Clankers and Beasties (A leviathan Quest)

Hmm. Hey frost, how much subsidence did we see at the supply base? It's entirely possible there are still holdouts in uncollapsed portions of the base.
The tidals are built individually but with suffienct numbers (6) can operate as a unit on land.
Bit odd how Riese have..

The riese land dreadnought is the predecessor to the Beowulf class. The riese stands at 40 meters tall and is 100 meters long. The riese is equipped with 3 turreted 20 cm guns with to barrels each. The riese is also equipped with smaller 140 mm guns 4 on each side. The riese has one large problem, its main hull is under armored allowing even a 28 mm gun to pierce its Armour.

Attack high, defense medium, mobility medium

While Ironclads only have

ironclads are steam-powered ships covered in heavy metal plating, they are equipped wit two kracken fighting arms and two turrets that fire 24 cm shells. they are the main stay of clanker fleets.

I've read Behemoth and the picture where the Goeben fights the Behemoth shows the Ironclads have waaay more guns than just that.
I was improvising because I couldn't find any information of how many guns they had.the picture we see 4 kraken fighting arms an two turrets. Thus I improvised.
also a German ironclad is more heavily armed. Remember that your forces are outdated in some areas. Ironclad design is one and your dread design is behind others as well.
I was improvising because I couldn't find any information of how many guns they had.the picture we see 4 kraken fighting arms an two turrets. Thus I improvised.
also a German ironclad is more heavily armed. Remember that your forces are outdated in some areas. Ironclad design is one and your dread design is behind others as well.
Austrian Ironclad Kaiserin Elizabeth is also shown having quite a few more guns than those ones.

But generally, Ironclads are supposed to way outgun the Land Dreadnoughts, am I right?
Austrian Ironclad Kaiserin Elizabeth is also shown having quite a few more guns than those ones.

But generally, Ironclads are supposed to way outgun the Land Dreadnoughts, am I right?

first of all
the kaiserin has a single barrel turret on the front and a much smaller gun on the side assuming its symmetrical that means it would have 2 single barrel turrets. i should revise the ironclad description because it apparently missed the fact that it was two double barrel turrets. on located on the front deck and one on the back. if anything the ship has more fire power than the canon ironclad

and looking at the German ironclad i can see that even in canon it massively outguns the Austrian ship. the German ironclad through a bit of assumption on it being symmetrical would have 5 guns plus a tesla cannon. 4 smaller guns and 1 larger turret all with double barrels
The Russian assault on Bulgarian lines.
Russian assault.

[X] In Greece, thaw out and prepare as many Beasties as possible for the coming battle. Maybe even one of those Harpies, if we have people to crew it. Also bring up as much artillery as possible. Have About Gyros see if they can get any information on the enemy.
-[X] Bring up the navy to provide fire support nearby. Also keep said ships within the protection of our coastal artillery.

As the forces of bloody valentine launched their assault on the Russian supply base an attack happened at the Bulgarian border. Just days before the navy had been pulled up to provide supports to any of those fighting near the ocean.
Unfortunately they did not have enough time to thaw a large amount of beasties for the fight before the Russian forces attacked.

Inky black dominated the land near the defensive line. Shadows moved in the night slow and steady to slay their targets and bring them to their knees. Years of dedication and training played their part as they crape towards the line. Dodging lights from the spotlights and eyes of the guards.

STEALTH for Russian commandos. Needs a 50 at -10 because of hounds.
1d100-10 → [61,-10] = (51)
Russian sneaky sneaky.

Detection almost comes in the forms of the new hounds that the Austrians had implemented. But equipment made by the best Russian boffins allowed them to barely avoid detection by the creature. As they slink around the defensive lines they left … presents for the men and woman that manned the border. Gifts to show their appreciation for all the hard work they do. The shadows that slink around in the night soon leave but not before more presents are left.

Come morning the men and woman notice nothing. Until they find their commanding officers with their throats slit and large knifes left next to them.

As if the screams of the officers assistants was the sign they were waiting for a barrage of torfzer shots fly against the trench line.

1d100-5 → [42,-5] = (37)

While not taking a great deal of life's do to the protection of the trench line it still manages to suppress your soldiers in the trench and prevent them from firing their rifles t the now advancing beasts. However your machine guns are still capable even in the confusion of the death of their officers open fire.

