Wonder what Chaos Emps demands of his servants.

Most likely he is simalar to the Emperial tyrant ( see Ork Overlord quest on SB) or the Starfather (Embers in the dark).

Basically the chaos emperor is a tyrant at it's core a Chaos god of Order if you will. demanding mindless obedience from his followers and endless praise like a Grimdark interpretation of the christian god
Vote closed

Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] We (heretically, from the Word Bearers perspective) believe that Lorgar was right in the first place: the Emperor is the one true God.
No. of votes: 5
Random Member, tri2, butchock, liberty614, souvikkundu
[X] We own a planet! (actually have a planet to recruit from and retreat to, essentially fleet based if not)
No. of votes: 4
Random Member, Artemis1992, Beyogi, moon-llama
[X] Our boss is a Demon Prince! (instead of a Chaos Lord, led by a Demon Prince. This means he's both personally really powerful, and can't be deposed since he's an immortal representative of the Dark Gods)
No. of votes: 14
Random Member, tri2, veekie, Nianque, Logos, Zaratustra, Rooster, dacsan, ebolasos, EricShin, butchock, Cjdavis103, souvikkundu, godofsmallthings
[X]No, stick to the big four.
No. of votes: 6
Random Member, tri2, Artemis1992, chriswriter90, Zaratustra, Cjdavis103
[X] We have a lot of Marines! (1000~. If not selected, 100~. Additionally, Marines easier to entice into warband)
No. of votes: 10
tri2, Artemis1992, Nianque, Beyogi, moon-llama, Logos, dacsan, ebolasos, butchock, souvikkundu
[X] We, uh, didn't. We just got separated from them, and are stuck in hostile territory, specifically...
No. of votes: 3
Night_stalker, Eurocorp, Cjdavis103
-[X]Tau territory
No. of votes: 3
Night_stalker, Eurocorp, Cjdavis103
[X] We have a lot of Marines! (1000~.If not selected, 100~. Additionally,
No. of votes: 2
Night_stalker, Eurocorp
[X] The Gods favour us! (dice rolls favor warband, demons relatively loyal, political currency for dealing with most other chaotic forces)
No. of votes: 10
Night_stalker, Eurocorp, veekie, Zaratustra, Rooster, EricShin, Cjdavis103, Shard, Happerry, godofsmallthings
[X]Yes, I want Malal as prominent as the other Chaos Gods. (Malal added to the dice table, will feature more in the story in general)
No. of votes: 10
Night_stalker, veekie, Nianque, Logos, Rooster, dacsan, ebolasos, EricShin, Happerry, godofsmallthings
[X]Yes, but I don't think he should be on the dice table. (will feature, but not on the dice table)
No. of votes: 1
[X] The Word Bearers aren't doing enough, we believe we can accomplish more in the name of the Dark Gods without being shackled to them.
No. of votes: 3
Artemis1992, Zaratustra, Happerry
[X] We (also heretically, from the Word Bearers perspective) believe that the Emperor is a God, but choose to merely add him to the pantheon, rather than worship him exclusively.
No. of votes: 11
veekie, Nianque, Beyogi, moon-llama, Logos, Rooster, dacsan, ebolasos, EricShin, Shard, godofsmallthings
[X]Yes, and put the Sons of Malice on the table as well. (Malal and Sons of Malice added to dice table)
No. of votes: 3
butchock, Shard, souvikkundu
[X] We're popular with the lowly humans! (Lots of cultist support, positive reception among Traitor Guard and cultists, easier to subvert normal humans)
No. of votes: 2
Shard, Happerry
[X] We have a lot of vehicles! (more Predator Tanks, Land Raiders, and any other Space Marine vehicle you care to name than if not taken)
No. of votes: 1
[X] We have a big fleet! (3 Battle Barges and 12 Strike Cruisers+ assorted supporting vessels eg thunderhawks if taken, 1 Battle Barge and 2 Strike Cruisers if not, less supporting ships)
No. of votes: 1

