Voting will open in 13 hours, 51 minutes and close in 3 days, 2 hours
Interlude 1.0 New
(59th Moebian: 49 +10 (Victory) +10 (Campaign End) = 69)
(407th Steel Legion: 50 +10 (Campaign End) = 60)
(Knightly Host of House Sovanov: 67 +10 (Campaign End) = 77)

Victory. Triumph. Success. An oft sparse and fleeting claim in this grim and dark universe, usually drowned out by the blood spilled to achieve it so. Then it was stained and overshadowed in the greater scale of things, making it feel so pointless and worthless in the end.

Yet in that elusive moment, when a planet celebrates and cheers the success of the joint Militarum-Mechanicus effort, you found yourself still savoring the sweet wine all the same. And clearly, your allies agreed, the festivities seeming to go on for what seemed like weeks. You could hardly blame them when the news across all fronts was nothing elicited nothing but elation.

The 59th Moebian, thanks to the efforts of Fifth Battalion, had not only achieved their goal but forged new heroic leadership in that moment. Those who especially were daring in leading their teams into the depths of the Necron fortress were being promoted, refilling the lost officers within the regiment. They would soon be back to an acceptable readiness.

Similarly though in a lesser degree, the 407th Steel Legion had reclaimed their honor in the form of their lost command Baneblade. Even though techpriests had gone over it diligently and unfortunately declared it beyond repair, the fact that its wreck was still back in Imperial hands was a matter of redeemed pride. With their heads held high, the Tread Knights accepted the offer to remain on Otra Prime for the time being to await a fresh resupply of many things. They would be excluded from Oster-1 for now, but stayed on its rolls with expectation to return in the future.

Replacing them for now, with a grand showing that bode well, were the Knights of House Sovanov. The Questor Mechanicus had engaged several Necron Obelisks that had appeared in the plains between cities, felling many of them in a thundering battle that could only be outdone by the Titan Legions. Now flushed with the rewards of glory and wanting even more, the sworn knights had indicated to the leadership of Oster-1 a desire to accompany them for the time being. The Machine Cult was silent on the matter, indicating tentative approval for the assignment.

All that was needed left then was the approval from the battlegroup's own leaders. The answer was obvious, but out of courtesy you and the other senior commanders were summoned to a meeting with the Lieutenant-General onboard Back by Forty. This was also an opportunity to present the final casualty reports from the last battle.

Casualties: 12
Squad Deuces: 1 Returned, 1 Crippled
Squad Tretium: 1 Returned, 2 Crippled, 1 Dead
Squad Cintus: 3 Returned, 1 Crippled, 2 Dead
3 Veterans Crippled: +9 Requisition
1 Guardsman Crippled: +2 Requisition

Deserted: 3
Squad Tretium: 1 Reassigned
Squad Cintus: 1 Reassigned, 1 Discharged
1 Veteran Discharged: +3 Requisition
1 Guardsman Discharged: +2 Requisition

Centari-109: Returned! +70 Requisition

Total: +84 Requisition (328 +84 = 412 Requisition)

"...acceptable losses," Merlyn finally declared and glanced at the room of tightly pressed lips. "I speak not out of callousness, but of frank consideration considering that this minor rebel suppression had turned almost turned into a Necron awakening. Given the sudden loss of our heavy armor unit right after their appearance, we would have likely lost far more had the Mechanicus not intervened. And even then, with your wholly under-equipped units, you still managed to honor noble Scintillia with a victory no less."

That did take the edge from many of the officers, realizing that this could have gone far worse without their intervention. You were among the few that persisted, speaking aloud an important observation. "Victory today, but what of next time? Fifth Battalion did achieve much, but we struggled equally so in the heat of battle with our lack of armaments," you pressed. "When will we be granted the equipment we have been requesting?"

You blushed when you realized the entire senior cadre was looking at your unseemly outburst, something most unbecoming of a nobleborn. Your tutors back home were probably sobbing at just how unladylike and crude that was too, speaking so openly and crassly to your superior even. At least Lieutenant General Merlyn seemed to take your words to heart, gently raising a hand and motioning for you to sit. "Your frustration is understandable," declared them when you clamed down. "Though I'm afraid to say the matter is out of my hands. A...certain somebody has commandeered our logistics."

