Civilization Quest

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New players, please look at this: Civilization Quest Information thread

If you have any...
New players, please look at this: Civilization Quest Information thread

If you have any questions about or suggestions for my quest, please don't hesitate to say something.

Anyway, as you might have guessed from the title, this will be a civilization CK2-type game. However, what I plan to do is make the adjust the CK2 system for any government in any (real) time period in human history. Instead of necessarily being the king, you will be the ruling faction of your country, and your traits will be the things that the ruling faction is good at.

The way character selection works is that you guys argue among yourselves and pick a year and a nation, in that order. The year and nation can be any in human history, although I would suggest picking a time period in human history that is easily researched. Because of the diversity of human history, odds are that everyone will have a unique nation time period all to themselves. If this is the case, I will pick whichever idea that is most interesting to me. Note that I'm not quite the expert on history yet, and even the most expert of all experts wouldn't know every detail about everything.

One more thing. If your faction is placed out of power or your nation is destroyed, don't fret! You will have the choice to play as the new ruling power in your nation (whether it be the new faction or the new nation) or play as a new nation altogether.

As a side note, I'm not sure what the protocol is for how long votes should last, so unless there is a protocol, it shall be when I get at least 5 people signed up.


[x]Pick a nation and a time period
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Bah everybody chooses romans. I think their doing that in the other quest. Need something that speaks to my underdog senses...

Carthage? or Ptolemy? Heck why not Vandals?
Pick a time frame my friends! The Tang dynasty at its beginning is much different from the Tang dynasty at its end.
For some reason I want to change my vote to the Ghana Empire I want to see if we can conquer all of Africa.
For some reason I want to change my vote to the Ghana Empire I want to see if we can conquer all of Africa.

OOOOhhhh lets Ill switch to that if you will.
I don't even think there's a quest like that on AH....

EDIT: It seems to have started in the 4 th century from unconfirmed tradition soooo
GM could just wing it if you want.
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Ottomans! I love playing the Ottomans in Europa Universalis 4. They are a pretty cool nation and have some strong conflict being the part of the bridge between Europe and Asia.
[X] China - Qin Shi Huang, just starting out

I'm not that good with historical dates, but does that give enough to peg the First Emperor of China?
Alright, unless someone speaks up within the next hour, voting is closed. I'm not sure how much info there is on ancient Ghana at 460 AD (is that right, or is AH different from AD?), but ETA on the first update is today or tomorrow. If, by some miracle, someone knows about ancient Ghana, assistance would be greatly appreciated. However, rest assured, I will be doing some research in order to make this at least slightly plausible.
[X] 460 AH Ghana Empire.

africa power,

How we Bunk Some so of Congoian into Wonder Pagan(Chistanity won' have us but Islam, And Islam is much strong power with it techlogy behide in all) Africa empire
Alright, unless someone speaks up within the next hour, voting is closed. I'm not sure how much info there is on ancient Ghana at 460 AD (is that right, or is AH different from AD?), but ETA on the first update is today or tomorrow. If, by some miracle, someone knows about ancient Ghana, assistance would be greatly appreciated. However, rest assured, I will be doing some research in order to make this at least slightly plausible.

I'll help. Was just looking at the french version of wiki's page on Ghana. Its a little more detailed too. Ill post some links in a few...
I rather want to play one of the last pagan nations in Europe, see if we can keep it pagan. (I've always disliked forced religious conversion,) so I'm gonna say one of the Baltic tribes just at the start of the Baltic Crusades. Possibly easier to research too.

[X] 12th century Lithuanians (or if we want a real underdog, the Selonians or Curonians or something)
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Thank you Orisha, this will help with ideas. Although, I'm not really sure what type of tech they had in 460...

EDIT: I might also start at the beginning of the kingdom, even though it might have taken place 200 years before, if that's alright.
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That's why I'm suggesting 12th century baltics. Much easier to research techlevel etc when you're set a bit later in time..
Thank you Orisha, this will help with ideas. Although, I'm not really sure what type of tech they had in 460...
Do you mean the use of metals and such?
They seem to have had an advantage in the use of iron weapons and tools but relied on importing camels and horses t to supplemnt their domestic population. The occupations of tribes like was usually kept in house, really tribal.