Winning votes:
[X] We (also heretically, from the Word Bearers perspective) believe that the Emperor is a God, but choose to merely add him to the pantheon, rather than worship him exclusively.
No. of votes: 11
veekie, Nianque, Beyogi, moon-llama, Logos, Rooster, dacsan, ebolasos, EricShin, Shard, godofsmallthings
[X] Our boss is a Demon Prince! (instead of a Chaos Lord, led by a Demon Prince. This means he's both personally really powerful, and can't be deposed since he's an immortal representative of the Dark Gods)
No. of votes: 14
Random Member, tri2, veekie, Nianque, Logos, Zaratustra, Rooster, dacsan, ebolasos, EricShin, butchock, Cjdavis103, souvikkundu, godofsmallthings
[X] We have a lot of Marines! (1000~. If not selected, 100~. Additionally, Marines easier to entice into warband)
No. of votes: 12
tri2, Artemis1992, Nianque, Beyogi, moon-llama, Logos, dacsan, ebolasos, butchock, souvikkundu, Night_stalker, Eurocorp
(Night_stalker and Eurocorps votes were 'orphaned' by having everything after 'additionally' cut off, in the tally. This is just collating it clearly together)
[X]Yes, I want Malal as prominent as the other Chaos Gods. (Malal added to the dice table, will feature more in the story in general)
No. of votes: 10
Night_stalker, veekie, Nianque, Logos, Rooster, dacsan, ebolasos, EricShin, Happerry, godofsmallthings

Beginning update construction...
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The Chaos Begins.
The warband has one Dark Apostle-turned Daemon Prince, three Chaos Sorcerors, 20 Chaos Marines whom deserve the title champion, and 1000~ give or take, other brother Marines. Of course, since you have only a single Battle Barge (rated for 300~ Marines) and two Strike Cruisers (rated for 100~ Marines each), conditions are quite cramped. You are en route to a planet that you have seeded with cults loyal to you, intending to take it for yourself.


[] a Hive World. The billions of souls there will be quite the start to your fledgling sect, if you succeed. Of course, you will likely have to exercise stealth, as the Imperial forces will be present in force, and the Imperiums' stake in a Hive World is (relatively) large, so Chaos being sighted would be cause for a response. On the other hand, stealth is easy on a Hive World. On the mutant third hand, that means you can expect to find... other forces already present. (Large number of potential recruits to the faith, high levels of Imperial forces, stealth easy, Imperial response to open presence large, 3 random other factions already present on world, in addition to the Imperials.)

[] a Death World. Yes, there are relatively few humans, and the world itself is quite dangerous, but there are opportunities inherent to a Death World, and the Imperium doesn't really care about this one. (Dangerous wildlife, but such may be harnessed, and Khorne rewards impressive kills, as a rule. Imperial presence low, but local population highly suitable for indoctrination into any group of Space Marines, thanks to the harshness of the world. Imperium reaction to the world per se being subverted low, although any large warband is likely to draw Imperial response when moving openly)

[] a Forge World. Forge Worlds are an invaluable source of new equipment and repairs, and represent an 'in' with the Dark Mechanicus. Of course, the Imperium values them strongly, and there are significant defenses in place around this one, unsurprisingly. (Imperial population medium, Imperial military presence high. Expect multiple Titans among the immediate defenders, even before reinforcements. Fleet presence also high, our fleet will not be able to stay hidden within the system, nor win the space battle. On the other hand, if we can take it, our gear and vehicle problems are likely solved, and most of our Chaotic brethren have the same problems. Significant political capital for Chaos Space Marines, Traitor Guard, and the Dark Mechanicus.)

