Chasing the Sun (CMGQ Spin Off)

Having seen Sunny's sheet... Improbable. Not impossible, but unlikely.
Hmmm.... Then maybe
"Really wish I could talk to someone who would understand how great Selene is, but what if someone like that will compete with me over the Sun's time? Sounds a little scary"

Probably wouldn't happen in cannon, but I'm wondering if anything is preventing a self-reinforcing feedback loop of Angels/demons and Fears or Wishes
Dream in Time
So here's my possibly premature Omake attempt I talked about, no idea how well I captured Adriel's character. It's a crossover that has to play fast and loose with canon to make the two series mesh (e.g., with how time travel works in CWMGQ), so I highly doubt it'll be canonised, but poyekhali:

You were paying what, as far as you knew, would be your last visit to the Goddess Shrine. Well, maybe phrase that as 'last visit for the foreseeable future', try to keep your hopes up, eh?

Any peace you found or final thoughts you had however were promptly interrupted by what your worried instincts leapt to fearing was an invader from Darkness. Had to be an intruder at least, since you'd never heard any sound like that, a wheezing, groaning whir, made by anyone in Heaven. Then again, with how a short a time ago you'd been Formed, you had to admit there were many sights and sounds in Heaven alone that'd still be unknown to you-

"Hello there. Not interrupting anything, am I?" a deep and husky yet oddly chirpy woman's voice asked, snapping you out of your spiral of thoughts. Her appearance however*, pale ashy skin like a corpse, crimson eyes framed by pitch black hair, had all the markings you'd been told were typical of Unified Darkness.
*(Alt. faceclaims)

Afraid you were up against your first real enemy, you reached without thinking for the weapon you carried, prepared even to channel your Grace, as you bellowed "S-stand down, intruder! You are in the presence of an A-Angel of Light!"

Not the least bit intimidated, this woman's reaction was to promptly scold you like a child, which you in a way still were despite your looks. "Really, young lady? Such poor hospitality, if this is how you greet just anyone around here. And I've encountered a fair many people calling themselves 'Angels' on my travels, if you think that alone will make me quake in your presence," she said, before she raised her hands in front of you, "As you can see, I stand before you unarmed. Well, unless you would seriously call having a screwdriver on you 'armed', which distressingly more and more people do these days. Or at least the people I tend to meet."

Yet you couldn't yet relax too much around this intruding woman, for you then pointed out, "What's to stop you casting a spell then? I mean, you were able to teleport this... thing in here." You pointed your weapon at the vehicle in which this woman arrived all the way here in the shrine, a vehicle you, er, could only describe as a rectangular blue box with 'police' scrawled on top. Was this really how the forces of Unified Darkness got around? While you had heard bad things about the police from some of the other Angels, you still pictured the travel methods of Darkness to be more along the lines of spiked chariots, rotting ghost ships, portals that tore reality, those sorts of things.

"Excuse me, did I hear you just refer to the TARDIS as a, I quote, 'thing'?" this strange woman glared at you before she sighed. "The nerve. Your rudeness, young lady, would otherwise tempt me to leave, especially as I had such a nice picnic planned with Lavinia at the Eye of Orion. However," she then said as her tone lowered, "The TARDIS never lands anywhere by coincidence, she wouldn't have brought me here without reason. So, I'm afraid you're just stuck with me for the time being, young lady, like it or not."

You then sheathed your weapon and said, "I do apologise. I've heard much about Unified Darkness, but never faced down anyone from it, having Formed not too long ago. So um, with how out of nowhere you came, you can see why I leapt to conclusions. But I'm assured now, you don't act anything like how I've been told how soldiers of Darkness do, well, no orthodox one anyway."

"Good, always such a shame to be called 'orthodox'," this woman said, before she turned around and called into the box she called the 'TARDIS', "It's alright, Lavinia dear, you can come out now. Miss Angel here means us no harm." She then turned back to you and said, "You do mean us no harm, don't you young lady?"

"I don't, o-of course I don't," you told her, your words true for now anyway. But you still had to make one thing clear, "I, Adriel of Light, am an Angel, regardless of whoever you've met that has pretended to be. I was brought into this world by prayer, by her prayer," well, 'her' prayer was only half the equation, but you wouldn't trust even those you knew with the full story, let alone this stranger, "That's how I know I'm an Angel!"

