Turn 2
Turn 2
[X] yes
Splendid! Sara blurts Ill pack my things and come with you on that, there, uh..., Virtibird you answer. Right! she says with a chuckle.
Once inside the aircraft you use the onboard communications suite and announce that you would be bringing home a representative of a prominent local farm and that said farm was now officially the first local settlement brought into the Enclave all the while Sara excitedly pesters your guards with questions about the virtibird and Enclave respectively. Once you arrive at Adams AFB and step off the virtibird you spot Dume and a few of his subordinates standing at the entrance to the somewhat refurbished main administrative building of the base Sara following closely behind you.
Welcome back sir and truly superb work as always, ah this must be the representee, I am Nathanel Dume Currently the Head of Enclave Civilian affairs department a pleasure to meet your acquaintance. Dume Introduces himself with in your opinion far too much introduction, The pleasure is all mine Mr. Dume. Ignoring the exchange, you simply order that quarters be prepared for Ms. Sara and that your advisors meet you in your office in an hour.
You enter the CiC of the Crawler powering on the holographic emitter which fills the room with its pale blue light. The light coalesces into a map of the region on the map are highlighted points indicating the location of outposts most of which are clustered around the Jefferson memorial. You type a few commands onto the inbuilt terminal provided at your position on the table and a new section of land is highlighted as reclaimed.
With a sigh you pick up a microphone and press a button on the table connecting you to the intercom and call for a meeting with the subcommanders and Dume. Dume, LeMay, and Roberts enter the CIC around ten minutes later taking their respective seats, Roberts congratulates your success with the annexation of the farm however raised concerns of possible infiltration by BOS elements or some other group. Adding on to Lt. Roberts concerns Lt. LeMay has also noted that to divert forces from the operation now could potentially imperil the upcoming operation against the BOS entrenched within the pentagon as well as that the rotation of forces for pacification duty's no matter how brief may embolden the brotherhood enough that they may consider an attack on the Jefferson memorial.
Dume steps in at that stating that the annexation of the farm has been a great boon to the Enclave and that the income of food goods will alleviate the scarcity faced thus far but more importantly will be a great improvement to Enclave morale as a milestone to reclaiming the region, said improvement to morale could not come sooner as Adams populous had begun referring to the base as "Navarro 2.0". With concerns voiced and victories acknowledged the meeting proceeds onto some more situational discussions.
Martial 1 AP
Lt. LeMay has had his work cut out for him with organizing this force seeing as he has had to draw up completely new massively downsized units while maintaining similar combat effectiveness an example is that a 'company' has been downsized from a group of 80-250 personnel to 20- 35 personnel. In light of this reorganization, Lt. LeMay is greatly concerned about pulling off forces from the major assault on the pentagon to deal with such a 'minor issue' especially one the Enclave know so little about. Other than these concerns LeMay has made suggestions to begin deploying Deathclaws for field reconnaissance in the farms region as for now they have served little purpose other than defense of the memorial within your operations so far due to the expense of their creation so Vertibirds will be free to participate.
Gather forces for a decapitation strike.
- 2/3 Turns completed.
- Combat stage
-5 Companies of PA Infantry
- 7 VB-02c Gunships
- 1 VB-02a Transport
- 6 Deathclaws
IMPORTANT: PA Infantry companies must contain at least (20) personnel or suffer a debuf in combat
[] Deal with the raiders
- 1 turn
- 1d 100
- 10 Deathclaws
-1 Company PA Soldiers
IMPORTANT: PA Infantry companies must contain at least (20) personnel or suffer a debuf in combat
Hostetler farms have accepted annexation on the conditions that the receive protection from raiders and other scum along with some guarantees of representation regarding their future in the Enclave, it's time to make good on that first promise
[] Super Mutant mop up
- 3 turns
- Combat stage
- 3 Companies of PA Infantry
- 2 VB-02c Gunships
- 12 Deathclaws
IMPORTANT: PA Infantry companies must contain at least (20) personnel or suffer a debuf in combat
Thanks to the efforts of Lt. Roberts and her subordinates the largest 'Tribes' of Super mutants have been eliminated or scattered, now with swift and devastating force you can sweep the Mutant menace from the once glittering capitol of mankind's greatest achievement.
Diplomacy 1 AP
Dume has lauded your decision to annex Hostetler farms both for resolving the food crisis and as the first true step to reasserting government authority over the wastes and as such 'should be a day for the history books.' To you however the truly historic thing about today was LeMay and Roberts not interrupting or glaring at Dume for the first time since... ever. Regardless of your advisors improving workplace relationships Dume and Roberts have made some suggestions for the Enclaves 'Diplomatic policy' going forward.
[] Enclave Radio
- 1 turn
- 1d 100
- Increase legitimacy
With the 'death' of Eden the one arguably good thing the damned computer ever did, that being Enclave radio has fallen silent this is not good that station was part of an integral part of the Enclaves plan to prepare the populous for the reestablishment of Governance this must be rectified post-haste.