That earned a murmur of heated whispers which was cut off by the follow-up statement. "And I'd say she's doing a better job than our old quartermasters were doing. So go and seek her out for what you seek."

After a few more debriefing reports and reviews, the meeting of 99th Scintillia was dismissed and you immediately went straight to the regimental stockroom assigned onboard the transport ship. There, a familiar face awaited you that had you blink. Then you blinked again and rubbed at your eyes, casting a wide stare at the activities all about.

There was Magos Flammel, moving some crates about. There was Magos Flammel, conducting maintenance on some firearm. There was Magos Flammel, standing over a surgical chair. And there was Magos Flammel, standing in front of you with a raised eyebrow and arms crossed. "Finally, you're here. Late according to my calculations," she grumbled and a mechadendrite waggled in your direction. "Do not tardy next time. I do still have to make sure the manufactorum I'm currently installing is properly sanctified."

"Er," you stuttered, taken aback when her voice seemed to echo from the entire room like all of them speaking at once. "I might have a few questions. This...isn't tech-heresy, right?"

"Now you sound like one of those luddites who whined about how a centralized nervous control system was 'defilement of the sacred machine principle.' As if the Dominatus Dominus isn't worst with his cortical linkage! Look," she groaned and patted her chest. "I am Flammel. Her over there is Flammel. Working the forge right now is Flammel. In the conductor control room is Flammel. Do you understand?"

"Not particularly," you admitted with a shake of the head and the techpriest rolled her eyes. "But I suppose my lack of comprehension doesn't matter to you."

"It doesn't, but it offends me so. Perhaps I should schedule you for a surgery to remedy it, if you were interested so." The duplicate standing over at the operation chair waved her hand in response. "And if you had the means to requisition the appropriate modifications. Cybernetics are frustratingly tedious to make, so you had better make it worth my while."

"So you're a Magos Biologis? That's the term, I think."

"Hm, you've just shot up in my estimations! But I am not just a Biologis, though it is definitely one of my better fields." She gestured to the duplicates of her working about. "I've been many things. Once, a Logi that pondered the mysteries of the Machine. Occasionally, a Dominus that takes to the battlefield. Often, a Forgesmith for blessed equipment. Sometimes, a rather reluctant Executor Fetial for diplomacy. Recently, an Explorator that worked with a rather rogueish Rogue Trader. But now, after being so unceremoniously kicked off House Sovanov's ship?

"I am but a Magos turning this vessel into my latest lair, and you have the distinct pleasure of being my latest subjects." The lips twitched. "I assure you, Fifth Battalion of the 99th Scintillia will have want for naught should my interest be adequately piqued. My genius is capable of sculpting whatever you wish, and what you yearn to be. As a token of proof, here!"

She snapped her fingers and the one stacking crates stiffened before hauling one specifically before you. The lid was opened and you gaped at what was lined within. Shakily, you reached in and took one out to behold, sure it was the genuine article. "Your official designation in the records are Grenadiers, yet it clashes severely with your preferred doctrine considering your adequate firearm craftsmanship." Flammel sniffed. "So let's remedy that by allowing you to bring your heavy firepower to bear. No thanks are needed, merely promise that you will care for the machine spirits well."

Fifth Battalion has unlocked Grenade Launchers!

"I think that if any of my soldiers dared mistreat such treats, I'd have them written up," you absently muttered and run your fingers along the barrel of the grenade launcher. "Are- no, you've already likely tailored them to work with our own explosives already. And I suppose you'll want some supplies in exchange for access to these."

"You catch on quick. Good, we need to make up time for your delay and my little rant." Flammel coughed and looked away. "Now then, you happen to also have recently come with a wealth of new experiences for me to listen to. Depending on what you recall to me, I could very well be motivated to open a new line of service for you and yours. Come, tell me what you have experienced, and allow me to see the spark of interest!"

You supposed she was asking you to recall the battles of the campaign on Otra Prime. They came to you quick enough, flashes of distinct moments from each conflict that could highlight things you lacked or yearned for. All you had to do was vocalize one of them, hopefully sparking Flammel's fickle muse into brief action.