"Never specifically said you weren't, young lady," this woman told you, with you suspecting she said that less because she now believed but rather to agree to disagree. You nodded, and still wondering why this woman had to raise her voice to call into a box, you peered inside the TARDIS... and saw its door was a portal, like there was a whole sliver of reality contained within.
"Dimensional transcendentalism is the scientific term," the woman chimed in, "but of course, I expect as an Angel of Light preparing to fight against the Legions of Darkness, you'd naturally know all about it, wouldn't you?" Needless to say you didn't.

A bespectacled girl with dark braided hair* slowly and shakingly made her way out of the TARDIS, then her saying, "I'm okay, I was watching everything on the TARDIS scanner, like you told me too, Doctor. I'm okay." She then looked at you and gasped, "You... really are an Angel? I'm sorry that- that The Doctor doubted you, but I know she would've just been trying to make sure. Er, oh my, I go by Lavinia Mortlake, you see I've, er, lost my original name."
*(Alt. faceclaim)

"I however do know my original name, but it's my business what I do with it. Though yes, Adriel dear, you can call me The Doctor, it's good enough for most," the strange woman, 'The Doctor', said to you.

"Although, if you're not with Unified Darkness, and you're not Angels or anyone who knows of us, then what... are you?" you had to ask, "Wait, to reach here, you must be Magical Girls just like Selene is!"

"'Girl'? I do beg your pardon, Miss Adriel, but I have not lived nearly a thousand years to simply be called 'girl'," The Doctor said. "Nor am I 'Magical', unless you mean in the Clarke sense. No, Lavinia and I are but travellers, that's all really."

"Wait, by 'Magical Girls', you mean like witches or sorceresses?" Lavinia asked you, but on second thought said, "No, it sounds like you mean something more specific, like when you say 'Magical Girl' it's as a proper noun. Ah, so I assume. I'm just human, really that's all I am, but The Doctor, we'll she's..."

"Gallifreyan, a Time Lady," The Doctor said, helping Lavinia along, "If Miss Adriel must know. That's where the name 'TARDIS' comes from, short for Time and Relative Dimension in Space. My granddaughter likes to think she came up the acronym, so I humour her. Ahem, my granddaughter being someone completely dissimilar to Lavinia, of course."

"You're time travellers?!" you shout upon inferring, "T-then that makes you Divine Beings, they're the only ones who have that ability!"

"Divine? Most certainly not!" The Doctor said before she sighed, "Even if quite a few of my people would rather like to think they are. Then again, I suppose the whole reason us Gallifreyans have time travel is due to quite the messianic figure in our past, so that could be what you mean."
You nodded along for now, though your suspicions were once again on the rise.

It was then Lavinia approached you and asked, "Ah, if it's nothing personal, well I suppose it is- Sorry, you said you were formed by someone's prayer, a girl called Selene?"

"Yes. Selene is my Sun, she prayed that someone, anyone, would love her, so I exist for that reason," you told them, light itself beaming out of your face.

Hearing that made The Doctor narrow her eyes at you. "Existing for a single person? Romantic as it may sound, are you absolutely certain of that path?" she asked, "I suppose you must be, given that's what brought you into existence, apparently."

"Oh, ah, I wasn't thinking that at all!" Lavinia tried to insist before The Doctor's words put you on edge again, "It's just that, well, I was in a place where I was left praying a lot too, but... no angel came for me."

"Of course they did, you had me arrive!" The Doctor beamed as she told her companion, "Though I am naturally a nigh thousand-year-old Time Lady rather than a being only just brought into this world through prayer, but semantics."

"It's possible your prayers did Form an Angel, actually," you then said to Lavinia, "There are many of us, chances are yours manifested somewhere out here in Heaven. If you were strong enough in will to do so, of course."

It was then The Doctor took you to one side and said, "Listen, I'll be blunt. If Lavinia has psychically manifested an Angel, I would rather the two remain apart, for I do not need someone who bases their identity on completely obsessing with her following her around."

"What are you implying?" you hissed out, "That I'm some sort of danger to Selene?"

"Your relationship to Selene is your own business, dear Adriel, but Lavinia is in no state to have any distant figure watching her every move," The Doctor said.

"...Because that's your job, isn't it?" you caught on. You expected The Doctor by now to fume or retort, but for the moment she instead said nothing, looking somewhat defeated.