1d100-5 → [59,-5] = (54) (dead officer = initial roll is a -5)

Even in the confusion they still put down a fair amount of rounds down range bringing own one of two of the bears per machine gun but nowhere near enough to matter.
To make it worse the Russian forces begin to open fire on the trench line.

1d100 → [53] = (53)

The shots fired by the Russian forces keep your men in the trenches suppressed as all the while the warbear's continue their run towards your lines.

In the confusion your men finally reach their mechs, the crews of your land dreadnoughts startled awake and rushing around the dreadnought to reach their stations. As the Bulgarians have the night shift in watch their mechs are already prepared and running, which they prove with a barrage from their thunder spider mechs.

1d100 → [53] = (53)

The shells slam into the tree line that is in use by the Russian infantry, ripping apart earth and shredding plant matter in addition to any soldiers that are caught in the a result the Russian infantry are forced into cover, allowing yours and the Bulgarian infantry forces to fire at the oncoming wave of flesh.

1d100 → [37] = (37)

Shaken by the sudden attack and the death of the officers your forces fail to slow down the war bears charge even with the auto-cannons. Even as two bears are torn apart by auto cannon shells 3 more take their place. Jumping over the fallen corpses forgotten beneath their paws.

1d100 → [68] = (68)

However it seems that the Bulgarian forces were much more prepared. Using some of the borrowed auto-cannons along with their own weapons they manage to kill a significant part of the left flank of bears.

Turrets turn to acquired targets, to smite the petulant that dare attack that which they have been created to protect.

Saving throw 80 or higher!
1d100 → [47] = (47)

Only for the turrets to go up in flames. Explosives laid by the Russian commandos detonating the second the turrets open fire. The turrets are blow apart sending super-heated shrapnel in every direction Killing the crew nearby them and damaging that which was not.

With the turrets out of commission it turns to your mech pilots, who are finally getting their machines stared to pick up the slack. Stormbringer train their sights upon the torfzer battalions that have been preparing for their next shot. The Cyclops and heavy assault mechs march forward to reinforce the line.

Standing above them all the land dreadnoughts prepare their guns to stifle the charging bears, hopefully pushing them back and away from the trenches in which it would be a killing field.

With the turrets destroyed and officers dead it falls to the pilots of the machine of war to pick up the slack left for them.

[] begin to cover a retreat, pull back to the next line of defense.
(Russians gain ground. Forces pulling back cannot fire, more forces might survive.)

[] hold the bloody line come hell or high water.
(The line is held. More casualty's, Russian lose momentum, take casualties, less chance of forces being caught out of defenses and slaughtered)
[] write in orders?
(its an sv plan, could be bad could be good.)

Because of dead officers all orders must be simple as so they are easy to convey to the troops.
(Any plan needs to be under 150 words.)
(The mechs will fire at the beginning of the next update after orders are sent. Unless told not to)
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you have no idea how many forces the Russian have available. anywhere from massive to titanic.
your forces are the same as you have posted on defensive duty. with the exception of the turrets that have been blow to hell and back.
the Bulgarian forces have about 8 divisions of infantry posted on defensive duty along with two regiments of thunderspider mechs. this is supplement by 12 efferent mech divisions of various types.

i cant make a map to save my life so ill describe the location.

on the russians side they have the advantage of being of a forest and having a couple hills spread out across the ront. while the hills aren't a major incline they still act as nice cover in addition to the heavy forest area. in the middle between the tree line and the trench line is clear terrain that has been cleared out by your forces to remove cover for advancing enemy forces. there are a couple of area that can be used for cover but beyond that its has no area to hide. the trench line as to bend a bit because of a large stone out cropping that is used as cover by the fortifications. of coarse its not one big line i'm just simplifying things a bit.
What are Thunderspider mechs? And what other kinds of mechs are there?

And why was a forest that close to the trenchline not cut down to make clearer firing zones? I specifically gave orders to put up range-finders to make landing shots easier, and I'd expect anything obstructing the view to be torn down.

And how did the Russians magically get their commandos through towards an artillery park that would've been at least a few kilometres away from the battlefield, probably behind another trenchline with even more fortifications, all the while carrying enough explosives to destroy every last artillery gun without a single explosive being detected over the course of the night, of which there should have been hundreds, if not thousands of, which would almost certainly have been under heavy guard the entire time due to their vital role?