[] a World under immediate assault from an Ork Waaaagh. The Imperial defense has already given up, leaving a few billion humans to their fate at the hands of the Orks. (No chance of Imperial response. Moderate human population. A change of Faith comes easier to those who believe they have been abandoned. Of course, significant Orkish presence will have to be fought to take the world, but it is believe that the Emperor will look favorably upon the protection of humans, given his historical words and actions, and Khorne, Tzeench, Nurgle, and Slaanesh can all be pleased in a war against Orks, not just the Imperium)

[] a Fortress World. Holding the line against threats to the Imperium, such a world would be a nightmare to take. But if we can take it, we will be able to turn its defenses to our immediate advantage, and several more worlds will likely be vulnerable to our further efforts, thanks to their current dependence upon this Fortress. (Significant Imperial population, massive Imperial military presence, on land and in space. Loyalist Marines are already in the system, and Imperial response will be swift and decisive, if it becomes know it is under assault. Planet is also quite literally a fortress, bristling with defenses and loaded with supplies to withstand decades of siege-which we do not have the numbers to perform. Stealth will be difficult and key, if the planet is to join the true faith)

[] Did I say planet? I meant a Space Hulk. There is quite a population of humans on it, most of whom have already submitted to our faith. Space Hulks can be veritable treasure troves of lost or alien technologies, and it is suspected that it could be brought into condition to be a nigh-unassailable mobile base of operations, ideal for the spread of our new faith. (No Imperial presence... probably. Modest population. Great potential for acquisition of rare devices, new STCs, and more, which could be used for our own purposes or bartered to other brother Marines, or the Dark Mechanicus, who would love to get a hold of STCs that neither they nor the Loyalists have. Many raw resources available, and an unknown level of capability as a possibly-mobile-fortress. On the other hand, the cultists speak of things in the shadows: it is believed that as many as ten other factions may already have forces aboard the hulk)

(no write ins, here)

It is well known amongst the warband that, although, of course, he has many impressive achievements to his name, our Demon Prince ultimately achieved his ascension by...

[] The conversion of most a loyalist chapter to the Dark Gods. This is, naturally, where most of the members of our Warband come from.

[] The mass offering of a large number of Eldar Soulstones. Slaanesh strongly supports our warband, although our Prince is nevertheless of Chaos Undivided, as is true of all Dark Apostles.

[] The destruction of a bothersome Tyranid Splinter Fleet. He even corrupted a few of the lesser creatures, which have remained a useful tool of our warband.

[] Other? (Write-in)

Not as many ideas as I wanted for the Demon Princes deed there, but I'm having a bit of writers block on more.

Looking for name suggestions for your three Sorcerors, the Demon Prince, the ships, even just the champions and rank and file would be good.

The Salt Quest style votes begin now! However, in light of how many factions I felt the need to include, and Malal's victory,

You will be rolling a 33 sided dice for 'who', and a 110 sided dice for success

Actions for these rolls should be appropriate to a large group, and should either be targeted locally or relevant on the galactic scale, so as to be relevant to this story. (so for example launching a Black Crusade, or trying to take a specific planet, or launching an attack on a specific faction), or alternately be occurring in immediate relation and/or vicinity to the Warband. I will look favorably upon less specific such votes, if only in the sense that more factions will have good odds of success at them. Please make the Salt Quest type vote the last in your post, for convenient relation to the rolls.

I will also look favorably upon Omakes, and may, at my discretion, provide tangible rewards for such.

Malal's sacred number is 11, or so the wiki tells me. I'll leave you to think about that for why I might want a 110 sided dice.

Damnation. 100 is the maximum number of sides, so 100 sided die for success it is. ah well.
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[X] Did I say planet? I meant a Space Hulk.
[X] The destruction of a bothersome Tyranid Splinter Fleet. He even corrupted a few of the lesser creatures, which have remained a useful tool of our warband.
[X] a Death World. Yes, there are relatively few humans, and the world itself is quite dangerous, but there are opportunities inherent to a Death World, and the Imperium doesn't really care about this one. (Dangerous wildlife, but such may be harnessed, and Khorne rewards impressive kills, as a rule. Imperial presence low, but local population highly suitable for indoctrination into any group of Space Marines, thanks to the harshness of the world. Imperium reaction to the world per se being subverted low, although any large warband is likely to draw Imperial response when moving openly)