Eventually The Doctor did reply, "I... just want what's best for her. She's been through a lot, kidnapped, isolated, near brainwashed. Incidentally, your forces of 'Unified Light' may want to keep a lookout for a sub-dimension called Oterne, I can't say if they're with your 'Darkness' but I would hardly put it past them."

Taking that all in, you then looked at Lavinia and said, "Well, ah, if you do have an Angel, I'm sure they're already acting in your best interest. Wait, actually... is it okay if I ask you two to do something for me?"

"Ask away," The Doctor said, sounding okay with it on the surface.

You thought, should you ask them to check on Selene if they can travel like that, make sure she's okay given all she's been through? No, isn't that your job? Are you being irresponsible in asking such a thing of people you've just met? In the Doctor's case, of someone suspicious of who you even are?

Link in case you'd like more info on who Lavinia, this version of The Doctor, and stuff like Oterne even are:

Doctor Who: A Deal with Time Sci-Fi - Historic - Horror

It was a strange woman called The Doctor who found me, saying she was a time traveller who'd lived for centuries. I was trapped in an endless castle, then she showed me what true endlessness really looked like. I can go with her anywhere in time and space now... except back home.
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[x] Train Extra Stuff
-[x] Spear

Looking at the extra abilities on the character sheet, I think getting a second weapon is a good idea. The spear combos best with the vacuum part of Touch, since it lets us drag someone into a thrusting attack for higher accuracy and damage.
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What does LDC stand for?

[x] Train Extra Stuff
-[x] A Grace
--[x] Judgment (Weapon Boost)
While I didn't have any one title in mind for my Omake, I'd say 'Dream in Time' suits it pretty well, so kudos

Also added a link to Doctor Who: A Deal with Time at the end in case people would like further context (beyond the one in my sig)
Doctor Who: A Deal with Time
... Honestly the name was because Doctor Who, but the title irony is great.


It's a crossover that has to play fast and loose with canon to make the two series mesh (e.g., with how time travel works in CWMGQ), so I highly doubt it'll be canonised,
Fun fact with CMGQ setting high details: Everything ever is technically canon based on the way the cosmology is set up.

Cosmos and Void, the two pinnacle gods of the setting, are Reality and Not-Reality/Imaginary respectively.

So this omake? Potentially did happen. Just in Void instead of Cosmos.
I am just going to point out that picking up a second weapon will play pretty well into the expectations of all our future opponents.

If you see an Angel with a spear or a sword, your first thought will be they use that spear or sword, not that their primary weapon is a magic spacewarping gauntlet.

[x] Train Extra Stuff
-[x] Spear
We've a winner.

You're doubling down on Touch and Diver.

Adhoc vote count started by Crystalwatcher on Apr 23, 2023 at 10:47 PM, finished with 23 posts and 9 votes.
Fun fact with CMGQ setting high details: Everything ever is technically canon based on the way the cosmology is set up.

Cosmos and Void, the two pinnacle gods of the setting, are Reality and Not-Reality/Imaginary respectively.

So this omake? Potentially did happen. Just in Void instead of Cosmos.
On the other side of the crossover, Doctor Who nowadays goes for a more 'pick and choose' approach to canon, where what's canon or not depends on the story you're currently trying to tell. Given the franchise has been around for sixty years and has helmed by numerous writers, obviously it has to take this approach to even function

Incidentally, those questions Adriel asks of herself at the end of the omake were originally going to be formatted like voting options (though obviously rhetorical), to see whether readers here would've had her ask The Doctor to check up on Selene or not? I obviously didn't go through with that because I then remembered that would risk messing up the existing vote, and would be pretty presumptuous for an omake anyway.
I'd still be interested to hear what people would have her answer, just not in vote format of course
Born of Light 4
The difference between a Judgment and a weapon an Angel picks up to wield, is that one is an innate part of their being, while the other… isn't. An image of protection attached to an Angel's soul is what you want to call it, though that isn't quite right. It's more something created from the Angel's desire to answer their Prayer.

Killing evil, severing chains, answering honor. These all lead to swords.

Protecting, holding, guarding. These all lead to spears.