[] Establish contact with Locals.
- 1 turn
- 1d100
- Choose one location (The Carrier, the Scrap city, or Tenpenny Tower)
Dume has suggested that since the contact with Hostetler farms went so well that the Enclave should begin a program of diplomatic integration. Both to further the long-term plans for annexation and to deny support to the BOS in the current conflict. To this end the Enclave has identified several locations of interest.
Stewardship 1 AP
With the most pressing issues of oncoming mass starvation alleviated now other pressing matters require attention such as the impending shortage of munitions and components. Dume has also brought it to your attention that both the newly annexed settlement and Adams AFB are in desperate need of infrastructure improvement and that such improvements could greatly benefit the Enclaves operations both militarily and industrially should the resources and time be spared.
Back to our roots
2/4 turns Completed.
Progress on the farm continues apace with the laborers assigned having completed training on how to use their equipment now all that remains is to develop some land for that task and then plant the... plants.
[] hold down the farm.
- 1 turn
- cost 300 metal, 100 basic components
- 1d100
- builds basic fortifications
- increase settlement loyalty
The construction of defenses around Hostetler farm will serve both to protect the farm and remind the populous that their loyalties lie with the people with heavy weapons and black power armor.
[] Recycling campaign
- 2 turns
- 3d100s
- gain metal and components
The first step to healing this land is to clear the refuse and dilapidated buildings which dot nearly every inch of the landscape. The added bonus being that the usable materials can be repurposed for your projects.
[] Build ballistic munitions plant
- 2 turns
- 1d100
- costs: 100 AC, 300 metal, 240 BC
You have a serious problem; your forces are using more munitions in small skirmishes than your production can keep up with. Thankfully Dume has approached you with a partial solution in that while more advanced munitions like plasma cartridges, and energy cells are beyond your Enclaves reach ballistics are not in fact as it stands you could have an actual industrial plant dedicated to munitions given some time.
Intrigue 1 AP
Lt. Roberts has raised concerns over the security risks that the annexation has posed as well as emphasized the need to exercise caution in dealings with outsiders in the future, Roberts also has been extremely pleased with the success of her operations against the Super Mutants in the DC area. Other than that Roberts has made some plans for a new continuous operation directed at weeding out any infiltration attempts that may pop up from time to time.
[] An ear to the ground
- 2 turns
- 1d100
- increased information security
- risk of lowering settlement happiness and loyalty
Roberts has made some plans for a new continuous operation directed at weeding out any infiltration attempts that may pop up from time to time best to put that into action.
[] Exile surveillance
- 2 turn
- 1d 100
- possible bonus against BOS in combat
Now that the threat of the Mutants is mitigated you can focus your efforts on the brotherhood groups plaguing the region the exiles are a great way to gain insight to the brotherhoods internal structure and tactics
[] Assassinate Exiles
- 2 turns
- 1d 100
- eliminate exile leaders and sow chaos through the group.
Now that the threat of the Mutants is mitigated you can focus your efforts on the brotherhood groups plaguing the region the exiles are a great way to gain insight to the brotherhoods internal structure and tactics as well as a major obstruction to the Enclaves goals in the region.
[] Step up surveillance
- 1 turn
- 1d100
- gain (minor) access to regional rumor mill
through new access to the civilian populous your agents have suggested looking into the most basic form of intelligence gathering, the word of mouth.
Piety 1 AP
The Enclave has been busy these last few weeks in preparation for the planned operation. Adjusting to the new outsiders delivering food via mutated beasts of burden has been somewhat difficult but so far there have been no incidents. You have thought up a number of things to do on your own to improve the Enclave and the lives of those you now protect.
[] Have a chat
- 1 turn
- 1d100
- Chose who (LeMay, Dume, Roberts, Sara, or a random citizen)
The best way to improve your Enclave is to speak face to face with the people it contains.
[] Organize a celebration.
- 2 turns
- 1d100
- potentially raise morale
The Enclave has not had much to celebrate as of late with the loss of Site R however the people need something to latch onto lest they fall apart, and the recent annexation could prove to be just that.
Income: 218
Consumption: 197
Stockpile: 621
Change to stockpile: + 21
Income: 240
Consumption: 197
Stockpile: 443
Change to stockpile: + 43
Income 300
Consumption 100
Stockpile 1,400
Change to stockpile: + 200
basic Components:
Income: 20
Consumption: 100
Stockpile: 320
Change to stockpile: -80
Advanced Components:
Income: 0
Consumption: 70
Stockpile: 390
Change to stockpile: -70
Plasma Ammunition:
Income: 400
Consumption: 3,000
Stockpile: 15,400
Change to stockpile: -2,600
Laser Ammunition:
Income: 1,000
Consumption: 9,083
Stockpile: 20,397
Change to stockpile: -8,083
Ballistic Ammunition:
Income: 600
Consumption: 1,000
Stockpile: 3,267
Change to stockpile: -200
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