[X] The conversion of most a loyalist chapter to the Dark Gods. This is, naturally, where most of the members of our Warband come from.
Night_stalker threw 1 33-faced dice. Total: 2
2 2
[X] Did I say planet? I meant a Space Hulk.
[X] The destruction of a bothersome Tyranid Splinter Fleet. He even corrupted a few of the lesser creatures, which have remained a useful tool of our warband.
[X] WAAAGH!!! World

The imperium will not notice and we will have a large world of easily converted people with whom to start our relgion program.

[X] the slaying and sacrifice of an Orc warboss whom had desecrated the shrine worlds of the gods ( big 4 and the Emperor) and replaced them with shrines to his gods.
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[X] WAAAGH!!! World

The imperium will not notice and we will have a large world of easily converted people with whom to start our relgion program.

[] the slaying and sacrifice of an Orc warboss whom had desecrated the shrine worlds of the gods ( big 4 and the Emperor) and replaced them with shrines to his gods.
Acceptable as a write-in, although the Chaos Gods wouldn't care about the 'emperor' part of that, that works well enough as a feat to get Prince-dom, I'd say.
Hmmm. I fear I have perhaps not been clear enough on the 'salt quest style votes' thing.

So, what I mean with that, is, that in addition to the standardized voting options I'm offering, each player can make a write-in, preferably labeled as a 'salt vote' or similar, of essentially any action you want. Then you use the more options on the resultant post to roll a 33 sided die and a 110 sided die.

The 33 sided die roll determines from a list I wrote up which faction in the galaxy does it, while the 110 sided die determines how successful they are. So, for example...

[] Salt Vote: Seize Cadia

Hmmm. Turns out 100 is the maximum sides, that's a shame.

Anyways. With the rolls, it'd be the 26th faction from my list trying to Seize Cadia to some degree of success appropriate to that 71. (things that are out of character for a faction will be less likely to succeed, things that are hard will be less likely to succeed, etc.)

You can change your such vote as many times as you want until voting closes by editing your post. Additional rolls by the same poster in the same voting phase will be ignored.
Terrabrand threw 1 33-faced dice. Reason: who? Total: 26
26 26
Terrabrand threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Success? Total: 71
71 71
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[X] Did I say planet? I meant a Space Hulk.

The Hulk and WAAAGH World sound fun. How could we not pick one of them?

It is well known amongst the warband that, although, of course, he has many impressive achievements to his name, our Demon Prince ultimately achieved his ascension by...

[X] By his hand a full sector fell to chaos, civil war and discord within a century. When imperial contact was re established they found petty emperors and cultists fighting amongst themselves.

[] The conversion of most a loyalist chapter to the Dark Gods. This is, naturally, where most of the members of our Warband come from.

[] The destruction of a bothersome Tyranid Splinter Fleet. He even corrupted a few of the lesser creatures, which have remained a useful tool of our warband.

Ooh, both of these sound really nice but I ultimately sided with the Chaper Conversion.
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[X] Waaaagh World
[X] By his a full sector fell to chaos, civil war and discord within a century. When imperial contact was re established they found petty emperors and cultists fighting amongst themselves.

Hope is it pleases all four as they get their main it ties either in the end result or how it came to be.
[] By his hand a full sector fell to chaos, civil war and discord within a century. When imperial contact was re established they found petty emperors and cultists fighting amongst themselves.

Hope is it pleases all four as they get their main it ties either in the end result or how it came to be.

Now that is a deed worthy of Demon Princehood. I'll edit my vote.
[X] Did I say planet? I meant a Space Hulk.
This seems a worthy first target.

