America: Armed with advanced laser technology, elite troops and advanced airpower, the United States would be a strong contender in any conventional war, except that Posleen Point-Defense systems make the usage of such airpower difficult.
The United States possess a strong research core, and generate extra research points. All US forces are expensive to manufacture/train, but they have good firepower.
The US possesses an experimental Particle Beam and a more reliable Laser Beam ground to orbit reflection system.
The United States must defend the Continental US, Canada, and Central America

European Union: The Europeans have access to the Solaris Satellite System, a powerful solar energy collection and transmission system that originally was made to beam focused light energy to huge solar energy plants but can also be used as a powerful and deadly strategic weapon.
The European Union has the best research capability, but like the US have expensive troops and vehicles.
The European Union holds the advantage when on the defensive; their troops and vehicles gain double the normal firepower when entrenched, and if a region is listed as Fortified then this bonus is further doubled, for a x4 firepower bonus, alongside the ability to freely deploy specialized automated defences.
The European Union must defend Continental Europe, Great Britain, Scandinavia and Finland.

China: China has massive manpower reserves, but the Council will only have access to teh Red Guard, a pseudo-ceremonial but combat-certified second-line force armed with semi-automatic rifles but with full access to a variety of nuclear and incendiary weapon's technologies.
China has the weakest research effort, but their forces are also incredibly cheap and with the Horde Bonus all forces trained/constructed start with an additional 25% firepower, which can be upgraded to a 50% increase.
China uses older-model nuclear missiles which have a tendency to leave behind massive amounts of radiation, and can also lay down huge amounts of artillery.

Russia: Russia's army has tanks, lots and lots of tanks. Only the Chinese have cheaper and more types of tanks than the Russians, and the Russian infantryman uses an automatic rifle which is already better than the Chinese Red Guard.
The Russians have access to Tesla technology and Rocket Rifles, which are basically large rifles firing small rockets.
Russia has average research and average prices for their forces.
Russia must defend the entirety of Russia and Siberia, but has access to cleaner and more powerful nuclear weaponry.
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Current nation votes are as follows:

USA: Druby

European Union: jacobplm, strunkriidiisk

China: Estro
@Estro, any chance I could get you to switch over to the EU, break the tie?
As I have a special little corner of my soul that hates the idea of American Exceptionalism, yes, you can.

I'll vote for the EU.
Congratulations, you now control the European Union! Here's hoping you avoid bringing back the Waffen-SS. :D

I'll write up the IC thread as soon as I can.
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Who needs the Waffen-SS, when there are so many more fun options.

Ave, Imperator.