Bows, crossbows, axes, scythes, kama, katana, these are all formed from an Angel's 'Judgment'. Their desire to achieve what brought them into the world. Ironically, this is what lead to the most common grace to be called 'Judgment' as well. For a long time, to angels they were one and the same. It wasn't until Heaven joined The War and started actively involving themselves more and more with the outside world aside from their Prayers that they started running into all the strangeness their existence held in comparison to other species.

Explaining the difference between Grace and Magic is beyond you. One is an inherent aspect of an Angel, while the other is a function of the world actualized via effort of the user.

… Fun fact, Necromancy was first developed in order to interact more with Angels before it spread to other fields. It was a massive misunderstanding from what you've read, but in the end it helped the Elven Empire become what it is these days with their bone golems and Necromancy-fueled industry.

Regardless though, the thing that has you thinking about all this is the nature of your own Judgment and Grace. If Judgment is how you act to answer your Prayer, then your Grace is the power to see it through. Your empty hand to Touch the Sun, and the power to Dive into the corona.

So you focus on that. The edge of the corona is as much a shield for those that are near the sun as it is a barrier to keep the sun safe; anything seeking to strike it must pierce it, but in order to approach the Sun, you have to pass by it. A wall of annihilation that strikes down Icarus and those like him.

A wall that stands in your way.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

You look up from your glowing hand at Sister Mist's question, "Hm?"

"You've been glaring at your hand for most of the afternoon." The Valkyr sits next to you on the edge of the Shrine's roof. "Decided to focus on your Judgment and Grace instead of picking up something new?"

"Yes." You look back to your hand, still enveloped by Sun Diver's glow. "I might pick something else up in the future, but for now I can't think of how the more widespread Grace will help me with my Prayer… and I need both hands free." Why you need them free, you don't say, but Sister Mist gives you a look that says she understands. "It's versatile enough that I don't feel anything else is really necessary at the moment."

Was that really it? You… aren't sure honestly. But it's the best you can come up with right now that doesn't make you sound creepy as heck. Not picking up a weapon because that means you can't devote both hands to holding your sun? Wait, didn't you already say that?

Oh Light, you've already made yourself sound like a creeper.

"So long as you're aware that I don't know any angels with… anything similar now that I think about it." Sister Mist starts out upbeat before devolving into an awkward mutter. "Huh, your Judgement really is pretty unique. Then again, I don't know many Prayers that are so focused on embracing something over protecting it."

"I see." You return your attention back to your Touch and focus a little more; drawing out the vague outline of your Light. "Sister Mist… why don't you push me towards growing a new Judgement?" When you had told the older Valkyrie about your decision to focus on your Touch, you had fully expected her to demand you take up another weapon regardless. When she didn't though, you had been too grateful not to say anything until now.

"Purity isn't wrong."

"Hm?" You look up from your Touch to the Valkyrie trainer in confusion.

"Honestly, had you suggested taking up a new Judgement immediately, I would have been a little worried." Sister Mist shrugs before sitting down next to you on the bench you've been relaxing on since that morning. "It's something that isn't part of the standard lessons because it's awkward to talk about, especially with the War taking up so much of everything; but for us Angels purity is a factor."

"Purity in what?" You ask, finally letting your hand drop so you can focus on this new lecture.

"Purity of purpose." Mist explains solemnly. "We're formed by our Prayers, but that doesn't mean it has to be all we are. We can make the choice of bending away from what we are; it's the gift of those that prayed for us, the Gift of Free Will. But the cost is that we never become what we were originally meant to be." Mist shrugs again and crosses her arms with a huff. "A Healing Angel will always be drawn to healing more than battle, but that doesn't mean they can't pick up a sword. If they do pick up that sword though… then that means they have to taint their Prayer with something else; and in so doing, give up something important to them."

"That means…" You tail off as you consider the implications with a frown.

"They'll never be what they should be." Mist completes the thought for you. "They'll still be a great healer; but they'll never be as transcendent as they could have been."

"So the reason you didn't push me to take up a Spear or Sword is because you want me to remain Pure?"

"I want you to be true to yourself." Mist shoots your guess down. "These are choices we must make for ourselves, and far too many of our Sisters and Brothers warp themselves in a desire to aid in the war effort without ever considering what doing so does to them in the long run. The joke about War Angels all being cookie cutter cutouts exists for a reason and I hate it."

… There was a joke about War Angels being cookie cutter cutouts? This is news to you.