[ ] "All throughout our first landing, we wanted to contribute more to the fight, bring more to the field. If only it was more easily direct with the others." Increase the limit of Command Escorts to nine (9) Veterans.

[ ] "When we encountered the heavy weapons team of the enemy, all I could think of was how much of a danger they were. And how much I wanted them too." Unlock Heavy Weapons Squads.

[ ] "The Necrons nearly broke our line, which bothers me. A lot. We couldn't do anything, and yearned for something- anything- that could be our salvation against the alien foe." Bear no mark, bear no glory, bear only penance in death. Unlock a special retinue member.

- If you can't tell, I was super excited to reveal your quartermaster and how you could just break the system. Cuz RAW goes out the window when you've earned it in blood, sweat, and tears.
- You get one guaranteed random reward, then one you can choose. Note that all your picks are permanent
; unlike that temporary cache of Heavy Bolters you picked up, these will always be available to you moving on. They might be in lower immediate supply compared to the supply caches, but dice be willing, they will be there for you to pick up from/replenish.
- Third option is a mystery bag option that I don't want to reveal wholly, but it's...yeah. Sort of useful. Randomly rolled for by the way.

14 hour moratorium to praise a cute genius.
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[ ] "The Necrons nearly broke our line, which bothers me. A lot. We couldn't do anything, and yearned for something- anything- that could be our salvation against the alien foe."

Mystery box! Just me though. :V
Victory. Triumph. Success. An oft sparse and fleeting claim in this grim and dark universe, usually drowned out by the blood spilled to achieve it so. Then it was stained and overshadowed in the greater scale of things, making it feel so pointless and worthless in the end.

Yet in that elusive moment, when a planet celebrates and cheers the success of the joint Militarum-Mechanicus effort, you found yourself still savoring the sweet wine all the same. And clearly, your allies agreed, the festivities seeming to go on for what seemed like weeks. You could hardly blame them when the news across all fronts was nothing elicited nothing but elation.
Especially that you managed to score a victory against Necrons, as underequipped as you were. It is a cause for celebration.
The 59th Moebian, thanks to the efforts of Fifth Battalion, had not only achieved their goal but forged new heroic leadership in that moment. Those who especially were daring in leading their teams into the depths of the Necron fortress were being promoted, refilling the lost officers within the regiment. They would soon be back to an acceptable readiness.

Similarly though in a lesser degree, the 407th Steel Legion had reclaimed their honor in the form of their lost command Baneblade. Even though techpriests had gone over it diligently and unfortunately declared it beyond repair, the fact that its wreck was still back in Imperial hands was a matter of redeemed pride. With their heads held high, the Tread Knights accepted the offer to remain on Otra Prime for the time being to await a fresh resupply of many things. They would be excluded from Oster-1 for now, but stayed on its rolls with expectation to return in the future.
Great for them!
Casualties: 12
Squad Deuces: 1 Returned, 1 Crippled
Squad Tretium: 1 Returned, 2 Crippled, 1 Dead
Squad Cintus: 3 Returned, 1 Crippled, 1 Dead
Wait, the casualties say 12 but counting them all together only comes up to 11?
"...acceptable losses," Merlyn finally declared and glanced at the room of tightly pressed lips. "I speak not out of callousness, but of frank consideration considering that this minor rebel suppression had turned almost turned into a Necron awakening. Given the sudden loss of our heavy armor unit right after their appearance, we would have likely lost far more had the Mechanicus not intervened. And even then, with your wholly under-equipped units, you still managed to honor noble Scintillia with a victory no less."
Yeah, these were acceptable losses.
"Now you sound like one of those luddites who whined about how a centralized nervous control system was 'defilement of the sacred machine principle.' As if the Dominatus Dominus isn't worst with his cortical linkage! Look," she groaned and patted her chest. "I am Flammel. Her over there is Flammel. Working the forge right now is Flammel. In the conductor control room is Flammel. Do you understand?"
Oh, she is here as our quartermaster. All of her. Best not advertise that for the rest of the Mechanicus.
Fifth Battalion has unlocked Grenade Launchers!
[ ] "When we encountered the heavy weapons team of the enemy, all I could think of was how much of a danger they were. And how much I wanted them too." Unlock Heavy Weapons Squads.