For that matter, how are there even Russian Commandos? That's not only a British term, but it didn't even come into real use until WW2, Boer War notwithstanding. Did the Russians even have commandos at this time?
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thunderspider mechs is a 6 legged mech that has the appearance of a spider minus the thorax. coming out of its back it has 2 105 mm cannons as a primary armament. designed after the promising victory of Austrian-Hungarian storm-bringer artillery mechs they are a multi-legged artillery walker the are deployed in groups of 50.

i'm using the term commando as a catch all term for people who sneak behind enemy lines and sabotage pieces of equipment. the name for them for the Russian forces is Zabludshiye.

as for the rest of your questions im going to have to answer them later because i have to go get supper now and after that i have homework.
[X] Call out to the Russians. "Attention Russian Invaders! We are willing to accept your surrender!"
[X] Hold the bloody line come hell or high water.
-[X] Troops in the trenches, prepare flamethrowers and petrol bombs and prepare for close-combat. Remember your families, friends, wives and children who will suffer at the hands of Russia should you fail, and fight to the last man!
--[X] Should trench-lines start being overwhelmed, Attack Gyros drop Petrol bombs, Danger Close.
-[X] Stormrunners, Windrunners, and Royal Mechs attack Russian left flank. Royal Mechs clear way/draw fire for Windrunners and Stormrunners to kill enemy Torfzers and raid infantry and Bears.
[X] Crow Zepplins strafe Torfzers and Infantry.
[X] Unleash every non-Hound Beastie there is on the Fighting Bears to occupy them. If there are any hounds left, have them circle around to kill infantry and Torfzers.
-[X] Ironsides wait in reserve, either to reinforce attack or defence.
[X] Artillery and Dreadnoughts, Kill those bears.

Unsure about the falling back in waves. Will greatly appreciate criticism. Right now I'm nervous about the Bears running down our forces while they're out in the open. Keeping the flamethrowers, petrol bombs, and Beasties in their faces should buy us the time to pull back.

Also, said that the Russian left flank is short on bears, so a quick attack there might take them off-balance.

On the bright side, if this force is so massive they can't even count the numbers, it'll need a lot of food. In Behemoth, it's specifically stated the Mediterranean supply route is Russia's lifeline, so if we just stall this force long enough, the Russians will peter out and die, especially with our other forces moving in on their rear and their main supply depot gone.

thunderspider mechs is a 6 legged mech that has the appearance of a spider minus the thorax. coming out of its back it has 2 105 mm cannons as a primary armament. designed after the promising victory of Austrian-Hungarian storm-bringer artillery mechs they are a multi-legged artillery walker the are deployed in groups of 50.
Well, it's nice to know our successes have inspired imitation.:)
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Infiltration tactics are fair game. We need more hounds and need to work out new patterns of patrol to better defend against them. May as well also consider developing our own stosstruppen in response. I am surprised at the wide deployment of explosives since that seems like a Clanker thing, but I guess even the Darwinists can't completely replace industry.

I am actually thinking in favor of holding ground. The rout is where most casualties wind up being inflicted and the death of the officers makes an orderly retreat far harder to manage. "Hold your ground to the last" is at least a simple order, too. Anything more complex risks them falling apart in the face of the Russian assault.
[X] Call out to the Russians. "Attention Russian Invaders! We are willing to accept your surrender!"
[X] Hold the bloody line come hell or high water.
-[X] Troops in the trenches, prepare flamethrowers and petrol bombs and prepare for close-combat. Remember your families, friends, wives and children who will suffer at the hands of Russia should you fail, and fight to the last man!
--[X] Should trench-lines start being overwhelmed, Attack Gyros drop Petrol bombs, Danger Close.
-[X] Stormrunners, Windrunners, and Royal Mechs attack Russian left flank. Royal Mechs clear way/draw fire for Windrunners and Stormrunners to kill enemy Torfzers and raid infantry and Bears.
[X] Crow Zepplins strafe Torfzers and Infantry.
[X] Unleash every non-Hound Beastie there is on the Fighting Bears to occupy them. If there are any hounds left, have them circle around to kill infantry and Torfzers.
-[X] Ironsides wait in reserve, either to reinforce attack or defence.
[X] Artillery and Dreadnoughts, Kill those bears.