"Uniqueness is a gift; one that far too many throw away at the drop of a hat just because they can't see any other way to combat the hordes of Hell. I remember merely a few thousand years ago when the Elves' culture was rich and fantastical… but these days they're little more than a monochrome steel river that marches endlessly in lock step to their ends so that others may live." Mist grows more and more agitated as she speaks, and as she does so, you're suddenly reminded that this Valkyrie isn't just any other of the legions of Valhalla; she's a retired cripple that's been around almost as long as Heaven has been in the War.

Sister Mist had once upon a time led many a charge against the invaders that flooded into the Realm of Heroes… at least before the legendary demon Orux had ripped her wings from her back and permanently grounded her in defiance of his natural fate at Reluxus. Barely a shadow of her former self, she now spent her days here in Heaven teaching newborns like you how not to get slaughtered on your first foray into the LDC.

"So no! I'll never gainsay someone that wants to stay true to themselves! Your Purity is something that is worth consideration! Not something that should be immediately thrown out in favor of whatever we supposedly need for the fucking front lines!" Sister Mist angrily runs her hands through her hair, making her dreads (is that the right word for her hairstyle? You don't know.) fly about from her frustration. "So no!" You flinch as Sister Mist suddenly spins around and snatches up your hand into her's. "If you want to focus on your Prayer in favor of becoming just another War Angel, then that is fine! I'll support you every step of the way!"

"O-okay?" You accept her declaration awkwardly. "Thank you?"

If Sister Mist notices your uncertainty over her actions, she gracefully ignores it and releases you with a firm nod. "Now! Since you've finally Formed, your entire Cadre has completed their first steps. This means that we're going to be moving onto direct combat trials."

Something in you suddenly sits up and takes note. Direct Combat Trials means spars, which while not as important for growth in Angels as it is in Magical Girls, is still a fantastic way to grow stronger quicker if only in a very limited capacity in comparison to Magical Girls. A capacity you might share as an Angel born from a Magical Girl's Prayer. You inherited Veere's nature as something that doesn't quite exist, so wouldn't you also share Selene's potential for growth?

Maybe. You really hope that's true; but you also have to keep your expectations reasonable. You're an Angel, not a Magical Girl. You should be grateful that you got something other than Hope or Light for your core even if it's only because Selene was a human and thus not bound by the same conceptual Framework that the Fairies of old had forced upon the LDC.

"Things'll probably start moving quickly after that, so be ready alright?" Sister Mist tells you, and you nod back to her.

With that, the Valkyrie leaves and you take a deep breath to focus yourself. Things will end up moving quickly; but something tells you they'll move far quicker than even Sister Mist expects them to. Deep inside, a part of you twinges; the time to answer your Prayer is fast approaching.

You'll need to be ready.


[] Remain Pure

[] Pick up a new Grace​
[] Shining Light
[] Judgement
[] Glory
[] Fury​

[] Pick up a new Judgement​
[] Sword
[] Spear
[] Bow​

+16 Touch of Reality EXP
+10 Sun Diver EXP
+4 Flight EXP
+2 Transcendent Presence of False Light EXP
+10 Newborn Training EXP​
I don't let a lot of things aside from my libido drive me.

But when i do, it's usually spite. Very weak Spite, but spite nonetheless.

In other news, this update has been brought to you by the fact I now have a Patreon in the hopes of one day making enough money off it that I can potentially write long term. Maybe.

Depends on if I don't writer block for months on end again and lose all income and end up living in a tent outside of free internet range.
Well, this explains the Purity of the Sun Seeker in the character sheet options.

As it turns out, it's mutually exclusive with the next two options.

But I have a question still.
Some of the traits are gated behind Win/Lose the Spar. Do we need to get the associated weapons/flight leveled before the Spar to get the traits?
Some of the traits are gated behind Win/Lose the Spar. Do we need to get the associated weapons/flight leveled before the Spar to get the traits?
No, you don't.

My planned EXP distribution for the prologue here is also meant to get you the minimum requirements anyway unless you vote really weirdly. So not something to worry too much about anyway.
Sister Mist had once upon a time led many a charge against the invaders that flooded into the Realm of Heroes… at least before the legendary demon Orux had ripped her wings from her back and permanently grounded her in defiance of his natural fate at Reluxus.

But yes, spite is a great motivator. Good to see this keep going