[X] Through events he set into motion, exterminatus was declared upon the world of Honourum, crippling the Novamarines as a standing force and sowing distrust between the Ultramarines and the Inquisition.
Perhaps not as dramatic as taking an entire sector, but I can see some appeal to the Four. The Emperor, perhaps not so much... .
[X] a World under immediate assault from an Ork Waaaagh. The Imperial defense has already given up, leaving a few billion humans to their fate at the hands of the Orks. (No chance of Imperial response. Moderate human population. A change of Faith comes easier to those who believe they have been abandoned. Of course, significant Orkish presence will have to be fought to take the world, but it is believe that the Emperor will look favorably upon the protection of humans, given his historical words and actions, and Khorne, Tzeench, Nurgle, and Slaanesh can all be pleased in a war against Orks, not just the Imperium)

[X] The destruction of a bothersome Tyranid Splinter Fleet. He even corrupted a few of the lesser creatures, which have remained a useful tool of our warband.
[] Through events he set into motion, exterminatus was declared upon the world of Honourum, crippling the Novamarines as a standing force and sowing distrust between the Ultramarines and the Inquisition.
Perhaps not as dramatic as taking an entire sector, but I can see some appeal to the Four. The Emperor, perhaps not so much... .

Now that's just inspired.

Now I really don't know what to chose...
It is well known amongst the warband that, although, of course, he has many impressive achievements to his name, our Demon Prince ultimately achieved his ascension by...

[] The conversion of most a loyalist chapter to the Dark Gods. This is, naturally, where most of the members of our Warband come from.

[] The mass offering of a large number of Eldar Soulstones. Slaanesh strongly supports our warband, although our Prince is nevertheless of Chaos Undivided, as is true of all Dark Apostles.

[] The destruction of a bothersome Tyranid Splinter Fleet. He even corrupted a few of the lesser creatures, which have remained a useful tool of our warband.

[] By his hand a full sector fell to chaos, civil war and discord within a century. When imperial contact was re established they found petty emperors and cultists fighting amongst themselves.

[] Through events he set into motion, exterminatus was declared upon the world of Honourum, crippling the Novamarines as a standing force and sowing distrust between the Ultramarines and the Inquisition.
Perhaps not as dramatic as taking an entire sector, but I can see some appeal to the Four. The Emperor, perhaps not so much...

Pros and Cons of each? Particularly, wreaking a whole sector and turning the Inquisition on the Novamarines?
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Pros and Cons of each? Particularly, wreaking a whole sector and turning the Inquisition on the Novamarines?

I don't have anything particularly hardline here, but of course I would work with the concepts given. Nevertheless...
It is well known amongst the warband that, although, of course, he has many impressive achievements to his name, our Demon Prince ultimately achieved his ascension by...

[] The conversion of most a loyalist chapter to the Dark Gods. This is, naturally, where most of the members of our Warband come from.

Most of your marines are better equipped and have better teamwork, as they come from a background of trusting each other and had modern technology. On the other hand, they aren't veterans of 10 millennia of war, and the Emperor is probably a little unhappy with you. On the other other hand, skill in corrupting loyalists, particularly Marines. I can't articulate more of my thoughts on this. at the moment.

[] The mass offering of a large number of Eldar Soulstones. Slaanesh strongly supports our warband, although our Prince is nevertheless of Chaos Undivided, as is true of all Dark Apostles.

Significant support from Slaanesh, generally. Compared to some other options, the Emperor is less pre-disposed to hate you, since you haven't slaughtered imperials particularly. The Eldar would hate you though, more than usual for being Chaos. Skill at fighting the Eldar, probably other things I'm not thinking of right now.

[] The destruction of a bothersome Tyranid Splinter Fleet. He even corrupted a few of the lesser creatures, which have remained a useful tool of our warband.

Balanced support from the Chaos Gods, and the Emperor might be ambivalent about you instead of naturally erring on the side of hate, plus, obviously, having some Tyranid creatures with theoretical potential to experiment and tinker your way to the big stuff. Would probably be (relatively) easier to draw over Ultramarines with this, what with them getting fucked by a hive fleet. Prince knows how to corrupt Tyranids, to some degree. Probably other details.