[ ] "The Necrons nearly broke our line, which bothers me. A lot. We couldn't do anything, and yearned for something- anything- that could be our salvation against the alien foe." Bear no mark, bear no glory, bear only penance in death. Unlock a special retinue member.
Hm, we desperately need heavy weapons, but mystery box is always tempting.
Those heavy weapons could prove very useful while still spreading out advantages evenly across the unit. I am, however, curious about the special ret member.
Wait, the casualties say 12 but counting them all together only comes up to 11?
Yeah, was missing a dead, good catch.
Hm, we desperately need heavy weapons, but mystery box is always tempting.
Those heavy weapons could prove very useful while still spreading out advantages evenly across the unit
Ah, so important clarification: your squads can actually use the heavy bolters already as part of squad modifications to form attached HWT. But the option here is to unlock the ability to form full squads of HWT like the rebels had shown off, where you have dedicated teams with loaders able to fire too.
I must say this is a tough choice. Heavy weapons or a mystery box? I am tempted by the mystery box I must say. While grenade launchers aren't a full replacement for proper heavy weapons. They do a make a decent alternative as they can fire many different types of grenades, particularly krak grenades which are handy when dealing with enemy's too big for their brichs.

But it is hard to beat a good ol'fashion rocket launcher/machine gun.
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Heavy weapons teams sound great. If i remember my dawn of war correctly, the standard IG HWTs are bolters, autocannons and lascannons. This should give us an anti-tank edge even better than hand thrown AT munitions. Not to mention mobile defensive assets. Combined with the grenade launchers we have boosting assault capabilities, it should keep us well rounded.
I think I prefer Heavy Weapons hidden safely in the squad, rather than a glass cannon the enemy can, should and will prioritise.

Plus… another hero unit!
[X] "When we encountered the heavy weapons team of the enemy, all I could think of was how much of a danger they were. And how much I wanted them too." Unlock Heavy Weapons Squads.
Its a tough choice, but I think I'll vote for the heavy weapons.

[X] "When we encountered the heavy weapons team of the enemy, all I could think of was how much of a danger they were. And how much I wanted them too."

As I said, its tough to beat a good old-fashioned machine gun/rocket launcher
As I said, its tough to beat a good old-fashioned machine gun/rocket launcher
Just in case folks missed it the first time, I'll say it again.
They don't come with those default, you'll need to outfit them so.
So right now, you could probably only outfit them with the heavy bolters you have from the supply cache. You could acquire or unlock more heavy weapons in the future to really make use of this, but I just want to make sure everybody understands you won't be bringing rockets or lascannons immediately.
[X] "The Necrons nearly broke our line, which bothers me. A lot. We couldn't do anything, and yearned for something- anything- that could be our salvation against the alien foe."
[X] "The Necrons nearly broke our line, which bothers me. A lot. We couldn't do anything, and yearned for something- anything- that could be our salvation against the alien foe."
Vote closed New
Scheduled vote count started by Celeshiro on Feb 4, 2025 at 1:28 AM, finished with 6 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] "When we encountered the heavy weapons team of the enemy, all I could think of was how much of a danger they were. And how much I wanted them too."
    [X] "The Necrons nearly broke our line, which bothers me. A lot. We couldn't do anything, and yearned for something- anything- that could be our salvation against the alien foe."
    [X] "When we encountered the heavy weapons team of the enemy, all I could think of was how much of a danger they were. And how much I wanted them too." Unlock Heavy Weapons Squads.
[X] "The Necrons nearly broke our line, which bothers me. A lot. We couldn't do anything, and yearned for something- anything- that could be our salvation against the alien foe."

Forgot to vote. @_@; Tie breaker?
Interlude 1.1 New
[X] "When we encountered the heavy weapons team of the enemy, all I could think of was how much of a danger they were. And how much I wanted them too."