[] By his hand a full sector fell to chaos, civil war and discord within a century. When imperial contact was re established they found petty emperors and cultists fighting amongst themselves.

Significant support from Khorne (blood for the blood god), moderate support from Tzeench (likes plots) general support from the other gods, skill in stealth and sowing disorder... On the other hand, the Imperium would treat you as a high priority whenever they knew you were there, and the Emperor would be very unhappy with the human blood shed. Or so your warband believes. Probably other details

[] Through events he set into motion, exterminatus was declared upon the world of Honourum, crippling the Novamarines as a standing force and sowing distrust between the Ultramarines and the Inquisition.
Perhaps not as dramatic as taking an entire sector, but I can see some appeal to the Four. The Emperor, perhaps not so much...

High support from Khorne, Tzeench, and Nurgle, general skill at manipulation, the Alpha Legion probably likes you, Emperor displeased with the destruction of a planet... Probably other details.
. Would probably be (relatively) easier to draw over Ultramarines with this, what with them getting fucked by a hive fleet.

Ultras? Join a Word Bearer band?

Those guys have a hatred between one another that's been around since the Hersey. You'd have better luck convincing a Space Wolf that books are for reading, not for burning.
I don't have anything particularly hardline here, but of course I would work with the concepts given. Nevertheless...
It is well known amongst the warband that, although, of course, he has many impressive achievements to his name, our Demon Prince ultimately achieved his ascension by...

[] The conversion of most a loyalist chapter to the Dark Gods. This is, naturally, where most of the members of our Warband come from.

Most of your marines are better equipped and have better teamwork, as they come from a background of trusting each other and had modern technology. On the other hand, they aren't veterans of 10 millennia of war, and the Emperor is probably a little unhappy with you. On the other other hand, skill in corrupting loyalists, particularly Marines. I can't articulate more of my thoughts on this. at the moment.

[] The mass offering of a large number of Eldar Soulstones. Slaanesh strongly supports our warband, although our Prince is nevertheless of Chaos Undivided, as is true of all Dark Apostles.

Significant support from Slaanesh, generally. Compared to some other options, the Emperor is less pre-disposed to hate you, since you haven't slaughtered imperials particularly. The Eldar would hate you though, more than usual for being Chaos. Skill at fighting the Eldar, probably other things I'm not thinking of right now.

[] The destruction of a bothersome Tyranid Splinter Fleet. He even corrupted a few of the lesser creatures, which have remained a useful tool of our warband.

Balanced support from the Chaos Gods, and the Emperor might be ambivalent about you instead of naturally erring on the side of hate, plus, obviously, having some Tyranid creatures with theoretical potential to experiment and tinker your way to the big stuff. Would probably be (relatively) easier to draw over Ultramarines with this, what with them getting fucked by a hive fleet. Prince knows how to corrupt Tyranids, to some degree. Probably other details.

[] By his hand a full sector fell to chaos, civil war and discord within a century. When imperial contact was re established they found petty emperors and cultists fighting amongst themselves.

Significant support from Khorne (blood for the blood god), moderate support from Tzeench (likes plots) general support from the other gods, skill in stealth and sowing disorder... On the other hand, the Imperium would treat you as a high priority whenever they knew you were there, and the Emperor would be very unhappy with the human blood shed. Or so your warband believes. Probably other details

[] Through events he set into motion, exterminatus was declared upon the world of Honourum, crippling the Novamarines as a standing force and sowing distrust between the Ultramarines and the Inquisition.
Perhaps not as dramatic as taking an entire sector, but I can see some appeal to the Four. The Emperor, perhaps not so much...

High support from Khorne, Tzeench, and Nurgle, general skill at manipulation, the Alpha Legion probably likes you, Emperor displeased with the destruction of a planet... Probably other details.
And my write in?