"Heavy weapon squads, hm?" Flammel tapped at her cheek, thinking. "According to Militarum regulations, all recruits are supposed to have regular training in variety of fields, theoretically. In practice, it is far more efficient to instruct only in relevant weapon systems for a regiment's specialized purpose. As Grenadiers, you should have rudimentary training in heavier explosive equipment but I can guess you're slightly out of practice without regular usage."

You coughed, slightly mortified she had nailed it straight on. "We did acquire a supply stock of heavy bolters recently, we'll gain experience with those soon enough."

"But not quick enough. No, no, you wouldn't be experts in time for the next campaign." The techpriest's voice took on an interested tone. "Hm, I believe I can fix that. Some live-fire exercises with some servitors ought to help give you that edge. Don't worry, I'll patch you up for free!"

Heavy Weapon Squads have been unlocked!

You shuddered at the cackle in her voice and turned to leave her to draft up that training course. Well, better to sweat now than bleed later. Though perhaps some bleeding would also occur soon, along with a bit of pain. You supposed your hand would also start hurting too, as you envisioned the paperwork ahead. All in the name of getting Fifth Battalion ready for whatever happened next.


Command Squad Escorts (Cost: 6): 6x Available

Veterans (Cost: 6): 10x Available

Guardsman (Cost: 4): Unlimited

Heavy Support
Heavy Weapons Squads (Cost: 6): 6x Available

Free Weapons
Frag Grenade

Special Weapons
Grenade Launchers (Cost: 5): 11x Available

Heavy Weapons
Heavy Bolters (Cost: 8): 6x Available

Requisition Points: 412

Choose if you wish to reinforce your existing squads!

-[ ] [Replace] Replenish all units. (Cost: 52)
Squad Unitus

1x Veteran (Lasgun + Frag Grenade) (Cost: 6)

Squad Deuces
1x Veteran (Lasgun + Frag Grenade) (Cost: 6)

Squad Tretium
4x Veteran (Lasgun + Frag Grenade) (Cost: 24)

Squad Cintus

4x Guardsmen (Lasgun + Frag Grenade) (Cost: 16)

-[ ] [Replace] Replenish specific units.
--[ ] Unit

-[ ] [Replace] Replenish no units.

Choose if you wish to create new units or disband existing ones! Maximum two (2) force adjustments at a time.

-[ ] [Force] New Unit Name
--[ ] Unit

Veteran Squad (Cost: 60)

Guardsman Squad (Cost: 40)

Heavy Support
Heavy Weapons Squad (Cost: 18)
[ ] Requires 3 Heavy Weapons!

-[ ] [Force] Disband Unit Name

Modify existing units! Maximum three (3) unit can be modified at a time.

-[ ] [Modification] Selected Unit
--[ ] Modification Description

Command Squad
- Each veteran may equip either a lasagun, laspistol, or special weapon.
- If using a laspistol, veterans may also equip a chainsword.
- Up to one (1) heavy weapon may be equipped in the squad, requiring two veterans to use.

Veteran Squads
- Up to one (1) heavy weapon may be equipped in the squad, requiring two veterans to use.
- Up to three (3) special weapons may be equipped by the squad, replacing their lasguns.
- The Sergeant if equipped with a laspistol can also equip a chainsword.

Guardsman Squads
- Up to one (1) heavy weapon may be equipped in the squad, requiring two veterans to use.
- Up to one (1) special weapon may be equipped by the squad, replacing their lasguns.
- The Sergeant if equipped with a laspistol can also equip a chainsword.

Heavy Weapons Squad
- Three (3) heavy weapon must be equipped by the squad. They may swap them out.

- Right, so this is going to be a doozy at first glance, but rest assured you'll get to know this stage well soon enough. Feel free to ask for clarifications or bits of information for specific units.
- Disbanding or exchanging equipment does not refund the cost, but will return it to stocks for later purchase down the line.

14 hour moratorium to make a supply plan.
Could we turn Cintus into a Heavy Weapons squad? By replacing the three out if four missing Guardsmen with said units?

And probably make replenish the rest and make another Heavy Weapons squads since we can only have six of them?
Voting will open in 13 hours, 51 minutes and close in 3 days, 2 hours